Is this appealing to real females? Iam being serious so please no trolling

Is this appealing to real females?
Iam being serious so please no trolling

Thalidomide Vintage Ad Shirt $22.14

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Thalidomide Vintage Ad Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 year ago

    We will need to see the females favorite part to know for sure, the anus.

  2. 1 year ago

    you will have better luck with gay men im afraid

    • 1 year ago
      Faggot Hall Monitor

      No homo... right anon? Right?

      shut up homosexual

  3. 1 year ago

    Ask females then

  4. 1 year ago

    if you mean, y-chromosome'd females, then yes

  5. 1 year ago

    holy frick how do i get htis body is this natty???
    t. twink

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      just open up grindr, a gay friend tells me you can get pretty much any guy with any kind of body

      • 1 year ago

        im not asking for a bf with a body like that (although that would be nice) i myself want that body

  6. 1 year ago

    No homo... right anon? Right?

  7. 1 year ago

    Girls love abs, big biceps, good ass and a firm (not necessarly big) chest, you are golden dude, they will gasp and wet themselves if you pull up your shirt not even kidding

    • 1 year ago

      women dont love ass, whoever made that up should get the rope

      • 1 year ago

        Cope, asslet.

        • 1 year ago

          cope for sure, everytime i get a pro massage,
          i get at least one comment about my beautiful booty. They always spend extra time on it. Only flipside is the attraction of gay dudes, that touch you from time to time like some monkeys

      • 1 year ago

        bro my gf is the only reason i started doing hip thrust, she gets soaking wet after touching my glorious mountain of a muscly man ass

  8. 1 year ago

    You get a body like this for yourself. Never for a woman. If you want to appeal to a woman, just have a lot of money.

    • 1 year ago

      >If you want to appeal to a woman, just have a lot of money.
      Easiest way to get cucked, get with a woman that only wants your money
      She'll spend it and frick men she actually likes on the side

      • 1 year ago

        Women expect you to have enough money, but anything beyond that won’t increase attraction.

        You can become a millionaire and buy a diamond ring to attract women if you want, but money can’t buy you love.

        The morale of the story was to ignore women. They're not worth your time.

    • 1 year ago

      >If you want to appeal to a woman, just have a lot of money.
      Easiest way to get cucked, get with a woman that only wants your money
      She'll spend it and frick men she actually likes on the side

      Women expect you to have enough money, but anything beyond that won’t increase attraction.

      You can become a millionaire and buy a diamond ring to attract women if you want, but money can’t buy you love.

      • 1 year ago

        I don’t know if I was entirely clear, the women are attracted to the diamond ring itself, not the person.

      • 1 year ago

        > implying women can love
        They can't.

    • 1 year ago

      Imagine putting all that work into this physique, only to have a face like that.

      • 1 year ago

        Post face

  9. 1 year ago

    if you want to know what's appealing to real females read fanfiction.

    i have been on a teen wolf fanfic kick recently and it's a goldmine if you care about knowing what gets the female slime pit oozing.

    the gist of it is women like fitness model type guys who are deeply wounded but talk openly about their hurt feelings (after some perfunctory macho posing) and then allow themselves to be comforted.

    femoids are much more emotional creatures than we are. the body is more there as a prop for the personality, it's like how you would wear a cop uniform if you're a cop. your body is your "alpha" uniform but it's what's inside that they actually care about, the uniform is just how they know which guys they wanna waste time talking to.

    that's assuming you want a relationship though, if you just want to pump and dump bawds then it's more about persona than personality. a pump and dump is more about the fantasy of being 'ravaged', the night of wild bacchanalian fun with a satyr. once again your body is your "uniform" for being able to deliver that fantasy. the problem i notice with guys is that they think that the body is enough but it's not, women don't work that way. women want a "narrative experience", they want you to be archetypal (but not stereotypical). so lean into it, is what i'm saying. dress like a character and act it out, treat it like roleplay that starts even before you meet the girl. play up the frat bro or finance bro or "sensitive guy" elements. this is only for one-night-stands though.

    i guess to summarise my rambling blog post,
    only if you can back it up with an actual personality that they can engage with, it's no good if they just bounce off you even if you actually are complex and multifaceted, you have to let them in
    >one night stand
    only if you lean into the character and give them a fantasy

    • 1 year ago

      >if you want to know what's appealing to real females read fanfiction.
      addendum: don't actually do this

      • 1 year ago

        >i have been on a teen wolf fanfic kick recently
        i stopped here. i don't know what board you belong on but it isn't this one. >>>"geyboiland"

        b***h shut the frick up no one tells your asses shit because you like to live off a Conan the barbarian fantasy where you're some grunt caveman's b***h, women such as yourself hate themselves so much that the closest behavior to your gender is automatically labeled as homosexualry, we tell each other how we feel all the time( not just in your degenerate twink hentai you nasty ass b***h) we just don't tell YOU shit. Which i'll never do, never did, never will. Oh and read real books instead of this pedantic romanticization of your porn addiction

        You guys don't know shit about Female Psyche. Yes they want Adonis bodies, but go look up what females use as "pornography." Hint: It's not actually porn: It's exactly what OP is saying.

    • 1 year ago

      >i have been on a teen wolf fanfic kick recently
      i stopped here. i don't know what board you belong on but it isn't this one. >>>"geyboiland"

      • 1 year ago

        i came here when it was health and fitness and never left.

