It's Friday. The Feels Bar is open. Come on in, anon. What can I get you?

It's Friday. The Feels Bar is open. Come on in, anon. What can I get you? Did you make any progress in your fitness journey?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

DMT Has Friends For Me Shirt $21.68

A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    Trying to get off phenibut and its been affecting my son's relationship, I've been using kratom and weed to not be in such a shit mood and so far it"s working. We had a good day at the park today.

    • 2 years ago

      how do you know if you're addicted to phenibut?
      I've been doing it daily for a while but i went a few days and didnt have any noticeable side effects

      • 2 years ago

        It's hell. It's like something you HAVE to taper off with after taking it everyday for awhile. You're just irritable, everything bothers you, you don't want to go out because anxeity, you just don't feel well. I've been tapering and I already feel a little more like myself again. Next to impossible to sleep but possible thanks to weed and kratom.

        Alot fell into the same trap I did taking it not knowing about physical dependence qualities.

        I went off 4 days taking a break from all drugs because of a meth and phenivuf bender after Halloween , felt like total fricking shit by day 3-4 I took it again felt all of a sudden better.

        Frick this drug mate. Sure it makes music 100% sound more awesome and lovely, you can talk to anyone about whatever, it's fricking easy on it. Working out on it is amazing, you hit all your PRs and shit.

        But man it catches up. Then you gotta just keep taking it at the same dose and eventually your brain catches up and not need the natural GABAs, you need it to just not feel like shit. You want the positive top of the world shit again? Increase the dose.

        But there comes a problem when it begins to turn onto you. That top of the world begins turning into that peak bottom of the world and I hear it SUCKS!.

        Most say and agree it's wds are worse than heroin. Frick this drug. I hope I'll get off this shit for good once and for all.

        • 2 years ago

          How long would the wds last?

          • 2 years ago

            Wds can last 3-7 days, even then alot still has not recovered from most the downsided of phenibut in terms of mood and anxeity.

        • 2 years ago

          Last time I CTed for 18 days, it feels like as if my mental status has not gotten better since Cold Turkeying it, but the worse symptoms passed such as not being able to sleep.

          I was a cold hearted hard asssed man then, not the loving personality light wise type of person any more. I had to get back on it then all of a sudden I was my ol self again. I tapered off properly with supplements and that was ezmode.

          The hard part was keeping it to a week, maximum. A week turned into two, two turned into three suddenly, then daily. I'm back to tapering off this, trying.

          It's like it permanently throws your brain off balance and the only way to get it back in order is TAPER much like prednisone.

      • 2 years ago

        >daily for a while
        take a few days off and you'll notice

  2. 2 years ago

    >Start lifting August 2021 as a total dyel
    >First few months are pretty useless, just getting the hand of keeping a routine, learning how to eat right, etc.
    >Eventually buy a rack and weights for my bedroom
    >Progress really starts to take off
    >All my lifts are progressing well and I feel much stronger overall
    >Summer 2022 arrives
    >Get a job in a town across the country
    >Work 12 hours nearly every day, barely have time to eat, let alone lift
    >Too exhausted to lift after work
    >Basically stop lifting all summer, all I did was pushups and situps in my bedroom every night before going to sleep
    >Rapidly lose weight and strength
    >Job ends, get back to my home gym
    >All progress lost
    >Even the bar feels heavy now
    I hate my life

    • 2 years ago

      Progress wasnt lost, muscle memory is a beautiful thing.

      • 2 years ago

        You sure? God I hope so. I could tell I had lost a lot of strength when I lifted today for the first time since getting back, I hope I can regain my strength quickly.

        • 2 years ago

          NTA but yeah, muscle memory is insane. When you get back to working out, your lifts will be weak at first but you will get back to where you were before in no time

        • 2 years ago

          Think of it like this, you may have lost exp or even leveled down. But the exp needed to level up has also gone down.

          As long as you have not been eating like shit you'll get back to speed in 2-4 weeks.

    • 2 years ago

      You can do it, just get back into it.
      Remember, the master has failed more times than the beginner has tried.

  3. 2 years ago

    I'm down to lifting 3 times a week if I don't count the at home exercises with 50lb dumbbells because of work. Fricking sucks but maybe i'll be able to change that next month

  4. 2 years ago

    >going through a terrible case of oneitus with a coworker that friendzoned me
    >no social circle so it seems I'm fricked at the age of 29
    >can't bring myself to use dating apps because I value privacy
    Going ro meet up with my single uncle that's in his fifties to check out a tribute band tonight, this is how I keep my sanity. What do? I have no direction with hobbies or anything. I'm alone, miserable, and just want a gf.

    • 2 years ago

      You know the answer already, but happiness comes from the heart. Nobody can give it to you but yourself. Did you ever do anything in your past that made you happy, no matter how silly? What was it about those things that brought you joy? Have you ever considered a thing that you want to try getting into, such as a musical instrument, painting, cooking, or even blacksmithing?

  5. 2 years ago

    Going out to a bar alone tonight...I have a bad feeling about it but I also have 0 zero friends and I feel like I need to make SOME kind of change., I need to fix my crippling social anxiety.
    My current life is empty and meaningless, I have no social contact with anyone my age.

    • 2 years ago

      I go to a pool hall frequently alone and that's pushing it, how do you handle going to a bar alone? Any experiences?

      • 2 years ago

        breh first time...I'm shitting myself but I'm going to try the exposure therapy route for the anxiety
        Also tbh, it's a bar but there will also be a band playing a show, so that will give me something to do at least.

        • 2 years ago

          Good luck anon, hope things go well.

          You know the answer already, but happiness comes from the heart. Nobody can give it to you but yourself. Did you ever do anything in your past that made you happy, no matter how silly? What was it about those things that brought you joy? Have you ever considered a thing that you want to try getting into, such as a musical instrument, painting, cooking, or even blacksmithing?

          Last time I was happy when when I was in high-school and I felt that happiness again when I got lunch with that coworker that ended up ghosting me. I go out on hikes, frequent a pool hall, and occasionally go out to concerts/comedy shows with my uncle, it numbs the pain, but temporarily. I got a guitar but don't have time to commit to it. I have a solid workout routine and diet, people that say a gf won't make you happy are full of shit because I felt alive again when I was with this coworker, I think she sensed that I liked her way more than she liked me which fricked me in the end. Idk what to do

          • 2 years ago

            I only said that happiness comes from the heart, and not "a gf won't make you happy". Why would someone want to be around someone with an unhappy heart? That's why I'm saying to figure out how to be happy on your own; not just numb the pain.

            If you're at work, why not try composing music for your guitar? Then when you get back home, play it out a bit? It's not the most elegant way of doing it, but it might just give you time to twang some strings.

            • 2 years ago

              I know what you're saying but I'm good at hiding my misery, if I talk to a girl I'm genuinely interested I'm very happy and such. What I want is a way to meet women naturally without dating apps. Whatever hobby/activity I get into will only numb the pains. I need a gf, I learned a lot from getting ghosted by my coworker I just need more opportunities

              • 2 years ago

                I feel you there. I too need to get myself out there. Many places in my area won't let me in since I won't get the Fauci Ouchie. I'll list some general answers then.

                Join a club surrounding a thing you like. Go to that club for the purpose of engaging with that thing you like. If you're going for girls, they'll know and can smell it on you (though I think you learned that already).

                A church or other religious community is practically a club too with regards to the above. Do you follow a set of religious tenets? It might not be a bad idea to drop in.

                Whatever you do, you're a busy man with a lot of things to do, but you're having a good time while you do it. Heck, maybe you want to try something new. You ever wanted to learn a martial art? A dojo might not be a bad place to start. Yeah, there are those boomer fitizens who'll go on about how hardcore they are at fighting, but frick them. You just want a taste of what's being offered at that class- not jack off on everyone else.

                If you're having a good time, a woman will be more enticed to believe that she will have a good time with you too. And remember, you lived your life up to this point without her; and even if it's dreary now, you can continue on without her. You're the prize, not her.

          • 2 years ago

            thanks man I'm about to head out, nervous but trying not to think about it

            • 2 years ago

              I hope everything goes really good anon, I'll be checking back tomorrow morning, hopefully you post an update on how it went mate.

              • 2 years ago

                It went ok. I always build up fear in my mind about what people will say, but no one really cares you're there alone, or they won't say anything to your face at least.
                I had a few beers, enjoyed the band, had a short convo with a dude about music but that's about it.
                There was a really cute girl I was standing next to at one point, that seemed to be there alone as well, but I couldn't work up the courage to say anything to her. Baby steps I guess.

