Is this?

Is this IST approved?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

UFOs Are A Psyop Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 year ago

    I take 4 bars before every workout and I lift 1/2/3/4 so yes.

    • 1 year ago

      do you wake up in someones house whom youve never met, pockets full of shoplifted items and 3 cellphones and 12 lighters that arent yours?

  2. 1 year ago

    Xanax, and benzodiazepines in general, are some of the worst possible drugs you could take for your long-term mental health.

    Considering IST is also against babying yourself with meds, no, it’s not IST approved. You’re going to get a lot of meme responses, but anyone who has been hooked on benzos or opioids here will echo this advice - don’t fricking take them. They make you weak.

    • 1 year ago

      >IST is also against babying yourself with meds, no, it’s not IST approved.
      The morons here will eat turd clods if it'll somehow make their condition better. They're all lazy losers.

    • 1 year ago


      The short term effects are not worth the long term and it's hell if you want to quit. Even worse if the plug dries up or the doc takes your prescription. Benzos are a true slippery slope and eventually it's never enough. Don't do it.

      > t. former pill popper

    • 1 year ago

      So much this.

      Benzo WD is the worst kind of withdrawal you can have.

      And you can ask that to the junkies of bluelight

      bluelight org/xf/threads/what-is-the-worst-drug-to-have-withdrawals-from.395340/page-58

      t. been there. Would not recommend

  3. 1 year ago

    name a more unnatural thing than a fricking derpression pill lmao
    it literally makes you a perfect slave for the environment that you cant handle (depression)
    remember a pig pharma want a piece of that cake as does all of the food industries that sell shit to make people sick

    • 1 year ago

      They’re benzos not antidepressants. Arguably much worse but a lot more fun. Also OP shouldn’t take them.
      t. Stayed up for 3 days on end with hallucinations after stopping taking them

  4. 1 year ago


  5. 1 year ago

    This looks like street pressed xanax containing antihistamines and chinese fentanil. Highly addictive and powerful!

    • 1 year ago

      fake news, I make these things and sell them.

      I use Pharma grade non active ingredients and a bromine based analogue of alprazolam. So once you get addicted to my pills you'll eventually get bromine poisoning.

      • 1 year ago

        >wiping out the junkies with his own pills
        You are doing the Gods work, anon.

  6. 1 year ago

    How do you get prescribed this miracle drug?

    • 1 year ago

      >How do you get prescribed this miracle drug?
      You really think that is how it works?
      you literally walk to a state approved drug dealer ~~*doctror*~~ and ask for it. Enjoy being a literal slave on top of you slave life you are now a slave for ~~*pharma*~~

      • 1 year ago

        Psychiatric medication has saved my life

  7. 1 year ago

    No. The morons I knew addicted to this shit in college were some of the most pathetic fricks ive ever seen. Had to be rescued from some stupid situation basically every night. Talked like fricking idiots. Smoked like fish and always bumming cigs. Walking disasters really

  8. 1 year ago

    I think it's helpful if you have a severe case of anxiety of panic disorder. But for low to mild symptoms of anxiety, it's natural to feel like this and is part of the human condition. We just have to find healthy ways to cope.

    • 1 year ago

      >I think it's helpful if you have a severe case of anxiety of panic disorder.
      Not really, long term use will just make your anxiety worse and you can't keep upping the dose forever.
      t. 1 month clean

    • 1 year ago

      This. 99% of the time anxiety is your body telling you that something in your life is bad and needs to change. Working to make those changes and overcoming the anxiety is the only real cure. Trying to tuck the anxiety away with meds can often make a bad situation worse. The same thing applies to antidepressants.

      Use them for a short while if you are way too anxious or depressed to even get out of bed? Yeah maybe, but long term the meds are only shielding you from real problems that should be addressed

  9. 1 year ago

    I'm prescribed 90 1mg a month and take about one a day, sometimes two. I'd never recommend them but they have helped me deal with shit that fitness/sex/meditation couldn't fix including weird physical shit like digestion, heart palpitations and swallowing food. Of course I know people addicted to them who put themselves in comas. Ssris is something I'll never take again though.

    • 1 year ago

      How much you want for the bottle every month?

      • 1 year ago

        Lmao fed I got a guy offers me $5 each but I think he sells them. I think the street value used to be like $3 but they're harder to find in my area, the real ones at least and I live near one of the largest open drug market

  10. 1 year ago

    > all those replies from morons that don't even know what xanax does but want to give an opinion.
    Once again I'm reminded to not take medical advice from this fricking website. Anyways, just avoid getting addicted, once a week should be ok.

    • 1 year ago

      Once a week for what? It's not a party drug and definitely don't drink with them. A 12 pack of yuengling and a Xanax or 2 almost killed me

  11. 1 year ago

    Benzodiazapines are really awful to people who are prone to alcoholism and binge drinking because they are far more potent than alcohol yet miraculously lack all of its side effects (no hangover, no sickness, no bad taste, feeling clean calm and collected), which is what makes them so incredibly addictive — especially to young adults who are into binge drinking.

    The nasty side effects don't really take place until several weeks of usage at which point they are worse than any other drug class known to man. Because unfortunately the human mind was not meant to live in a state of ignorant bliss.

    • 1 year ago

      Also you can't have an acute overdose on benzodiazepines, so you can get as fricked up as you want and beyond on them and you'll never get poisoning.

      You could even eat a whole gram of pure alprazolam and you will black out for weeks and wake up a different person.

      • 1 year ago

        benzo withdrawals kill people via seizure, moron

  12. 1 year ago

    Black person approved

  13. 1 year ago

    Took it for about a week to help me sleep. When I stopped I had 3-4 days of extreme irritability, walked around with my jaw clenched all the time, had vivid nightmares and woke up every 2 hours and wanted to take more.

    After 1 week of use it was worse than kicking a 15 year nicotine habit. Imagine what the withdrawals are like after taking that shit for a month or a year

  14. 1 year ago

    I had to quit Xanax after 15 years of taking 4mg a day (prescription). I have to say that was the hardest fricking thing, took me 2 years to get rid of the withdrawals/seizures and all the shit it involves. Do not recommend.

  15. 1 year ago

    its kind of moronic did it once i was wobbly like i was drunk without the pleasurable effects of alcohol

  16. 1 year ago

    No, buy an ounce of weed of your choosing and chew nicotine gum with it. It's a great preworkout too.

    It may or may not alleviate your anxiety but the whole point of weed is to introspectively work through your shit, not repress it.

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah weed is great for anxiety, it doesn't go away but you feel so happy/interested in what's causing it and am able to accept it more

      • 1 year ago

        For sure, it has been a great tool for me to face those things, realign my focus to the present, and being observingly curious. It is a great way to bring you into the now.

        >the whole point of weed is to introspectively work through your shit, not repress it
        Weed only works like that in the beginning for most people. And after a little while it becomes more of a reality-escape similar to alcohol. Potheads are probably the most lazy and uninspired group of addicts. Shit, even heroin addicts are running around washing windshields and picking up bottles along the road

        I agree with you. I stopped waking and baking because it goes against the good of taking it. It's to be respected. So, when I smoke up, I go gym, or take care of chores, gardening etc. I can really embrace what I'm working on. No need for gaming etc., the trip is in the hard work.

    • 1 year ago

      >the whole point of weed is to introspectively work through your shit, not repress it
      Weed only works like that in the beginning for most people. And after a little while it becomes more of a reality-escape similar to alcohol. Potheads are probably the most lazy and uninspired group of addicts. Shit, even heroin addicts are running around washing windshields and picking up bottles along the road

  17. 1 year ago

    Don’t do drugs kids

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