Is your girlfriend gaining weight? If so, what are you doing about it.

Is your girlfriend gaining weight? If so, what are you doing about it.

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  1. 9 months ago

    take her to the gym with me

    • 9 months ago

      That's where she gained weight. She is my gym buddy and does the same workouts as me.

      t. 135kg bloatlord

  2. 9 months ago

    Why are Architectgays attracted to shit like this?

    Are they mentally ill of just being ironic when they say they like fat frick women?

    • 9 months ago

      Nah it’s a pretty common fetish. I think they’re specifically into watching women get larger. Like an expansion thing. Though maybe some just like plain ol’ fatties.

      What I can’t explain is why people make off-topic fetish threads on this board of all places. This is truly beyond human comprehension.

      • 9 months ago

        Why are Architectgays attracted to shit like this?

        Are they mentally ill of just being ironic when they say they like fat frick women?

        I honestly don't know , I just want to grab some busty but not to end up like the beauty and the ham beast thread.

        It's al fun and games until she's fat at 30,35,40. You can be fat and attractive in your 20s. It's game over when you are fat in your 30s. Architects seem to forget this. Fat goes from curves to lumps in middle age. It's also MUCH harder to lose weight in your 30s.

        A fat b***h in her 40s is literally just a below average American woman.

        • 9 months ago

          You forgot to mentioned that today average american woman is an obese brown gremlin:
          5'4 (163cm) height, ~170lbs (~77kg) weight, and ~39 inches waist.
          There's nothing to be proud of given these results, it's actually pathetic and sad.

        • 9 months ago

          >it is much harder to lose weight in your 30s

          • 9 months ago

            It is, but not because of metabolism. It gets harder for most people to change habits the older you get. If someone gets to their mid 30s and they have always been obese, an alcohlic, a lazy neet, or whatever, they most likely aren’t going to change. If they had what it takes to change, they would have done it already.

            I’m not discouraging anyone from trying to change, it can be done. But once an average person has been set in their ways for years, they probably aren’t going to change, sadly.

      • 9 months ago

        >This is truly beyond human comprehension.
        mentally ill incels think that the gym is their ticket to human contact. It doesn't work and they become neurotic and start exploring fetishes as their masturbation addiction takes hold. The rest of us trying to discuss fitness wind up dealing with this nonsense. Not really hard to comprehend.

    • 9 months ago

      I honestly don't know , I just want to grab some busty but not to end up like the beauty and the ham beast thread.

      • 9 months ago

        you know like little extra here and there but not going full out of proportions , im also driving a two wheeler so I actually think about the weight limit.

    • 9 months ago

      It's mostly chubby chasers and porn addicted swine who defend that, while also being astroturfed by israelites who control media.
      Curves are nice, but if she's fat, she's fat and something has to be done about it.

    • 9 months ago

      Because more is better

      • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      >dating a girl who is 4'10" and 160
      >but her breasts are enormous, legitimately bigger and more pronounced than her abdomen
      It's fun. I feel deranged but it's fun. I'm 5'10" 180 and it's insane throwing her around and watching those milk bags jiggle or bouncing them on top of me.

      I just like curves. My ideal would be to fat transfer a b***h into bimbomaxxing then have her lift so she's strongfat but still has massive curves. Minor porn rot, but also I've always found chubby hourglass attractive.

      • 9 months ago

        >massive breasts more pronounced then her torso
        thats my wife and now that she's breast feeding they are even more pronounced and I can see the men staring at her.
        >bimbomaxx fat transfers
        she keeps on sending me insta reels of a girl that has gotten fat transfers to her ass and breasts and I'm guiding her of how good it looks. hopefully she'll morph into the girl of my dreams soon, i love her so much

        • 9 months ago

          Anon you are based and subtly hypnotic. Grats on the kid.

    • 9 months ago

      I assume its an unfunny forced meme. Nobody would actually prefer a fat woman... right?

