Is ozempic cure for obesity?

Will it finally make the fatties start exercising regularly? (You have to exercise as well as take it)

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  1. 9 months ago

    it's steroids for fatasses. As soon as they stop taking it they balloon the frick back up.

    • 9 months ago

      Makes it the secret weapon of architects:
      >have gf
      >she's chubby.jpeg
      >casually recommend ozempic to her
      >she tries it
      >starts losing weight
      >"wow, anon, I can't believe this! Thanks!!!"
      >keeps taking it and losing weight
      >tracks her "fitness journey"
      >once she reaches her goal weight, I suggest it's probably alright to get rid of the ozempic
      >she does
      >weeks go by and she starts swelling back up
      >she starts panicking
      >tell her it's probably just a bit of bloating and will be alright
      >she believes me
      >more weeks go by
      >she's outgrown all her new clothes and threw away her fat clothes
      >find her in the bathroom crying on the scale, bursting out of short shorts that are being eaten by her ass and a tanktop her pepperoni sized nipples are pressing against, her gut is sticking almost a foot out
      >"anon...sniff...I can't even read the scale, what does it say?"
      >250; +70 lbs from when she was chubby.jpeg
      >hug her, rub her belly, and tell her she's still beautiful
      >feed her a huge dinner and pamper her

      • 9 months ago

        You probably don't even need to suggest it. I bet ozempic is like that tongkat ali shit and only gives a boost for a short time before making things worse.

  2. 9 months ago

    The American cure for obesity is to first introduce reasonably priced nutrition, and not have addictive empty slop on every street corner. Then remove all those poison dispensaries. Anyone still obese 10 years after a change like that is trying for it.

  3. 9 months ago

    I bet she's got a lot of loose skin.

  4. 9 months ago

    >makes you fatter than before if you stop taking it

  5. 9 months ago

    My dad takes it and still sits in his recliner all day, when I came home he was slamming an entire storebought cheesecake.

  6. 9 months ago

    I have a friend who's on it and he feels like shit all the time, and pukes his brains out like every day. So I'd say no.

  7. 9 months ago

    Still fat

  8. 9 months ago

    Surely there will be no objectively wrong disinformation in this thread. Remember that there's only one group that makes fun of both fatties and DYEL's while also making fun of steroid and GLP-1 use. That's right, we have a congregation of seething manlets that are still upset that everyone but them can take an injection and solve their issues, but they will never be able to fix their height. I feel sorry for their pathetic little lives.

    • 9 months ago

      GLP-1 agonists delay stomach emptying and increase feelings of fullness. So ozempic works by making fat asses eat less. That's seriously it. If they keep stuffing their face they get sick. It always has been and always will be CICO.

      • 9 months ago

        they reduce insulin

        • 9 months ago

          It actually increases insulin response.

        • 9 months ago

          It actually increases insulin response.

          It increases insulin response which signals to brain you are no longer hungry. It delays stomach emptying which signals nerves in stomach you are full, and makes it harder to overeat. My company is trying to make a derivative of semaglutide (but they are pretty dumb about it).

          • 9 months ago

            Eli Lilly is slamming Novo Nordisk right now with their dual GLP-1 + GIP peptide (Tirzepatide). If they get Retatrutide through trials it's over for any GLP-1 only peptides. I'd buy more stock, but it just keeps getting higher.

            • 9 months ago

              The change they are trying to make could potentially turn it into a once every 6 months injection but I doubt it. Injections are all shit though its all about the oral GLP-1 Danuglipron (which we are also trying to knock off) will probably blow this out of the water.

              • 9 months ago

                Interesting, didn't know there was more research being put into orals after Rybelsus hit the market. I honestly don't mind injection, but if GLP-1's will be marketed mainly for weight loss then it makes sense as diabetics were used to it but the general public isn't.

              • 9 months ago

                The small molecule oral medications are also way easier to make

  9. 9 months ago

    GLP-1 is super important after meals as it signals to the entire body to engage in high energy processes. it really seems like using the GLP-1 agonists should frick things up in the long term, because the signal keeps coming without any food.

    • 9 months ago

      Doesn't seem like it has any long term effects at this point, at least not anything apparent in less than three years. Most side effects and serious complications stem from pre-existing conditions or extreme weight loss. The only thing I'm seeing is an increased risk of thyroid cancer in those that are prone to it, so it's a good idea to get blood taken routinely while on it.

      • 9 months ago

        Yeah that's the main thing I've seen indicated. But I have to say thyroid cancer is also something that tends to show up early when people are burning their bodies out. Even though it's not a scientific way to talk about, it's still one of the big things you see with things like low trace minerals or low vitamin D. Also pregnancy, especially in third world places, bodybuilders, people exposed to more radiation, people exposed to more industrial chemicals and pesticides, etc.
        So I see it as an early warning sign.

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