Is it possible to reach a point where you can't cut calories anymore?

Is it possible to reach a point where you can't cut calories anymore?

I've been struggling to lose 10lbs for almost 3 months now. I count calories. I do cardio, and I minimize snacking. Yet I've been bouncing back and foward between these 10lbs for so long.

My family seems to think I've reached a point where I just can't lose anymore weight.

155lbs trying to get to145lbs

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  1. 7 months ago

    How much cardio do you do?

    • 7 months ago

      About half a mile 10% incline at 2km/hrs. So about 15min of walking

      • 7 months ago

        please be joking, I burn more calories getting my mail. Comfortable walking speed is at least 4 km/h, 2 is geriatric tier.

        • 7 months ago

          4 is very fast for an incline walk. 3 isn't too bad, but it's not enjoyable. I liked 2 because I can play on my phone. But you're right, it is a bit slow. I'll work on getting faster

          • 7 months ago

            >walking at 2kmh while playing on your phone
            Dios mio...

            • 7 months ago

              I don't enjoy cardio. Especially running.

              • 7 months ago

                Going beyond 2kmh is not fricking running, specially not for 15 minutes. You are just a fatass trying to get attention and blame everything on something else other than yourself

              • 7 months ago

                I didn't say it was running. All I said was I don't like cardio. Walking or running. And yes I can walk faster. But I really like doing my genshin dailies while walking

          • 7 months ago

            >play on my phone
            You have to do something more intense. If it's so easy you can play on your phone it's not burning anything meaningful

  2. 7 months ago

    Counting calories doesn't work.

    • 7 months ago

      It worked for me from 220lbs all the way down to 155. But now it's either I eat absolutely nothing to lose weight or I eat a normal meal and don't lose any weight.

      If you are actually skinny fat, just fast and do light cardio. If you are slightly built or only have a couple pounds left to loose. Just focus on muscle instead and they will raise your tdee slowly over time.

      I just have a couple lbs left to lose. I kept my weights the same to compensate for strength loss while cutting. Maybe ill try to raise them back up. But that always makes me hungry in the end. I really want to lose weight. Even gaining muscle mass isn't that worth it. I want the number on the scale to go down

      • 7 months ago

        Then it didn't work.

        • 7 months ago

          How could it not work if I still have lost 70lbs?

          • 7 months ago

            Was your goal to have high adiposity or low adiposity?

      • 7 months ago

        The thing is, raising muscle mass raises your tdee and leads to steadier fat loss over time. It allows you to eat a bit more and stay in deficit. You just need to eat a bit higher protein diet and maintian deficit.

  3. 7 months ago

    If you are actually skinny fat, just fast and do light cardio. If you are slightly built or only have a couple pounds left to loose. Just focus on muscle instead and they will raise your tdee slowly over time.

  4. 7 months ago

    >Is it possible to reach a point where you can't cut calories anymore?
    Going under 2000 calories per day as a guy tends to frick with your hormones and wellbeing.
    >OP's situation
    It sounds like you're not very precise about eating x calories per day and doing y miles of cardio every day. Control your variables. Alternatively you can go on a super-suicide cut, eating 1000ish calories per day, but you need to have a refeed day once per week where you eat at maintenance. Also you can't do that for very long before your testosterone sinks down to the level of a prepubescent boy

  5. 7 months ago

    Just eat less.

  6. 7 months ago

    >Is it possible to reach a point where you can't cut calories anymore?
    Nope. You're just not cutting hard enough.
    >Yet I've been bouncing back and foward between these 10lbs for so long.
    Yea that's called plateauing. In order to surpass plateaus, you need to double down.
    >inb4 how
    give me a (you) and I'll tell you how.

    • 7 months ago

      >give me a (you) and I'll tell you how.
      Without doing a starvation diet

      The thing is, raising muscle mass raises your tdee and leads to steadier fat loss over time. It allows you to eat a bit more and stay in deficit. You just need to eat a bit higher protein diet and maintian deficit.

      I see. Well right now my diet is pretty slim.

      Chicken and eggs in the morning
      A pb sandwich for lunch
      Cheese and pepperoni for dinner

      It's about 1200 calories all together

      • 7 months ago

        It's not a "starvation diet", but you will indeed eat little. You won't even need to bother with a scale, you can eyeball this shit.
        Basically, your stomach will be mostly empty throughout the day, and you will fill it just enough to not actually feel hunger.

        So, your daily food intake will be as follows
        - 2 pieces of grilled/air fried chicken breast that are about as big as your open palm (no oily shit)
        - 1 medium bowl of salad (only non-starchy vegetables, no oil, mayo or other shit).
        - 2 cups of kefir (or any other kind of fermented drinkable dairy)

        Season it however you like as long as the seasoning is either salt, vinegar, a vegetable, a leaf or a seed (so no gimmicky sauces filled with oil, starch and fats).
        You can eat whenever, except for the evening.

        Also drink some caffeinated beverage of your choice, as long as it's just water, caffeine and some flavoring (can be tea, coffee, sugar free pepsi, it doesn't matter).
        If you feel hungry, just drink more water or some calorie-free flavored beverage.

        I used this diet in the past, and I cut so hard that I could see the muscle fibers in my delts when I flexed.

  7. 7 months ago

    >Is it possible to reach a point where you can't cut calories anymore?
    I don't know, OP. How about you entirely stop eating and report back in 3 months?

  8. 7 months ago

    No, your body can even autophage heart for nutrients
    t.been there at 14BMI

  9. 7 months ago

    Maybe your metabolism did adjust but your brain lags behind. I mean youve got no choice, either you keep your budget or get fat again.

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