                Anon I want to do the same but dislike drinking alone because of personal reasons. I'm happy that you're putting yourself out there to see what happens, I don't think I have the balls to do it myself right now.

                Yeah I don't blame you. It was rough at first, but it helped that there was something else I could focus on, and it was I band I knew and liked their music. I don't think I could just go to a regular bar either.

              • 2 years ago

                Not that anon, but amazing job man. Well done.

              • 2 years ago


                I'm so happy you posted a followup and I'm glad you actually went out. It's just baby steps, but that's better than nothing. I'm sure like weightlifting it'll get easier the more you practice it. You're gonna make it anon.

                Thanks bros.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm so happy you posted a followup and I'm glad you actually went out. It's just baby steps, but that's better than nothing. I'm sure like weightlifting it'll get easier the more you practice it. You're gonna make it anon.

          • 2 years ago

            They're not full of shit because you weren't even with her, let alone long enough to get used to her. As with everything in life, we acclimate to it. You'll get used to your gf once she's not novel and eventually realize that once again, only you can make yourself happy with hobbies and other fulfilling things.

    • 2 years ago

      Anon I want to do the same but dislike drinking alone because of personal reasons. I'm happy that you're putting yourself out there to see what happens, I don't think I have the balls to do it myself right now.

    • 2 years ago

      For me it was going on dates from dating apps as a hikki with no experience socially (6 years hikkidom) in 2021. Man, that was wild.

  6. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


  7. 2 years ago

    My workouts going alright. Sticking to my weekly routine and I'm making my strength and muscle gains back quickly after losing them to illness last year.

    Currently I'm sat playing rock band on my 360 after digging it out of the attic after ten years. Unexpected flood of memories playing it with the boys back in my teens every weekend.

    I've got a family now but I lost contact with all my friends when I went to uni. I've been sat here playing my way through it for four hours now...
    At least have still got it.

  8. 2 years ago

    I'm feeling my stamina return to me as I hike a minimum of 12 to 13 miles every other day. Some years ago my ankle got sprained, but now I am able to hike the uneven trails without a hitch. I'll be hiking a good deal uphill with around 20 miles in the hike this weekend.

    I made good progress on my fa/tg/uy hobbies too. Came up with an awesome name for the game I'm making, but a lot more work needs to be done.

    I've got nothing to add but to send you anons some good vibes your way. Keep pushing on, and remember; happiness comes from the heart and nowhere else.

  9. 2 years ago

    I fricking wiped out on my daily bike ride and scratched the shit out of my brand new bike I just bought not even a week ago cost me $1000. Got some road rash on my glutes I tried to lift just before and that shit hurt too much. I was really getting back into the grove of it and a little concerned I might fall off again if I'm out for too long.

    • 2 years ago

      Scratches give bikes character. Also if you live in a shithole you bike being scratched will lower the odds of someone stealing it.
      I hope your ouchie heals quickly anon *blows you a kiss* Be safe, I would take a few days off from doing legwork until the wound no longer hurts from friction or movement. Focus on other lifts for the time being, it shouldn't take long.

    • 2 years ago

      oof. sorry to hear that man. but it doesnt look too bad, just ride through it if nothing is broken. id maybe take a week off so the muscle stiffness and swelling has time to go down

    • 2 years ago

      how did you fall off? I consider myself a shit rider and I'm on a $600 merida hybrid bike and I stick to pavement mostly.
      I try to avoid roads where I can. The closest I get to wiping out is when I snag my front wheel between the footpath and lawn where there's an edged gap.
      How did you fall off?

      • 2 years ago

        Not him, but the only time I wipe out is either on gravel roads going too fast and turning too quickly, or on a trail slipping on bare bedrock

  10. 2 years ago

    The worst part about quitting vidya and porn is not just the amount of time you realized was wasted on those hobbies - but realizing just how miserable you really are. I don't have any distractions left, just my job to barely occupy my mind. But even at work I'll think about how it's been years since I've visited a friend, been hugged, or received a compliment. This crippling loneliness is really becoming a struggle for me, almost too much. When I got in a motor accident a few weeks, I didn't care that I was alive. Had some family tell me that they were glad I was okay, and that cars are replaceable. I didn't know what to say. I haven't told them why I just didn't care.

    • 2 years ago

      That hits the mark. What would you ideally do if you had everything in the world to have that thing?

    • 2 years ago

      I feel you man, is there no way you can reach out to any of your old friends? If you just grew apart, I'd bet money that they'd be happy to hear from you.
      I just started messaging one of my friends from years ago and got a message back and we're going to catch up.

      Give it a go lad, I only posted about playing rock band like a loser 10 minutes ago and I'm meeting up with some of the old friend group tomorrow evening. Though to be honest I probably only did it because I've had a few sorrowful drinks out of loneliness.

      Good luck anon.

  11. 2 years ago

    im seeing this new girl. we like hanging out with each other but her politics are fricking wack. like super mainstream media standard lib. like if its on reddit, they think it type shit. how do you approach this type of situation besides just keeping your mouth shut?

    also how do you get a girl to give better head? i literally have no guidance to give since i dont suck wiener. any gays in here know what the secret is to good head? i figure you guys are the mvps of dick sucking tbh

    • 2 years ago

      When she's talking to you about the things she likes and finds important, then chances are she wants to hear what's important to you; not a confirmation that you agree or disagree. The trouble with politics lies in how much is hot-button issues. One wrong step, and you're arguing with holes.

      If you and her can have fun, she'll push aside her political views for you; because she'd value you over said political views. So just go with her and have a good time.

      As for giving head, I wouldn't know. It'll take a special kind of woman to want to suck my hairy shaft.

      • 2 years ago

        >she'll push aside her political views for you
        i think this is going to have to be what it is. the way i see it, its basically on her to grow up and not get mad about a difference of opinion (since its all basically pointless bullshit anyway)

        >hairy shaft
        have you tried trimmers with the guard? its the only way ill go anymore tbh

        • 2 years ago

          I have not. Mine is a jungle down there as I don't personally shave below my neck.

          • 2 years ago

            if youve never done it before, it makes your shit look huge. you dont even have to like, even it out around your whole body. just clear some brush for the LZ.

            • 2 years ago

              I can make my shit very huge by eating a crazy amount of chicken and vegetables. But I know you meant to type "shaft" instead of "shit". I'll consider this option if the lady mentions it. I'm very vanilla when it comes to these matters, but I love to go hard and sloppy on all of it like I'm a goddamn caveman.

      • 2 years ago

        >to want to suck my hairy shaft.
        just put some Nair on it dawg

    • 2 years ago

      I know when I get my dick sucked the best part is the twisting of their head, adds another sensation to the mix. That and ball play is important. Make sure she’s spitting and slobbering all over it too. Idk how you would ask her to do this though lol, seems kinda weird

      • 2 years ago

        oh shes actually a champ. shes really obedient and enthusiastic, she'll try anything i ask her.

        >also how do you get a girl to give better head?

        1) Invest in pic related.

        2) Wash dick throughly. No one likes smelly dick.

        3) Watch dick sucking porn together to help her technique.

        4) Apply magic lube.

        5) Don't forget to encourage her, "frick yeah, feels good" throw head back close eyes, moan a bit.

        6) Help yourself to some hair to guide her. Let her have some breaks, looking for fun not puke on the shoes here.

        7) Profit.

        The two best positions are man standing up, or a 69 style for her to deep throat.

        solid advice. will consider. really need to train her to go deeper
        one of the best pieces of advise Sam Hyde has every given

        unironically good advice lol hate to say it. i just gotta stfu from now on and agree since i care so little tbh. its so fricking hard though. i dont learn my lesson.

    • 2 years ago

      >also how do you get a girl to give better head?

      1) Invest in pic related.

      2) Wash dick throughly. No one likes smelly dick.

      3) Watch dick sucking porn together to help her technique.

      4) Apply magic lube.

      5) Don't forget to encourage her, "frick yeah, feels good" throw head back close eyes, moan a bit.

      6) Help yourself to some hair to guide her. Let her have some breaks, looking for fun not puke on the shoes here.

      7) Profit.

      The two best positions are man standing up, or a 69 style for her to deep throat.

    • 2 years ago

      one of the best pieces of advise Sam Hyde has every given

    • 2 years ago

      Hello bartender, one Blacktooth please. RIP Dimebag.

