>IS that a seed oil?

>IS that a seed oil?

I can't have seed oils.

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  1. 7 months ago

    Tofu is a seed oil.

  2. 7 months ago

    >get rekt in every other thread you start
    >shit the board up with another thread

    Frick sake, you must get paid to get people to leave.

  3. 7 months ago

    >make a meal for fat friend
    >he walks into kitchen while I'm cooking
    >"MMMM smells good!"
    >sees the canola oil
    >voice deadens
    >"Y-you're using seed oil?"

    I've just about fricking had it.

    • 7 months ago

      Well yea, they have been consuming seed oils tgeir whole lives and only recently there was info everywhere how terrible it is. They finally figured out what was killing them all this time.
      I bet he has lost 10kg since he cut out seed oils and that's why they are so fanatical about cutting it out.

      • 7 months ago

        >I consumed less empty calories
        >I lost weight
        >SEED OIL

        you act like you've discovered some form of secret

        • 7 months ago

          Uh, yes? Seed oils add excess calories to things they don't need to be in. That's half the reason they're bad and unnecessary.

          • 7 months ago

            >Uh, yes? Seed oils add excess calories to things they don't need to be in.
            It took you your "whole life" to figure out empty calories from oil was bad?

            What's your next discovery? Alcohol being bad for you?

            • 7 months ago

              Your diet really gets filtered by a tablespoon of oil?

            • 7 months ago

              > be fatfrick subsisting off mcslop
              > watch some clickbait nu-nuscience drivel on sneed oils
              > muh studies have shown
              > as an indirect result of becoming afraid of seed oil become more health conscious and adopt a diet based around whole foods
              > start taking more of an interest in health and start exercising and losing weight
              > MFW it was the SNEED OILS that was killing me the whole time!

              malding fat seed oil addicts

              • 7 months ago

                you have an eating disorder.

              • 7 months ago

                >trying to mostly eat whole foods is an eating disorder
                ok lardass

              • 7 months ago

                It took you your "whole life" to figure out you should eat whole foods?

              • 7 months ago

                where the frick did you get that from moron

              • 7 months ago


                Uh, yes? Seed oils add excess calories to things they don't need to be in. That's half the reason they're bad and unnecessary.

                Well yea, they have been consuming seed oils tgeir whole lives and only recently there was info everywhere how terrible it is. They finally figured out what was killing them all this time.
                I bet he has lost 10kg since he cut out seed oils and that's why they are so fanatical about cutting it out.

                >they have been consuming seed oils tgeir whole lives and only recently there was info everywhere how terrible it is
                "They" clearly meaning you.
                where we follow the chain of events to

                >trying to mostly eat whole foods is an eating disorder
                ok lardass

                >trying to mostly eat whole foods

                So, clearly, you have just recently discovered that avoiding processed junk with seed oil is a good thing. And, clearly, it took you an entire lifetime to make this discovery.

              • 7 months ago

                you really think IST is some 1 on 1 conversation you're having with a single person?
                youre deranged

              • 7 months ago

                >can't see that the original post I quoted was a response to a post that clearly has your (You) attached

                So you are either
                >A. lying and shooping
                >B. entering other's convos and pretending to be the original conversant

                In all cases, you are shown to be a reproachable individual. You are condemned unilaterally

              • 7 months ago

                sorry if your tiny brain can't understand that this is an open forum
                this is what you call "pretending to be the original conversant"

              • 7 months ago

                Incorrect again, brainlet anon!

                Nowhere in my chain of posts did I quote 72746305, whereas, only you have.

                Indeed, I diagnose you with carbohydrate deficiency. Your psychotic anger is most reprehensible and reflects poorly on your character.

              • 7 months ago

                doesn't matter what you quoted. that's where the "eating disorder" line began

              • 7 months ago

                And again, you mistake me for another poster here.

                So in the end it appears you have made the exact mistake you accused me of making myself here


                you really think IST is some 1 on 1 conversation you're having with a single person?
                youre deranged

                In addition to attempting to deflect responsibility for your long-line of low-quality posts. Dare I say it, this anon's posts have reached such a putrid level that I cannot bear to give him another (You). Oh the humanity!

              • 7 months ago

                this was you and you know it:

                It took you your "whole life" to figure out you should eat whole foods?

              • 7 months ago


                >can't see that the original post I quoted was a response to a post that clearly has your (You) attached

                So you are either
                >A. lying and shooping
                >B. entering other's convos and pretending to be the original conversant

                In all cases, you are shown to be a reproachable individual. You are condemned unilaterally


                Incorrect again, brainlet anon!

                Nowhere in my chain of posts did I quote 72746305, whereas, only you have.

                Indeed, I diagnose you with carbohydrate deficiency. Your psychotic anger is most reprehensible and reflects poorly on your character.


                And again, you mistake me for another poster here.

