Is there any hope for fitcels?

pic related has vids of himself benching nearly 400lbs but still just can't lose the loser nerd vibe

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POSIWID: The Purpose Of A System Is What It Does Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    He looks fine moron.

  2. 2 years ago

    I wonder what it could be. The sort of thing you just can't put your finger on..........................

    • 2 years ago

      It's the eyes/eyebrows.

      • 2 years ago

        This. He has a neotenous face especially around the eyes it gives him a juvenile look he just can't shake... Coupled with a muscular body it looks low key ridiculous.

    • 2 years ago

      his torso looks super weird. he would unironically look better if he was dyel, his torso is too weak and small to go with big arms

      • 2 years ago

        it's some russian arm wrestler, that's why his arms are so overdeveloped

  3. 2 years ago

    needs contacts and neck training

    • 2 years ago

      exactly this
      ditch hogwarts glasses and hit neck n traps

  4. 2 years ago

    Looks like a normal dude to me. His glasses don’t really fit him I think however.

  5. 2 years ago

    huge fricking rims will always make your face more effeminate.
    also, he has long neck. this calls both for big traps and thicker neck. if he had those he would look way better, above shoulders he looks dyel

    • 2 years ago

      It doesn't work like that, dude. Women don't care about how does he looks like. Confidence is the primary thing in what she thinks about him. In the real world, there are a lot of nerdy, short, or small dicks guys who frick hot chicks. And this guy is kinda confident. Look at how he behaves in the gym, which manner he speaks with guys who are two times heavier than him

  6. 2 years ago

    every /LULZ/ lookism thread is just a guy with glasses

  7. 2 years ago

    Assuming he's not a manlet he's doing it right. There will be plenty of women who will not only find him attractive, but actually prefer the fact he looks intelligent along with being fit. Moreso, the fact he comes off nerdy and shy will make women more open to approaching him because they assuming he's the shy type, which again, plenty of women like. Also, women like a project, people like having some sense of ownership over their significant other, and women especially. Women will say shit like "When I met him he didn't know how to dress" or "When we first met he was so awkward and shy".

    It fits into their narrative of finding a prince among frogs. Men do this to, it's their version of a rescue fantasy. t08pd

    • 2 years ago

      tales from the basement

      • 2 years ago

        Nah, just experience. I don't know how I can fully articulate it, but women have weird narratives in their head about meeting guys. Harlequin novels for example, have been around for decades and still have crazy sales and it's all women that read it. 50 Shades of Grey for example, all for women.

        Some of those narratives and fantasies involve guys like this. Think of Beauty and the Beast, the guy was basically an incel with no social skills and what does she do? She tames him and domesticates him and he ends up being this hot handsome dude that only she had the ability to tame.

        It's the same shit here.

      • 2 years ago

        What a frickin load of shit your whole post is.

        >Moreso, the fact he comes off nerdy and shy will make women more open to approaching him because they assuming he's the shy type, which again, plenty of women like. Also, women like a project, people like having some sense of ownership over their significant other, and women especially.
        lol. This is really not how it works. The stereotypical nerd has more interest in his dice games than girls (though these days internet pornography has been turning them all into coombrains). So she may feel safer trying to talk to you rather than some player, it might be that she thinks you know she is so out of your league you wouldn't even consider trying something.

        >Women will say shit like "When I met him he didn't know how to dress" or "When we first met he was so awkward and shy".
        Women say a lot of shit, should have kept it at that.

        Dude, you guys really have no idea how this shit works. If you want to learn something I'll teach you. I can really open your eyes, but I think it'd be a total waste.

        • 2 years ago

          no one wants to learn from a virgin who learned from a series of other virgins

          • 2 years ago

            No, I've gotten laid plenty of times. I've been a pig about it. Sleeping with two women in the same day type shit. I've dated models, had all kinds of crazy sex. So no, I know what I'm talking about.

            I wouldn't even use anecdotes. I could give you cold hard science to blow your perspective on how ALL this shit works.

            But again, it'd be a waste in all likelihood.

            • 2 years ago

              I had sex with all the girls you say you had sex with and they told me that you came in your pants when they said hi and ran away crying

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                oh snap, he's not going to tell us now. Guess we missed out and only ourselves to blame, why were we so rude to him why?!?!?! kek.

                no one wants to learn from a virgin who learned from a series of other virgins

                The reason I'm starting here is because as much as I'd like to give you straight up advice, I think this is the best approach because it's really fricking well researched, and most importantly, it gives you a foundation that is pretty hard to dispute. Once you get this part of then you'll get how dating and women work in general.

              • 2 years ago

                Okay, here, let's start here with this lecture from a Stanford Professor. He's pretty much at the top of his field when it comes to behavior evolution.

                It's really complicated and interesting stuff, so watch the shit if you really want to get the full sense and scope of this.



                Anyways I'll summarize (poorly) some key takeaways here. I still recommend you watch the video. Shit is facinating and complicated. And yes, it's about primates and not humans so it may not apply, but let's be honest, shit totally applies.

                Here we go: When it comes to mating, especially among primates, they found two general strategies in nature. What they call Pair Bonding and what they refer to as being a Tournament Species.