        • 1 year ago

          why would you... how? i can't imagine reading that shit.. let alone binge it christ..

          • 1 year ago

            i read so much fricking stuff anon, you have no idea how desperate i am for anything even passably entertaining. teen wolf is a huge fandom and i don't hate werewolves and i actually enjoy the high school superpower cliche so it's a decent place to look for stuff to read.

            the problem with female writers isn't necessarily that they're bad writers, it's that they don't know how to write men and so all the men come out simultaneously as sensitive cavemen. the hurt feelings stuff i don't mind, trauma and recovery is fine and usually lends itself well to plot-driven work, but the relationship stuff just drags because in true female style they talk endlessly about their feelings without ever fricking resolving them. the whole story is like couples therapy where the plot is the therapist that only exits to highlight different bad aspects of the relationship so that they can be talked about until finally the relationship is perfect and so the plot is allowed to end.

            this is probably the best example of what i've read recently that i can give you, and COINCIDENTALLY the main character is stuck as a wolf and so the focus on relationship drama is necessarily almost zero and so it can't drag too much. it's a 33,000 worder that i read recently, although in true fanfiction fashion at least the first 2,600 words are completely unnecessary


            never clicking that link is a respectable choice that i would support, btw

            • 1 year ago

              >the problem with female writers isn't necessarily that they're bad writers, it's that they don't know how to write men
              sorry, correction

              the problem with female writers isn't necessarily that they're bad men, it's that they don't know how to write men BUT WON'T WRITE ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE.

              you know 99% of men write about men? well so do 99% of women lol. even women know their gender is worthless. women just aren't very interesting because they don't DO things. they have neither responsibilities nor ambitions.

            • 1 year ago

              >never clicking that link is a respectable choice that i would support, btw
              nailed it
              >the problem with female writers
              lol i didn't ask, admittedly nor do i care about female writers broadly
              >you have no idea how desperate i am for anything even passably entertaining
              this is worth exploring, are you unemployed by any chance? further, man doesn't live for or to be entertained.. i'm almost certain you're a women, or one strange mother fella. i'd recommend reading and doing things that are productive, that improve yourself, your live, further your ambitions, or improve the lives of your family or broader. community. i'm troubled by your lust for entertainment.

              • 1 year ago

                >this is worth exploring, are you unemployed by any chance?
                lol no

                >further, man doesn't live for or to be entertained.. i'm almost certain you're a women, or one strange mother fella.
                eh, i find that fanfiction is more experimental and potentially more interesting than published stuff, for obvious reasons, but i read published stuff too. next book i'm reading is All Systems Red, which is supposedly quite good. it's about a rogue murderbot that becomes sentient but still loves to murder. should be a good palette cleanser after teen wolf fanfic lol.

                >i'd recommend reading and doing things that are productive, that improve yourself, your live, further your ambitions, or improve the lives of your family or broader. community.
                lol i do those too bro

                >i'm troubled by your lust for entertainment.
                s'all good, i do awright.

              • 1 year ago

                i accept, i've read your posts and am grateful for the gift of your distilled teen wolf fanfic learnings.

              • 1 year ago

                i read teen wolf fanfic to learn about the female brain so that other anons don't have to. remember me ;_;7

              • 1 year ago

                thank you for your service teen wolf fanfic anon o7

              • 1 year ago

                I deffinately live to be entertained and I dont think theres anything wrong with that. Being entertained just means thatyou find shortterm happiness from something, which I dont find bad in the slightest.

                Or cource, instant gratification like tiktok is bad because it hurts your attention span and makes you feel like shit if you do endulge in it for too long.

                But the peron your replying to was just reading something. Just because it was fanfic doesn't mean its inherantly bad. Life isn't just about improving. Entertainment is a very important part of getting happiness out of your life.

                It really feels like your just some red pilled loser that lurks on tiktok and IST all the time and is completely disconnected from reality. Or maybe your just trying to look "sigma" to us here (and are failing miserably). Im almost surtain its the second option because you ended off your red pilled rant with "Im troubled by your lust for entertainment", which is a scentence that no one would ever use naturally. your whole post resenates the same wierd red pilled loser energy as that last scentence. I dont know why you really think entertainment is some sort of mortal sin.

              • 1 year ago

                Your post reads like you're a reformed redneck who became literate and started college

              • 1 year ago

                This post should be in a museum. Idon't even give a shit about the argument, the spelling is just too fricking funny

            • 1 year ago

              >i read so much fricking stuff anon
              you read trash and you're an embarrassment
              don't speak for other women

            • 1 year ago

              Try Gaunts Ghosts
              And Thrawn

    • 1 year ago

      The gospel of white liberal women lmao

      • 1 year ago

        unironically lol. you read enough of it and you start to notice what it all has in common. the "good relationships" always involve a lot of paying attention to each other, noticing when each other is feeling sad, just being "present" without necessarily saying or doing anything just obviously wanting to be around each other, a lot of "quiet reassurance" and being available but not insistent, but coming to the rescue when it's required. and any time there's dramatic tension they always just sit down and listen to each other's hurt feelings and then they're sad together and agree that they wuv each other and will do better next time 🙁 🙂

        there's all the shit men know about like being strong and capable and respected and having authority, but it's this more subtle stuff that's interesting to me.

        i find it comical because so much of it is yaoi and i'm reading two strong male leads having this deep, heartfelt conversation about how they feel that goes on for paragraphs and i'm just thinking the whole time lmao, b***h, that's not how men talk to each other. you'd be lucky to get two sentences grunted out while drunk and then it would never be spoken of again for the next 40 years, not forgotten but just ignored, added to the quiet collection of hurt feelings and old wounds that men "don't have"

        it's funny actually how incompatible men and women are. all women want to do is be heard and understood, even if not necessarily agreed with. and all men want to do is find out who's right and who's wrong as fast as possible and then "fix" the problem. can't imagine two attitudes that fit together worse. literally destined for conflict haha.

        fanfic is gonna be a pretty narrow slice of femoid, sure, but it's not like these fundamental sexual drives vary thaaaat much.

