Is skipping lunch the day after overeating to lose weight a viable option?

Is skipping lunch the day after overeating to lose weight a viable option?

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  1. 5 months ago

    Seems to work. I'm also considering fasting every Sunday so that even if I do overeat on Saturday, I at least have a day of recovery. If I don't overeat, that's just more weight loss

    • 5 months ago

      WE BACK

    • 5 months ago

      Is this tracking your weight or your mental state?

      • 5 months ago

        Sadly my mental state is proportional to my weight. I'm confident and motivated when my weight is low. I'm insecure and defeated when my weight is high

        >yes. I know. I'm moronic
        I can't help it anymore. I don't know how to explain it. It's so compulsive and illogical.

        • 5 months ago

          You're already light af. What's you're height?

        • 5 months ago

          Can’t wait to see your meltdown once you officially failed. You will spend years if not decades trying and failing. It will be kino

    • 5 months ago

      You will fail.

  2. 5 months ago

    You're just not gonna make it until you learn to control yourself.

    • 5 months ago

      I know. I need to control my snacking, but its hard. I lose great weight when I don't over eat, or snack but the weekends I really just sit at home. Doing nothing but watching TV or playing video games

      keep posting this thread you moronic zoomer, you’re gonna get the same answers

      I think I get different answers everytime. I also ask different questions everytime. And some anons like lurking to see my trendline

      • 5 months ago

        >but the weekends I really just sit at home. Doing nothing but watching TV or playing video games

        Between 500-1000kcal deficit
        Specifically cutting since the 4th
        Sleep 6-7hrs (normal for me and hasnt been a problem previously)
        No specific cardio work

        >No specific cardio work
        This is your problem. You need to be lifting and incorporating some light cardio. It will help fill the void on the weekends, allow you to eat more, and still burn more fat/reach a lower weight. It's not enough to just starve yourself and play video games.

      • 5 months ago

        >I need to control my snacking, but its hard
        Are you getting 7+ hours of sleep each night? Controlling food intake when you're tired is stupidly difficult. If you're sleeping, then the issue is probably boredom. Do something productive and you won't think so much about eating

        • 5 months ago

          During the week I can control myself because I work 10hrs a day and still go to the gym. During the weekend I can't control myself because I spend all day in the house and I don't work out.

          Maybe I make it so I workout on the weekends. One anon suggested walking. Idk but I need to do something. I'd bike ride but this time of the year has too much snow on the ground

          >I eat the same thing every day and I've already calculated it to be 1200 calories. My problem is that I love snacks
          So you don’t eat 1,200 calories per day. You eat three meals you eyeballed to be 1,200 calories (could be 2,000 for all you know) and then you’re just cheating constantly by eating whatever you feel like.
          Really good idea, anon. Smart.

          I eat 1 real meal a day, a snack, and then I drink protein for dinner
          I try to eat 1 meal a day, a snack, then I end up eating another meal because I'm bored, then another snack, then I still end my night with TV and a snack

          >im skipping lunch again to make up for the bad weekend

          Come on man. I'm trying my best

          • 5 months ago

            if you just picked a sensible, sustainable calorie goal you wouldn’t constantly be failing and binging

            • 5 months ago

              Sadly 1200 is only 700 off my TDEE. So it is a sustainable calorie goal. I refuse to do anything sub 500.

              Honestly though, I might be eating under 1200 because my last average (before the binge) was 1.9, whereas I should only be at 1.5

              • 5 months ago

                >Honestly though, I might be eating under 1200 because my last average (before the binge) was 1.9, whereas I should only be at 1.5
                The scale doesn't lie, anon. CICO.

              • 5 months ago

                >I refuse to do anything sub 500.
                And how has it worked out doing a stupid 700kC per day? There are no shortcuts; aim to lose between ~0.5% and 1% of your body weight per week and calculate your deficit.