                Tournament Species, as the name alludes too, is where the strongest males breed the most. Think of what we call "Alphas". The Pareto distribution favors the top guys here. Gorillas, for example, are a tournament species. They found that there is the most sexual dimorphism here. Meaning, if you were to look at the adult skulls of the male and female, just by looking at them you could tell which sex that skull belonged too. Here you find that males that are the largest/strongest etc will have the most partners but the drawback is that the position of the top male is constantly under threat. Also, in some tournament species, when a new male takes over, the offspring from the prior male are killed. Also, if you were to take this into our society, you would also see that the males have very little investment when it comes to child rearing. So if you have dreams of having a family or being a father who helps raise his son etc, well, that's not what happens with the "Alphas" typically in a tournament species. They get the female pregnant and that's that. So if you want to be an Alpha, well, take note, because in most of nature, especially in primates, they don't stick around. I'll point out later why this is important.


              • 2 years ago



                Pair Bonding, which is also found in primates is where the male does stick around. The male is actually an integral part of rearing the offspring. These species have very little sexual dimorphism. If you were to look at the male and female you would not be able to tell the difference. Also, in these species, the women tend to have more partners. Not the males. I suppose we would call these males "betas". They're at home raising the kids, while the wife is out there whoring about. That's basically what happens here. There's more of course, the female will fake estrus if she's pregnant by another male to fool this male into thinking it's his etc. All kinds of crazy shit. Anyways, let's take this and bring it to our culture and you could say that if you want to raise a family, and dream of being a good father and want to walk your daughter down the aisle, being a beta is actually ideal. The idea of being in a pair bonded society is actually very attractive, that is if you can get over the negative of your wife being more promiscious.

                What's the point of this. Well, we, as part of this genetic tree, share clear behavioral similarities. The problem is which one are we? Pair Bonding? Tournament Species?


                Literally who does this dude think he's talking to?

            • 2 years ago

              Tell em anon. There's a reason fit tards can't get women, and it's not because of muscles

              • 2 years ago

                muscles are only one portion of physical attractiveness. they will not fix your lack of stature or ugly facial structure.

            • 2 years ago

              I’ve had sex with two women in one day a couple times. It feels degenerate a little bit but I know I’m making my caveman ancestors proud

              • 2 years ago

                yes, it's very degenerate, and you feel like a fraud for not telling them what you're doing. Also it's for your own ego, and basically your own insecurity.

                But damn, it is nice to have that level of confidence afterwards. It's hard not to feel pretty desirable, confident and sexy after doing that, assuming the women are good looking. Which in my case, they were when I did it.

            • 2 years ago

              Tell em anon. There's a reason fit tards can't get women, and it's not because of muscles

              Nice larping you delusional ugly Seething beta, you know nothing about women

              • 2 years ago



                Anyways I'll summarize (poorly) some key takeaways here. I still recommend you watch the video. Shit is facinating and complicated. And yes, it's about primates and not humans so it may not apply, but let's be honest, shit totally applies.

                Here we go: When it comes to mating, especially among primates, they found two general strategies in nature. What they call Pair Bonding and what they refer to as being a Tournament Species.

                Tournament Species, as the name alludes too, is where the strongest males breed the most. Think of what we call "Alphas". The Pareto distribution favors the top guys here. Gorillas, for example, are a tournament species. They found that there is the most sexual dimorphism here. Meaning, if you were to look at the adult skulls of the male and female, just by looking at them you could tell which sex that skull belonged too. Here you find that males that are the largest/strongest etc will have the most partners but the drawback is that the position of the top male is constantly under threat. Also, in some tournament species, when a new male takes over, the offspring from the prior male are killed. Also, if you were to take this into our society, you would also see that the males have very little investment when it comes to child rearing. So if you have dreams of having a family or being a father who helps raise his son etc, well, that's not what happens with the "Alphas" typically in a tournament species. They get the female pregnant and that's that. So if you want to be an Alpha, well, take note, because in most of nature, especially in primates, they don't stick around. I'll point out later why this is important.


                You sound like a tiktok scammer
                You don't know shit moron

                That's Robert Sapolsky, I've read his book A Primate's Memoir but was put off by how he would anaesthetize monkeys using darts and not even feel bad about it. I already tried watching that exact series but was mostly unimpressed. Look I'm probably a lot older than you and you have nothing to tell me, let's just drop it.

                Okay, here, let's start here with this lecture from a Stanford Professor. He's pretty much at the top of his field when it comes to behavior evolution.

                It's really complicated and interesting stuff, so watch the shit if you really want to get the full sense and scope of this.



                Well you guessed it, we're both. We do both.

                Here's the thing, and what I am getting to is we are both. We use terms like Betas and Alphas but the truth is women don't have a preference as a whole because all they give a shit is whatever strategy works to get their genes further down the road.

                Here's the catch, and it's not covered in the video oddly, but there is a very well known study, you can Google it, there are hundreds of articles on it, where they studied women's sexual preferences depending on the state of their cycle and their fertility.

                Basically they showed the same women photos of men and they ranked them according to most attractive to least and recorded where they were in their cycle.

                What they found is when women are their most fertile will prefer the men who are the most "masculine". Aka the most sexually dimorphic from them. Strong brows and chins signalling excess testosterone, along with more musculature etc.

                The rest of the month? They prefer a man that is less sexually dimorphic. Softer hair lines, a more rounded chin.