      >start to take an interest in fitness in march
      >do pushups every night, around 20 initially after seeing a post about pushups working almost the entire upper body
      >3 months ago start doing more with my dads old dumbells, and start to cut.
      >stopped cutting about 2 weeks ago
      >went to the gym a few days ago, and the guy working there showed me how to do bench presses and barbell squats
      >spend 45 minutes practicing, muscles start to twitch, worked them all as hard as I could
      >realise how fun that was, and that I need to start going to the gym instead of home stuff, and order some proper protein instead of shakes

      I messaged a friend who was into weightlifting, and he's gonna teach me his routine this week. 2 weeks ago I climbed mountains in the lake district with my dad (Pic related). 2 years ago I would have been too lazy/unmotivated to do any of this. I am proud of my progress (even though I am not very good).

      >gays are the mvps of dick sucking

      I'm going to break up with my abusive girlfriend tomorrow.
      Wish me luck lads.

      Good luck.

      Had to put my dog down, worked out so hard after I sprained my wrist and haven't worked out in 3 days. I miss my dog guys, I go outside to smoke and look down my path and wonder where is she? If you have a pet make sure you tell them you love them and give them something good to eat because I wish I did that more now.

      RIP anons dog.

      Feeling so lost and disillusioned that somehow I got the idea that fleeing to Japan was the only way to solve my problem. Spent all the last 3 months studying Japanese 8 hours a day, discarding all my other responsibilities, but suddenly, poof! All motivation for Japan is gone, and now I'm left with an even bigger hole in my heart and no vision of what the future holds for me.


      Get back on it. Stick with it. Also , スニード

      • 2 years ago

        how old are you? good job man, keep it up, seriously proud.

        • 2 years ago

          I'm 18. Thank you for the kind words.

          • 2 years ago

            Don't go too hard on the cutting since you're still growing.

            • 2 years ago

              Dw. I just did it to get rid of belly fat. I'm back eating normal, with more protein than normal. I'm eating pretzels right now.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't talk about politics and I don't date girls who do. I will stay by my opinion if some b***h asks or challenges me but I don't provoke arguments or needlessly insert myself into conversations.
      So far it has worked out well and I feel like girls give you more respect if you simply stay with your opinion and don't back down or water it down. And unless I have to work with them I don't want people in my social circle who are diametrically opposed to everything I value (and much less engage in intimate relationships beyond a ONS with them).

  12. 2 years ago

    Water, thanks.
    Been trying to talk to people but it’s difficult; I stutter, stammer, freeze up, can’t think of what to say, etc. I kick myself daily that I didn’t start sooner but here we are, trying now. People are usually very nice until they talk to me for a bit then they get weirded out, being drunk helps a lot but I’m trying to minimize that as a crutch. Got laid last weekend after a 4 month dry spell, so that’s cool. I think I need therapy, but there’s no therapists accepting patients in my area at the moment, any advice on what to read, do?

    • 2 years ago

      I've worked jobs where I had to interact with a lot of people in a day. If you live in a tourist heavy area, consider working something with tourism. If you're serious about it, you'll be less jittery when talking to folks. The stage fright though doesn't truly go away, but you do get better at managing it.

  13. 2 years ago

    My deep lack of emotional and physical intimacy is starting to become almost unbearable, I can't live like this anymore.

    I'm going to sleep now boys, see you in the morning.

  14. 2 years ago

    I have just started my multifreqeuncy program adding plyometric workout to normal weightlifting, mostly because I need explosiveness and speed, it's time for me to fight again

  15. 2 years ago

    If I was ruler of the United States, every man would be required to hit the gym and stay under a certain body fat percentage. Gym memberships, protein powder, and creatine would be covered by health insurances. In high school, sex education* would be mandatory and all young men would be taught the art of pleasuring women and cunninglingus. Guys with poor facial features, like bird like features, will be given free jaw surgery.

    *Sex education in most US schools are just showing kids pictures of cauliflower looking warts on genitals in order to scare them into not having sex, and "abstinence only". As if that's all there is to sex. It's like the people who came up with the curriculum never had orgasms before.

    • 2 years ago

      You have my allegiance, King

  16. 2 years ago

    I found out this afternoon the contractor for a project I am managing is probably going to sue us. I just got over about a year of working nights/weekends and stressing out about the project, I was trying to get my life back on track. I just went back to the gym on Wednesday after about six months off. This fricking bullshit happens every time I try to get my life back on track, as soon as I start feeling better about getting over stuff I get smacked in the face with shit like this.

    • 2 years ago

      why is the contractor mad? that blows

      • 2 years ago

        Mostly the schedule, they are four to eight months behind because of environmental permitting (which was one of our subconsultants' responsibility, they had a lady PM who sucked then unfortunately their head guy died because of the vaxx). They will probably also come after us for quantity overruns but our contract with them very clearly says that quantities are their responsibility.
        It's bullshit, I'm just sitting here numb right now. I spent over a year working my ass off, stressing out about the project, getting depressed, skipping meals, skipping the gym, pissing my family off, just for shit to go sideways anyway. I thought about a month ago we had turned a corner and was going to get this shit finished without drama and then I hear about this on a Friday afternoon. Meanwhile my house is still wrecked and my kids are going nuts and I have to get emails and shit together for this project this weekend while I have about four other projects that need attention.

        • 2 years ago

          Frick bro. How's the saying go? If it's successful, it's the team's success. If it's a failure, it's someone else's fault? What a pain in the ass.

          • 2 years ago

            The whole project is snakebit, the state agency that owns it has been a pain in the ass the whole way through with plan reviews and bullshit interpretations of the contract. There's a city government and a county government that do nothing but put in change orders for aesthetic upgrades that take forever to negotiate and the state won't give us any extra time or money for them. There's already been two injury crashes in the work zone in four months that we'll probably get sued for too even though neither of them seem to have had anything to do with the work zone.
            I feel bad for the contractor in a way because this is the first project of this size/scope they've done but they have not helped themselves out and we have been busting our ass trying to help them. Now I guess they'll come after us for a couple million dollars even though they're ten times the size we are.

            • 2 years ago

              I can't make you feel better, but my father relayed to me about insurance costs for airplane mechanics. A mechanic who works on fixing up airplanes is advised not to get too much insurance, or else if the plane does craft; the other party wouldn't think that that mechanic has more money than he actually has; and so maybe with less insurance, they can encourage those would-be suers to go after the manufacturer of the airplanes.

              It all gets so fricked up when lawyers get involved.

  17. 2 years ago

    Went international, come back to find out the cheap plentiful turkey breast I used to rely on fricking doubled in price. It was nice while it lasted, but I'm outta here in a month anyway so it's not catastrophic.

  18. 2 years ago

    Let me get a Crown and Coke. My lifts are going up, I've added a little bit of weight and can do more reps now which is nice. More definition is becoming apparent, slowly but surely I'm getting there.
    Tried using dating apps but had no success. I have no friends where I moved to for school and my college classes have very little chicks in them. They're also the type of class where talking isn't encouraged if that makes sense, just note taking. I'm getting tired of being lonely and I need to change something.

  19. 2 years ago

    >Run into girl once a month for a while
    >seems like she might be interested
    >think about trying to ask her out
    >see her latest time and she doesn't even remember me
    Glad I didn't make a fool of myself but wonder if I am moronic and can not read women or is she trying to be cool; either way nothing will happen now but still have to run into her again eventually just minus the anticipation I guess.

  20. 2 years ago

    >sad story about my life

  21. 2 years ago

    The girl I sexted throughout the summer and slept with once (basically friends with benefits) just told me she wants something serious but not with me because she knows I don't like her in that way.
    So, we ended up things I guess.

    • 2 years ago

      Did you like her that way?

      • 2 years ago

        It's not that I don't like her. She's a classmate that I will see for the next X years, if we ended up breaking up it would be very awkward. And I think, most importantly, I'm not emotionally ready for a "serious" relationship. I'm broke, I have low self esteem and bad mental health. If I can't be the boyfriend I want to be, it's better that I remain single. I'm broken but I'm not gonna drag someone into my shit.

  22. 2 years ago

    I'm going to break up with my abusive girlfriend tomorrow.
    Wish me luck lads.

    • 2 years ago

      good luck anon. Do what I and many other anons cannot. Just tried to breakup yesterday but among the insults and the yelling and crying and everything going on, I agreed to give it another try.
      I´m an empty shell of a human.
      Dont be like me anon

    • 2 years ago

      good luck anon. Do what I and many other anons cannot. Just tried to breakup yesterday but among the insults and the yelling and crying and everything going on, I agreed to give it another try.
      I´m an empty shell of a human.
      Dont be like me anon

      Lieber ein Ende mit Schrecken, als eine Schrecke ohne Ende.

      This means, "It's better a terrible ending than an unending terror." It's hard as hell, but you have to put it behind you, walk away, and don't look back. Why would she want a man she would think less of around her? It's for her to have power over you. It's better no company than bad company. It's going to suck hard, but it will get better. Don't give up. Better you be alone than be with someone who would push you down.