              • 5 months ago

                It's working just fine, except for the weekends. Weight loss shows it was working, except for the last binge. I'm not going to binge this weekend (hopefully) so we will see what weight I hit. I'm expecting to lose 8lbs in January, which would put me at 150.8 from my original weight. That would be 2lbs a week or 1
                5% that's not that far off from your recommendation, so I don't see why you're so adamant on me being off

              • 5 months ago

                >It's working just fine, except for the weekends
                >It’s not working
                “these are the same picture” meme

              • 5 months ago

                Anon, if you are not trolling you are really stupid and stubborn. At least use a trip so I can start filtering your posts.

              • 5 months ago

                So are you

                >It's working just fine, except for the weekends
                >It’s not working
                “these are the same picture” meme

                Bro I just lost 4lbs of that excess in 1 day. It's working

              • 5 months ago

                >3lbs in 2.5 weeks
                Yeah, except the first 5lbs you lose on a diet of clean eating are water weight so… no progress yet.

              • 5 months ago

                So 1 anon says losing .5 to 1% bodyweight (.75lb to 1.5lb) a week is good, you're saying that 3lbs in 2.5 weeks (1.2lb) a week is bad.

                Which one is it?

              • 5 months ago

                Take your starting number.
                Subtract 3-5lbs for water weight loss in the first week.
                After that, aim to lose 1lb per week with a 500kcal deficit.
                Same as it’s always been.

              • 5 months ago

                That completely contradicts the first anon whose formula works off percentages. If I was 200lbs (thank God I'm not) his formula would call for 2lbs a week. Whereas yours is static at 1lb

              • 5 months ago

                500kcal deficit. 1lb per week.
                The reason you’re failing and binging is because you’re eating less than that.
                Fricking idiot.

              • 5 months ago

                So then say the other anon is wrong. Why are you only attacking me

              • 5 months ago

                Why are you eating at a deficit so large that you’re guaranteed to fail, and then failing, and then whining about it?
                Who’s to say?

              • 5 months ago

                Whatever bro. This isn't over yet so you can't say I failed. Failing is giving up, which I haven't done yet

              • 5 months ago

                >I had a brownie
                >I had ramen
                >i snacked all day on Saturday
                >I snacked all day on Sunday
                Brother you’re failing every single day.

              • 5 months ago

                I gained 0lbs on brownie day. I'm already working off ramen day and Sundays cheat day.

                What about you. Do you attempt PRs and always hit them first try or have you failed one deloaded retrained and hit it later? We are going to need a body post from you if you're such a diet expert

              • 5 months ago

                says the guy making hundreds of posts daily, ignoring all advice, failing, and refusing to post body
                You first, my friend.

              • 5 months ago

                Obviously I'm fatter than I want to be if I'm trying to lose weight. Yet you are here claiming to be the Jesus christ of weight loss, spreading the divine message of 500k calories and 1lb a week. Walking on water and never falling to temptation.

                If you want to act like God you need to prove you're God. Even Jesus had to "post miracle"

              • 5 months ago

                Fricking have a nice day homosexuals.
                Hundreds of whiny baby complaint posts without a single picture.
                Rope. Now. Tonight.

              • 5 months ago

                There it is. Your true motive was hiding all along.

                Sorry demon. The name of Jesus burns your skin doesn't it. You'll never get me to quit or stop. I may whine, I may complain, but I'll never quit.

              • 5 months ago

                >I may whine, I may complain
                seems like that’s the only thing you do

              • 5 months ago

                >ignores 16 days of weight loss

              • 5 months ago

                You haven’t lost any weight yet
                You’re not going to, either.

              • 5 months ago

                Dude come March you're going to see how much weight I've lost and you're going to be eating your shorts. I gaurenfrickingtee it

              • 5 months ago

                Nta but if you didn't have the willpower to not become obese and you keep proving you don't have the willpower to not stuff your face with corn syrup, brownies and ramen what makes you think anything's gonna change from now to 1 and a half months? You've lost exactly 0 body fat, you don't magically retain 5 pounds of water overnight, you're just yo-yo'ing 2 pounds of water weight up and down your real weight of 157lbs

              • 5 months ago

                >2lbs of excess water weight is your real weight

                Either way you'll all see. I'll get better and better. Slowly building my will power. By the time I hit 130 you'll be asking me how I did it and for tips and advice. Then I'll tell you to check the archive because my entire story will be in there.