                Think of it as Arnold Schwarzenegger vs Leonardo Dicaprio.

                So basically, depending on how fertile a woman is will affect who she is attracted to the most.


              • 2 years ago



                Pair Bonding, which is also found in primates is where the male does stick around. The male is actually an integral part of rearing the offspring. These species have very little sexual dimorphism. If you were to look at the male and female you would not be able to tell the difference. Also, in these species, the women tend to have more partners. Not the males. I suppose we would call these males "betas". They're at home raising the kids, while the wife is out there whoring about. That's basically what happens here. There's more of course, the female will fake estrus if she's pregnant by another male to fool this male into thinking it's his etc. All kinds of crazy shit. Anyways, let's take this and bring it to our culture and you could say that if you want to raise a family, and dream of being a good father and want to walk your daughter down the aisle, being a beta is actually ideal. The idea of being in a pair bonded society is actually very attractive, that is if you can get over the negative of your wife being more promiscious.

                What's the point of this. Well, we, as part of this genetic tree, share clear behavioral similarities. The problem is which one are we? Pair Bonding? Tournament Species?


                Literally who does this dude think he's talking to?



                Anyways I'll summarize (poorly) some key takeaways here. I still recommend you watch the video. Shit is facinating and complicated. And yes, it's about primates and not humans so it may not apply, but let's be honest, shit totally applies.

                Here we go: When it comes to mating, especially among primates, they found two general strategies in nature. What they call Pair Bonding and what they refer to as being a Tournament Species.

                Tournament Species, as the name alludes too, is where the strongest males breed the most. Think of what we call "Alphas". The Pareto distribution favors the top guys here. Gorillas, for example, are a tournament species. They found that there is the most sexual dimorphism here. Meaning, if you were to look at the adult skulls of the male and female, just by looking at them you could tell which sex that skull belonged too. Here you find that males that are the largest/strongest etc will have the most partners but the drawback is that the position of the top male is constantly under threat. Also, in some tournament species, when a new male takes over, the offspring from the prior male are killed. Also, if you were to take this into our society, you would also see that the males have very little investment when it comes to child rearing. So if you have dreams of having a family or being a father who helps raise his son etc, well, that's not what happens with the "Alphas" typically in a tournament species. They get the female pregnant and that's that. So if you want to be an Alpha, well, take note, because in most of nature, especially in primates, they don't stick around. I'll point out later why this is important.


                Okay, here, let's start here with this lecture from a Stanford Professor. He's pretty much at the top of his field when it comes to behavior evolution.

                It's really complicated and interesting stuff, so watch the shit if you really want to get the full sense and scope of this.



                So what's the point, well it's simple, women can do both, they like both (alphas/betas) and both are viable strategies. The issue here is how do they get both?

                How does a woman get a pair bonding type guy (beta) to stay with her while she steps out with the tournament species type (alpha) that she wants to bone more when she is most likely to get pregnant without getting caught.

                And yes, they do this, a lot. Maury Povich is still on the air doing the same stupid DNA tests to find out who is the father. Shit still happens. Women cheat all the time.

                And this is where you learn how to hit on women. Something so fricking simple, yet so many of you screw it up.


              • 2 years ago

                This sounds like you actually agree with the incels in the thread tbh

              • 2 years ago


                The answer is simple. They cheat without getting caught. Because even today getting caught cheating is a death sentence for women all over the world. The person most likely to murder a woman is a person she knows. Like a jealous ex. Getting caught with another man is not a good thing, and on an instinctual level women know this. They have developed ways around it, but the one thing women in general (I mean you have prostitutes and outliers of course) do not want to be seen is as the promiscious type. Even today with all the sexual liberation, with all the ass shaking on instagram, the double standard still exists. A man who fricks a lot is a stud and more desireable, a woman who does is a bawd and less wanted.

                All this is from thousands of years of society imprinting itself on evolution and our genes being passed on.

                A woman who doesn't get caught but has children by various men has the genetic diversity to safeguard against being caught off guard when you put all your genetic eggs in one basket.

                For example, a woman meets a great guy, has 5 kids with him, but later it is discovered he has some genetic disease like a busted aorta or maybe a tendency for breast cancer for the women before they turn 20. Well, all five kids of yours may inherit that shit. Womp womp. You just put all your eggs in one basket.

                A woman that cheats though, well, shit, she has plan B when she had that kid with the mailman or the gardner who doesn't have those defects. Those kids survive while the others don't. Her genes survive with them and so on. It is evolutionarily beneficial to cheat for women. The issue is it's also evolutionary beneficial not to get caught and have your offspring cast off from society and you being called a prostitute and killed or whatever. Which fricking still happens.

                Great. So how the frick do we get laid knowing all this


              • 2 years ago

                One of the only people on IST that knows anything about sex. Keep going pimp-bro, these morons can't handle the truth and I like watching them seeth. Also, for anyone that needs more reference, Patrice O'Neil will help you get there. I was lucky enough to be raised around a chronic winner pimp type, so I knew all this just from watching, listening, and instinctually emulating him, but most people weren't so lucky.

              • 2 years ago

                Dude, same deal here. I remember thinking how counter intutive it all was. Then when I got it, it was so easy. It was all there in front of me, I was just too stupid and buying into the popular narrative that had been drilled into my skull.