  23. 2 years ago

    i won 5k gambling an hour ago and feel nothing
    it has lead me to the realization that eventually you will become desensitized to everything that you enjoy so you have to keep moving forward and find novelty and enjoy life.
    thats all i got bros

    • 2 years ago

      You just learned about homeostasis? Bruh coulda learned that in science class If he was listening instead lifting weights

  24. 2 years ago

    Broke up with my gf of 3 years recently. When does the constant reminiscing of the good times start to go away?

    • 2 years ago

      The good times are the times you treasure, but if you don't regret the ending of it; then you did it as well as you could have. It's alright to say, "We had fun there and then doing that. Those days aren't coming back, but I'm glad to have seen and experienced them". At least, I see no problems with that.

    • 2 years ago

      You're the one doing the reminiscing. Whenever a memory, or just her, starts creeping into your mind you have to inmediately throw the thought out and think of something else, or focus on whatever you're doing. It'll take time for it to become automatic, and then at some point, could be just a couple of months, you won't feel much at all from reminiscing.

  25. 2 years ago

    >25 khhv
    >don't wanna become a wizard so make an account on one of those site explicitly for hookups and casual sex as to get it over with and 'demystify' sex.
    >unsurprisingly, there's a lot of obvious catfish accounts. Surprisingly, it remarkably hard to get laid on there. I'd thought it be easier since it fashions itself as being so sexually libertine. It's like any other generic dating site. 90-95% of girls never respond to my messages.
    >but lo and behold after using a month or to start talking to this 37 year old milf with nice breasts.
    >she seems to be responsive, she doesn't talk like a Nigerian scammer, everything seems to be running smooth.
    >get into sexy talk and what we're looking for.
    >go ahead and adress the elephant in the room and admit I'm a virgin.
    >she hasn't responded in a while.
    Did I frick up here? Normies can't think sex with a virgin will be THAT bad can they? Is it?

    • 2 years ago

      >Did I frick up here?

      >Normies can't think sex with a virgin will be THAT bad
      they do

      one of the most important things to learn about women is you always lie to them. they are repelled by honesty and openness.

      • 2 years ago

        Is it true that women can just "tell" that you are a virgin? Well, obviously if you're a complete tittering bumbling mess in bed they'll know. But if you're going to bring the "fake it till you make it" attitude all the way until her pants drop how likely is she gonna subconsciously know anyways?

        • 2 years ago

          If you're thinking "Oh god I'm a virgin I hope she doesn't know!" It'll show on you and she'll know. Just go in thinking you'll have a good time and don't sweat the rest. Chances are, she's got her own shit that will scare you away too. Just have a jolly good time, and fretting about being found out or whatever the frick won't help.

          • 2 years ago

            Also to add, it's not the virginity that's repulsive. It's all of the little things that virgins have to go through that often makes a pro-sex-haver have to effectively step on or around eggshells to deal with that a virgin often has. All the moments of fright, hesitation, eagerness, awkwardness, etc. Sex is extremely volatile. Any little emotion you're feeling will be turned up to 11 in the act of exposing yourself to going shaft deep into a place you wouldn't even go into with a gun.

          • 2 years ago

            > chances are she's got her own shit that will scare you away too
            Good stuff. Always gotta keep reminding myself that I'm not the only one in the world whose shit actually stinks. Thanks for the advice bro

            • 2 years ago

              Sex isn't everything in the world no matter how hard the memes go (and they go very hard), but you seem committed to going through with it at least once. Be safe and be careful.

              If I can offer one more piece of advice. If your eyes are saying yes, but your penis is saying no; that is the time to listen to your penis.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, definitely. I obviously do want to lose my V card but I also know sex isn't the nirvana a lot of the memes make it out to be. I'm prioritizing working on myself and making genuine connections with people first, over getting laid ASAP. I don't want my first time to be with a girl that I'll probably never see again after.
                I'm 22, so hopefully there's enough time to run into someone I can click with before it's too late, however romantic-novelly that sounds.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm a 26 year old virgin and honestly not too worried about it anon. Both of us have plenty of time. It's not necessary to tell someone you are hooking up with that you're a virgin. Like the other guy said, everyone has a bad performance every now and again so just go in with the thought that if you're bad 1) it could have been first time with a new person jitters and 2) honestly who gives a frick.

                t. been grinding at a PhD for 5 years and dual majored in college so quite literally only go out once a month and it always involves wholesome friend time and not a situation that could devolve into sex.

                The way I see it, and of course this advice is coming from a virgin, sex is just an animal thing and we are both animals so why should we even think twice about it?
                If anyone ever asks I will tell the truth and if they ask why I'll tell the truth, simple as.
                A healthy sexual relationship is just one part of making it brother, this time next year I'm going to have my dream job and the best physical/mental fitness of my life so far. As long as you are being constructive toward yourself who gives a shit.

        • 2 years ago

          not if you dont think about it. you can literally just forget you are a virgin, its just that simple.
          people that have had sex before can still totally blow it the first time in bed with someone, or even just a random time. there are many such cases.

      • 2 years ago

        Is it true that women can just "tell" that you are a virgin? Well, obviously if you're a complete tittering bumbling mess in bed they'll know. But if you're going to bring the "fake it till you make it" attitude all the way until her pants drop how likely is she gonna subconsciously know anyways?

        well frick me then. I wanted to be honest so on the off chance we did meet it'd relieve some of my performance anxiety. How to sociopathmaxx and become a better liar?

        • 2 years ago

          Your best bet would not to say you're a virgin, just that "you haven't done this in a while". No point in trying to say you're a stud because you probably won't act the part.
          Women just simply don't like complete virgins, it's just biology at work. "Men multiplly (in case of 0, add), women divide". You need to have been vetted and preapproved by at least ONE women at some point in your life for her to feel you're worthy of sex.
          As for how to actually do it, well just lie and make it sound truthful. If you're a bad liar because you have good morals just remember that this woman probably doesn't GAF about you beyond your youth and dick and she's absolutely also lying/embellishing a lot of what she says to you.

          • 2 years ago

            i think I'm too innocent for normieville. All this seems so off putting, why can't I just find someone who's openminded and not judgmental about this stuff? Well screw it, I'll take your advice next time anon.

            • 2 years ago

              The thing is you probably can, but it'll take a lot of time and failed attempts. That's just the way things are with online dating, you'll trek a mile on hot coals for a girl to pay you attention and if even the slightest thing about you is off-putting she'll drop you.
              If you want to find a more accepting, openminded and unjudgemental partner you need to do things in person. Get more social, go to events, find a girl you click with and get her happy enough to be with you (ultra hard part) that even if she does find out you're a virgin she'll be cool with it.

              • 2 years ago

                >Get more social, go to events
                yeah I'd love to but where to find these? Not like I'm Mr.extrovert with a huge friend group inviting me to parties every weekend, hence why I'm resorting to online dating. All the new hobbies I'm currently eyeballing to try seem like sausage fest. (martial arts, rock climbing, snowboarding).

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, these things go from medium to nightmare difficulty if you don't already have a preexisting friend group.
                Don't shun a hobby just because of the sausage fest. Guy friends can get you laid (almost) as easily as female friends. Remember it's always about making connections. If you make friends with the socialite Chad at the rock gym there's a non-zero possibility you might get invited to something else with women involved. Or at the very least, you made friends that you can now hit up the bar with and not appear to be the lone weirdo that the girls won't go near.
                Online meetups get a lot of flak for also being big sausagefests but they're worth a shot. Same idea - you probably won't hook a chick at meetups because literally every guy there is doing the same thing, but you just want to make friends.
                Honestly if you have even a passing interest in hiking, give that a try. Hikers are generally very chill and outgoing people, and a lot of fit girls love to hike as well.
                There's also singles events which I personally have no insight on. Probably also sausagefests, but at least the few women who do attend know they're there to get dates. You just need to somehow stand out enough for them to notice you.

              • 2 years ago

                yeah it's not like I would complain making new friends as I'm lacking in that department too.

                Around a third of my local rock climbing community is women. It's a great way to meet women because you need a partner to do it. It's like an instant first date.

                based. Are they althetic waifus?

              • 2 years ago

                Around a third of my local rock climbing community is women. It's a great way to meet women because you need a partner to do it. It's like an instant first date.

        • 2 years ago

          if you want to kill performance anxiety, just get some boner pills and go to town. its like legal doping.

          • 2 years ago

            like viagra? I know nothing about it. Well it frick me up with lifelong side effects?