    • 9 months ago

      Because more is better

      I dunno why but this for me
      I just like the way they feel, most relationships I get into the girl gets comfy and puts on weight, one got really big after we broke up and I couldn't keep my hands off her when we hooked up again
      I kinda wish it wasn't the case, there's the social stigma of fat b***hes(not saying there shouldn't be, they are lazy and unhealthy in life and habit), and a fat woman with an attractive face is harder to find than an average bodied woman with a nice face

    • 9 months ago

      There's a reason it's called architecture and not just "making a woman fat." Much like how a building, when constructed well, will be pleasing to the eyes, a woman, when fed the correct amount, will grow to a size that is pleasing on the eyes. The woman on the right has breasts larger than her head; you could motorboat those and be completely engulfed by them. Simultaneously, that woman is still small enough she doesn't have decreased mobility or flexibility; she can still wash herself and isn't an invalid. Architecture is about balance and control, not just mashing the gas pedal.

      • 9 months ago


    • 9 months ago

      Thy feel good.
      How can you not be attracted to it? You like how boobs feel right? If not, you're literally gay.

      • 9 months ago

        • 9 months ago

          Fat women are hyper sexual

          • 9 months ago

            My wife gained like 30lbs and it completely erased her libido (mostly stemming from body dysmorphia). She's lost half of it and we're finally getting back into the fricking weekly territory. Not to say my experience is universal but just a heads up that not every woman can be architected.

            • 9 months ago

              I meant visually

        • 9 months ago

          nope, just hungry

          • 9 months ago

            tfw I jack off to obese women saying "I'm hungry"

    • 9 months ago

      i fricked a chubby asian girl in college who was about the same size as the picture on the right.
      she was 19 so her skin was still tight, but everything was so smooth and soft and she didn't stink or anything.
      clapping cheeks was like landing into a waterbed, it was fricking awesome.
      that said i think once they hit about 30 there's no way the skin stays that way, everything gets wrinkly, and it goes downhill hard.

      • 9 months ago

        Skin stays that way if you moisturize, eat well and exercise. Wife is in her 30s over 200lbs at 6’ and lifts daily. She’s a cow but she’s my cow.

        • 9 months ago

          Bro is living the life here, got a fatass giantess who lifts

    • 9 months ago

      i've been this way as long as i can remember skinny b***hes do absolutely nothing for me

    • 9 months ago

      Probably the most pathetic cope fantasy, worse than tomboys. There is nothing on earth that smells more putrid than a fatty

      • 9 months ago

        She was such a cute girl. It hurts, bros.

        • 9 months ago

          Never was, sorry to break it to you.

          • 9 months ago

            Who is this young man? His face rings a bell the name escapes me

          • 9 months ago

            That fricking forehead. Skulls like that need to be studied for science.

      • 9 months ago

        Achievable natty?

    • 9 months ago

      Brain dammage (litrally) from years of brain washing and being told lardos like this are "normal". There's nothing normal or natural about pic on the right.

    • 9 months ago

      Not really sure but women gaining weight has always been a turn on.

      >probably the definition of sexually moronic

    • 9 months ago

      Not sure, but I found old photos the other day and my aunt used to be really skinny and beautiful when she was younger. Now she's a circle whilst my uncle is pretty much the same size.

      What I'm asking is, how likely is it that my uncle was an architect all along, or is it just a typical married woman play? Pic related are the sizes I'm talking.

      • 9 months ago

        Uhh ohh

    • 9 months ago

      It was originally meant to be women growing in the right places (boobs, butt, hips, etc). That was generally speaking done through multiple pregnancies and a slight caloric surplus.
      Fatty fetishists and feeders got ahold of the term and now pervert what was once a natural evolution of the feminine form. It's also used by dudes who's wives got fat to cope.
      Also keep in mind 90% of active IST posters unironically do not lift, never have lifted, and have no intention to ever lift.

    • 9 months ago

      They're all Americans.

    • 9 months ago

      Or we just like our lady happy

    • 9 months ago

      Big, soft, and jiggly = better

      • 9 months ago

        You are fricking mentally diseased.
        have a nice day.

    • 9 months ago

      >le low t meme
      it's just a cope for fitcels who can only frick hamplanets

    • 9 months ago

      wtf is architect?

