Is yoga a meme or not? What exactly is it doing?

Is yoga a meme or not? What exactly is it doing?

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  1. 5 months ago

    >are breathing exercises and stretching a meme
    Yeah daeg. Like.
    Don't breathe.

  2. 5 months ago

    It's just stretching, a lot of athletes that have unusually long careers at the top level (Tom Brady, Ryan Giggs) do practice it so probably does have efficacy for injury prevention and recovery.

    • 5 months ago

      Does that mean any form of stretching=yoga? I also stretch but I don't say i do babayoga

      • 5 months ago

        A lot of yoga poses have you doing muscle work
        Doing downward dog uses a little bit of muscle
        Handstands like crow pose use more muscles, plus there’s the Don’t Fall Over aspect of it
        Chair pose is like a kind-of-high squat, but you’re also reaching up, and so there’s a back-stretch aspect to it and also a teeny bit of arm work because your arms are raised

    • 5 months ago

      Not just stretching. It can also lead to greater awareness of the body and breath, mind-muscle connection, epiphanies about why you do the things you do, release of long-held tension due to unresolved trauma, and union with God (or at least union with your understanding of what God is). There’s more but this is already way too woo-woo for IST.

      • 5 months ago

        What does the inside of your colon look like hippy?

        • 5 months ago

          let me bend over for you anon. get your tongue out, put it to work, and you can see for yourself ;D

        • 5 months ago

          Your life could be so much better.
          Drop your baggage but I doubt you ever will.

        • 5 months ago

          I don’t know but it sure is nice having a strong pelvic floor and fine motor control over the muscles in that area such that I get tingles of pleasure throughout my entire body with every conscious breath I take.

    • 5 months ago

      How something that has a higher risk of injury and back pain than powerliftins is considered as "injury prevention"? All those reatrded poses injure people all the time. And athlets usually do what trainers tell them. Otherwise they have no idea what they are dping and practice a lot pf woodoo shit.

      Stanislav Kurilov was able to swim away from USSR (3 days nonstop, 100km against a current) after practicing yoga for a decade.

      There was no yoga in the soviet union. All those exercises were invented by white westeners in the 60s. Besides, he would be in prison for such religious practice in soviet union. He was practicing swiming tho...

  3. 5 months ago

    It's overrated

  4. 5 months ago

    It does nothing for you health-wise since it does.not stress your body enough to cause any type of adaptation. Instead, its a religion ersatz for hollow-souled western women who rejected tradition and heritage, opting for "wellbeing" and "connecting with their spiritual side".
    Go to the gym to lift weights and go to the church to say your prayers, dont waste your time withthis shit

    • 5 months ago

      Ultra giga moron

  5. 5 months ago

    Stanislav Kurilov was able to swim away from USSR (3 days nonstop, 100km against a current) after practicing yoga for a decade.

  6. 5 months ago

    Dorian Yates does yoga
    So no meme

  7. 5 months ago

    Best immediate hard benefits to the body?
    >stretching and strengthening muscle fascia, makes it healthier
    >lubricates joints
    >exposes and potentially solves small weak muscles and lack of mobility issues
    >forcing into certain positions can break calcified tissue that has built up, causing rigidity
    >all of the things listed above benefit in the removal of built up tissue that is fricked up from being sedentary for a long time or from not doing other dynamic activity that has you moving in a huge variety of positions. Only thing that comes close to its efficacy is literally living in a state of nature and doing weird flexible movements all day. Rock climbing is probably closest to yoga, but it's a little limited
    >gets you high as frick
    >feels gud man
    >can stretch out muscle knots and prevent them too

    It's not for building muscle. It's for other benefits that you can't get from weight lifting or most other things. You could get those things from doing something else, but you could just do a single yoga session per week and reduce the time spent to get the benefits down to less than 1 hour. Also, not exactly sure what to make of it, but I did a session way back in the day when I did the p90x shit. They had a yoga day. I did it and got into this one position that literally caused me to involuntarily begin laughing hysterically. I couldn't stop for whatever reason and I'm not sure why exactly. It was so weird. Woo bullshit aside, there is probably some hard scientific reason that this happened. All those yogic mystics often say that it helps to "remove energy blockages" and shit like that. It probably does do something to that effect in a purely physical manner. Maybe it helps circulate the lymphatic fluid and cerebrospinal fluid particularly well, leading to strange effects. I'm not sure, but I know that happened and it was pretty cool imo

    • 5 months ago

      > They had a yoga day. I did it and got into this one position that literally caused me to involuntarily begin laughing hysterically.

      they tried to get you to suck your own dick?

