Is this typical or exceptional strength?

I need to get an idea here, because I'm not sure if this is impressive or not since I have no real point of reference. I'm pushing 270 lbs. I'm definitely fat but also noticeably muscular; my friend said I'm "built like a brick shithouse" and people tell me I "hold it well" when I tell them my weight. I lift maybe once a week, don't do much cardio aside from biking up the hills around town, and my diet used to be vegetarian but then I transitioned to pescatarian and these days I include chicken and turkey in my diet. Despite my weight I'm fairly healthy.

Well, I have a pullup bar that's one of those ones you stick in the door frame. When I was 200 lbs (skinny for me) I could bust out like 50 consecutive chinups reasonably easily. Now that I'm almost 270 I was struggling with one. But lately I just put that pullup bar in a door that I typically walk past in the hallway and challenge myself to do a pullup or chinup every time I walk past it. I still can't do the pullups, but I can manage to do a chinup each time I pass it now.

So I'm just wondering, is being able to chinup 270 lbs pretty strong? What muscles is that using exactly and what's a good goal as far as reps are concerned? I don't plan on being 270 forever; I'm just kind of dirty bulking rn.

42 years old man, 5'10

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  1. 3 months ago

    >is being able to chinup 270 lbs pretty strong?
    No. I'm 195lbs and can do 5 pull-ups with an additional 90lbs, but overall I'd be an advanced intermediate in terms of strength.

    • 3 months ago

      I'll take it.

      Based akira enjoyer

      Vintage anime is where it's at bro. Thanks for that chart, it helps!

    • 3 months ago

      That IS pretty strong for an untrained guy like OP though.

  2. 3 months ago

    Based akira enjoyer

    • 3 months ago

      I always thought strengthlevel was moronic. There is not a single 310 pound person on the face of the planet who can do 21 pullups

      • 3 months ago

        That tom haviland meme guy probably could

  3. 3 months ago

    post body

    • 3 months ago

      Okay but like I said, I'm not IST nor am I a routine weightlifter. I am very casual in that I do maybe 30 minutes once a week. I'm into pizza and beer more than fitness. I only have 80 lbs on the barbell downstairs, and I think I fricked up and got a junior weight bench. I noticed that I seem to build muscle (but also fat) pretty easily, though. Do you believe in those -morph types? I'd say I'm an endomorph. I always wonder what I'd look like if I applied myself to fitness, but I'm trying to do more lately because it helps me with my depression (my girlfriend of 8 years left me and a bunch of other horrible shit happened in a short span of time)

      • 3 months ago

        >that wrist circumference
        Yeah you have freak genetics. 270 chin-up is freakishly strong. 50 consecutive chinups at 200 is freakishly strong. Hell, 50 reps isn't being done by anybody outside of calisthenics specialists.

        • 3 months ago

          lmao, reminds me of that time Sam Hyde was trolling weebs at an anime convention and cited "John Goodman's Wrist" as a metric for how much bigger and stronger the average White dude is compared to a Japanese person. I always think of that part about "John Goodman's Wrist" (inb4 he's not White he's israeli; I know)

          Freak genetics sounds funny, too. I am half German on my 23and me, the other half is mostly Slav (Ukraine) with a little bit of Med. My dad's side of the family were all warrior types that served in the military, I myself did not. Although, I did find out that I belong to a super rare, 1 in 250,000 DNA haplogroup hailing from Doggerland, a part of land between England and Germany that has been underwater for 5000+ years.

          We wuz Atlanteans and shit! Maybe that's why I have these "freak genetics" as you call them, lol... Sadly, my bloodline looks like it's ending with me.

      • 3 months ago


      • 3 months ago

        If you committed to lifting you could be an absolute monster. Wouldn't be surprised if you were squatting 200kg and deadlifting 300kg on noob gains.

  4. 3 months ago

    Honestly that's freakishly strong. If you knew about your talent when you were in your 20s, got a good coach and trained consistently, you could've been champion in some strength sport.
    Mind posting your body?

    • 3 months ago

      Yes it’s strong. But yes you are also fat dirty bulking at 270 is fricking moronic even if you’re 6’8

      Hearing that I'm strong makes me encouraged, thanks guys! I never was too serious about fitness but when I see results and hear feedback like this, it's very encouraging. I'll try to be more consistent/aggressive with it even though I can be a bit lazy when it comes to finding the motivation to do it.