      Also to answer

      Is your girlfriend gaining weight? If so, what are you doing about it.

      YES she is gaining weight and I am ENCOURAGING it, is what I'm doing. She was anorexia/methhead-thin and I've been getting her to eat right and work out, so she's gone from I believe 85lbs to 130lbs over the course of 8 years. I'm so proud of her bois. Also I impregnated her and that helped with the weight gain in the right places.

  3. 9 months ago

    yea because our baby growin in there

    • 9 months ago

      If that’s true, then congrats anon.

    • 9 months ago

      >having your child
      Children born out of wedlock are bastards and you are a degenerate for making one

      • 9 months ago

        >oi mate, you got a breeding loicence?

  4. 9 months ago

    Called my girl a fat moron during a shouting argument two years ago. She wasn't even that fat, i just said something hurtful in response to her hurtful words. Must have struck a nerve because she lost 35 lbs and looks great.

    • 9 months ago

      >She wasn't even that fat
      >she lost 35 lbs

  5. 9 months ago

    I am 29 years old and I never even kissed a girl

    • 9 months ago

      They are over rated.

  6. 9 months ago

    left is hot af

  7. 9 months ago

    Get as attractive (Looks, Money, Status, etc) as possible is how you solve it. Keep her on her toes, never let her get too comfortable.

    The best way to get a b***h to change is to use her fear of you leaving her for another woman against her. Create jealousy for her to use as fuel for weight loss.

    Start working out with fit women.

    Tell her about women commenting on your body.

    If she's really fat and ugly, literally just walk outside with her. The contrast of you being attractive and her being ugly will cause people to stare at you both with resentment and confusion. Other women will look at her and subconsciously signal to her "I could take your man because i'm more attractive than you". Your girlfriend will sense this and get anxious that you will actually leave her.

    If you do this, it could go 2 ways:

    1) She changes for the better
    2) She leaves you because of the anxiety

    The best thing about scenario 2 is that if she leaves you it's ok. Hypothetically, you would be an extremely attractive suitor, so you could easily get a better b***h after becoming single.

    Also, dont call her fat to her face. It just doesn't work.

    >TLDR: Become more attractive so your GF becomes scared you're going to leave her. Also don't call her fat.

    • 9 months ago

      >The contrast of you being attractive and her being ugly will cause people to stare at you both with resentment and confusion. Other women will look at her and subconsciously signal to her "I could take your man because i'm more attractive than you". Your girlfriend will sense this and get anxious that you will actually leave her.

      Just saw a reddit post that observed this phenomenon word for word. This guy knows something.

  8. 9 months ago

    setting a strong example
    in the last six months she has gone from 20 minutes of pilates once per week, to tracking her calories and exercising seven times per week
    suck on that, losers

    • 9 months ago

      Gj and good for her

  9. 9 months ago

    Mine got really heavy but then took an honest look at herself when I bought scales (I was cutting and wanted to track my weight). She was 100kg and burst out crying then I told her she could either keep being depressed or she can fix it. She’s decided to do the latter - count calories and gym every morning. She’s lost 10lbs and it really is insane how much differently people look when they lose only a little bit of weight

  10. 9 months ago

    Having my girlfriend/wife get fat is my biggest fear. It's easy to act tough on the internet and say you'll never let it happen, but in real life things don't work that way. Women are fed so much bullshit these days that conditions them to take even the slightest comment on their weight as some sort of personal attack. It doesn't matter if she loves you, you're fighting against over a decade of propaganda as well as her entire friend group she can go to for support, who have also all be affected by the same propaganda. What are you even supposed to do?
    >notice she's gaining a bit of weight and you try to nip it in the bud early
    >she'll act as if you're overreacting, it's only a couple pounds
    >she's gained 10+ pounds, try to get her to lose the weight by encouraging a diet or exercising
    >she'll act like you're insulting her
    >by the time she's gained 20+ pounds all you can say is that you're no longer attracted to her and beg her to try losing weight
    >this will probably be the end of your relationship together

    • 9 months ago

      The worst thing is that with time, basically 100% of women get fat.

      You kinda just have to learn to live with the pain.

