is it possible to moderate or is abstinence the only way?

is it possible to moderate or is abstinence the only way?

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  1. 5 months ago

    bro i love working out high everyday and running after lol

    • 5 months ago

      I love working out high as well. I haven't been getting high the past few times I've smoked though so I'm going on a 30 day t break.

      If you dont have frick all going on in your life then you wont be able to moderate

      I have college, a part time job, and the gym. I can do all of these while high but its really only fun to get high while working out. I usually do it more or less depending on if I have free time.

    • 5 months ago

      Dude lmao. Me too though.

    • 5 months ago

      Really depends on you. It is much less addictive than drinking. Zero physical addiction but it CAN be psychologically addicting. Quitting won't give you the shakes or anything, the worst that will happen is you might really miss it.

      I currently smoke every day, but only at night. I would recommend you only smoke at night on weekends. Honestly it's great at making me eat enough to bulk.

      I love working out high as well. I haven't been getting high the past few times I've smoked though so I'm going on a 30 day t break.
      I have college, a part time job, and the gym. I can do all of these while high but its really only fun to get high while working out. I usually do it more or less depending on if I have free time.

      I don't recommend being high during your lifts lol. Sometimes I'll lift some dumbbells at home high but it's not as good.

      • 5 months ago

        Weed really helps me focus on the mind-muscle connection. Not full blown stoned while lifting, but I'll kill a bowl, wait a bit, then start warming up about 30 min or so after the peak.

    • 5 months ago

      Fricking how? I smoked weed before a run just once and it felt like it took forever. Then gorged on donuts because I smelled a pastry store.

      is it possible to moderate or is abstinence the only way?

      Control with substances in my experience only works if you regulate it to a time of day or days of the week if you have a binge kind of personality. Like I can smoke weed and drink on Friday afternoon exclusively and be totally fine not smoking or drinking the rest of the week. It doesn't even feel like it takes discipline.

    • 5 months ago

      >is it possible to moderate or is abstinence the only way?

      Smoke more. Weed was never the problem, it's all internalized mental deficits. Weed can, unironically, help you work through this.

      >bro i love working out high everyday and running after lol

      Same. I have a home gym so I'll do live resin dabs and hop on my exercise bike for a quick 5k. Feels great. Also hit dabs before pullups, chinups, and dips, and any big lifts, really. It really gets the blood flowing.

      • 5 months ago

        >I'll do live resin dabs and hop on my exercise bike for a quick 5k
        What is even the point of biking for 7 minutes?

  2. 5 months ago

    it depends

  3. 5 months ago

    If you dont have frick all going on in your life then you wont be able to moderate

  4. 5 months ago

    this shit give me the most nihilistic survival of the fittest type thoughts

    • 5 months ago

      bro literally i was thinking about evolutionary selection and how the majority of men throughout history didn't get to reproduce one morning while working out high asf. It gave me the motivation to push hard and not be one of those men but still made me kinda sad. Its funny how different each high can be.

      I either smoke all day every day or don't smoke at all... Shit is way more degenerate than most people admit especially since everyone is just sucking on carts all fricking day

      I started on carts and switched to flower because my plug ran out. I miss the good d9 carts though, them shits had me fried in 0.2 seconds. I only did it once a day though, wasn't fun to do it all day.

  5. 5 months ago

    I either smoke all day every day or don't smoke at all... Shit is way more degenerate than most people admit especially since everyone is just sucking on carts all fricking day

    • 5 months ago

      Yeah it's surprising, I only have ever known a few weed smoking friends or acquaintances, 4 couples that I can think of.

      Only one of them seems to have any drive to do something other than waste life away.

      Not a fair sample size I guess and I don't know what the average pot smoker is like, but that's my experience.

      All nice people though but spending too much time with them has made me sick of their complete lack of caring. And the one guy who basically used weed to cope with his own insecurities was just sad and pathetic.

