Is it possible to work out "too much"?

Is it possible to work out "too much"?

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 6 months ago

    Pop science is a blight on the world

    • 6 months ago

      Yes it is. Pic related.

      the anti white man propaganda is reaching new heights

      I'll just do 7 hours a week and be safe

      >~~*Study*~~ finds weak men are healthier

      Color me surprised, next you'll be telling me that meat gives you cancer and being fat is healthier.

      Also, there is no way someone who is below advanced level can overtrain(unless it impacts recovery, but this is not the same as the technical term).

      These are chuds that overtrain. Probably dyels as well

      • 6 months ago

        I'm by no means on some Mentzer 1 exercise per muscle group per weak, but I only train 3 a week.

      • 6 months ago

        Post body

    • 6 months ago

      It's not pop science, it's daily mail.
      Chances are the actual study actually found something extremely different from what the journal published.

      I highly recommend EFLs to learn a second language. News in english are awful

  2. 6 months ago

    the anti white man propaganda is reaching new heights

    • 6 months ago

      Lmao at
      >New York city
      >Abortion is good
      >Divorce is good
      >Exercise is good
      >White man bad

      I hope hell is real but it's probably not

      • 6 months ago

        I dont understand, if you have a company, why would you hire women? They produce nothing

        • 6 months ago

          Kiss a mouth
          Touch grass

          • 6 months ago

            Here is a challenge for you: Keep your legs closed for more than a week.

  3. 6 months ago

    I'll just do 7 hours a week and be safe

  4. 6 months ago

    >~~*Study*~~ finds weak men are healthier

    Color me surprised, next you'll be telling me that meat gives you cancer and being fat is healthier.

    Also, there is no way someone who is below advanced level can overtrain(unless it impacts recovery, but this is not the same as the technical term).

    • 6 months ago

      >being fat is healthier.
      I've literally seen these ~~*studies*~~. Something along the lines of "elderly people with extra weight correlated with lower mortality", which probably ACTUALLY means "old men with more muscle mass are able to move around and not fall down and die".

  5. 6 months ago

    >Mia De Graaf
    Women always try to lower the bar so they can be closer to the top.

    "If everyone is lazy, ugly and stupid then I can feel better about myself without doing anything"

  6. 6 months ago

    Yeah it's called overtraining stupid we've known about this since the 50s.

    • 6 months ago

      7.5 hours a week is hardly over training unless your condition is a disaster.

    • 6 months ago

      7.5 hours a week is hardly over training unless your condition is a disaster.

      A bunch of malnourished farmers worked 12 hours a day doing back breaking work and lived long lives. I'm sure they were worried about "overtraining."

  7. 6 months ago

    >especially if you're a white man
    what did they mean by this?
    How is race this scientific? Does the white man posses genes that hinder performance while the rest don't? Does that only qualify western Europeans but not north, east and south?

    I'm shorting you Shlomo kek

  8. 6 months ago

    id rather die strong than prolong the time im forced to spend on this homosexual earth

  9. 6 months ago

    >Especially if you're a white man
    >Please stop, you're going to get too strong
    >I don't want to be dragged into the train cars

    • 6 months ago

      >Post the picture of a guy that never overtained in his whole life
      That homie was literally Mentzer's disciple

      • 6 months ago

        >Posts the picture of the guy who denied the holocaust
        That's the point.

        • 6 months ago

          DY worked out much less than 7 hours per day

          • 6 months ago

            I'm directly addressing the anti-whitism, not the training philosophy.
            7.5 hours a week is not overtraining territory anyway, simple as. Maybe 3 hours a day with actual hard sets, full body (compounds), shit sleep, and tons of muscle. Look at someone like Larry Wheels getting Rhabdo when he came off some of his steroids and losing his recovery capacity.

  10. 6 months ago

    Serious answer from a medical doctor and someone who has study longevity, exercises science, and health for over a decade, yes you can absolutely workout too much.

    We have a degenerate “more is more” mentality in western society, which combined with the addicting properties of exercise (the ritual, the clothes, the social aspect as wells the gains and so called endorphins) means that people often over train. Think about what exercise is and why you do it? It’s nothing more than noxious stimulus that causes your skeletal muscle to grow and adapt a certain way. Too much of that and the body never fully adapts, and too frequent physical stress results in constant inflammation, neuroendocrine stress, and cardiac stress. Yes, the body needs some resistance training to maintain muscle mass. Yes cardio is excellent for you, simply “getting the blood pumping” is healthy for the cardiac tissue and vasculature, but this means moderate intensity exercise 2-5 hours per week. Just like a drug, anything more than that you reach diminishing gains and increased side effects; cardiac stress, joint issues, etc. Obviously your individual biology plays into this; some people need or can handle more physical stress than others.

    At a certain point you have to start listening to and loving your body. You only get one of them and it is like a car; you don’t want to trash it and neglect it, let it sit for too long, because it breaks down quicker. On the other hand,taking it out and pushing it to its limit every day is going to shorten the lifespan and increase problems too. If you want it to last, you should baby it, garage it, drive it occasionally but not too hard and don’t put too many miles on it. A little exercise is good, along with a healthy diet/weight, good sleep, and good mental health. If you want to push yourself to look like zyzz sure go ahead but realize it’s not healthy in the long term.

    • 6 months ago

      >Serious answer from a medical doctor
      Okay bro.
      >Just like a drug, anything more than that you reach diminishing gains and increased side effects; cardiac stress, joint issues, etc.
      Just sleep more.
      >If you want to push yourself to look like zyzz sure go ahead but realize it’s not healthy in the long term.
      There's no way you're comparing natty training once a day for an hour or two to blasting gear, DNP, clen, cocaine, and DMAA.

      • 6 months ago

        >There's no way you're comparing natty training once a day for an hour or two to blasting gear, DNP, clen, cocaine, and DMAA.
        Why lifting natty?

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