                I officially declare I will post everyday until I hit this goal or it becomes 12/31/2024

          • 5 months ago

            >I try to eat 1 meal a day, a snack, then I end up eating another meal because I'm bored, then another snack, then I still end my night with TV and a snack

  3. 5 months ago

    keep posting this thread you moronic zoomer, you’re gonna get the same answers

    • 5 months ago

      >keep posting this thread you moronic zoomer, you’re gonna get the same answers
      not OP but at least this thread is about fitness and isn't coomer bait

      keep posting anon

      • 5 months ago

        You missed the point, thus joining the ranks of OP

        To anybody not pathetic and insane yet: the problem with daily obsessing over minor weight changes is that it drives you crazy (see OP) and is factually meaningless. Weight fluctuations under a 2-week trend are meaningless for non professionals. They give no statement of value to the dieting

        • 5 months ago

          is he obsessing? pretty sure hes just adding weight daily. i haven't seen his other threads so i don't know what you're saying.

          why would you weigh yourself once every 2 weeks when you could weigh daily and track a 2 week moving average

          • 5 months ago

            If you were judicious and normal about it and did this it might be ok but wouldn't really be very helpful, and people have a lot of psychological issues tied up in their weight so someone analyzing it excessively immediately causes concern

          • 5 months ago

            >why would you weigh yourself once every 2 weeks when you could weigh daily and track a 2 week moving average
            Because it is irrelevant data. OP is not tracking his calories, his diet and I bet he doesn't even work out. Those are just random numbers that doesn't bring any value or insight to some that wants to lose weight in the long term.

            • 5 months ago

              >OP is not tracking his calories,
              I know instinctively how much I'm eating. About 1200 a day
              >his diet
              >and I bet he doesn't even work out.
              I work out 4 to 5 days a week

              • 5 months ago

                >1200 calories a day
                are you a manlet or a woman?

              • 5 months ago

                I'm a manlet yes

                This is a troll thread.

                I wish it was. I wish it was

                >but the weekends I really just sit at home. Doing nothing but watching TV or playing video games
                >No specific cardio work
                This is your problem. You need to be lifting and incorporating some light cardio. It will help fill the void on the weekends, allow you to eat more, and still burn more fat/reach a lower weight. It's not enough to just starve yourself and play video games.

                I thought you're supposed to rest on rest days?

              • 5 months ago

                >I thought you're supposed to rest on rest days?
                It is completely fine to go on long walks on a rest day, or do engage in some other similar light intensity (non-aerobic) exercise.

              • 5 months ago

                >I know instinctively how much I'm eating.
                Doubt, and your lack of weight loss progress is proof that guessing your calories is not working for you. Everyone who "guesses" underestimates their calories, unless they follow a strict meal plan and know exactly what they're eating ahead of time so they don't have to count them. A few hundred extra untracked calories a day can throw off all of your weight loss efforts. Since you're likely sedentary, and you aren't tracking calories, you're putting in 0 effort at weight loss, so why are you surprised that you aren't seeing results?

              • 5 months ago

                >unless they follow a strict meal plan and know exactly what they're eating ahead of time so they don't have to count them.
                I do follow a strict meal plan... I eat the same thing every day and I've already calculated it to be 1200 calories. My problem is that I love snacks
                Also I work out almost 5 times a week.

                >I thought you're supposed to rest on rest days?
                It is completely fine to go on long walks on a rest day, or do engage in some other similar light intensity (non-aerobic) exercise.

                Maybe I'll incorporate more of that in my weekends when it gets warmer. It's cold as balls now -3 as of this morning

                damn you must've taken a massive shit today

                I unironically have a lot of shit and water on me. I expect I'll lose another 2 to 3lbs today. Especially since im skipping lunch again to make up for the bad weekend

              • 5 months ago

                >I eat the same thing every day and I've already calculated it to be 1200 calories. My problem is that I love snacks
                So you don’t eat 1,200 calories per day. You eat three meals you eyeballed to be 1,200 calories (could be 2,000 for all you know) and then you’re just cheating constantly by eating whatever you feel like.
                Really good idea, anon. Smart.

