Is it true or cope that men have different "healthy" bf% which they can maintain and some are more prone to leanness and other to fatness?

Is it true or cope that men have different "healthy" bf% which they can maintain and some are more prone to leanness and other to fatness?

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  1. 1 year ago

    I mean really, at any body fat above shutting down of organs. The body would like to maintain.
    Like a person who is 450 pounds. They are not eating everyday by pushing themselves like a competitive eater. They eat when they feel hungry, and stop eating when they feel full.
    Now, there is def a point to be made, that they feelings "ranges" they have are unique, and show an issue.
    But if they daily eat 4500 cals, it's not the same feeling as they are when a dude who is 240 pounds bulking with 4500 cals.
    To me 3000 cals, I am full. But a fat lard ass, they would b***h and moan how STARVING they are at only 3000 cals.
    really, if you have maintained a BF, at any % for long enough. That will become your "normal" body fat range. like naturally skinny dudes who only eat 1500 a day. They are not starving everyday. They just don't feel hungry after their smallish meal.
    Now if they do bulk up for 1 months at 2500. That 2500 would feel like normal, and going back to 1500 would make them feel hungry at the end of the day

    So in short, there is no real "healthy bf" in terms of where the body stays at. Just the bf you been at, and gotten acclimated to

    • 1 year ago

      this. it's a hard reality that hunger levels differ massively. you can do
      >if you have maintained a BF, at any % for long enough. That will become your "normal" body fat range.
      to an extent but you can't change your genes

    • 1 year ago

      no. women have no reason to not be below 10% bfp at all times. its cope from weimericans (mongrel mutant MUTTs) who like women with big asses like men.

      you're moronic.
      you're moronic.

      • 1 year ago

        Feel is definitely relevant to eating caloric intake.
        A person who no longer feels hungry, and instead is feeling like he will puke. Can't eat more calories.
        A person who on avg eats 1500 calories a day. Will struggle a lot to jump to 3000 calories. Their body will send signals going
        >We are full. Stop fricking eating
        Because they have maintained 1500 for so long, the body got acclimated to that.
        It's the reason why I can't go to a buffet and eat 25 plates of food. I'll feel sick after at least 5 full plates of meat. The vast majority of p[eople are just instinctive eaters
        >Oh I am hungry (Feeling) let me get a snack
        >Oh I am thirsty (Feelings) let me get some water
        Like we know, that physically the stomach can expand a shit ton in a single session. Letting us eat way more food then we think is possible. But our feelings dictate, if we are actually even going to get close to that. And unless you specfically train for it. Your feelings are going to win and you're going to stop
        What I am saying, is for a person who is 500 pounds. They are not feeling full like a competitive eater, where they need to puke after the hulking meal. They will feel full, similar to how I feel full after my lunch. Why? Because their body got acclimated to their body fat % and normal food intake.

        this. it's a hard reality that hunger levels differ massively. you can do
        >if you have maintained a BF, at any % for long enough. That will become your "normal" body fat range.
        to an extent but you can't change your genes

        I don't think it's genotypically. No one is born where their genes have expressed they will be 500 pounds.
        I think epigenetics can play into hunger levels. Which for an instinctual eater (Vast majority of people) will mean they are going to be heavier. But for very heavy people. They build up to it. A 200 pound fat guy doesn't have the appetite of a 500 pound man. They might both have epigenetics which lead to them feeling super "good" after a meal. Or just feeling hungrier faster. But those can be combated, and helped.

        • 1 year ago

          honestly the 500lbs+ people have a mental disorder in addition to unfortunate genetics. but
          >No one is born where their genes have expressed they will be 500 pounds.
          is a bold statement to make. i pretty sure there are guys with the genes to be 800lbs+ but they are neurotypical and have good habits. look at the grizzly. guy is massive but trains a lot and has incredible amount of muscle mass, which raises his metabolism. he still reached 200kg+ on his bulk

          • 1 year ago

            I love grizzly.
            I don't think he genes were made for him to be 500+
            I think where he got, is a result of his training and pushing himself
            He posted a video when he was 20 years younger

            He's greek, so he might be 25 in this video, or 35. I don't know
            Just by looking at his frame, I will agree he was always going to be big. But within the human range.
            Eating is training too. And with how long he has been alive, he has been pushing himself both with working and eating to get bigger

        • 1 year ago

          >Feel is definitely relevant to eating caloric intake.
          no its not.
          >A person who no longer feels hungry, and instead is feeling like he will puke. Can't eat more calories.
          not true.
          >A person who on avg eats 1500 calories a day. Will struggle a lot to jump to 3000 calories. Their body will send signals going
          not true.
          >erm struggle
          unnecessary and irrelevant.
          >>We are full. Stop fricking eating
          who are you quoting?
          calories=/= amount of food
          >Because they have maintained 1500 for so long, the body got acclimated to that.
          >It's the reason why I can't go to a buffet and eat 25 plates of food. I'll feel sick after at least 5 full plates of meat. The vast majority of p[eople are just instinctive eaters
          1: yes you can eat 25 plates.
          >2: ill feel sick
          doesnt matter.
          >3:he vast majority of p[eople are just instinctive eaters
          appeal to majority. not worth a thoughtful reply.