      • 9 months ago

        not all of them. The ones that were into some sport in grade school usually stay skinny, especially the conservative ones

    • 9 months ago

      Going through it right now, first it was "COVID weight" but now we've had a kid. Last year before she got pregnant
      >Lizzo has a new show where she picks a new fat b***h for her sow stable
      >Lizzo picked out her new big pig
      >"Anon, Lizzo has this new show called LIzzos big girls but shes got a girl my size in it" >admittedly and thankfully the smallest one
      >Its a golden opportunity, shes inviting me to call her fat hoping I'll reassure her
      >"Well, its Lizzo and its her big girls so..."
      >total silence
      >"Whats your bmi? Your tall but your not that tall"
      >total silence
      This was a great thing to do right before were walking out the door to drive 14 hours to join her family for a vacation. I ended up dropping the point and reassuring her, though now that we have a kid I have to be more considerate. Shes 5'9 and almost 180. Upside is she has spent her life horrified by her mothers obesity and is food conscience

      • 9 months ago

        >is food conscience
        lmao, good one anon.

        • 9 months ago

          I know what it sounds like but i see what she brings home, she cooks every night. Shes obsessed with not eating processed shit

      • 9 months ago

        >A woman being good conscience
        If you ask a woman what a well balanced diet consists of, 10/10 times she will not have any protein or fat.

    • 9 months ago

      Going through it right now, first it was "COVID weight" but now we've had a kid. Last year before she got pregnant
      >Lizzo has a new show where she picks a new fat b***h for her sow stable
      >Lizzo picked out her new big pig
      >"Anon, Lizzo has this new show called LIzzos big girls but shes got a girl my size in it" >admittedly and thankfully the smallest one
      >Its a golden opportunity, shes inviting me to call her fat hoping I'll reassure her
      >"Well, its Lizzo and its her big girls so..."
      >total silence
      >"Whats your bmi? Your tall but your not that tall"
      >total silence
      This was a great thing to do right before were walking out the door to drive 14 hours to join her family for a vacation. I ended up dropping the point and reassuring her, though now that we have a kid I have to be more considerate. Shes 5'9 and almost 180. Upside is she has spent her life horrified by her mothers obesity and is food conscience

      Your mistake here anons is that you are not willing to leave if she gets fat. Before I started dating my current gf I told her I could never be with a person who doesn't take care of themselves. She took the hint and lost what little belly she had. Only then did I ask her to be my girlfriend. I made it clear I don't respect fat people and she knows I'd bail faster than D.B. Cooper out the back of a plane if she gained weight. She does yoga every week and gives me some of her food when we eat out now because the portions are too big.

      • 9 months ago

        What an incredibly juvenile outlook on life. If you're willing to leave a woman because she gets fat then you clearly only loved her for her body, and if that's the care the relationship is doomed anyways. If I've married a woman it'll be because she's someone I enjoy being around, talking to, and can envision spending the rest of my life with. I'm not going to walk out on that sort of relationship just because she's fat, I'm going to do everything in my power to save it.
        The problem stems from women being fed unlimited ammunition by the media to resist any attempts at improving their health. It's literal brainwashing, no matter how much she loves you she's conditioned to interpret any comments about her weight as hateful.

        • 9 months ago

          It's a paradox because if I am not harsh like this, any woman I marry will get fat. I don't want to be with somebody that has no self control. Am I not allowed to have values? Imagine if your woman tried pulling this same shit on you, "I'm allowed to cuck you because if you don't let me you clearly only love me for my body."

          Obesity is a disease based on addiction, it affects your mind in the same way a drug addiction would. It is rampant in America; I live in a state that reported 40% obesity in 2021. To me, saying I don't want to date a fat person is like saying I don't want to date a meth head. The meth head is going to sneak away with my valuables, the obese one is going to sneak away and eat a big mac. I would rather be alone than watch my partner deteriorate in mind and body, unable to care for themselves, unable to wash themselves completely, taking disgusting shits from the disgusting food they overeat, struggling to take a flight of steps. It's not about sex, it's about living.