                Once I saw how a woman makes you know she wants to frick, well, I started fricking more. Then I started to learn what she's really looking for in men and that was it.

                Won't lie, I went a bit overboard though. Not as crazy as some guys I know, but what some guys fantasize about I've done.

              • 2 years ago


                The answer is simple. They cheat without getting caught. Because even today getting caught cheating is a death sentence for women all over the world. The person most likely to murder a woman is a person she knows. Like a jealous ex. Getting caught with another man is not a good thing, and on an instinctual level women know this. They have developed ways around it, but the one thing women in general (I mean you have prostitutes and outliers of course) do not want to be seen is as the promiscious type. Even today with all the sexual liberation, with all the ass shaking on instagram, the double standard still exists. A man who fricks a lot is a stud and more desireable, a woman who does is a bawd and less wanted.

                All this is from thousands of years of society imprinting itself on evolution and our genes being passed on.

                A woman who doesn't get caught but has children by various men has the genetic diversity to safeguard against being caught off guard when you put all your genetic eggs in one basket.

                For example, a woman meets a great guy, has 5 kids with him, but later it is discovered he has some genetic disease like a busted aorta or maybe a tendency for breast cancer for the women before they turn 20. Well, all five kids of yours may inherit that shit. Womp womp. You just put all your eggs in one basket.

                A woman that cheats though, well, shit, she has plan B when she had that kid with the mailman or the gardner who doesn't have those defects. Those kids survive while the others don't. Her genes survive with them and so on. It is evolutionarily beneficial to cheat for women. The issue is it's also evolutionary beneficial not to get caught and have your offspring cast off from society and you being called a prostitute and killed or whatever. Which fricking still happens.

                Great. So how the frick do we get laid knowing all this


                My married former coworkers have been reaching out to me lately? Is this why? I’m 6’3 frauding, definitely the best looking guy at my company and our social circles don’t really cross. They found sort of bs reasons to start a conversation and said we should meet up sometime

        • 2 years ago

          no one wants to learn from a virgin who learned from a series of other virgins

          oh snap, he's not going to tell us now. Guess we missed out and only ourselves to blame, why were we so rude to him why?!?!?! kek.

          • 2 years ago

            Okay, here, let's start here with this lecture from a Stanford Professor. He's pretty much at the top of his field when it comes to behavior evolution.

            It's really complicated and interesting stuff, so watch the shit if you really want to get the full sense and scope of this.


            • 2 years ago

              That's Robert Sapolsky, I've read his book A Primate's Memoir but was put off by how he would anaesthetize monkeys using darts and not even feel bad about it. I already tried watching that exact series but was mostly unimpressed. Look I'm probably a lot older than you and you have nothing to tell me, let's just drop it.

        • 2 years ago

          You sound like a tiktok scammer
          You don't know shit moron

          • 2 years ago


            The reason I'm starting here is because as much as I'd like to give you straight up advice, I think this is the best approach because it's really fricking well researched, and most importantly, it gives you a foundation that is pretty hard to dispute. Once you get this part of then you'll get how dating and women work in general.



            Anyways I'll summarize (poorly) some key takeaways here. I still recommend you watch the video. Shit is facinating and complicated. And yes, it's about primates and not humans so it may not apply, but let's be honest, shit totally applies.

            Here we go: When it comes to mating, especially among primates, they found two general strategies in nature. What they call Pair Bonding and what they refer to as being a Tournament Species.

            Tournament Species, as the name alludes too, is where the strongest males breed the most. Think of what we call "Alphas". The Pareto distribution favors the top guys here. Gorillas, for example, are a tournament species. They found that there is the most sexual dimorphism here. Meaning, if you were to look at the adult skulls of the male and female, just by looking at them you could tell which sex that skull belonged too. Here you find that males that are the largest/strongest etc will have the most partners but the drawback is that the position of the top male is constantly under threat. Also, in some tournament species, when a new male takes over, the offspring from the prior male are killed. Also, if you were to take this into our society, you would also see that the males have very little investment when it comes to child rearing. So if you have dreams of having a family or being a father who helps raise his son etc, well, that's not what happens with the "Alphas" typically in a tournament species. They get the female pregnant and that's that. So if you want to be an Alpha, well, take note, because in most of nature, especially in primates, they don't stick around. I'll point out later why this is important.



            Pair Bonding, which is also found in primates is where the male does stick around. The male is actually an integral part of rearing the offspring. These species have very little sexual dimorphism. If you were to look at the male and female you would not be able to tell the difference. Also, in these species, the women tend to have more partners. Not the males. I suppose we would call these males "betas". They're at home raising the kids, while the wife is out there whoring about. That's basically what happens here. There's more of course, the female will fake estrus if she's pregnant by another male to fool this male into thinking it's his etc. All kinds of crazy shit. Anyways, let's take this and bring it to our culture and you could say that if you want to raise a family, and dream of being a good father and want to walk your daughter down the aisle, being a beta is actually ideal. The idea of being in a pair bonded society is actually very attractive, that is if you can get over the negative of your wife being more promiscious.

            What's the point of this. Well, we, as part of this genetic tree, share clear behavioral similarities. The problem is which one are we? Pair Bonding? Tournament Species?


    • 2 years ago

      What a frickin load of shit your whole post is.