          >>Oh I am hungry (Feeling)
          >let me get a snack
          no. unrelated. if you eat something its because you chose to eat something not because you were hungry.

          >Oh I am thirsty (Feelings) let me get some water
          unrelated again.

          >But our feelings dictate, if we are actually even going to get close to that.

          >And unless you specfically train for it.
          nope. dont needa train to decide to not lift food into your mouth.
          > They are not feeling full like a competitive eater
          irrelevant. they dont need to be full. they can be starving it doesnt matter.

          stop being moronic. being hungry doesnt put food in your mouth.

          • 1 year ago

            nor does it """"""""""""make you"""""""""""" eat. bottom tier iq if you disagree.

          • 1 year ago

            Buddy going into the autistic break down.
            I'm quotating my digestive system, after sending signals to stop eating (thats called feelings)

            What do you mean
            >Not true
            about people going from 1500 caloric intake, right away to 3000. Yeah it fricking is. They are doubling their caloric intake. Idk how many threads I see about people b***hing about bulks. The reverse is true too. That's why people fail cuts. They get hungry, and they cheat to much.
            Those are just feelings.

            Like you can prove me wrong. Joey chestnut has the world record 76 hot dogs and buns.
            If you can make a video, as an untrained person, just getting to 50 hotdogs, I'll shut up.
            I can tell you right now, you won't even get past 25. You will get singles telling you to puke, and you will no longer feel any desire to eat a hotdog. Infact you will feel sick
            And then after this you get confused by me saying specifically train, as in competitive eating. Training your body to not produce those "stop eating" signals.
            I'm not saying, being a fat frick, is good. What I am saying, is that vast majority of people will respond to how they feel, in terms of food. By eating.
            the more you eat, the higher the caloric intake is.
            If your idea was true, we wouldn't have any obese people in the world. But no, most people are instinctual eaters. They will respond to stimuli. And in these terms respond to hungriness, by eating.

            Like bro, if there is any way to contact you, I will even pay you 100$ if you can open up a live stream, and eat 50 hot dogs in a row. As proof, anyone can just stop responding to feelings

            • 1 year ago

              1: you're moronic.
              2: i went from 1700cal cut to 3500cal bulk
              3: cope and seethe

              • 1 year ago

                Okay, good for you?
                Just because you don't feel full from the jump in range, doesn't mean no one feels full and struggles with the bulk.
                If everyday you eat 105,000 cals totally a month
                How about next month, for 18 days of the month you eat 6000 cals. And the rest of the month you eat nothing. Technically the monthly cals check out.
                At least then, as long as your digestive system can work. You will still be bulking.
                Record it. Show you didn't cheat because you felt hungry. Kept on hitting your workout plans even feeling famished. And on the eat days, you eat every last bite
                Very easy was to prove, my idea that feelings will affect the amount you eat, and when you stop eating.Is bullshit.
                Anyone, can just eat as much, and stop eating on a dime. With no affects like lethargy, or cravings

              • 1 year ago

                hm uh you're moronic.
                ive done a month+ long fast 4 or 5 times now. first one was at around 14. you are impulsive. not human.

              • 1 year ago

                prove it
                At this point I don't believe you
                I don't doubt month long fasts
                I doubt you did a month long fast with no feelings of hunger whatso ever
                At this point, run ultra marathons, and stay up for a week straight.
                You can shut me up very easy if you post proof

              • 1 year ago

                Its ok to feel hungry you failed human. You arent going to die

              • 1 year ago

                bro, just prove it man. You get 100$ to easy prove me wrong. If you got a phone you can live stream.
                I never said you'll die of hunger. My entire point is that people will respond to their hunger by eating. Or respond to tiredness by stopping.
                Do an ultramarathon right now, and show me you won't respond to your feeling of stopping
                We are not slaves to our feelings. But our feelings will influence what we do. And to most people, who are not into fitness. They will eat when they are hungry, and drink water when they are thirsty. we wouldn't have a single obese person if your idea was right. Because they would just stop eating. but humans don't work that way.
                I can't eat 25 plates at a buffet. Eventually I'll succumb to the feeling of puking, and puke

              • 1 year ago


                only thing maybe even close to 'proof' on this sort of thing. unless of course ive faked this of course. also that [...] isnt me take your meds