      • 5 months ago

        This. Weed, barring the few exceptional people that can maintain a productive lifestyle, is terrible for long term growth and success. No doubt some pathetic fried 21 year old will chime in stating otherwise, but being 30 and witnessing my high school friends over the years, the people who own homes and have high 6 fig careers either quit shortly after college or never smoked to begin with.

      • 5 months ago

        This. Weed, barring the few exceptional people that can maintain a productive lifestyle, is terrible for long term growth and success. No doubt some pathetic fried 21 year old will chime in stating otherwise, but being 30 and witnessing my high school friends over the years, the people who own homes and have high 6 fig careers either quit shortly after college or never smoked to begin with.

        I mean honestly its the perfect drug to make you realize that ideas like "wasting your life" and "doing something productive" and "success" are all just capitalist programming for the most part so that you will be a net lifetime tax contributor and keep the machine running. As long as you have a place to live, transportation, food and baseline financial security the whole keeping up with the Jones' bullshit and picking up overtime shifts for Mr. Shekelberg so you can get a promotion and more responsibilities at a job your grind until you die is NPC as frick.

        It's really will let you block out all the dumb voices in your head that are worried about materialistic shit like buying a fancy car or bigger house.. its like nah dude I would rather be high and balls and hiking than worried about paying a mortgage on a $700,000 house.

        99% of people will contribute absolutely nothing to society before they die and might as well just smoke pot. Great minds that can actually advance society or do something revolutionary or are building an empire to leave to their children should avoid it like the plague. You are probably part of the 99% and think you aren't... so few people realize that they are basically just good goy npcs that they like to make fun of with wojack memes.

  6. 5 months ago

    Ask that about using IST

    • 5 months ago

      This, I can stop smoking any time I want (unironically) but IST is my biggest vice because every other website is so fricking boring.

      • 5 months ago

        I "could" stop smoking. The question is why would I want to?
        To me any lung damage is just the price you pay for living comfortably.

      • 5 months ago

        The memes and absolute characters here are top notch. It also feels like oldschool internet which I miss dearly

    • 5 months ago

      Holy fricking shit, "injecting a marijuana" was something people ACTUALLY thought was a thing?

      • 5 months ago

        what else was injected during the 30s?

  7. 5 months ago

    It depends on your personality and if you can control yourself. A friend of mine (veteran smoker) always says he can handle smoking habit, but without fail always ends up in psychosis from smoking too much. The point is, sometimes being abstinent from a substance that can potentially harm you is probably for the best.

  8. 5 months ago

    Smoking weed and making it are two inherently opposite ends of the spectrum. Choose one.

  9. 5 months ago

    Develop a drinking problem like a *real* man, reefer addict reddit homosexual

  10. 5 months ago

    you can moderate it if you aren't a moron with no self control like me

  11. 5 months ago

    Examine your current lifestyle. Are you already given to excess? So many people have failed, a majority of the weed smoking population. As a general rule, if you're not already a strong willed person, stay away from psychoactives.

  12. 5 months ago

    if you want to smoke, then smoke. weed is nothing. you are the problem.

  13. 5 months ago

    >is it possible to moderate
    I do. I was never really a chronic smoker though. I only really smoke at night when I don’t have work the next day and I’m already done with everything I need to do.

    If you’re trying to cut back from being a chronic/daily user, I don’t have any advice because that was never really my problem. But yes, moderation is possible.

  14. 5 months ago

    Form my thoughts caffeine is much more addictive than weed
    It causes serious headache severe exhortation and deep depression all at once when I try to quit this shit

    Quitting weed is far much easier than any other drugs

  15. 5 months ago

    Really shouldn't smoke it regularly if you're under 25 tbh
    If you're over 25 go for it. The dichotomy here is that if you're over 25 and still a nolife loser weed won't do anything bad to you. Picking up a daily smoking habit is probably the worst thing a directionless 20 something year old can possibly do to himself.
    I used to smoke regularly and still sometimes have a couple of weeks where I'll rip a bong every night but for the most part I can't anymore. Ruins your memory, sleep quality, appetite, energy levels, motivation/discipline, etc. Not for me though I did enjoy it a lot more in the past when it didn't also give me anxiety.