            • 2 years ago

              yes, generic name sildenafil. extremely easy to get where i am. idk what country you are in but clearly the old men with broken dicks lobby is massive because they hand out scripts via online questionnaires. just lie about the 'symptoms' you have to get it.

              >side effects
              nah. only cross medication reaction is if you are on nitrates for high blood pressure or something which i extremely doubt. only thing it does do is it seems to give me delayed ejactulation because it makes me like, uncomfortably hard. other than that though, it responds just like a natural erection would, it doesnt just pop up and stay there, just responds to stimuli easier.

              i use it for if im going to be drinking or with someone new just as an insurance policy. and i dont fret about any bs 'its not natural' or whatever. you can ditch it once you show what you can do.

              as a side note, i would consider gaming up on how to eat pussy/finger properly. you dont have to be autistic about it but just familiarize yourself with what women actually like and some basic anatomy. you can be ass at sex and still make it up by giving oral like a champ.

    • 2 years ago

      The problem is that you being a virgin at 25 implies a whole lot of shit that makes them lose any interest

    • 2 years ago

      Literally just say you are a virgin on your profile. Your best bet is that you will find someone who has a thing for that. They will know you are a virgin either way, those sites are for coomers and yes sex with a virgin will be bad so they see it as pointless.

  26. 2 years ago

    Fricking spit in my mouth.

    I've been to hell and back, and back to hell, and back. Life is a sham and this world is shit, and I'm shit too. Best I can do is make peace with the cards I've been dealt, and try not to resent the crooked dealer that put us all in this mess. I take responsibility for the mistakes I've made; there have been so many. I'll keep makin' em. I'll keep frickin up. I just hope one day it's all worth it. I know it's probably a pipe dream, but we all need something to drag ourselves out of bed in the morning.

    On second thought, I'll take a white russian.

  27. 2 years ago

    Nervous about an upcoming job interview. It's just 15 hours a week but I haven't worked since the lockdowns and am just getting back into live-lectures. Also my paranoid, insecure brain has been making me think that my bf is hanging out with/talking to someone he said he ghosted a month few months ago. He's been flirting as usual but it just doesn't seem like he's as into me as before.
    A sweet wine or two will do, thank you

  28. 2 years ago

    New job is still going okay, pay is less than what I expected but thats taxes not them israeliteing me. I'm just glad to be done with school, Id been in for so long I thought the toll it took on me mentally was just the normal, turns out Im not depressed, school just blows chodes that much.

    Lifting is going good, this week was rough though. Tweaked my back on monday due to me being a moron. And the last couple nights I didnt lift bc of dumb family obligations.

    Been eating right generally, slipped up this week a bit but overall been doing well. friends have been commenting on how I look bigger (in a good way).

    I feel good, but there are still some things I want for my life, and Im working towards them. I wouldn't say Ive made it but Im certainly worlds better. Hope you guys are good too.

    love the theme music.

  29. 2 years ago

    /sig/ chads

  30. 2 years ago

    I've been cutting and lifts solely on my apartment's free gym. they only have 1-10 kg and 25 kg dumbbells. I don't think I can play with 25 kg dumbbells yet so I make do with 10 kg with slow controlled movements and increased reps (up to 20 reps per set).
    Been thinking about going to a nearby gym just to see how much I can lift. Also the legs day are quite boring since I'm limited to using 10 kg dumbbells.
    Should I go to a big nomie gym inside a mall or a cheaper local gym? the mall gym is much closer

  31. 2 years ago

    >started running 5 km 3 times per week in 2017
    >lost weight and looked skinny asf
    >tried to add muscle
    >got depressed because of grandpa's death
    >gained even more weight than before
    >tried running again because it was fun for me.
    >intense burning pain on my feet
    >mfw doing jumping jack is killing me too

  32. 2 years ago

    I refereed high school water polo tonight, 4 total games, both boys and girls varsity and junior varsity. You guys I cannot do this. The boys are all handsome otter mode guys despite being teenagers. And the teenage girls are almost all fit attractive girls wearing skintight suits, pretty much always rides up their ass so their two full asscheeks are in view and the front goes right between their legs so their hip creases and sometimes seems like the outer lips of their veganas are showing. And the girls frequently watch the rest with just bikini tops on with their breasts out.

    I'm too much of a virgin to do this. How irredeemable am I?

    • 2 years ago

      Give it a couple weeks. If they're still pinging you sexually in your monkey brain beyond that point, then it really isn't for you.

  33. 2 years ago

    I'm sick of being a fricking fatass. I've been a fatass my whole entire life, and now in my adulthood I fear for the worst. I'm in my mid 30s and I know if I don't take care of it NOW then I'm going to just put myself into an early grave. I have been fasting but it's hard. The fast itself is easy but I'm a mess psychologically because I have a sort of I SEE IT I NEED IT mindset when it comes to food. That is, I know it's tasty and I'm just experiencing fricking withdrawal symptoms and cravings for what amounts to instant gratification.

    I'm going to fricking make it this time, I'll never give up. I really am trying to get rich or die trying. And frick my family who just try to sabotage me at every turn, who act "concerned" about my lack of eating, who try to drag me down with sentiments like, "hey let's get some pizza and beer because I know it's your favorite". YEAH IT'S MY FAVORITE BUT YOU'RE NOT DOING ME ANY FRICKING FAVORS BECAUSE I'M TRYING TO PRACTICE DISCIPLINE AND BETTER MYSELF AND YOU DON'T APPRECIATE THAT WHEN YOU DELIBERATELY TEMPT ME TO RECEDE BACK INTO MY OLD WAYS FRICK YOU. I know I sound like an edgy 12 year old but it really makes me seethe that people won't shut the frick up about what I will or won't put into my body and at my discretion.

  34. 2 years ago

    Shot my shot with a girl, didn’t work. Drunk and left with my mcdoubles alone

  35. 2 years ago

    So I posted here a few weeks ago about finally meeting a girl and she being so sweet and bla bla bla. Well what do you know she more or less dumped me out of the fricking blue. Not even that, she just went completely cold from one moment to the next during a social event. The worst thing actually is that she never gave me an honest answer. Just kept acting like I was making it up but at the same time ignoring me and clearly not wanting to meet again.
    Little bit bummed but I'll take it as an experience and learned some lessons along the way. Onto the next one.
    Love from Kazakhstan

  36. 2 years ago

    Had to put my dog down, worked out so hard after I sprained my wrist and haven't worked out in 3 days. I miss my dog guys, I go outside to smoke and look down my path and wonder where is she? If you have a pet make sure you tell them you love them and give them something good to eat because I wish I did that more now.

    • 2 years ago

      Sorry to hear that bro. What was the circumstance for making that decision? It can't have been easy.

    • 2 years ago

      RIP to your pooch buddy, I feel for you

    • 2 years ago

      I'm sorry anon

    • 2 years ago

      I am sorry, anon.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm so sorry to hear that anon, remember that he's waiting for you and when you die he'll be there ready to help you go over and I mean that a 100% sincerely and not just as cope.

      Thanks bros.

      Good job anon :]

    • 2 years ago

      Based on your post I can say for certain that your dog knew you loved her more than anything in the world and she lived a happy long life. I hope the grief isn't too hard on you in the coming months.

    • 2 years ago

      I'm sorry anon. When my old doggy died I got one that looked just like him. Might help with coping.

  37. 2 years ago

    a girl i dated a while ago has come back into my life now & we rooted last night but i couldn't keep my erection
    >go to her house
    >watch movie
    >say "should we go to the bedroom"
    >end up kissing etc on her bed then i stick my hands down her pants and played with her vegana for 5 mins then ripped off her pants
    >got hard but as soon as i put the condom on i went soft again
    >kept going soft so ended up eating her out for 20 minutes or so until she orgasmed

    is this performance anxiety or what?

    • 2 years ago

      Same but with hookers

  38. 2 years ago

    >first weekend free in weeks
    >plan on going camping
    >sunny all week
    >clouds move in this morning, now it's raining
    >alternator started making noises today
    Guess i'm stuck at home working on my car this weekend. Oh well.

  39. 2 years ago

    Started having regular nosebleeds ever since I got this job, because I've been falling asleep very late.
    My ankle got swollen over night out of nowhere.
    Someone threw a dead cat and a bag of trash in my backyard.
    Got woken up by mom today (because of that ig) so I slept maybe 4 hours?
    Couldn't fall asleep after.
    She doesn't let me go talk to the bastard neighbors who I think did this
    Friends haven't been calling in literal weeks.
    Gf going on parties (well, birthdays, but still) staying overnight.
    Eyebags are back.
    Barely finding time to work out...
    Rarely do it every day as I normally do.
    I feel like dying a little.
    Maybe a lot.
    But I have to drive with my instructor in about 15 minutes so I can't look like a complete trainwreck.
    Frick everything, I'll push through it all.