    • 2 years ago

      >Moreso, the fact he comes off nerdy and shy will make women more open to approaching him because they assuming he's the shy type, which again, plenty of women like. Also, women like a project, people like having some sense of ownership over their significant other, and women especially.
      lol. This is really not how it works. The stereotypical nerd has more interest in his dice games than girls (though these days internet pornography has been turning them all into coombrains). So she may feel safer trying to talk to you rather than some player, it might be that she thinks you know she is so out of your league you wouldn't even consider trying something.

      >Women will say shit like "When I met him he didn't know how to dress" or "When we first met he was so awkward and shy".
      Women say a lot of shit, should have kept it at that.

    • 2 years ago

      >Moreso, the fact he comes off nerdy and shy will make women more open to approaching him because they assuming he's the shy type

      This is true. If you are very loud and outgoing, women will expect you to approach them and not the other way around.

  8. 2 years ago

    he looks great, post a pic of yourself loser

  9. 2 years ago

    yeah hes pretty cute

  10. 2 years ago

    cant comment on someone who benches 400lbs while lean’s appearance, unless you also can bench 400lbs lean, you fricking cuck.

  11. 2 years ago

    As long as he's happy, that's the only thing that matters.

  12. 2 years ago

    hes lucky cuz its fixable for example he could just wear contacts for a huge boost. there are much worse cases of fitcels like being a chinlet (iguess u can grow a cope beard) or a turbo manlet (rip)

  13. 2 years ago



    Anways, the point I was getting at is first know where you fit in the narrative of a woman's biological perspective. Are you one or the other? Both? Be honest and take a guess.

    Great, now for meeting women we know women can't be assertive like men can. For one they lack the biological sex drive that testosterone provides, but also the instinct isn't there because it could get them killed in the past.

    Which means when women are attracted to you, most often it is fricking subtle as shit. This is what you guys don't get. Women will rarely, if ever be overt.

    You know what happens when I say this around women? They will say stupid shit like "What do you mean, we let guys know all the time". And when I follow up you know what they think overt is? They say shit like "I make eye contact and then look away". To them THAT is a bold move and overt. To women that is basically them telling you they find you attractive and there is potential that you might be able to frick them if you pass all the other criteria they have in store for you. Men have been brainwashed to think if a woman isn't making the ahegao face that they aren't interested. Bullshit.

    You want to get laid? If you sense a woman might be interested in you, do absolutely fricking nothing. Ignore the ever living shit out of her because she will do it again. Why? Because men are like you and dumb and think that if a woman doesn't spell it out they aren't interested. They will do something AGAIN if they are interested. But it will be SUBTLE.

    For example, two weeks ago I as at a bar, alone, and I go to the bathroom.


    • 2 years ago


      On my way back I make eye contact with a girl and it's pretty obvious she's checking me out for whatever reason. I don't care. I'm at the bar because I want to be at the bar. Not to pick up women. So I catch it, smile to myself, and go back to ordering a beer and watching the movie on the TV. Time passes. I don't know how much, but when I look to my right, there she is. She has a pack of cigarettes in front of her, I used to smoke and don't anymore but she's attractive. I ask her if I could trade a smoke for a shot.

      >Sure, we can smoke one together outside.

      That kind of shit happens all the time. The more attractive they are the more corny they typically are as well, because they don't know how to fricking hit on dudes. They aren't used to it.

      So many examples. I was with a childhood friend of mine, she's not bad looking herself, but she's one of the only female friends I have left, and it's largely because we never dated or slept together so I want to keep it that way. She gives me shit all the time. We're at a bar, and I see a woman grooming her hair and she glanced my way. That's it. I tell my friend that I think I'm getting a vibe from this girl, who is extremely good looking. Intimidatingly so. But whatever. My friend, she gives me shit, and starts fricking it all up.


      • 2 years ago


        My friend is looking around and all of a sudden I'm reminded of some dudes I know, who never fricking get laid, who do the same shit when we are at a bar. I tell her to knock it off and keep looking at me. She's giving me shit because she sees me like her kid brother, which I love, but she's busting my ass the entire time like you guys are, saying "whatever". I tell her to give wait a few minutes and she'll see.

        We wait and I reach towards the really attractive girl to grab a beer coaster from the stack in front of her and she says:

        >"Trying to steal my beer?"

        That easy. The point I'm making here is most of you are too fricking eager and have no understanding how woman make it known they want to talk to you.

        Women like to frick, but they don't like it to be obvious. Especially if they just met you. So when you make it obvious, guess what, they don't want to frick.

        You have to understand this on an instinctive level. Because THEY do. They know how to hide who they want to frick without even thinking about it because they had to because women will cheat. But doing it had such a high cost that it would get them murdered int he past. Or their kids murdered.

        90% of you don't fricking know this, so you blame the women for not coming up to you and rubbing your dick to make it obvious they find you attractive. It's dumb as frick and shows you guys have zero idea as how to hit on a woman.