      • 5 months ago

        No I did that on my own before yoga, so I don't know if it helped or not

    • 5 months ago

      I did over 2 hours of yoga yesterday.
      I had an emotional release during the second hour, similar to how you have emotional releases when taking magic mushrooms. Definitely was in a mental state of defragging the mind and my body felt amazing after too.

      I know I know, how satanic right guys?

      • 5 months ago

        Rentfree. No one has made a single post about how it's satanic, yet you are haunted by some imaginary fundie who's gonna turn up any minute now and DESTROY the thread. Calm down you histrionic homosexual. Anyway an "emotional release" sounds pretty gay, I think I am just going to stretch at home without the baggage of all this hippie shit, bro.

        • 5 months ago

          Every yoga thread in the last week gets stampeded by people calling it satanic. No one talks about the practice itself. IST is full of emotionally stunted morons

          >Anyway an "emotional release" sounds pretty gay

          Case in point. See you in the Bar’s Open thread tomorrow as you b***h about the stacy you fumbled.

          • 5 months ago

            >No one talks about the practice itself.
            Yeah and you are complaining about other people complaining who haven't even complained yet ITT. Alright then, what do you actually DO in yoga beyond stretching? If it's something that will improve me physically I'll do it.

            • 5 months ago

              You do a lot of stabilization, like the entire time, and working into poses that open up your body and expose weaknesses and shortcomings of mobility like

              Best immediate hard benefits to the body?
              >stretching and strengthening muscle fascia, makes it healthier
              >lubricates joints
              >exposes and potentially solves small weak muscles and lack of mobility issues
              >forcing into certain positions can break calcified tissue that has built up, causing rigidity
              >all of the things listed above benefit in the removal of built up tissue that is fricked up from being sedentary for a long time or from not doing other dynamic activity that has you moving in a huge variety of positions. Only thing that comes close to its efficacy is literally living in a state of nature and doing weird flexible movements all day. Rock climbing is probably closest to yoga, but it's a little limited
              >gets you high as frick
              >feels gud man
              >can stretch out muscle knots and prevent them too

              It's not for building muscle. It's for other benefits that you can't get from weight lifting or most other things. You could get those things from doing something else, but you could just do a single yoga session per week and reduce the time spent to get the benefits down to less than 1 hour. Also, not exactly sure what to make of it, but I did a session way back in the day when I did the p90x shit. They had a yoga day. I did it and got into this one position that literally caused me to involuntarily begin laughing hysterically. I couldn't stop for whatever reason and I'm not sure why exactly. It was so weird. Woo bullshit aside, there is probably some hard scientific reason that this happened. All those yogic mystics often say that it helps to "remove energy blockages" and shit like that. It probably does do something to that effect in a purely physical manner. Maybe it helps circulate the lymphatic fluid and cerebrospinal fluid particularly well, leading to strange effects. I'm not sure, but I know that happened and it was pretty cool imo


              Not just stretching. It can also lead to greater awareness of the body and breath, mind-muscle connection, epiphanies about why you do the things you do, release of long-held tension due to unresolved trauma, and union with God (or at least union with your understanding of what God is). There’s more but this is already way too woo-woo for IST.

              said. Reducing yoga to mere “stretching” is so inaccurate it’s just a complete misrepresentation.

              >just do stretching
              >just do calisthenics

              It’s not comparable to either of these things. It is its own thing. It’s an intimate practice you hold with yourself and your body that will benefit you in all aspects of life— yes that includes the weight room.

              • 5 months ago

                Interdasting. How would doing it look like? What routine would you recomend for a beginner to do at home?

              • 5 months ago

                Something like this.
                There’s infinite vinyasa yoga videos on youtube to try out. But don’t be shy about joining a studio. Find one that gives free classes for new clients and just jump in. Dont worry about the learning curve you can just mimic the people around you and the instructor.

                Good luck on your journey.

                I went to a few classes and enjoyed it although I was the only guy in the room and that was off-putting. I didn’t go there to hit on women but I’m pretty sure that’s the conclusion they all jump to.

                By far the best was hot yoga, after an hour of that I felt fricking incredible. Have never sweated so much in my life though, could barely hold the poses because my hands were slipping off the mat (don’t be a moron like me and make sure you bring a towel). Aside from that I think you can just watch some videos on YouTube and see if you like it. People will say you need an instructor but in my class there were so many people the guy at the front never gives you individual guidance anyway.

