Is this guy a genius or a massive pseud?

Is this guy a genius or a massive pseud? He seems to know what he's talking about but I honestly don't understand his videos

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  1. 5 months ago

    He’s a scientologist. His goal is to make you spend money on his programs and products so that he can donate it to scientology. He’s kind of a third-path guy

    • 5 months ago

      He simply repackaged Dr. Poliquin’s research methods, who was pretty based and legit, as his own but does give credit in almost every video.

      At least he’s a nice person with a family he’s trying to raise.

    • 5 months ago

      why do so many people who always seem so outwardly well put together have some weird personal life like being in some kind of cult

      • 5 months ago

        Because it's the internet. Much like Hollywood you usually need an in with an agent/publicist/manager to get big and have people see your stuff. Those guys are usually also in cults and like to support their own. The whole era spontaneous internet celebrities has largely disappeared but one in a million exceptions still exist.

        • 5 months ago

          what about mormons

          • 5 months ago

            What about them? You don't think they countless legitimate businesses to be the fundraising front of their organization? Half the vegan shills are seven-day adventists.

            • 5 months ago

              They believe all kinds of wacky stuff and have fundamentalist sects which are off the deep end, yet Mormons seem fairly normal and well put together

              • 5 months ago

                Little optics
                Lot of wealth
                Living in a fairly insular and supportive community away from dysfunctional people will do that to most.

      • 5 months ago

        It's time to get weird bros, it's the only way to adapt.

      • 5 months ago

        Because it's unironically good for you

      • 5 months ago

        because if you want to escape normie hell and still be productive and happy, it HAS TO be a CULT. But the kicker is, once you're in, you don't feel like it's a cult anymore. It's like taking the red pill. You realize everyone outside the cult only calls it a cult because they are JELLY and seething by chasing the a fake brass ring that their normal society promised just to bleed them dry too. So ask, who's the real cult?!

        • 5 months ago

          You're perfectly able to do this without a religion. But it does help a lot with having a donation base, abusing legal protections for churches from the government and various tax exclusions. It's like anything else there is a wealth hierarchy within most cults. You think you'll be the guy with 6 sister wives, a mansion in utah and chain of furniture outlet stores but you'll probably be the guy coughing up 1/3rd of his paycheck to cult but living rent free and probably working as non-union labor at one of those furniture outlets. It's not all honey and roses for most of the members.

          • 5 months ago

            It's all based on what your value is. If you think you deserve the best, you actually have to earn it.

            • 5 months ago

              Yes through generational inheritance like most of those people.

  2. 5 months ago

    You can’t argue with mobility. The amount of people who can’t simply bend over and touch their toes is astronomical. Imagine slipping on a wet surface and a knee literally explodes.

  3. 5 months ago

    He's a genius but he's also a very, very weird guy. I would take his advice on rebuilding my joints but I wouldn't take a shred of life advice from him otherwise

  4. 5 months ago

    ok i actually have some experience with his stuff...

    i was always like the least athletic kid in my school, partially bc i was 1.5 years younger than everyone else in my grade.

    was just after turning 14 i was like 105lbs, couldn't do a pushup, but was put in a weightlifting class at school

    long story short i could not do a full depth squat to save my life, had super immobile ankles, but found like his super early videos on yt and did his full ROM stuff

    i honestly credit him with my ability to do a full depth squat...

    but recently i decided to buy one of his programs to try it... was pretty disappointed

    he pretty much just peddles the same few exercises, i did not notice much of an improvement in my athleticism from running his program

    for untrained people i think his stuff (like atg zero) is *A1* and very important

    but if you already lift, and are comfortable at end ranges of motion, no joint pain, etc. then there's reason to listen but no reason to follow

  5. 5 months ago

    >He seems to know what he's talking about but I honestly don't understand his videos
    That means you're a fricking moron. This isn't even Israetel, his vids are specifically targeted at uneducated masses

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