                So in the end it appears you have made the exact mistake you accused me of making myself here [...]

                In addition to attempting to deflect responsibility for your long-line of low-quality posts. Dare I say it, this anon's posts have reached such a putrid level that I cannot bear to give him another (You). Oh the humanity!

                Schizophrenic homosexual

              • 7 months ago

                Well yea, they have been consuming seed oils tgeir whole lives and only recently there was info everywhere how terrible it is. They finally figured out what was killing them all this time.
                I bet he has lost 10kg since he cut out seed oils and that's why they are so fanatical about cutting it out.

                Nope, I have never been fat because I almost never consume seed oils or refined sugars. Always jacked.
                Ot's just now that seed oils were exposed on the internet. Before every media outlet was spamming normies that seed oils are healthy. So the fact that some fatty is again't seed oils, doesn't mean cutting seed oils didn't result in him loosing weight.

              • 7 months ago

                do you think most of my daily caloric intake is fricking oil? like most people without an eating disorder i eat mostly whole foods and cook with a tablespoon of oil like normal people have for hundreds of years

              • 7 months ago

                >muh eating disorder
                nobody seethes this hard about people reducing their oil intake except for absolute lardasses
                you're fat

              • 7 months ago

                > accuses other people of being obese
                > diet is filtered by 120 calories of oil

                you can call having disdain for tiktok dietitian shills *seething* if you wish you've already hit the stupidity cap

              • 7 months ago

                I can do that if I wish I've already hit the stupidity cap?
                the frick does that mean
                aw muh poor oil companies some tik tokers said some exaggerated shit

        • 7 months ago

          ngmi. fat you eat is fat you wear.

        • 7 months ago

          I heard plant oils are less satiating than animal fats.

  4. 7 months ago

    It makes my tummy upset tho

  5. 7 months ago

    > be fatfrick subsisting off mcslop
    > watch some clickbait nu-nuscience drivel on sneed oils
    > muh studies have shown
    > as an indirect result of becoming afraid of seed oil become more health conscious and adopt a diet based around whole foods
    > start taking more of an interest in health and start exercising and losing weight
    > MFW it was the SNEED OILS that was killing me the whole time!

    • 7 months ago

      Yes. You find sneed oils in the worst foods you can eat. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!

    • 7 months ago

      Seed oils are considered a "whole food". They're marketed as healthy, by doctors even. In fact, why is this moron


      >Uh, yes? Seed oils add excess calories to things they don't need to be in.
      It took you your "whole life" to figure out empty calories from oil was bad?

      What's your next discovery? Alcohol being bad for you?

      >I consumed less empty calories
      >I lost weight
      >SEED OIL

      you act like you've discovered some form of secret


      >they have been consuming seed oils tgeir whole lives and only recently there was info everywhere how terrible it is
      "They" clearly meaning you.
      where we follow the chain of events to
      >trying to mostly eat whole foods

      So, clearly, you have just recently discovered that avoiding processed junk with seed oil is a good thing. And, clearly, it took you an entire lifetime to make this discovery.

      acting like a young man realizing that he needs to cut out all seed oils some bad thing? Either moronic or psyop, either way repent.

  6. 7 months ago

    Seed oils are for moronic homosexual subhumans like OP
    Real humans eat real food, not industrial lubricants

  7. 7 months ago

    also bout to eat some carbs (beans) because i'm hungry. i guess you could call that a carb deficiency. sounds like some tiktoker dietician shit tho

    not navy beans tho

  8. 7 months ago

    Im not paranoid about seed oils but what's the downside of cutting them out? They don't taste like anything and olive oil is 100% superior

    • 7 months ago

      Fats in general (especially saturated fat) are utterly useless in the diet and only cause heart disease

      Nobody needs added fats of any variety

    • 7 months ago

      There is no downside to cutting them out of your diet. Try it for a week or two and I guarantee you'll notice the difference. Ignore

      Fats in general (especially saturated fat) are utterly useless in the diet and only cause heart disease

      Nobody needs added fats of any variety

      , he's a known vegan autist who spams anti-keto posts here.

      • 7 months ago

        >he's a known vegan autist who spams anti-keto posts here.
        its common knowledge that saturated fat gives you heart disease
        not your vegan boogeyman schizo

        • 7 months ago

          >its common knowledge that saturated fat gives you heart disease
          It used to be common knowledge that poor health was caused by an imbalance in the four humors.

        • 7 months ago

          Moxyte, you have a distinct writing style that's easy to pick out. Stop being a homosexual.

  9. 7 months ago

    >weepoopoo dun season dey gutter oil

  10. 7 months ago

    Sneed oil

  11. 7 months ago

    His appearance is similar to mine, and I often find myself uttering such words as well.

  12. 7 months ago

    I was hoping I'd see a gem in the log today I just knew it I knew it knew it knew it

  13. 7 months ago

    I have seed oil sensitivities

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