  40. 2 years ago

    Feels good knowing
    I am right pic
    Simps money pays for dates

  41. 2 years ago

    Feeling so lost and disillusioned that somehow I got the idea that fleeing to Japan was the only way to solve my problem. Spent all the last 3 months studying Japanese 8 hours a day, discarding all my other responsibilities, but suddenly, poof! All motivation for Japan is gone, and now I'm left with an even bigger hole in my heart and no vision of what the future holds for me.


    • 2 years ago

      why did you stop?

      • 2 years ago

        i just don't see a future for myself in Japan either.

    • 2 years ago

      japan loooks like a nightmare place to live

  42. 2 years ago

    My gf said to not wear a shirt whenever In her apartment

  43. 2 years ago

    >all these anons talking about how awful it is to say you're a virgin at x age and how awful it would be if the girl found out etc.
    Do you guys not see the solution? Lie.
    >"I was raised very religiously and was waiting for marriage, but I lost my faith"
    Problem solved.

    • 2 years ago

      Unless you're spectacularly bad at this she won't suspect a thing, and if sex was hard, world's population wouldn't be constantly rising

  44. 2 years ago

    >work 10 hours a day office job
    >boss to cheap to replace people who left
    >mess up
    >going to eat a nice bowl of shit on Monday
    Oh well

    • 2 years ago

      Threaten to leave.

  45. 2 years ago

    >go to bed at 11
    >have an actually funny dream
    >wake up at 2:30 with a grin on my face
    >realise im hungry
    >go to the kitchen and cook a chunk of meat with some wholebread
    >eat it
    >go back to bed
    it was actually fricking tasty but come on, 3am snack ?
    I feel like its going to mess with something, somewhat, somewhere...sleep schedule, eating habits

  46. 2 years ago

    >It's Friday.
    It's not though, it's Saturday.

  47. 2 years ago

    I don't want to be as hateful as I am, but then things just keep happening to which the rational reaction is hate.

    • 2 years ago

      I just take all the shit that happens to me as motivation work on myself even harder. There is nothing and nobody in this world I can rely on. So the best course of action is to be the absolute strongest person I can be.

      • 2 years ago

        I used to do that, but then doing that got me no where. Now I only work on myself out of habit, not out of some sense that doing it is going to make anything any better.

  48. 2 years ago

    Just did 8x150kg DL, no belt, no straps double overhand

    Is that good lads?

  49. 2 years ago

    I have nothing going on other than work, which I do from home.
    It's Saturday and I'm trying to chill out but I don't know how to do that.
    How do I relax and not do work?

    • 2 years ago

      what a waste of genetic potential

  50. 2 years ago

    how do i get back to lifting again bros?
    its been roughly a year already
    in 2021 i was lifting making very fast progress, but i stopped working out due to a fricking cold in august 2021 and since then i have not been able to get back into the same routine
    please help me bros, i literally worked out the entire day(mainly calisthenics) because of the lockdown in my country and now i do nothing.

    • 2 years ago

      dont even think, just go, its the only way
      when you think "ill go tomorrow" just stop thinking, get dressed and go lift

      • 2 years ago

        ok anon i will do that, i am tired of lying around all day and wasting days, i will not tolerate laziness now
        thank you very much man

  51. 2 years ago

    >today girl asked for help to rerack weights
    >silently helped her and gtfo to do my sets
    should i make small talk or some shit? almost 30 but im behaving like an autistic little b***h

    • 2 years ago

      mmm it's up to you, best to judge on her mannerisms. Just don't overthink and chat without expecting anything, as simple as that

      I’ve gone from 400lbs to 215lbs. I look somewhat decent now, and my friends are asking me why I don’t have a gf. I’m 29 and a khv and so deathly scared of intimacy, I’d hate for anyone to know my darkest secrets or even see me with a shirt off, I’d feel so vulnerable. Does this ever go away with time or do I just die alone?

      That is absolutely amazing bro, seriously well done. That demonstrates a level of effort that 1/2 of humanity wouldn't even bother to make (the bare minimum that is lol). You need to learn to love yourself unconditionally.

      • 2 years ago

        >Just don't overthink and chat without expecting anything
        u right. thanks

  52. 2 years ago

    I’ve gone from 400lbs to 215lbs. I look somewhat decent now, and my friends are asking me why I don’t have a gf. I’m 29 and a khv and so deathly scared of intimacy, I’d hate for anyone to know my darkest secrets or even see me with a shirt off, I’d feel so vulnerable. Does this ever go away with time or do I just die alone?

    • 2 years ago

      I'm this anon

      I'm a 26 year old virgin and honestly not too worried about it anon. Both of us have plenty of time. It's not necessary to tell someone you are hooking up with that you're a virgin. Like the other guy said, everyone has a bad performance every now and again so just go in with the thought that if you're bad 1) it could have been first time with a new person jitters and 2) honestly who gives a frick.

      t. been grinding at a PhD for 5 years and dual majored in college so quite literally only go out once a month and it always involves wholesome friend time and not a situation that could devolve into sex.

      The way I see it, and of course this advice is coming from a virgin, sex is just an animal thing and we are both animals so why should we even think twice about it?
      If anyone ever asks I will tell the truth and if they ask why I'll tell the truth, simple as.
      A healthy sexual relationship is just one part of making it brother, this time next year I'm going to have my dream job and the best physical/mental fitness of my life so far. As long as you are being constructive toward yourself who gives a shit.

      so take it with a grain of salt, but from perspective the biggest obstacles to happiness and actually making it are lack of meta-awareness and inability to be vulnerable.

      The way I was able to get over the sense of vulnerability was to take psychedelics with a group of friends. Nothing like being in a group of 6+ people, getting paranoid that the warm feeling on your leg might be because you pissed yourself because you're so high, and then realizing that it doesn't matter. Even if I pissed myself I would bring attention to it, laugh about it, and clean it up. Who cares.

      If someone asks me specific enough questions in real life I'll now tell them about those darkest secrets with a smile, I'll tell them about all the friends I've found dead or the terrible things I've seen happen to the vast majority of people I've loved.

      Congrats on the weightloss btw. The way I look at it, the only way for true change is a period of heightened neuroplasticity. This can come from persistent dedication, "epiphany" like moments and of course, psychedelics. If during that neuroplasticity you can come to terms that you can be vulnerable and happy, the neurocircuitry that results in the shame you feel now will change and you'll be more at ease.

      It goes away with time but you got to work mentally on yourself to change the way your mind thinks for it not to be further instilled. I know many 30+ virgin professors/scientists and many who are not, and the common thread for the virgins is that they do not like trying new things in their life and are afraid of vulnerability.

      Keep working on your body anon but your mind deserves work too. I am burnt out/depressed from my workload now but I am entirely convinced that I am going to make it.

  53. 2 years ago

    >Popular Youtuber making six figures for goofy animations like I always wanted as a kid
    >Is also incredibly good looking and fit
    I don't know why but it's been bugging me and making me feel like shit, I've been awfully envious. All my attempts to get get an online following failed, and I always had trouble getting fit for various life issues.

    • 2 years ago

      Also I'm 30 and still can't even grow a fricking beard. I know nobody ever said life was fair but give me a fricking break. It's like it's rigged to give certain people perfect lives with no issues, and others constant barriers.

    • 2 years ago

      Being a youtuber is shit, trust me got a buddy who is a semi popular youtuber (1m subs, something like 100k active viewers) and his life is reliant on trends, whims in viewers and he told me he recently realized that his career isn't secure at all

  54. 2 years ago

    I probably got cheated on or something.
    (likely won't learn the full truth)

    I'm super glad for this relationship to be over, so many lies and backstabs, I tried my best. It's so astounding how much I have found out about her in the past few weeks and/or months, never would I have guessed her to be such a terrible terrible person.
    Yesterday I met the guy I suspect to be her new monkey branch that she swung onto to get validation from (so she could finally discard me) and he was still very defensively insisting that my accusations towards him are a big breach of our former friendship trust (Black person what) and that he didn't do anything with her, but at first he kept avoiding the actual question and I caught him slip up a detail that he then denied saying, so I know he's full of shit. Sad.

    Even though I have some anger still, I mostly just feel disappointed in the whole situation and in both of them. "Thankfully" I had had a long time of seeing her lie to and betray me, I had already realized how she actually is before shit hit the fan fully, so I am not surprised (though I did forgive her and give her so many new chances believing the promises that she'd change etc.).