        • 1 year ago

          >i'm reading two strong male leads having this deep, heartfelt conversation about how they feel that goes on for paragraphs

          • 1 year ago

            Women, lmao.

            • 1 year ago

              >Gay men still love breasts

              • 1 year ago

                Muscular breasts

              • 1 year ago

                Or mits, as we call them in the business.

                Enjoy next time you look in the mirror and find yourself calling your pecs your mits in your head, anon. It will happen to you.

              • 1 year ago

                what have you done to me?

            • 1 year ago

              So, straight woman like
              >males with giant hands, lanky proportions, narrow and pointed chins, and pretty eyes in dress shirts.
              Gay men like
              >big muscular guys with wide jaws/rugged features, and jockstraps.

            • 1 year ago

              the bara/yaoi dichotomy

            • 1 year ago

              What's with the giant hands in every yaoi manga? I heard it's a woman thing somewhere.

              • 1 year ago

                This girl I know keeps going on about how my hands are so big, I think she might be dtf

              • 1 year ago


                Dude to female?

              • 1 year ago

                Big hands means big fingers…
                Now do some decuctions.

              • 1 year ago

                Its supposed to look elegant and pretty.

              • 1 year ago

                They see big hands like how we see big breasts.

              • 1 year ago

                women like being made to feel small and feminine and like to get manhandled and having big hands ticks all these boxes
                from experience it is an extremely common trope in fanfics (almost exclusively written by women) - "large square hands", often described as calloused too

        • 1 year ago

          b***h shut the frick up no one tells your asses shit because you like to live off a Conan the barbarian fantasy where you're some grunt caveman's b***h, women such as yourself hate themselves so much that the closest behavior to your gender is automatically labeled as homosexualry, we tell each other how we feel all the time( not just in your degenerate twink hentai you nasty ass b***h) we just don't tell YOU shit. Which i'll never do, never did, never will. Oh and read real books instead of this pedantic romanticization of your porn addiction

          • 1 year ago

            are you okay anon? would you like to talk about it?

            • 1 year ago

              No I was just thinking about Elijah from the sierra Madre dlc of fallout NV and how time has been against him his entire life and shit

              • 1 year ago

                that's fair enough, but i preferred honest hearts 😉

                men do talk about their feelings, obviously, in a way that is sufficient for men. but men don't talk about their feelings in the way that women want them to talk about their feelings.

                if i was to articulate the difference, men state how they're feeling. "i am sad." "i am angry." etc. and then either commiserate with each other or do something practical to help/distract.

                what women want is "i am really sad but when you're here with me it makes everything okay" or "you and me are fighting right now but i love you and would go through hell for you anyway and this will all work out" and shit like that, sort of this constant soft psychological stroking like you would pet a dog that was worried during a thunderstorm or whatever. just this endless nonstop back and forth update like there's a cable between your brains. but there is no cable so instead you have to talk. endlessly. and the content of that "talk" is meaningless, it's just sharing your moment-to-moment emotional state and engaging in psychological petting/stroking reassurance.

                it's not the same which is why people always fight over it.

              • 1 year ago

                Well duh being nice and stroking a b***h's ego sure helps
                >Hahaha my momma sure died and I'm surely sad but goddamn babe if your breasts ain't better than hers were

                It's also prudent to remember that the longevity of any relationship relies upon the balance of scarcity across respective alternatives, i.e relative attractiveness and capacity for emotional manipulation and abuse, basically ; how valuable is your partner relative to the alternatives available to you and how you can inflate your own value above your own alternatives.
                What you're describing is merely fantasy, the anons here(including myself) did not develop this transactional lookist outlook on life out of some ivory tower intellectualism or armchair philosophy or even pornography addiction, this is what each of us experienced day in and day out throughout teenagehood adolescence all the way to adult life. You really don't know shit and think That being the "vulnerable supportive" comfy goofy gay wolf is the keplar of romantic success

              • 1 year ago

                you're a IST user so it's safe to assume you're ugly and have no skills. so if human relationships are transactional then at least you failed in a way that you can understand - you don't have enough sexmoney to transact for a girlfriend. your transactionalist ideas explain why you're alone in a way that is tough, but ultimately impersonal; ugliness isn't a choice, and having no skills is regrettable but ultimately not personal.

                but if human relationships are not (that) transactional, if human relationships aren't actually that cynical, then your ugliness and lack of skills are no longer a sufficient explanation for why you are alone and instead it just boils back down to what you used to think, before you had this convenient excuse - that you are unlovable. that the problem is you. not your appearance, not your lack of skills or money or resources, but you. the problem is who you are. the problem is that even people who would look past your ugliness and uselessness would still not find a single thing about you that they wanted to have around them. your jokes aren't funny, your insights are trite when they aren't simply wrong, and your lack of kindness and empathy just makes you exhausting and creepy instead of hardboiled.