                Advice for you and other noobs itt is just to get to class early so you get a spot right in front of the instructor. A good instructor should be giving you tips and you’ll be close enough to watch them to mimic until you get it.

                >upset about being only guy in class
                Idk how to help you anon

                Some people that get right into the retreats and stuff are going for something deeper, that being said, get the impression that it was 'satanists' who co-opted it after ancient Indians. Who from memory were looking for mobility and help in battles.

                Im considering doing a retreat in March at Joshua Tree, however it’s stupidly expensive and meant to be a luxury vacation. I’d rather just use a tent and bring my own food but I understand the normie appeal of the luxury RV and private chef offerings.

      • 5 months ago

        Some people that get right into the retreats and stuff are going for something deeper, that being said, get the impression that it was 'satanists' who co-opted it after ancient Indians. Who from memory were looking for mobility and help in battles.

  8. 5 months ago

    its IST for the mind.

  9. 5 months ago

    Protestant hicks with no mobility and a fraction of understanding of the workings of the mind and body are coming to ruin another yoga thread

    • 5 months ago

      protestants really are such incredible morons, training mobility/stretching being enough to filter them isn't even surprising. I honestly doubt that christianity in general would have the same level of association with absolute smoothbrained lines of thinking if protestants didn't exist

  10. 5 months ago

    Calisthenetics is better
    Unless you want to pick up yoga roasties

    • 5 months ago

      Calisthenics and yoga aren’t comparable you tard

    • 5 months ago

      And who wouldn't?

      • 5 months ago

        Its litrally just stretching. It comes from fake US gurus that went to India in the 1960s boomer lsd hippies. There's no recorded information of any sport or exercise called "yoga" prior to this.

        • 5 months ago

          The Yoga Sutras are as old as Christ you stupid homosexual

          It's a meme for MOST who do it.
          Ever notice how 90% of the woman who do yoga are fat middle aged broads?
          That's because its a way for the to pretend they workout and then go drink coffee and eat cake with a bunch of other middle aged broads. My mother and aunt both do this in different cities and they are fat fricks. Real people do cardio and or weights.

          I can agree with the cringe, but don’t let a class half full of goblinas cloud your judgement of the practice itself— the same way you wouldn’t let pasty dyels or dickskinned narcissist roidfreaks affect your idea of the gym.

          For your own mental health, I also wouldn’t recommend shitting on anyone trying to better themselves, no matter what impression you pick up from them.

          I do lifting and cardio and yoga. Since starting yoga I feel like I found a huge missing puzzle piece I didn’t realize I needed. I’ve lost >20lbs of fat and only 1 lbs of muscle mass since I started my cut in the summer and yoga is going to be the tool that finally gets me sub 15 or 12% bf

  11. 5 months ago

    Good way to meet women.

  12. 5 months ago

    have a stretching routine and go to yoga class twice a week. you'll get benefits from combining the two
    if you want to get good at yoga, work on your abs. leg raises and toes to bar

  13. 5 months ago

    It's comfy and my head gets to take a break when I do it. I do a session after waking up and one right before going to sleep.

  14. 5 months ago

    Just stretch. No need to call it Blissful Rooster and add some pseudo spiritualism

  15. 5 months ago

    It's a meme for MOST who do it.
    Ever notice how 90% of the woman who do yoga are fat middle aged broads?
    That's because its a way for the to pretend they workout and then go drink coffee and eat cake with a bunch of other middle aged broads. My mother and aunt both do this in different cities and they are fat fricks. Real people do cardio and or weights.

    • 5 months ago

      if you go to the "serious" yoga studios it is more like 90% hot white/asian women in lulu lemon outfits.

      • 5 months ago

        This. You gotta find a studio with challenging classes and maybe more of a premium membership cost but half my class is always full of baddies throwing their ass all over the place and ive fallen in love with two of my instructors

  16. 5 months ago

    I went to a few classes and enjoyed it although I was the only guy in the room and that was off-putting. I didn’t go there to hit on women but I’m pretty sure that’s the conclusion they all jump to.

    By far the best was hot yoga, after an hour of that I felt fricking incredible. Have never sweated so much in my life though, could barely hold the poses because my hands were slipping off the mat (don’t be a moron like me and make sure you bring a towel). Aside from that I think you can just watch some videos on YouTube and see if you like it. People will say you need an instructor but in my class there were so many people the guy at the front never gives you individual guidance anyway.

  17. 5 months ago

    >Is yoga a meme or not?
    e-a-s-i-l-y my broski can slip into that one.
    >What exactly is it doing?
    >You people are pathetic.

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