          >pic related
          >pic outdated by 9 years
          >the situation is much worse

          • 9 months ago

            >tfw moved from CO to MS
            >neighbor told me there are pretty women around every corner in MS
            was he a fat chaser or was he trolling me?

            • 9 months ago

              He literally just doesn't know better.
              >pic related, midwest dating

              • 9 months ago

                relationships are for cucks anyway

    • 9 months ago

      I was seeing a girl who read an article about a guy who told his wife a year after she had a kid that he was no longer sexually attracted to her cause of the wieght she never lost. The woman organised to divorce him the next day. She thought this was justified. Fast forward a few months and I got her pregnant accidentally and she's already gaining weight. My only out is she already asks if she'd fat so after the kid I'll play hero and say I'm happy with her body but if she isn't then that's not mentally healthy so I'm happy to help her try and diet.

      Long story short if she pulls the condom off during sex it may be hot assume the second you stick it back in you'll have a kid in 9 months and your the bad guy if you leave

  11. 9 months ago

    My wife is gaining weight. She has gained 20lbs over the past 8 months. She is also pregnant—not sure if that is relevant.

    • 9 months ago

      Obviously you fricking moron. Let her gain the weight while pregnant, but make sure she loses it after.

  12. 9 months ago


  13. 9 months ago

    Never trust a fatty that lost weight after a break up. Once they get into a good relationship, they go back to their natural ways of being fat instead of having to work for a new good bf

  14. 9 months ago

    In my case she was slightly overweight when we started dating and I knew I had to make good use of her body because chances were she'd only get fatter. I was right, not only did she get fatter but she also went full Leftist. Dropped like a hot rock but I'm done. More so for the Leftism shit than the weight. I could have worked with her to lose it, since I've struggled with my own weight, but her mind was so addled by social media that she didn't listen to me about anything anymore and our relationship wasn't about what I wanted or even what she wanted but what some mentally ill woman on the internet deemed best for our relationship. Never again.

  15. 9 months ago

    Is her name Luk Lik Moon?

  16. 9 months ago

    >is your girlfriend gaining weight?
    >what are you gonna do about it?
    Continue putting Mass Gainer in her oatmeal

  17. 9 months ago

    I am 29 years old and have never even seen a girl in real life

    • 9 months ago

      Keep up the good work

    • 9 months ago

      When do you turn 30, anon? I feel we should do something to celebrate

  18. 9 months ago

    Maybe I do like Asian chicks.

  19. 9 months ago

    I haven't had a girlfriend in about 22 years because I'm the biggest incel to ever incel. But if I did, I honestly wouldn't mind if she gained weight (within reason) since I'm a huge fan of the female form in general. Women could be insanely fit, lazy as frick and never exercised once in their life, or chubby and curvy, and I'd still find them insanely hot. I had to go to the doctor a couple of days ago due to a possible hernia, and the nurse who took my blood pressure and whatnot with a chubby thicc 20-something Latina. It blows my mind that you guys would have found her disgusting since watching her beachball sized ass cheeks shift back in forth in her scrubs gave me a boner. I would have dated her in a heartbeat if she gave me a chance. And I imagine that the sex would be absolutely amazing since slamming my muscular body into her giant, fertility goddess sized cakes sounds hot as frick to me.

    • 9 months ago

      >I'm the biggest incel to ever incel
      >since I'm a huge fan of the female form in general
      >*tips fedora
      I wonder why

  20. 9 months ago
  21. 9 months ago


  22. 9 months ago

    Enabling it mostly.
    She hates getting fatter and has no self control and I hate her for manipulating me and fricking up my life with her head games so we’re both pretty awful people at this point, but even if I didn’t hate her, telling her “no” is like flipping a switch. She has massive control issues and she is insanely picky about everything in her life so I basically exist to satisfy her endless emotional ad physical needs.

  23. 9 months ago

    God I love chubby Asians

  24. 9 months ago

    >Is your girlfriend gaining weight?


    >If so, what are you doing about it.

    Not a goddamn thing. I picked her out specifically because I honed in on her desperation, then after enough time had passed I played it off like moving in was the organic move, the next step. Now I pay a fraction of the rent I used to. This is what attractive women do all the time, only I'm doing it as a man.