                better to believe that you just don't have enough sexmoney to buy a girlfriend, right? i can see the appeal of your transactionalist ideas lmao

              • 1 year ago

                savage. tldr the transactional view point is cope

              • 1 year ago

                isn't the majority of the sexmoney a function of immutable characteristics? i fail to see how it meaningfully differs from the second option

              • 1 year ago

                i'm more essentialist than most people you'll meet so i definitely get where you're coming from. there are two things to think about here.

                the first is whether these "soft" traits like having a positive outlook and not complaining too much are "immutable". to an extent i think that they are, some people through no fault of their own will have a very hard time maintaining a positive outlook. but i think we can all do better if we try. you don't have to be your best self to earn the "right" to complain about it, i don't think, but if you're not at least trying i will definitely make fun of you. and for most people who aren't on the extreme of the spectrum i think there's scope to make pretty large improvements. your personality doesn't change much over your life but being introverted is not the same as being whiny and complaining about everything before you've even tried it. and if you've ever hung out with complainers you'll know exactly why they tend not to get invited back a second time.

                the second is what hayek said when he was talking about prisons - 'i do not hold a man responsible because as he was he might have acted differently, but to make him different'. according to hayek, threatening someone with jail may not be just because that person may not be able to freely choose to not break the law ('immutable characteristics') - but the existence of jail sentences causes people's "unfree choices" to be different. to be clear, the people who don't break the law are also choosing unfreely. thus the point of consequences is not to modify the behaviour of the person you punish, but everyone else. in the same way, anon may not be able to alter himself sufficiently to become "acceptable" in normie society through no fault of his own, but nevertheless the project of "persecuting" him for it has social benefits no matter how little he deserves it.

                i don't really like the hayek argument but you deserve to know about it in this context

              • 1 year ago

                >that person may not be able to freely choose to not break the law ('immutable characteristics')
                You reminded me of this self-made prisons scene; I've been meaning to watch the whole of this movie.

              • 1 year ago

                >my dinner with andre
                frick i still need to watch that. a friend linked me a fricking hilarious video where the guy was talking about entertainment becoming increasingly passive and people's attention spans shortening, and that clip was edited in like one of those tiktoks with the split-screen minecraft jumping and train running. it was meta perfection.

                thanks for reminding me anon, i will definitely follow this up.

              • 1 year ago

                >positive outlook and not complaining too much are "immutable". to an extent i think that they are
                not that guy, but i reject this. your outlook, perspective, attitude, are all you have. see the stoics. and for those who know the truth, that those who seeketh, findeth and so fourth. most people are mids, male and female, they are so because of lack of effort, or desire to exceed being mids. but 80% fall in the center of the bell curve, and CAN work their way to the outer ends.. both positively and negative.

              • 1 year ago

                i interpreted you to mean that most people can change their outlooks, for example, and i agree to an extent. people who have highly neurotic personalities won't be able to change that much, so they're always going to have more negative thoughts than others and be more stressed-out.

                but things like vocalising your constant complaints to the people around you is not a personality trait, it's a behaviour. unless you have tourettes or something you can choose (to the extent that choice exists) not to speak, for example. we know that people can change their behaviours - for example, start going to the gym. or STOP going to the gym.

                this is a big part of therapy, for example. i've got a friend who's pretty suicidal and his therapy is actually not "talking about his feelings" like people tend to think, although there is some of that. but most of it is learning and practicing how to modify behaviours - "when you get into a spiral of negative thoughts, you should do X to snap yourself out of them" ; "when you start engaging in negative self-talk like i'm worthless and nobody loves me, you should do Y breathing exercise". of course it's not perfect and it doesn't make the sadness or depression go away, but that's not the point. he's neurotic off the charts, he's always gonna have a lot of negative emotion. the point is to modify behaviour. in his case, the point is to modify his behaviour away from trying to kill himself again. and this is achievable, it does work. not perfectly but hey.

                so there isn't a straight through line from personality into behaviour, and that's my point (to the extent that i have one): i am pretty essentialist, but it's not an excuse for malingering. which is why i don't think that bitter anon's explanation that he's doomed to be unloved holds water. i don't think he is. but i think he wants to think he is, because it means he didn't fail. more than that, it means he doesn't even have to try.

              • 1 year ago

                lol this is incredibly true tbh, and also explains my social demise

                13->16yo very popular, positive, aspie and hyperanalytical but in optimistic sense which worked in my favour for developing my personality

                16-17/18 -> post-covid in a new school, depressed, spirit broken by being isolation, consumed and warped by blackpill media distorting my view of the world. truly just a rigid shell of a human to anyone I could talk to, 0 wit, charisma anything, a stark contrast from the prior class clown. made 0 effort to pursue any friendships and spent the next 2 years of school as a mute and any semblance of social skills annihilated

                I remember how much I detested this one guy at my old school who would hang out with an adjacent group, always had to complain, talk about how much his life sucked and had 0 energy. completely - ruining my own mood and lo and behold I had become him!

                now I am lost, I've adjusted myself more to my situation and am conscious in trying to be positive, have humility, lovable but every interaction now bears the undertones of my alienation, of which it even did slightly pre-descension due to aspieness but without the ominousness it now has.