  16. 5 months ago

    Do what I did and treat it like a reward for hard work. I used to do a furniture moving job and every time I'd come home, I'd pack the bong about halfway, sprinkle a layer of kief on top, take the whole thing in one rip, and just chill in the bathtub with some tunes. Good times.

  17. 5 months ago

    You can easily moderate the thing is why would you it's a nootropic and an adaptegen

    • 5 months ago


  18. 5 months ago

    you can if you're not bored.
    most people in the west are too bored because their life is easy so they all fill it with the shittiest high just because it's easily accessible.
    I live in Toronto and it's depressing to see so many weed shops in every street corner and so many young people around me are fully hooked on weed 24/7 like zombies

    • 5 months ago

      checc out the frickiNG LEAF
      hey bor

  19. 5 months ago

    If you can't moderate, then its time to stop.
    Don't eat up propaganda. People who benefit from smoking DO exist, but those are few and far between. Daily habit is massive detriment to vast majority.
    And for love of god, don't even think of trying other drugs if you already have problems with weed.

  20. 5 months ago

    Are you over 21 (not because of laws, you idiot, because of the effects on frontal cortex development)? Are you in chronic pain? And, most importantly, are you NOT depressed (other than because of the chronic pain, that's fair)?
    If you can answer YES to all of those, then the risk/reward is good enough. Otherwise, you can find better shit.

    • 5 months ago

      >Are you in chronic pain?
      weed does jack shit for chronic pain, dunno where that myth originated. Maybe people of old smoked opium adulterated with weed or somethin

  21. 5 months ago

    Weed and man are symbiotic, designed to be used by us for everything, that's not a coincidence
    Man turned to chem pills, to his detriment, and banned the plant, but now it's coming back and will save the planet

  22. 5 months ago

    abstain until tolerance is ZERO

    then carefully integrate small doses in the form of edibles, take a fricking break day now and then to keep tolerance in check

    boom, you can now get high all the time with almost no weed and you're not a victim of the brain rotting amounts of thc some people are consuming right now, and you're never so profoundly fricked up that sobriety is something you loathe returning to

    as with any medicine, dose makes the poison and defines whether or not you're abusing it or utilizing it responsibly. 99% of users are abusing it, and 99% of them will try to get as high as they can as quickly as they can following any period of abstinence even if they could get extremely high on just a small amount following said period of abstinence.

    if you raise your tolerance you're basically just fricked for a month, you either go cold turkey or you have to use exponentially more weed to achieve effects, digging you deeper and deeper into the hole and making it harder and harder to return your tolerance to zero.

    associated with all this is the macho moron mindset of out-competing eachother for no reason, being the guy who smokes the most weed, drinks the most, etc. despite the obvious benefits of being a "lightweight" and spending 1/10th the amount of money on it, you'll be looked down on like you're some kind of quitter or pussy. better to keep your habit a secret if that's the case. they will try to drag you down with them and share their weed freely just to see another person so hopelessly lost in that high-tolerance viscious cycle of wallet emptying dependency with them

    furthermore, paying the state for access to medicine while forfeiting your 2nd amendment rights is tyranny and a violation of the NAP, only purchase un-cured and totally legal THC-A buds which can legally be shipped in the mail to any address in the US completely circumventing the medical cannabis tax, forfeiture of your right to own firearms, etc.

  23. 5 months ago

    weed is for Black folk

  24. 5 months ago

    grew some shit for myself. Got a nice amount of it. As a long time stoner i said to myself i will only smoke at weekends. First two weeks i really did. But after that i smoke every single day for 2 months. Now I just stopped. I am not woke and toke smoker, but even everyday smoking is not good for you. Every now and then it is okay. One time a week lets say.

  25. 5 months ago

    Weed will save the planet and give us all world peace fr

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