    • 3 months ago

      I was always into video game development and thought I sucked at any sort of sports or fitness-related activities so I always avoided them. I like playing tennis and lifting weights though. Can't think about what my life would have been like if I had done it differently... My life is pretty much over now as far as I'm concerned.

      • 3 months ago

        Game development, how much did you do? That's something I'm interested in too tbh
        >fitness-related activities so I always avoided them. I like playing tennis
        That's because you're built for brute strength, not speed.

        You asked if you are exceptionally strong. From what i gather, the answer is no. If you got offended by me calling 100lbs an
        embarassing bench, thats on you, 100lbs is b***h weight
        >Speaking of embarrassing, what's up with you, anyways?
        Go back.

        There are different types of strength. Armwrestlers could break most powerlifter's arms.

        • 3 months ago

          >That's because you're built for brute strength, not speed.

          So you'd recommend armwrestling for me? How about boxing? I wanted to get a heavy bag to wail on.

          As for game dev... I was putting my ideas on paper and making games my friends could play with dice, etc. since I was a kid (late 80s), been doing hobby video game dev for a little over 20 years now, and working in the industry for almost 20. Working on a couple big projects right now but I can't really say without doxxing myself. Check out Game Maker if you want to mess around with it. It's pretty easy to learn and has a lot of beginner friendly stuff.

          By the way OP. If you're interested in taking up fitness one thing you can try is armwrestling.
          If you keep progressing your pullups, you might be able to get to national champion. Old armwrestlers are still real strong.
          Whatever you do have fun with it and do it smart.

          My recommendation is grass-fed and pasture-raised meats. A lot more ethical because they live natural lives and aren't cramped in shitty places.
          Just eggs and raw milk is pretty fricking good, you don't need meat (although it's better for strength) if you have a lot of eggs and milk.
          For plant foods I recommend cutting out seed oils (home cooking with butter, olive oil, lard), coconut, potatoes, bell peppers (vitamin C and fajitas).

          Yeah, I don't like to eat meat for those ethical reasons you mentioned but I would eat wild caught or possibly even pasture raised for sure. I do eat fish and seafood, mostly salmon, tuna, and shrimp. I started eating more chicken and turkey breast, too. I already eat a lot of eggs and dairy. I only buy pasture raised eggs, not just for ethical reasons but because they seem to be way better quality. I already don't use seed oils; I only cook with butter, California (single source) olive oil, organic coconut oil, and sometimes peanut oil if I'm deep frying. I eat plenty of veggies including broccoli, carrots, potatoes, onions, peppers, garlic, black pepper, etc. I eat fruits including tangerines, blueberries, pineapple, and sometimes grapes. I'd say overall my diet is very healthy, I just don't really do good portion control and I have a weakness for chocolate (notably Aldi peanut butter cups; I could easily eat an extra 300 calories worth of those in a day) and I will kill a large cheese pizza in one night once a week. And I also only drink once a week but when I do it's usually binging a 12 pack.

          Nobody's perfect, though. I'm trying to cut back on the last stuff, but it's tough... My life isn't exactly great right now so pizza, beer, and chocolate are something I look forward to on the weekend.

          • 3 months ago

            >pizza, beer, and chocolate
            >once a week
            As long as it's in moderation. Especially for the beer.
            >How about boxing? I wanted to get a heavy bag to wail on.
            Boxing is pretty good. Recommend going into MMA after you get the basics of it and get decent at sparring though. Your build is good for wrestling. You can train your neck with a towel and a plate on top, look up AlphaDestiny's videos.

            >working in the industry for almost 20. Working on a couple big projects right now
            >can't really say without doxxing myself

            • 3 months ago

              Thanks, I will look into that method because I do want a bigger neck. I feel like my neck is disproportionately smaller than my head and shoulders, and I want to build up my traps too, purely for aesthetic reasons.

              I'm gonna have to try and figure that discord thing out later... I tried to find a username by what you typed in that message, to no avail.