                been neeting since grauding hs last year, not sure what to do tbh

                I like the idea of learning to dance, hopefully being able to take me out of the rigid sense of mind I seem to inhabit now


                also read dominated by dug, maby u liek it. I imagine women would find great satisfaction in it, maybe even more than homosexs

              • 1 year ago

                >now I am lost, I've adjusted myself more to my situation and am conscious in trying to be positive, have humility, lovable but every interaction now bears the undertones of my alienation, of which it even did slightly pre-descension due to aspieness but without the ominousness it now has.

                aw, shut up homie

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                dude where did you come from

              • 1 year ago

                Lmao oh nooo god forbid someone calls you on your pathetic world view inspired from a gay porn plot because the moment you try to think of something coherent outside of it you just revert back to "hahaha I bet you have a small dick" response and give yourself a big pat on the back for it. Go home and touch books you low iq troclodyte

              • 1 year ago

                you're a guy standing under a shower and telling the world it's raining lol. people have been making fun of bitter losers like you and your sour grapes "everybody sucks" cynicism for literally millennia. your theory coheres with the experiences of a tiny fringe of spiteful outcasts who are trying to spin their misery into a positive by pretending it gives them exclusive insights into the human condition or something.

                in reality you know frick-all about the human condition because humans can't fricking stand to be around you, lol. the interactions that you have with people are transactional because unless you have something they need nobody wants to even come close enough to you for you to get a shot off at them, just in case today's the day you snap.

              • 1 year ago

                Yes yes I'm very aghast now and this is bound to break me in pieces I bet it will, but you still need to read you know? You can't be functionally illiterate like this can't you? C'mon anon it isn't that hard I'm sure the estrogen pills can't have fricked with your brain this badly

              • 1 year ago

                why would i take advice from someone who's so obviously unhappy lmao

              • 1 year ago

                Because it's good for your brains dear, while larping as a sage on IST and larping as a woman in real life surely makes you happy as I can see, you obviously lack the intellect for the first and the womb for the second

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                you're a IST user so it's safe to assume you're ugly and have no skills. so if human relationships are transactional then at least you failed in a way that you can understand - you don't have enough sexmoney to transact for a girlfriend. your transactionalist ideas explain why you're alone in a way that is tough, but ultimately impersonal; ugliness isn't a choice, and having no skills is regrettable but ultimately not personal.

                but if human relationships are not (that) transactional, if human relationships aren't actually that cynical, then your ugliness and lack of skills are no longer a sufficient explanation for why you are alone and instead it just boils back down to what you used to think, before you had this convenient excuse - that you are unlovable. that the problem is you. not your appearance, not your lack of skills or money or resources, but you. the problem is who you are. the problem is that even people who would look past your ugliness and uselessness would still not find a single thing about you that they wanted to have around them. your jokes aren't funny, your insights are trite when they aren't simply wrong, and your lack of kindness and empathy just makes you exhausting and creepy instead of hardboiled.

                better to believe that you just don't have enough sexmoney to buy a girlfriend, right? i can see the appeal of your transactionalist ideas lmao

                I have read enough female novels to know this is a women

              • 1 year ago


              • 1 year ago

                Both transactionalism and your hippie homosexual view of how to get a gf are wrong.
                Things happen on their own if you are neurotypical, there is no "trying".
                You're trying to explain a neurotypical perspective to an autist, the two are incompatible.
                The reality is that if you're mentally normal, you don't need to change your strategy to get pussy, and if you aren't mentally normal, you will stumble and fail because you CANNOT be anything else.
                TL;DR NT>height, face, physique, money

              • 1 year ago

                >this constant soft psychological stroking like you would pet a dog that was worried during a thunderstorm or whatever
                yes, this is very cozy and exactly what I want

        • 1 year ago

          Very good post, anon.

    • 1 year ago

      he's right

      • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Anon is unironically completely right, I read this whole post aloud to my gf and she fully agreed

      • 1 year ago

        women verbally all agree that personality and all this bullshit is most important until you look at the data of how they actually choose their partners

        • 1 year ago

          I don't know why they do that. When you see that cliche in media where someone say something like "nice guys don't get the girl" they roll their eyes like its so wrong but its mostly like that in practice. Maybe the saying is simplified but its not wrong.

    • 1 year ago

      unironically lol. you read enough of it and you start to notice what it all has in common. the "good relationships" always involve a lot of paying attention to each other, noticing when each other is feeling sad, just being "present" without necessarily saying or doing anything just obviously wanting to be around each other, a lot of "quiet reassurance" and being available but not insistent, but coming to the rescue when it's required. and any time there's dramatic tension they always just sit down and listen to each other's hurt feelings and then they're sad together and agree that they wuv each other and will do better next time 🙁 🙂

      there's all the shit men know about like being strong and capable and respected and having authority, but it's this more subtle stuff that's interesting to me.

      i find it comical because so much of it is yaoi and i'm reading two strong male leads having this deep, heartfelt conversation about how they feel that goes on for paragraphs and i'm just thinking the whole time lmao, b***h, that's not how men talk to each other. you'd be lucky to get two sentences grunted out while drunk and then it would never be spoken of again for the next 40 years, not forgotten but just ignored, added to the quiet collection of hurt feelings and old wounds that men "don't have"

      it's funny actually how incompatible men and women are. all women want to do is be heard and understood, even if not necessarily agreed with. and all men want to do is find out who's right and who's wrong as fast as possible and then "fix" the problem. can't imagine two attitudes that fit together worse. literally destined for conflict haha.