              • 5 months ago

                >im skipping lunch again to make up for the bad weekend

        • 5 months ago

          I weigh myself in the morning everyday after peeing. Then I take the average weekly weight and use that to track my progress

  4. 5 months ago

    just do intermittent fasting 16/8. it makes caloric restriction piss easy.

  5. 5 months ago

    >can’t just eat consistently at a slight deficit
    You failed as a human

  6. 5 months ago

    You haven't even lost your water weight, and you gained it back in a day. What's your TDEE and deficit? Are you actually tracking your calories?

  7. 5 months ago

    Guys im having a problem, i need to cut for an upcoming comp but my bodyweight hasnt moved in over 2 weeks. Stuck at 190lbs, wanted to get to mid 180s before i water cut the rest of the way to 181. Track calories/weigh food, average less than 1800cal/day. Is it stubborn water weight? I highly doubt ive put on 5lbs of muscle in the past 8-10 weeks so whats up why am i broken

    • 5 months ago

      How big is your deficit? How long have been cutting? How much time are you sleeping? Are you doing cardio?
      Could be many things. Be specific.

      • 5 months ago

        Between 500-1000kcal deficit
        Specifically cutting since the 4th
        Sleep 6-7hrs (normal for me and hasnt been a problem previously)
        No specific cardio work

        • 5 months ago

          >No specific cardio work
          If you're not into cardio, just start incorporating daily walks. Get a fitbit or something and hit its walking goals everyday. You'll burn up a lot of calories very slowly throughout the day but it adds up.

          • 5 months ago

            Will do this then, cant hurt

            >no cardio
            >1k deficit
            you could be on a 500 calories deficit if you just did your cardio numb nuts. you wouldn’t be starving yourself and you’d actually be on your way to being healthy

            >but the weekends I really just sit at home. Doing nothing but watching TV or playing video games
            >No specific cardio work
            This is your problem. You need to be lifting and incorporating some light cardio. It will help fill the void on the weekends, allow you to eat more, and still burn more fat/reach a lower weight. It's not enough to just starve yourself and play video games.

            I am healthy numbnuts, but like i already said i need to drop weight for competition, and id rather it not be 10lbs water weight. Fricking insane that a large deficit isnt enough anymore

            • 5 months ago

              They all assume we aren't healthy because we struggle to lose weight. I'm very athletic as well, my goal is to get Uber shredded (natty) but they won't believe that

        • 5 months ago

          >no cardio
          >1k deficit
          you could be on a 500 calories deficit if you just did your cardio numb nuts. you wouldn’t be starving yourself and you’d actually be on your way to being healthy

  8. 5 months ago

    This is a troll thread.

  9. 5 months ago

    >is eating less calories a viable way to lose weight?
    gee, idk.

  10. 5 months ago

    damn you must've taken a massive shit today

  11. 5 months ago

    >You again
    Dude, post your training routine and diet already
    We want to help

    • 5 months ago

      You really want me to go through my whole routine? Or is saying it's a U/shoulders/L/U/shoulders/x/x good enough?

      My diet I eat the same thing, well this week is an exception (I know, ngmi)

      Main meal. 1 cup Eggs and 1 cup chicken
      500 calories

      1 slice Peanut butter sandwich
      300 cal
      >this week I have leftover potatoes egg and bacon so I eat a cup of that
      >idk how many cal maybe 300?

      Protein shake
      220 cal

      200cal? I think it could be less or more. I never measured it but I doubt it's much more than that. I eyeball the creamer and sugar

      • 5 months ago

        So you're on roughly 1700 calories a day, lift 5 days a week and you're still not losing any weight? Something doesn't add up here
        Do you train any cardio?

        • 5 months ago

          >Honestly though, I might be eating under 1200 because my last average (before the binge) was 1.9, whereas I should only be at 1.5
          The scale doesn't lie, anon. CICO.

          Where did you get 1700 from? Why are you guys ignoring 15 days of weight reduction (with a few hiccups). Now you guys are making shit up and really being disingenuous

          I do cardio. 15minutes 10% incline 2.5 mph

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