              • 3 months ago

                No, I wanted to you upload your own letterbox and put your username with #numbers in. Sorry about the lack of clarity, I use a lot of different accounts and get banned frequently

  5. 3 months ago

    Yes it’s strong. But yes you are also fat dirty bulking at 270 is fricking moronic even if you’re 6’8

    • 3 months ago

      I'm gonna start cutting soon but I'm nervous about losing muscle because I don't think I eat enough lean protein when I am cutting calories. I don't like eating a lot of meat because muh animals. Might have to just go do this right, though.

  6. 3 months ago

    Thats nice, now tell us how much you bench

    • 3 months ago

      No idea. I only have 80 lbs on the bar down there because I bought one of those 100 lb weight sets. I can do 50 reps of 80 lbs in like 5~10 minutes. As for how much I'm truly capable of, I have no idea... I work out alone at home in my basement, and without a spotter or some sort of safety system I wouldn't feel safe benching over 100 lbs alone.

      • 3 months ago

        >wouldn't feel safe benching over 100 lbs alone.
        Im sorry, you are not exceptionally strong

        • 3 months ago

          I've had a literal goliath tell me that benching is a meme and that squats are more important. Have fun bulking up your breasts tho, lol

          • 3 months ago

            >Have fun bulking up your breasts tho, lol
            I will. You have fun bulking up your ass, im sure youll find it alot more useful
            250lbsx10reps 1.5 years of gym btw

            • 3 months ago

              You don't even look that big (but I mire those traps; I want to make mine bigger) I'll go to the gym or get a spotter and find out. I'm sure it's doable.

              >Despite my weight I'm fairly healthy.
              no you aren't

              No disease, diabetes, normal blood pressure, can do high intensity cardio like tennis for an hour no problem. What's your metric for healthy, bro?

              • 3 months ago

                >You don't even look that big
                Im not. Nor am i exceptionally strong. Nor have i been doing it for long. Yet i rep 2.5 times the weight you are scared to try.

              • 3 months ago

                I'm not scared to try it, I'll do it. I'm just not lifting a ton of weight without a spotter, that's patently moronic, but I guess you don't think that far ahead.

              • 3 months ago

                >I'm just not lifting a ton of weight without a spotter, that's patently moronic
                I agree. Lifting a ton of weight without a spotter would be moronic. The thing is, 100lbs isnt a ton of weight. 100lbs bench is embarassing even for an adult that just walked into a gym. I started with 130x8 when i first walked into a gym.

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah, again; I am a casual weight lifter. Once a week for 30 minutes if that. I have zero point of reference, so I'm not saying 100 lbs is a ton of weight. I could do 100 lbs. I could probably do 200. But I'm not doing 200 without a spotter.

                Speaking of embarrassing, what's up with you, anyways? Are you in your 20s because your behavior is really insecure and I notice that younger people tend to act like you.

              • 3 months ago

                You asked if you are exceptionally strong. From what i gather, the answer is no. If you got offended by me calling 100lbs an
                embarassing bench, thats on you, 100lbs is b***h weight
                >Speaking of embarrassing, what's up with you, anyways?
                Go back.

              • 3 months ago

                Do you always get this insecure when someone asks if they're strong? Are you just mad that I'm as strong as you with 1/10th of the effort? lol

                Also, I was on IST before you were even walking, kid. You go back.

              • 3 months ago
              • 3 months ago

                Game development, how much did you do? That's something I'm interested in too tbh
                >fitness-related activities so I always avoided them. I like playing tennis
                That's because you're built for brute strength, not speed.
                There are different types of strength. Armwrestlers could break most powerlifter's arms.

                By the way OP. If you're interested in taking up fitness one thing you can try is armwrestling.
                If you keep progressing your pullups, you might be able to get to national champion. Old armwrestlers are still real strong.
                Whatever you do have fun with it and do it smart.

                My recommendation is grass-fed and pasture-raised meats. A lot more ethical because they live natural lives and aren't cramped in shitty places.
                Just eggs and raw milk is pretty fricking good, you don't need meat (although it's better for strength) if you have a lot of eggs and milk.
                For plant foods I recommend cutting out seed oils (home cooking with butter, olive oil, lard), coconut, potatoes, bell peppers (vitamin C and fajitas).

              • 3 months ago

                270 lbs is big dude

  7. 3 months ago

    >Despite my weight I'm fairly healthy.
    no you aren't

  8. 3 months ago

    I weigh 170ish and I can do 5 chin ups with 110lbs strapped to my waist

    You could be stronger

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