                I can't eat 25 plates at a buffet. Eventually I'll succumb to the feeling of puking, and puke
                >eventually ill succumb
                so you're weak
                >, and puke
                never said you wouldnt puke? morons man, i swear.

                ill post proof that dudes not me in a sec

                weak fat schizoboy

              • 1 year ago

                only thing maybe even close to 'proof' on this sort of thing. unless of course ive faked this of course. also that

                Its ok to feel hungry you failed human. You arent going to die

                isnt me take your meds

                bro, just prove it man. You get 100$ to easy prove me wrong. If you got a phone you can live stream.
                I never said you'll die of hunger. My entire point is that people will respond to their hunger by eating. Or respond to tiredness by stopping.
                Do an ultramarathon right now, and show me you won't respond to your feeling of stopping
                We are not slaves to our feelings. But our feelings will influence what we do. And to most people, who are not into fitness. They will eat when they are hungry, and drink water when they are thirsty. we wouldn't have a single obese person if your idea was right. Because they would just stop eating. but humans don't work that way.
                I can't eat 25 plates at a buffet. Eventually I'll succumb to the feeling of puking, and puke

                I can't eat 25 plates at a buffet. Eventually I'll succumb to the feeling of puking, and puke
                >eventually ill succumb
                so you're weak
                >, and puke
                never said you wouldnt puke? morons man, i swear.

                ill post proof that dudes not me in a sec

              • 1 year ago

                I don't doubt you can cut and bulk. Look at the point I am making,
                The proof I am talking about, is that no matter what, eventually you'll succumb to your feelings Pukeing is succumbing to your feeling of wanting to eject something out of your body. My point with competitive eaters, is that they had to specially train to widen the range they can eat without getting that feeling. But they'll eventually get it too.
                And this all relates back to instincts.
                Where the vast majority of people are instictional eaters. They will eat when hungry, and stop eating then they feel full.
                You claim that is not the case with you autistic breakdown post.
                But it is, even for people who don't eat out of instinct, but are calorie counting, like you. You will still eat and feel full and stop until you feel hungry again. Are you guided by your planned meals? Yeah.
                Yet I bet, there has been some days, you eaten say 3 meals, and others 4, because you just weren't hungry/ got "filled " up quicker.
                What you posted wasn't proof of you eating 50 hotdogs no issue, nor months of fasting.
                This has never been about bulk and cut cycles being impossible. Just going from 1500 to 3000 will be tough for some people

                Also this is an anonymous forum. There is no way of telling you vs a who. I don't think there is any meds that'll tell me which anonymous poster is always going to be you
                In fact, I have constantly told you to prove it, by using things we can pin as you. Like videos, or livestreams. Just to make it easier

              • 1 year ago

                If you want to make it funny. Take laxatives, and see how long you can withstand not shitting.
                All a laxatives really does, is force water into the lower colon. Which causes the feeling to poop to intensify
                If you can livestream yourself ingesting laxatives, and not shit. I'll believe you, that feelings don't actually matter. And it's 100% a will thing.

                not readin all that fatboy

              • 1 year ago

                that's okay. If you no longer feel like reading. It's just your limit.

              • 1 year ago

                If you want to make it funny. Take laxatives, and see how long you can withstand not shitting.
                All a laxatives really does, is force water into the lower colon. Which causes the feeling to poop to intensify
                If you can livestream yourself ingesting laxatives, and not shit. I'll believe you, that feelings don't actually matter. And it's 100% a will thing.

          • 1 year ago

            watch out we have Ben Shapiro here. you're also wrong btw

            • 1 year ago

              >watch out

              >we have
              you can not equate that in the same way its just highly illogical okay?

              >Ben Shapiro
              no no of course not

              yes you could argue that but theres no relevance to that here

              >you're also
              no dont be stupid next question

              >wrong btw
              next question

  2. 1 year ago

    Sort of. A lot of the morons on here severely underestimate their bodyfat, and will claim to have 6% or 8% bodyfat but this is literally on stage bodybuilding show tier. Most sports athletes hover in the 15-20% range and are still very athletic.

  3. 1 year ago

    Being prone to being fat means you'll just need to put like 10-20% more effort in to attaining your goal.

  4. 1 year ago

    Depends on genes and diet.

    Most people don’t have the hunger levels required to maintain 6-pack leanness while eating pizza and beer all day. You just have to not eat like that if you want to look good. Eat more grilled chicken, fruit, veggies, and pasta, eat less milkshakes, pizza, and beer.

  5. 1 year ago

    unless i go overboard with extreme cutting/bulking i just naturally stay at the same weight and bf%. basically i lift and eat intuitively with loads of protein but if during some period my weight fluctuates by 5kg or so in either direction i just unconsciously end back up in my "preferred" weight and bf% class.

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