    I hope she gains even more weight. Keep her even more loyal to me. Meanwhile, I'm eating well, working out all the time, saving money and working on my career. I'm levelling up.

    • 9 months ago

      Based. Thanks for the mindset tips. I'm trapped because I can't imagine having to pay child support.

      Have a out 5 more years left on my sentence.

      • 9 months ago


        And yeah, that's the way I look at it. I treat it like I'm doing a bid. Maybe it helps that most of my family has done time so I tend to think of life in those terms.

        I also catch a little side action when the opportunity presents itself, but it's gotta be a goldilocks type scenario. For instance, first night my gf goes out of town I get restless at the apt, go to a bar. Not even like I'm actively looking. But a qt sits next to me, starts talking unprompted. Ironically she was actively on a bad date. Poor guy. He left after a while, she and I made out, and wouldn't you know it she lives super close to the bar. Boom, perfect, I don't even have to blow up the spot. I wouldn't have risked it even with the gf out of town. Don't need the heat. So we go back to hers, I blow her back out a few times. She was a squirter. It was nice. I forgot how nice it was to frick a chick you're actually attracted to. It had been like 6 months since my last fling and it was mediocre.

        Anyway. I figure I got like 5 months on this bid. Already working on lining up my next living situation. I'm just thinking of all the things I want to get accomplished before I'm released back into the wild

  25. 9 months ago

    We do a little cheating

  26. 9 months ago

    She isn’t but thinks she is. I invite her to do cardio and kettlebell conditioning with me in the mornings but she likes the fantasy of getting up and active more than the process

  27. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      dios mio

      My wife is fat but no breasts or ass -.-

  28. 9 months ago

    The WASP waist was a mistake.
    She has to survive the winter!

  29. 9 months ago

    jesus fricking christ the absolute SIZE of those milkers on the left. GOD I want to bury my face deep in them and suck her nipples

  30. 9 months ago

    I'm 22 and never had a girlfriend

  31. 9 months ago

    Yes actually. She went on keto to try and help. She lost a lot of weight. Then I went on it and lost a lot of weight. Then she started gaining again, and hasn't been able to consistently keep it down. I have been getting more and more lean. She broke up with me.

  32. 9 months ago

    Are women worth it bros? I'm turning 24 in a couple weeks and I've never been in a relationship with a f*male.

    • 9 months ago

      Not really, but since you never had any you are gonna feel missed out either way. So I recommend getting some action while you are still in your 20s to get it out of your system.

  33. 9 months ago

    Training her to find comfort in food.
    When she gets too big I will dump her and switch to my backup.

  34. 9 months ago
  35. 9 months ago

    >like fat b***hes
    >realize they're the most toxic left wingers in the world
    I hate this

  36. 9 months ago

    >do not buy any sweets in store!
    that has 10 times more sugar than a homemade pie or a cake. Buy enough fruit to cover that sweetttoth itch. heck, bananas get too ripe for consumtion? get some milk, add a scoop of prtein and you ve got yourself a milkshake.
    >go to gym togehther
    >put on the "my 600 lbs life" on
    she will definately watch all of it
    >go outside and touch grass
    its what you should do with your family anyway
    >help her around with the house chores
    >go to bed, together, at reasonable hour to get enough sleep
    >make enough money
    for her not to be stressed about not providing a second income to the family, while she is on the mothers leave (thats up to three years here in yuroland)
    >keep yourself in shape

    worked for me so far

  37. 9 months ago

    i pay for everything as she doesn’t work
    if she gains weight or if her coach tells me she skips a gym class she gets no pocket money. Simple as.
    Also as soon as she marries me she’s getting lasered and plastic surgery in korea.
    She has to wear cute dresses and high heels when out on dates with me. If she expects she can just become fat on my dime she’s hella wrong. I’m okay being a provider, just not a beta provider.

    >NB4 much trophy wife is wrong
    i don’t really care tbh

  38. 9 months ago

    Dumped her 3 weeks ago.

  39. 9 months ago

    God I want to architect a hot Azn so bad bros

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