Is the "issue" with Starting Strength just that people are lazy?

It seems to me that most of the negative things I've heard about SS come from sheer laziness and stupidity rather than inherent flaws with the program as a base for newbies.
>"You gain too much fat!!"
Do cardio on your off days and don't eat like a fatass
>"It's too bottom heavy!"
Not if you do daily pushups as part of your GPP work (who the frick doesn't do this)
>"It isn't a good long term program"
Because it isn't, it's meant to be run for a couple months to build you a base of strength from which to progress into more advanced training. It feels like morons just screenshot some template they find online and think it's gonna turn them into Ronnie Coleman if they follow it forever then get pissed when they get bare minimum results from bare minimum efforts. Obviously it isn't a hypertrophy program, but if your goals are overall strength development it seems look a good jumping off point for novices. I don't get the hate for it (outside of Rip being a schizoid boomer, which he is)

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  1. 9 months ago

    if you want to get into lifting heavy its a great program. if looking good is your goal, there just better options. its not a bad program tho

    • 9 months ago

      That's my point though, it seems like people miss the point of it as a STRENGTH focused program despite Strength literally being in the name. And how hard is it to add 3 sets of curls after your main work if you want better arms too?

  2. 9 months ago

    >Do cardio on your off days and don't eat like a fatass
    >Do daily pushups as part of your GPP work

    >Is the "issue" with Starting Strength just that people don't do shit that doesn't come in the program?

    • 9 months ago

      Imagine being so braindead that you can't independently recognize that a STRENGTH program is going to train your STRENGTH, and to train other aspects of health for overall fitness you will need to do other work outside of that program. You're literally Peter Griffin not being able to walk and chew gum at the same time.

      • 9 months ago

        I know that SS is a strength program you bum. And all the "issues" of SS come from people that do not want to deal with the consequences of a strength program, as you almost get to point out. So if you don't want to deal with the results of a strenth program just don't do a strength program at all, if a bit of temporary extra fat during a bulk scares you so much.

  3. 9 months ago

    The problem is that people are moronic. I didn't do starting strength and I actually kinda regret it. Or well I don't since I live in the present but looking now 11 years back when I started lifting it's like why wouldn't you do it. It's such a miniscule time in the grand scheme of things. It's called STARTING strength. Not the end all be all program you do for an indefinite time period. You start lifting, you do SS+GOMAD for 6 months and reach 1/2/3/4 and then you go on a hypertrophy program for 10+ years.

    But in general beginners are gullible morons. They think that you can look like an IFBB pro natty if you just "train hard" and a hypertrophy program that tells that you will look like a greek god in 6 months sells way better than some boomer shilling "starting strength". I know so many people who watch tiktok at the gym for the first year or two even making no gains. Again it's such a small time investment in the beginning and most people would benefit from it far more than chasing the pump with 10lbs dumbbells.

  4. 9 months ago

    People really are just stupid.
    If you chuck an absolute beginner on a bodybuilding program with 10 different lifts per session, they're just gonna half ass everything and never progress. Those people NEED starting strength in order to wrap their heads around strength training and progressive overload.
    Then you log on to and all the people who've been lifting for years hate the program because you can just "le work hard" and make progress better progress on a bodybuilding program. Like, no shit, the program's not for YOU.

  5. 9 months ago

    I think rip could teach it better. For example , he says to introduce p cleans when the deadlift is sufficiently ahead of the squat in the blue book, but he has also said online that you should get your deadlift up as high as possible because it will make everything else stronger. In my exp, advice 2 is the best. His hip drive cues were shit for me personally, but he’s right that hip drive is the holy grail. But without a coach you could go years without understanding it

    Also being strong fat builds character

  6. 9 months ago

    It's weird that it has heavy back squats and deadlifts on the same day and no upper body pull. With chinups, and front instead of back squat on deadlift day, it would be a better program IMO

    • 9 months ago

      As long as deadlifts are still progressing, they make more gains than chins. Also fat asses can’t chin up but they can probably deadlift more and more

      • 9 months ago

        In the mid and upper back, just by isometric contraction? Also decompressing the spine is a benefit of chins, but you could deadhang for that.

        • 9 months ago

          True but chins are added 1 to 3 months into program, they aren’t absent

  7. 9 months ago

    Beginners don't need to do power cleans and it's literally impossible to keep up with the aggressive weight increases without eating massive amounts of calories

  8. 9 months ago

    >hey guys starting strength is actually good!
    >let me show you how:
    >literally just modify the program so it isn't SS anymore lolz XDDDDD
    are you moronic? what's even the point of this thread?
    SS as is, is an introduction to powerfat and it IS supposed to turn you into a lardass
    if you want to modify, then just use a better and real program instead
    rippebreasts is a fraud and thankfully this board stopped worshipping him already

    • 9 months ago

      That’s just cause zoomers can’t into reading

    • 9 months ago

      >going for a run = modifying the program
      spoken like a true fatass

      • 9 months ago

        running is moronic if you are doing linear progression strength training. cells require energy to use protein to synthesize muscle. if you waste energy running not only are you increasing the need for energy in terms of repairing the damage but also in terms of the energy expended running. if you wanna get jacked naturally you gonna have to be a bit fat for awhile.

        • 9 months ago

          >t. lardass

  9. 9 months ago

    The issue with starting strength is going to be selection bias: when your program is named starting strength, you will get a lot of beginners that fail due to being new and not because your program developed for newbies is poor.

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