      fanfic is gonna be a pretty narrow slice of femoid, sure, but it's not like these fundamental sexual drives vary thaaaat much.

      that's fair enough, but i preferred honest hearts 😉

      men do talk about their feelings, obviously, in a way that is sufficient for men. but men don't talk about their feelings in the way that women want them to talk about their feelings.

      if i was to articulate the difference, men state how they're feeling. "i am sad." "i am angry." etc. and then either commiserate with each other or do something practical to help/distract.

      what women want is "i am really sad but when you're here with me it makes everything okay" or "you and me are fighting right now but i love you and would go through hell for you anyway and this will all work out" and shit like that, sort of this constant soft psychological stroking like you would pet a dog that was worried during a thunderstorm or whatever. just this endless nonstop back and forth update like there's a cable between your brains. but there is no cable so instead you have to talk. endlessly. and the content of that "talk" is meaningless, it's just sharing your moment-to-moment emotional state and engaging in psychological petting/stroking reassurance.

      it's not the same which is why people always fight over it.

      you're a IST user so it's safe to assume you're ugly and have no skills. so if human relationships are transactional then at least you failed in a way that you can understand - you don't have enough sexmoney to transact for a girlfriend. your transactionalist ideas explain why you're alone in a way that is tough, but ultimately impersonal; ugliness isn't a choice, and having no skills is regrettable but ultimately not personal.

      but if human relationships are not (that) transactional, if human relationships aren't actually that cynical, then your ugliness and lack of skills are no longer a sufficient explanation for why you are alone and instead it just boils back down to what you used to think, before you had this convenient excuse - that you are unlovable. that the problem is you. not your appearance, not your lack of skills or money or resources, but you. the problem is who you are. the problem is that even people who would look past your ugliness and uselessness would still not find a single thing about you that they wanted to have around them. your jokes aren't funny, your insights are trite when they aren't simply wrong, and your lack of kindness and empathy just makes you exhausting and creepy instead of hardboiled.

      better to believe that you just don't have enough sexmoney to buy a girlfriend, right? i can see the appeal of your transactionalist ideas lmao

      Holy shit lmao. So being masculine then revealing your emotions? In what way? How do you even go about this without looking like a little b***h? Do you reveal some sort of traumatic past?

      • 1 year ago

        Weakness is cringe and gives the ick to females but you should show some vulnerability. I know how gay it sounds but think about it. Girls love cute animals,babies etc. Its because they can be hurt so their inner mom takes over and they want to keep it close/protect it. I dont trust anyone so im not giving anything away that can hurt. Thats why i give a believable lie so that they can see that im also human and if they try to hurt in the future it wont work cuz its a lie. Idk i used to be pretty popular in the past and had some gfs but for the past years i have been a reclusive schizo

        • 1 year ago

          >show some vulnerability
          Give an example im moronic lmao
          Like a scenario or something

          • 1 year ago

            Bad childhood memories or stuff that bothers you. Your pet/loved one dying. Dont be a cry baby about it but when the moment is right say something like I had an uncle that passed away when I was a kid. Really wacky dude, he once threw his tv out of the window because he thought people were spying on him. He gave my first ever beer and always made me laugh with his childish jokes. I really miss him yk.
            I dont have an uncle but you can say something like that. Show that you care about your loved ones and that them not being there hurts you

            • 1 year ago

              Now i remember, I used to talk with my gfs about some traumas of my childhood. Some were exaggerated events but that doesnt really matter. How my mom used to beat me when I was just a kid and how after all these years it bothers me because I still dont know what i did wrong. ( I really dont care but again that doesnt matter if they believe me). Also be carefull not to speak too much about it. Just once is enough, dont dwell on it or make it your personality.

          • 1 year ago

            My husband is very stoic and not very vulnerable. He's only been emotionally open when I've had too sharp of a tongue and when he mentioned a painting reminded him of his mother

          • 1 year ago

            Being vulnerable is just the opposite of being guarded. Share what you're thinking about. Be open to new experiences and people. Be outgoing. That vulnerability is attractive to women.

        • 1 year ago

          There's a big difference too, between weakness and vulnerability. Vulnerability means risk taking, which is inherently masculine and attractive to women. But not only the normal macho conception of risk taking, you gotta take emotional risks too to have a meaningful partnership. Be willing to speak your mind and be open about your feelings and what's most important to you, even if it's something they might not want to hear. If course, this doesn't work if not combined with a positive, optimistic outlook

          • 1 year ago

            Yeah, I think of weakness stuff that can hurt you which is human but why would anyone talk about that. While vulnerability is talking about stuff that hurt you in the past and while you are still bothered by it, You are trying to overcome it and be a stronger person. Is simply respectable

      • 1 year ago

        t. too moronic to understand the nuances. There's no hope for you, give up.

    • 1 year ago

      >muh personality, muh persona, muh roleplay
      acual bluepill moron

      • 1 year ago

        this is foundational redpill you posing homosexual

        • 1 year ago

          redpill is not fricking personality. redpill is money and frame bullshit. frick off moron

    • 1 year ago

      Growing up I was reading a bunch of harry potter fanfiction. I liked reading romance shit, drama and that crap. I shit you not I was channeling drama romance fanfiction with the girls and it fricking worked, I actually thought it helped me. And they thought I was so romantic and shit. kek Of course we were preteen morons.