        • 2 years ago

          I agree with what you’re saying interesting effort posting it reminds me of old IST
          Yet I still feel like you’re playing in a field of advantage
          I could try this same shit and it wouldn’t work
          Pretend that I was in a coma through my 30s have just become well and the pandemic happened and I’m in my 40s
          That’s the short answer because it’s medical related and I essentially was
          I’m honestly starting to freak out I don’t think I can hack it for the rest of my life alone
          I won’t lie about that. Sometimes I wish I would have just died in the ER

          • 2 years ago

            I think you’re mostly right about women but I don’t think it’s necessarily right to blame guys for not getting this. They’re force fed bullshit about women nonstop it’s no surprise they don’t understand how the game works. A lot of the smartest guys seem to get it the least because they’re by far the most likely and capable to go by learned rather than instinctive behavior.

            Perhaps it isn't our fault, but it is our problem. Women won't solve it, because like I said, they live in a different reality on all levels, biologically, socially, mentally you name it. They just have different parameters than men. Again, look at the double standard that still exists despite shit like birth control and the sexual revolution: Men who frick a lot are high status/studs. Women who are easy to frick are low status/bawds. Still exists.

            Which is why I brought in the research of it, for one get rid of the societal conventions that got you into this position in the first place. That's why I went so in depth about breaking down concepts like alphas and betas. Both are actually viable strategies, but the way it's framed makes it sound like only alphas end up being happy or successful. That's just not the case, nature is really complicated and to simplify it is to remove a lot of important info. Maybe you shouldn't try to be something you don't want to be. Maybe you would be happy being a father and having children and a family. That's pair bonding. That exists. Of course you have to worry about a woman cheating, but that's not that hard to stop. Your urge to cheat is just as great if not more so than a woman's and you can keep that shit in check if she's worth it. So be that guy that isn't worth cheating on. How do you do that? Self-respect, that simple. Be the guy who makes it clear if a woman cheats you are gone. That easy.


            • 2 years ago

              Yeah I think you have laid it out pretty clearly. And like you said there’s absolutely nothing wrong with pair bonding and having a long relationship and a family

          • 2 years ago

            You do the same thing you do with any crisis or disaster. You do triage. You prioritize the problems facing you in order to save what can be saved. It doesn't mean it's easy choices or decision. It does mean you have to make sacrifices.

            Most importantly it means you are taking action to make the best of what you got. And that's what you need to do. Right now you're overwhelmed by a ton of shit, so figure out what needs to be done.

            Are you in physical health? If not, then that has to be a priority. Are you mentally healthy? If not then that has to be a priority. Finally are you financially healthy? If not then that has to be next.

            Once you get your body on straight, get your head on straight and get your credit score and bank deposit going in the right direction THEN you focus on the rest.

            Get your health in order, your mind in order, get your money in order.

            If you have all three then just do what I told you to do here. Don't go into a bar looking for women, go into a bar knowing women are looking for you.

            If it doesn't work then do it again. Work on your health by getting more fit. Work on your mind by getting more friends. Work your finances by learning how to save and invest more effectively. Rinse and repeat until you finally get a response that you want.

            Just don't be desperate.


            • 2 years ago

              I made the awesome decision to stay friends with a bunch of druggie losers because myself I was a druggy loser
              You can imagine how that’s worked out
              Just recently the last lot nosedived cuz of pandemic reactions and now they’re finally gone
              I’m glad but bummed since even though it wasn’t much it was the only social interaction I had
              But watching people get drunk and run off to snort drugs isn’t fun
              Frick doing the drugs aren’t that fun
              I fricked up badly


              Don't be desperate which translates to don't be over eager. Pay attention to subtle details and when you suspect something, keep waiting for another sign. If she likes you she'll try again IF she thinks you didn't get the first signal. Play stupid.

              Women want to find someone worth giving their pussy to, they do, but they just go through a selection process. If you aren't meeting that process then fix it. What, you don't think women frick 40 year old men?

              There are plenty of women in their late 20 and late 30's feeling the same kind of panic you are. You forget we can have kids far longer than they can. Their prime days of having children is closing in fast once they get past the 25 year old mark. Once they hit 30 it gets really scary. Past 35 it's down right terrifying.

              Whatever anxiety you are feeling know that women ten years younger than you are feeling it, but worse. You can still have kids in 20 years. They can't.

              • 2 years ago

                I fully agree with you honestly
                I think the deck is a bit stacked against me in the medical side and unfortunately I cannot hide it everyday but there must be better strategies to deal with it
                I think the play dumb and stfu is a good rethink on this
                Lol the more I speak the more certain there is a chance that I slur a word or lose my train of thought
                No problem if I’m listening
                Hard to decribe it but you know how that stupid npc meme of not being able to visualize an apple
                It’s a twist on that
                All this shit is so specific lol I’m going to out myself it I continue
                Anyone who knows me knows this me now
                Shits so awful man I’m so sick of dealing with I just have to damage is done

              • 2 years ago

                Just tell these mfs to google redpill and research for themselves lmao

              • 2 years ago

                They won't buy it, which is why I linked a video from a friggin Stanford professor to make my point. These guys are so entrenched into the belief that getting laid requires a certain type of body or whatever that you have to bring in a fricking ivy league professor to sway their brains.

                There are plenty of types of guys women are attracted to, but what they cannot be attracted to are guys that make it obvious they want to frick. Simple as that.

                Problem is a lot of guys make it so obvious the woman instinctively needs to gtfo and then they blame something like not having big enough shoulders or some crazy shit.

                Does that matter? Sure, there are women who like men who are buff and prime meat. But are there a lot of women who fall in love with someone they met at work? Through school? At some stupid ass social function? All the fricking time. Yes. Of course.