    I'm so fricking happy to be out of this I used to hope so much for her to just frick off to someone else (which she did) and I literally can't wait to go out into the world and actually do shit without being constantly emotionally siphoned. You guys were all right and I'm going to work on my naivete and weakness, I should have told her a stern no and left ages ago.
    As much as this might sound like a cope and you might call me a cuck I feel like I've learned a shitton regarding all aspects of dating/relationships, I wouldn't want to be the former me and I'm feeling amazing now that I'm free.

    You might've seen my former posts, feel free to have a laugh and if there's anyone struggling with a BPD partner perhaps learn from my mistakes:







    • 2 years ago

      at this point im certain at lest 80% of relationships one or both have cheated, I'm 35 and have seen far too much

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      So yeah I'm fricking free let's goo

      at this point im certain at lest 80% of relationships one or both have cheated, I'm 35 and have seen far too much

      that's sad.

    • 2 years ago

      And be thankful you weren't married to her either.

      • 2 years ago

        oh for sure frick that
        I really am glad this shit bursted, I got to see what some people whom you'd consider to be most sincere and kind can actually be like and learned many a good lesson without it dragging on for another few years

    • 2 years ago

      Sorry you had to go through that anon, but at least you're free now

      • 2 years ago

        thanks anon and yeah I'm so happy to be finally faced with the prospect of living my life again

    • 2 years ago

      Good job man, ignore the crabs, you're better for having done this and I'm sure you'll meet someone who'll treat you how you deserve.

      • 2 years ago

        Thank you anon, I'm looking forward to brighter tomorrows :].

        Only thing that is still weighing on me is the convo I had with the ex-friend yesterday - I keep feeling bad over not having either told him to frick off (as I realized he was likely lying only in hindsight this morning, and had even apologized to him through SMS after he ran off that evening because a female friend kept convincing me she thought he was being genuine) or in general I feel like the situation could have been handled differently, even though in the end it doesn't matter at all I guess.

        Anyway I can't overstate how much I can't wait to go out there and do all the things, seems like suddenly so many new activities to engage in and avenues to explore popped up in what the future is to hold and I just want to do everything.

  55. 2 years ago

    I've been eating more and actually lost 18 pounds in 3 months. Am I dying?

    • 2 years ago

      Did you sit down and count the calories? Have you been exercising more while you eat more? If all the simple answers have been addressed and don't add up, it might not be a bad thing to go to a doctor to get yourself screened in case of any cancers or other nasty shit.

      • 2 years ago

        I have upped my intake from about 2200kcal to 2800kcal. 5'11 180lbs>162lbs. started a push-pull-leg routine with abs on alternate days and the weekend for a 5k or 10k depending on my gf's mood. Getting normal 7-8 hours of sleep on average. Going extra hard at the gym though, doesnt make sense at all!

        I dunno. How much exercise do you get?

        see above 🙁

    • 2 years ago

      I dunno. How much exercise do you get?

  56. 2 years ago

    >see gymfu at rack doing DL as im doing ankle mobility work
    >ask her how to do deadlifts properly because I keep scraping my knee as I pull the bar up
    >she's super friendly and shows me how she does it
    >I ask for her name and she asks for mine
    >I said "thanks" right after she said her name
    >some time later she's standing behind me as I am making a slingshot with the rubber band I just exercised with
    Can awkwardness be forgiven?

    • 2 years ago

      It's nbd man, everyone slips up from time to time, I've noticed the most confident people just move on, it's as simple as that.

    • 2 years ago

      It's completely fine anon. You know her know and she reacted positively. Talk to her again. See how she reacts. Ask her out if you feel like it.

  57. 2 years ago

    my coworker, who has a bf, has been flirting heavily with me. about a year ago we made out once but nothing past that. didn’t see her much the past half year but now we’re having lots of shifts together.

    she is incredibly touchy, constantly teasing and just being around me 24/7. can tell she is looking to cheat and i am giga horny, haven’t fugged in a year. it’s tough bros.

  58. 2 years ago

    been hanging out with a girl for a bit over a month now. absolute high school romance shit, talking on the phone until 6am, wandering out the bar to make out, sex in the back of a hand me down SUV. literally everything i needed right now

    however, she's taken, she can't leave him, we tried to pull back from each other and it's not working. no matter what way this plays out, she gets hurt and it's killing me.

    i'm fine with this just being a better to have loved and lost sort of thing, but i dont think she sees it the same way.

    • 2 years ago

      >she can't leave him

      my god, is this your first experience with a woman? in that case you are forgiven. you are literally her side piece and you are fine with it, going as far as feeling shitty about her getting ‘hurt’ when it ends.

      legitimately the most cucked shit i’ve read in a while. imagine developing feelings for a literal cheating prostitute, you are down bad my homie. get a grip please.

      • 2 years ago

        true! i'm not going to deny i'm down bad, it's this awful chemistry i haven't felt since my ex-wife, or my ex gfs, et al

        dude i don't know. women make me fricking moronic and i hate this shit. i haven't lifted in weeks. just need someone to call me a homosexual so i can recalibrate.

        • 2 years ago

          You're needy and desperate like the overly attached girlfriend meme

        • 2 years ago

          not lifting is the true crime here. you need to stop making excuses and take control. if there is anything which might give you more motivation to work out again, use that. in any way just go and do some cardio/light lifting to get started again

          >women make me fricking moronic
          that i can sympathize with. some just have this effect on you, it’s like an addiction. however you need to realize this is not your only option. you say you haven’t felt this chemistry since your previous partners. that also means there are plenty of other (non taken, happy to be with you) women who you will have this connection with. she is not special and treating you like a dog. i’m not going to tell you what you need to do, i just hope you can reflect and make decisions with your own best interest in mind. you have done this in the past so you can do it again. you’re kinda being a little b***h but hey, it happens. i have my moments too.

    • 2 years ago

      >she gets hurt and it's killing me
      >she gets hurt
      >she's taken
      >make out, sex
      >she's taken
      >she gets hurt
      are you moronic? she's a cheating prostitute and definitely the kind of person you shouldn't be spending any time with lest she drags you down or as the other anon said, uses you

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >he knows that she has a bf and still fricks her
      Black personhomosexual

      • 2 years ago

        Not his problem.

    • 2 years ago

      Not only are you a fricking moron, you're also a huge moronic piece of shit.
      >Verification not required

    • 2 years ago

      kindly kys you degenerate

  59. 2 years ago

    it’s actually saturday, chudski. also it’s great having a stay at home wife and kids to love unlike you sad sacks.

    • 2 years ago

      Fricking BASADO

  60. 2 years ago

    Jacked off for two hours last night, came twice. Should have taken an hour tops, but my mind keeps reminding me how much I hate myself and how alone I really am. This hatred has been building all summer. I don’t think this can keep on like this and I don’t see a happy end. I wish I would have died when I was a kid.

    • 2 years ago

      go for a run the next time you feel the urge

  61. 2 years ago

    I've made some weight loss (27 to 23 BMI with lifts) in the last three months and hit intermediate lifts according to symmetric. I am starting to look pretty good again because a (hot 22 year old, I'm 29) coworker is hitting on me. I haven't really paid attention since I've had gf for the last 9 years but all the female attention is coming back. How do you guys deal with blowing off mires.

    • 2 years ago

      >How do you guys deal with blowing off mires.

      9/10 women will only go as far as flirting and dropping hints and setting it up so you can ask them out. just enjoy the attention. i have some coworkers who flirt, squeezing my bicep and lots of compliments. i just take it with a smile and never (excessively) reciprocate the flirting. an added bonus is when your gf is around, it will make her territorial and jealous which does wonders.

  62. 2 years ago

    >an above average sub Chad needs to stage flawless photos in a professional photoshoot with Chad friends in said photos + perfect bio finely tuned to maximize the algorithm = just to get some matches with post-wall whales

    >needs to approach dozens and dozens of women IRL just for a few numbers that won't respond
    >if you do get 1 non-whale number out of 100 approaches that responds for a date, every single step must be executed to total perfection from first text to date, to sex/second date. one single small mistep anywhere in a sequence of 1000 steps from text to conversation to escalation = it's over

    And if you say a single word about it you're an incel and get cancelled.
    And this for a lean+fit guy with good salary, good conversational/banter skills, average height, hair, good style, has his own place.

    It's so completely insane to even live as a sub Chad male. Anyone who is average or ugly is less than invisible. And yet men are still expected to fight and die in wars, work dirty jobs that run the world with 95% work place deaths being male, have no rights or privileges legally or socially compared to women, and then smile and not give a single word of dissent.