    • 1 year ago


      Any suggestions for reading

    • 1 year ago

      >i have been on a teen wolf fanfic kick

      I'll rather not have sex ever again than stare into that abyss.

    • 1 year ago

      This is why I love IST more than any other incel board here.

    • 1 year ago

      Kek this is fricking genius, this is why autism is a superpower you think of shit like this that a normie would never even conceive.

    • 1 year ago

      /thread. This anon knows what the frick is up. I'd say "write a book" but books are for shitters that can't condense the message. This post is perfect.

      • 1 year ago

        No, he does not. Men feel stronger emotions than women.

    • 1 year ago

      >he took actual character archetypes and tried projecting them into real life
      kek, based autist

  10. 1 year ago

    Great physique bro, honestly. But if you have body hair or facial hair, let it grow. Even if women say they don’t, they love it. It’s masculinity at its peak. The shaved look will attract more men.

    • 1 year ago

      You look fine. About the upper level of how big you should be to attract women.

      Not sure if you did this, but probably don’t shave your entire body like a weirdo, but being neat and trimmed is fine.

      Also, I don’t know what your face looks like, so I don’t know if women would like it.

      Shoe your front. You look kinda feminine to me honestly. I don’t really like no body hair look.

      shaving makes you look 10x gayer
      i can tell because i sure am liking what i'm seeing

      >absolutely no chest hair
      Sorry, bro.

      OP here, I don't have any body hair, what do you want me to do? Swim in a pool of minoxidil every night?

      • 1 year ago

        I am hairy as a bear and my girlfriend told me to shave and I told her to frick off and now she loves me hairy.

      • 1 year ago

        When I was 14 I had no hair on my chest. By the time I was 18 I had a patch about 2 inches square on my sternum. By the tie I was 25, it covered my pecs.
        As far as men I know that's pretty normal. You are asserting that you have no hair at all on your chest? How old are you?

        • 1 year ago

          Im 26 and i have none, its just genetics

      • 1 year ago

        Body hair sucks don't begrudge your blessing.

    • 1 year ago

      as a girl, I disagree. With the kind of body op has, shaved is best. Because he's pale, beautiful and looks like some marble statue. His frame and proportions are perfect, it looks better visually not having any hair. I used to think hairy guys are best until I met my bf, who shaves completely, and he looks like an angel.

      • 1 year ago

        Oh my god nobody cares shut up

      • 1 year ago


  11. 1 year ago

    You look fine. About the upper level of how big you should be to attract women.

    Not sure if you did this, but probably don’t shave your entire body like a weirdo, but being neat and trimmed is fine.

    Also, I don’t know what your face looks like, so I don’t know if women would like it.

  12. 1 year ago

    Shoe your front. You look kinda feminine to me honestly. I don’t really like no body hair look.

  13. 1 year ago

    clippers > shaving for (most) body hair. you don't look like a newborn child but you also don't look like the wolfman. it's also way easier and faster.

  14. 1 year ago

    oh you just know it's pink

    • 1 year ago

      What? What is pink???

  15. 1 year ago

    Yes very, what are you into

  16. 1 year ago

    shaving makes you look 10x gayer
    i can tell because i sure am liking what i'm seeing

  17. 1 year ago

    Yes, #nohomosexual tho

  18. 1 year ago

    god-tier muscular development and definition my dude, hugely mirin

  19. 1 year ago

    Nah you pose like a female. You're lacking masculine features that make you rugged or aggressive. You really look like a soft twunk bottom


  20. 1 year ago

    its appealing to all the gay men here, so yes

  21. 1 year ago

    too muscley sory rip bozo

  22. 1 year ago

    I'm a troony and I find it attractive, but I'm a troony/gay. So you might only be attractive to men.

  23. 1 year ago

    idk but its appealing to me
    t. fake female

  24. 1 year ago

    unless you have atleast 8 inch penis

  25. 1 year ago

    Bro is not skipping leg day
    In fact you might be doing too many leg days

  26. 1 year ago

    >Is this appealing to real females?
    Not if you're an awkward autist.

  27. 1 year ago

    Work on your squats your butt is lacking.

  28. 1 year ago

    >absolutely no chest hair
    Sorry, bro.

  29. 1 year ago

    Unfortunate twink genetics
    I share the same curse

    • 1 year ago

      Fortunate twink genetics
      I share the same blessing

      the duality of twinks

      post body gays

  30. 1 year ago

    Fortunate twink genetics
    I share the same blessing

  31. 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      please post more <3

    • 1 year ago

      No anus no proof.

    • 1 year ago

      It's hard to tell from the meme angle, but it looks like you have a top tier physique lad

    • 1 year ago

      how do i achieve that bro

      • 1 year ago

        anglefrauding and being 5'7"
        i had been lifting for 2 and something years on that pic. now im at 3 and 5 months. just lift until faliure and eat protein

        • 1 year ago

          Post more of your hot body

          • 1 year ago

            will yall pay if i start an onlyfans

            • 1 year ago

              I would if I had any money

        • 1 year ago

          What do you do for work?

  32. 1 year ago

    Yes! T. Real female

  33. 1 year ago

    Why do you have hair on your legs but none on your chest?

  34. 1 year ago

    >Women are not actually attracted to men. There is a vague idea of what a man is physically, and some are better than others aesthetically speaking, but the purely physical appearance of a man is almost inconsequential unless he is horribly ugly or outrageously handsome.