                But don't expect them to run up to your dick and ask if they can suck it, which is feels like what men here are so delusional think happens. Here's how fricked up the game is:

                I'm at a bar with guys I know from work, total. fricking. nerds. Okay, I'm sorry, but they are the worst. I'm there because who knows. Anyways, the bar is crowded and there is this amazingly hot chick next to me at the bar. She's been drinking, fine. But she is being waaaay too obvious. even for someone who is drunk. Like I just fricking sense something is off here. Something isn't adding up. So I look around the bar and bingo. I see some guy, literally looking broken hearted staring in her direction, and not like some creep, it's obvious he know her and she is fricking with him. He literally looks like he's about to fricking cry, while halfway across the bar.

                Meanwhile, my co-workers are saying I should talk to her, and I'm like, "Frick no, wrong move, even if she was into me, waay too soon. I just got here and I'm still waiting for my drink". They start talking shit and one of the guys gets up and says


              • 2 years ago

                He gets up from the barstool, and says

                >You guys don't know shit.

                and walks across the bar to this woman who was apparently staring at him the entire time.

                I remembering thinking how fricking bizarre this night was going, I've met a ton of women randomly in bars, and never was it this obvious or easy.

                Maybe I was wrong, but I don't think I was still, but the hot girl next to me was fricking with this guy for whatever reason, and was using me to do it. Which I fricking do not appreciate. So I just ignored her. She starts talking to me and I just fricking blow her off.

                Part of me is pissed at women like her, but another part was like "holy shit she is hot".

                So I ask her to say something interesting about herself other than her looks.

                She cannot do it. She literally talks about working out and some other shit. At this point I'm done. I don't care if she's extremely good looking (she was) I just don't like her.

                She's fricking with the emotions of some poor dude by trying to manipulate some stranger, and is either too dumb or drunk to answer a basic question to help frame her as something more than just a pretty face.


                So I basically tell her "It was nice meeting her, but it's disapointing that she can't describe herself without using her looks. I hope she has a good night" and I turn away.

                My co-worker sees this and fricking starts apologizing for me. The dude literally leans over me and starts say "I'm sorry, I don't blah blah blah".

                Then my friend who got up and said "You guys don't know shit" comes back over. I ask him how'd it go.

                He says:

                >she's a prostitute.

                This shit really happened. All true. Fricking hilarious.

              • 2 years ago

                He gets up from the barstool, and says

                >You guys don't know shit.

                and walks across the bar to this woman who was apparently staring at him the entire time.

                I remembering thinking how fricking bizarre this night was going, I've met a ton of women randomly in bars, and never was it this obvious or easy.

                Maybe I was wrong, but I don't think I was still, but the hot girl next to me was fricking with this guy for whatever reason, and was using me to do it. Which I fricking do not appreciate. So I just ignored her. She starts talking to me and I just fricking blow her off.

                Part of me is pissed at women like her, but another part was like "holy shit she is hot".

                So I ask her to say something interesting about herself other than her looks.

                She cannot do it. She literally talks about working out and some other shit. At this point I'm done. I don't care if she's extremely good looking (she was) I just don't like her.

                She's fricking with the emotions of some poor dude by trying to manipulate some stranger, and is either too dumb or drunk to answer a basic question to help frame her as something more than just a pretty face.


                So I basically tell her "It was nice meeting her, but it's disapointing that she can't describe herself without using her looks. I hope she has a good night" and I turn away.

                My co-worker sees this and fricking starts apologizing for me. The dude literally leans over me and starts say "I'm sorry, I don't blah blah blah".

                Then my friend who got up and said "You guys don't know shit" comes back over. I ask him how'd it go.

                He says:

                >she's a prostitute.

                This shit really happened. All true. Fricking hilarious.

                The point I'm making is that most guys are like my co-worker. That's how they picture it goes. When the only time it is ever that easy or out in the open is when she's using you to make some other dude jealous or she's a literal prostitute.

                The closest I can think of something like this is when I was on a date with a girl, it was like our 2nd or 3rd time hanging out, we hadn't slept together yet and we had just finished hanging out with her friends. Anyways, I didn't want to assume anything so I grab a cab for her (no uber) and tell her I'll just grab the next one for myself.

                She gets in the cab. Gives me the biggest "we're going to frick" eyes and then literally pats the seat next to her.

                Of course I got in as fast as possible, the best part is one of her friends ( a gay dude) gets in and feels the tension right away. Like he is noticeably awkward and has the face of someone who just walked into a room of two people fricking.

                That was such a fun night.

              • 2 years ago

                The gay friend got out as fricking fast as possible by the way. I literally remember him saying in a single breath as he leaves the cab "It was nice meeting you have a good night bye".

                She was had an amazing body. She had been a dancer since grade school and went to a dance academy and college for it. Her ass was amazing, while also having amazing breasts. She was 22 at the time and it was just great.

        • 2 years ago

          I think you’re mostly right about women but I don’t think it’s necessarily right to blame guys for not getting this. They’re force fed bullshit about women nonstop it’s no surprise they don’t understand how the game works. A lot of the smartest guys seem to get it the least because they’re by far the most likely and capable to go by learned rather than instinctive behavior.