    >Women are attracted to status, money, how much a man smiles and laughs, how many friends and resources he has, how full a man's life is - how many "cool," "exciting" and prestigious things he is doing or connected to.

    >They are interested in how other people view him - how many people want to be around him, how other people interact with him and whether their interactions convey that he his special and amazing. They want him to be extremely outgoing and aggressive, they want him to demonstrate his status over other people by dominating them in various non-violent ways.

    >A woman's attraction to a man is a function of her jealousy at the thought of another woman having that man. She doesn't care who he actually is or exactly what he looks like physically, she only cares about the VALUE of the life he has constructed around himself.

    >A woman basically is a greedy, materialistic prostitute. Although that sounds vulgar, it's true. She trades her physical self to buy into the success a man has created for himself.

    • 1 year ago

      >woman care about the life a man builds himself, rather than his own appearance
      >men care about a woman's sex appeal more than anything else about her
      How are you spinning this as a bad thing? Just don't be a loser and you can get laid. As long as you aren't genetically deformed this means you can get laid.

      • 1 year ago

        Can you coach an 18 year old incel. Drop ur email

  35. 1 year ago

    demoralization thread

  36. 1 year ago

    You look like a Ken doll. I bet your crotch looks like a Ken dolls crotch too

    • 1 year ago

      Just say you want to see his dick, man, don't be shy

      • 1 year ago

        A Ken doll doesn't have a dick. That'd the joke. Way above your head, I see

        • 1 year ago

          Are you fricking moronic? I know the supposed joke you were trying to make but I also know it was a lame attempt to lure this guy into showing his wiener becuase you are just a raging homosexual
          Go get raped by a gang of Black folk

  37. 1 year ago

    We are suffering greatly from an overabundance of bottoms and a serious lack of tops.

    • 1 year ago

      how do i become a top? no homosexual haha

      • 1 year ago

        If you have to ask you will never be one. Tops are naturally aggressive and masculine.

      • 1 year ago

        If you have to ask you will never be one. Tops are naturally aggressive and masculine.

        what is a top vs a bottom? can someone eli5 this me in very simple terms? like is it missionary position for reference or doggystyle?

        • 1 year ago

          fricker vs frickee

        • 1 year ago

          Catcher vs pitcher

  38. 1 year ago

    Yes. Even if they don't "prefer" this body type, the pure masculine energy that one emanates from the years of hard work and dedication towards sculpting the perfect male form is very attractive to them.

  39. 1 year ago

    Probably. Nice body btw.

  40. 1 year ago

    what is your routine?

  41. 1 year ago

    Show butthole and dick, no homo.

  42. 1 year ago

    Why are you asking a bunch of dudes if you are attractive to females?
    There are no women here.

  43. 1 year ago


  44. 1 year ago

    Its crazy how effective push ups are if you don't feel like doing research on how to train affectively with different exersizes. I'm only 13 and just exersize after school. I only train around 60 mins per week, but its high intensity ofc. I was way too lazy to look up an actual workout plan, so I just made one of my own, although I have made it better over the months. here it is:

    2 min stretching
    -!5 push ups
    -15 crunches
    -30 seconds rest
    15 push ups
    15 crunches
    45 seconds rest
    15 push ups
    15 crunches
    1 min rest
    15 push ups
    15 crunches
    1 min 15 seconds rest
    3 sets of 20 curls with 3 kg dumbels (30 secnds break in between)

    as you can see, there are a lot of push ups in my workouts. I just added them there when I was creating it cuz I had no dumbells back them and I didnt know what else to add, but they've been absolutely amazing for me.

    They built up my byseps, tryseps, and chest very well. Probably some other arm mustles too that I just dont know about. Maybe sholders and general above chest area (idk if its from workouts or if its just naturally very good for me, but I think its from the push ups). Btw push ups built up my biseps before I gut dumbells.

    Its crazy how push ups literally just train everything you need in upper body, at least for me. It probably wont do anything if you already have been to the gym for any amount of time, but maybe if you are a beginner they could help. Aspecially if your around as yound as me.

    but mu fitness jurny is going rly well. Im planning on eventually going to the gym and for much longer than 60 mins a week, but for now ill just slowly work up to that. Im already really happy with what I see in the mirror, even though ive only been working out for six months.

    • 1 year ago

      >I'm only 13
      post bussy

      (don't actually post bussy)

    • 1 year ago

      i would add a 30s plank before every rest.
      its a very simple routine honestly theres even more complete ones in those free apps for workout routines but nice work man 🙂

  45. 1 year ago

    I'm down for sex, give or take.

  46. 1 year ago

    What routine for this physique?? no homosexual looks good

  47. 1 year ago

    go do homosexual dances to tik tok with the other attention prostitutes, you filthy zoomer

    • 1 year ago

      Cope, fatass

  48. 1 year ago

    is certainly not unappealing. Don't expect every woman throw their soiled panties at you tho. Some maybe be very into it. If anything you have an ideal physique and that's always a plus.

  49. 1 year ago

    Not a woman.

  50. 1 year ago

    Drop the routine anon

  51. 1 year ago

    put clothes on you frickin nonce

  52. 1 year ago

    Chicks don't like overly buff men. It scares them. They like a more of a "skinny fit" and aesthetic natty build. Thin, flexible, but reasonably muscular and toned. Kind of like a better built twink. Anything more than that makes them think of "toxic masculinity". Yours is bit over buff, but probably will do.

  53. 1 year ago

    holy moly

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