          • 2 years ago

            Don’t forget people purposely not wanting to give you an advantage
            How many groups of “friends” that you’ve had were perfectly fine leaving you in the dark or purposely giving up at the slightest challenges of any ideas

            I cannot believe the people I surrounded myself with just awful in hindsight

            • 2 years ago

              Yeah most of my high school friends were dickheads I dropped them as soon as I realized that. Part of its human nature but to me anyway it seems like Americans are overly competitive and compare all the time, even more so than the natural human urges, so the culture amplifies rather than tries to control theses traits.

              • 2 years ago

                I made the awesome decision to stay friends with a bunch of druggie losers because myself I was a druggy loser
                You can imagine how that’s worked out
                Just recently the last lot nosedived cuz of pandemic reactions and now they’re finally gone
                I’m glad but bummed since even though it wasn’t much it was the only social interaction I had
                But watching people get drunk and run off to snort drugs isn’t fun
                Frick doing the drugs aren’t that fun
                I fricked up badly

              • 2 years ago

                Guess I got lucky since me and my friends just play some video games online, go out to eat, and play board games.

                I ended up burning out of being competitive which has it's pros and cons.


                Perhaps it isn't our fault, but it is our problem. Women won't solve it, because like I said, they live in a different reality on all levels, biologically, socially, mentally you name it. They just have different parameters than men. Again, look at the double standard that still exists despite shit like birth control and the sexual revolution: Men who frick a lot are high status/studs. Women who are easy to frick are low status/bawds. Still exists.

                Which is why I brought in the research of it, for one get rid of the societal conventions that got you into this position in the first place. That's why I went so in depth about breaking down concepts like alphas and betas. Both are actually viable strategies, but the way it's framed makes it sound like only alphas end up being happy or successful. That's just not the case, nature is really complicated and to simplify it is to remove a lot of important info. Maybe you shouldn't try to be something you don't want to be. Maybe you would be happy being a father and having children and a family. That's pair bonding. That exists. Of course you have to worry about a woman cheating, but that's not that hard to stop. Your urge to cheat is just as great if not more so than a woman's and you can keep that shit in check if she's worth it. So be that guy that isn't worth cheating on. How do you do that? Self-respect, that simple. Be the guy who makes it clear if a woman cheats you are gone. That easy.


                I appreciate the posts man. Knew some of the stuff but I don't always connect the dots. I know for me the pair bonding play is the route I should take.

  14. 2 years ago

    Its the eyebrows. He needs to make a better expression. Looks like hes about to cry

  15. 2 years ago

    Change haircut, get rid of contacts, do something with his eyebrows and he would literally be top 20-10% of men.

    Judging by the amount of "i got zero tinder matches after a year posts" here on IST, he would slay a lot more than most fitizens

  16. 2 years ago

    >lose glasses
    >new haircut
    Wow, this was hard

  17. 2 years ago

    A big reason lots of men don't get women too, on top of everything the Sapolsky poster pointed out is that they have no swag. Hate on Black person culture all you want, but they have it figured out. What they understand is that if they project masculinity, confidence, style, and self respect, women will flock to them. They learn to do this effortlessly and it is so natural that it flows every second of their existence all the time. They are able to maintain this state because they are constantly winning at something, no matter what it is. They go lift? Winning. They maintain the hype and the excitement. Write new lyrics? Winning. Make a new beat? Winning. Get a new haircut? Winning. New clothes? Winning. Chat a b***h up at the gas station? Winning. Seeing the world in terms of victory, defeat, and striving for something, no matter how small, keeps their serotonin, testosterone, and endorphins up and at a healthy level. They couldn't feel this way if they worked a dead end job and did the same shit every single day like so many cowardly men do. Even if they don't do this, they spend time with their homies that are actually successful and eventually learn to fake it just enough to frick.

    They also understand that THEY are the sexual object of the relationship, not the woman. Women chase them. They do not chase women. If they did, that would alter the nature of the sexual interaction and they would never gain the social leverage necessary to make it work. They will withhold attention, seek attention from multiple females (in front of other females), downplay their weaknesses, exacerbate their strengths, and spend a LOT of time attempting to look good while not making it obvious. It's a lot of sexual trickery and sometimes subtle sometimes overt peawienering and mogging on purpose. It works. I've done it, though I don't like to be like that. It just feels so douchey. It works though

    t. Former fatass white dude with literal b***h breasts that STKLL got a lot of female attention

    • 2 years ago

      I can do the first one as it's a mindset change. Not sure If I am willing to do the second one but I will work on exacerbating my strengths and downplaying my weaknesses. Guess that's the classic "fake it till ya make it" play.

  18. 2 years ago


    >3 kids
    >despite the fact he's only gotten laid once in his life
    Something doesn't add up here, buddy.

    • 2 years ago

      its possible though. I think its possible up to 6 or even 7

  19. 2 years ago

    Loose the glasses and he'd look chadlite

  20. 2 years ago

    blessed thread, thank you anon for your lecture

    • 2 years ago

      Dude kicked some knowledge down won’t lie it made me feel like a moron because I’ve been seeing it from obviously the wrong angle and I’m still doubtful it can help me but it’s a new angle
      Kinda odd I never read into this I like anthropology
      Damn lol

      • 2 years ago

        watch that video he posted, I'm an hour in, it is very good

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