    Everything about the modern world is completely unsustainable. Collapse and war is coming

    • 2 years ago

      I don't know what world you're living in but there are plenty of average and below average dudes with gfs without all that bs. I'm personally IST as frick are reasonably good looking and have women throwing themselves at me when I go out.

      • 2 years ago

        98% of average/ugly guys with gfs are from social circle/work and are fully cucked in their "relationship"

  63. 2 years ago

    Bros ok hear me out
    >meet a girl I use to know in middle school and a bit in highschool but drifted apart
    >She still seems down to earth and cool
    >Flirts with me here and there since im not a sperg anymore and the topic of sex comes up
    >She said she isn't interested in normal PiV sex and only wants to peg me
    bros idk if I should go through with it? what do you think?

    • 2 years ago

      frick it just do it

    • 2 years ago

      i think you try first yourself. try cucumber for example maybe your into it!

      • 2 years ago

        Aint that larger than most dildoes

        • 2 years ago

          for sure

  64. 2 years ago

    Anyone still around?

  65. 2 years ago

    forget quiet quitting I'll make the bosses pressure me into quitting the job by fricking a couple of coworkers
    but these fricking morons will probably promote me instead FRICK

  66. 2 years ago

    >be me
    >havent had sex in 5 years

    And they told me dating would be better in your 30s

  67. 2 years ago

    I think my older coworkers are pressuring one of the new hires into fricking me, fricking weird comments and shit they did that before
    based aunties

  68. 2 years ago

    I'm moving to a new city in a few weeks and I'm scared lads. I'm afraid I'll don't meet any friends or females.
    Any tips?

    • 2 years ago

      bee yourself

  69. 2 years ago

    5/3/1 or sheiko

  70. 2 years ago

    Didn't ask the cute girl out at work because there didn't feel like any actual moment to do it. Always around people or busy. I will do it the shift we have together. Asking her out around other co-workers is something I don't want to deal with, not because I think she'll say no, but they're going to be a bunch of annoying c**ts, added with the fact she's a new girl

    • 2 years ago


  71. 2 years ago

    What do I message this chick on Instagram who is a total prostitute and seems to like having men thirst after her?

  72. 2 years ago

    I made no strength progress will also getting fatter

    Today I gave $150 to a findomme on discord and I feel very depressed

    My semester starts Monday and I’m dreading it. Also my job is ramping up for holiday season and the summer is not even over! Yay!

    I hate myself and the world

    • 2 years ago

      cut out some calories, drop some weight go up with the reps
      cheer up bad days come with better days in sight

  73. 2 years ago

    >on first date with pretty cute/fit girl
    >when I first met her last week late at a bar she was real grabby with me and said "I smell good" with my cologne
    >pulling her home wasn't really feasible so I get a number
    >leading up to this first date she is really responsive to text and showing high interest

    >on date
    >she ubers like 25 mins just to come on a date with me, it seems like she would be down for sex based on the aforementioned
    >I flirt and tease a lot and keep the conversation on interesting topics that spark emotion/attraction
    >she keeps talking about her mundane job in detail like an autist
    >continually try to bring the conversation back to something more interesting
    >I touch her and try to slowly escalate but she doesn't touch me much or compliment me. She seems to be enjoying herself, but keeps talking about stupid shit
    >I propose to go somewhere more comfortable and drink some wine, which I brought up earlier, and proposed my place, but she declined and said maybe next time

    >whatever keep it cool and chill for another hour at a lounge, not going to push issue of going to my place, but still keep a good vibe. she says she wants to see me another time
    >walk her outside later for her uber and she stops abruptly turns to me for like a hug and then kind of awkwardly kisses me in one motion, which I reciprocate
    >she then juts off into the uber and says to text her when I'm home, since I said I was walking back far

    I normally don't text a girl first after a date but I did in an effort to help her save face if she was embarrassed and because she asked. just a simple "had a good time, goodnight"
    >no response

    Man the game is so crazy. You can do your best and it still fricks up. I'm supposed to literally read her mind that she wants me to kiss her and insist on going back to my place, OVER her own objections, when she was not giving the verbal/body language cues of being ready for a kiss/pull at any point

    What do?

    • 2 years ago

      there's nothing you can do, its out of your control

      • 2 years ago

        You're really really overthinking it. There is no "game", it's just people chilling and talking. It should feel natural to you. She wants to see you a 3rd time and kissed you on the 2nd date, surely that's a good sign, no? Arrange to see her again. She's probably just late in responding and wouldn't have kissed you if she was already turned off by you. She may just want to get to know someone better before she literally pair bonds with them, I don't get this obsessive pressure for sex. Take it chilled and see how it goes.

        unless i misread while skimming this youre in the clear. keep it moving. shes probably just busy/forgot.

        idk no response is always really bad sign. I seen this movie too many times

        yeah I'll text her again to meet up without expecting much. Where is a good second date place if it was bar/lounge for the first that ended with sexual tension like that?

        • 2 years ago

          >text her again
          take your time. dont hurry up or you might come off as needy/thirsty. if she doesnt want to meet with its ogre move on dont push

        • 2 years ago

          im far from an expert but id go do something. billiards. hike. ive run out of ideas.

    • 2 years ago

      You're really really overthinking it. There is no "game", it's just people chilling and talking. It should feel natural to you. She wants to see you a 3rd time and kissed you on the 2nd date, surely that's a good sign, no? Arrange to see her again. She's probably just late in responding and wouldn't have kissed you if she was already turned off by you. She may just want to get to know someone better before she literally pair bonds with them, I don't get this obsessive pressure for sex. Take it chilled and see how it goes.

    • 2 years ago

      unless i misread while skimming this youre in the clear. keep it moving. shes probably just busy/forgot.

    • 2 years ago

      After she did the hug and kiss thing, should have held the hug and asked if she was sure she didn't want to come round for some more wine at your place.

  74. 2 years ago

    >go out to bar on day 6 of nofap because I want to talk to girls
    >no girls, shit vibe in room
    >everyone near me is talking way way too loud and has nothing interesting to talk about
    >bartender has to ask me like twice if I'm doing ok because I'm scowling
    >leave after 5 beers

    • 2 years ago

      Oh I forgot
      >at one point an australian tourist girl breaks from her group
      >I'm outside because it's quieter out there
      >she's being bothered by some drunker guy
      >sits next to me so he doesn't bother her
      That was the highlight.

  75. 2 years ago

    >move to new country
    >New culture
    >My shy personality and shortcomings stay the same
    Autism can't be beaten, can it? I'm considering doing mushrooms but I don't know how to get them

  76. 2 years ago

    My girlfriend rarely has sex with me anymore. Now, I understand that some girls have pretty low libidos, but my girlfriend jerk offs ~3 times a day. When I confronted her about it she broke down crying saying that she feels pressured to perform for me during sex and she can only have an orgasm when she's alone since that's the only time that she can relax (and she had also never orgasmed with her previous sexual partners either). This really hurt me because I thought she was orgasming during sex but she was just faking it.
    How can I move forward from here? I love her and believe she loves me

    • 2 years ago

      Based on what you told me, she seems to be pressured into believing that she needs to pull Olympic level stunts to please you. How did she come to get that into her head? We are all plagued by unrealistic expectations, so I would start there maybe.

      Tell her what's important to you. Is it her orgasming that's important to you? Or is it the fact that she's comfortable enough with you to orgasm with you?

      What is a happy place for the two of you? Is it a locale in the park? An ice cream parlor? The bar? Go with her there and just intend to have a good time with her. See what she does. That's what I would do.

      • 2 years ago

        To keep it real with you, she is letting you down easy with the "it's not you it's me". If she is jerking off all the time, she wants sex. It's not like she's fricked up on SSRIs and like physically cant get wet/aroused. She's dildoing herself all the time.

        Take some time for introspection on your dick game. In the great majority of times you have sex, she should be screaming and your sheets should be wet everytime. Deep dicking, oral, fingerblasting, foreplay, choking

        she's probably also cheating unironically, or will b soon. you write this like a redditt cuck post. get your dick in order. you should also be fricking her tiwce in a session a lot of the time

        that kind of stuff never works out, if its bad now it will be worse in a few years

        I should add that she loves sucking my dick, and would happily suck me off multiple times a day. No, I don't think she's cheating. I just feel bad because I want the intimacy of sex and I want her to enjoy herself sexually with me too

        • 2 years ago

          Ultimately it's up to her to want to try to orgasm with you. Women are emotional creatures, and I think somewhere in what she said lies some insecurity or two that's holding her back from really giving everything of her to you. Are you the prince who passed her thorns to kiss the sleeping beauty, or are her thorns still up, poised to stab if you get too close?

    • 2 years ago

      To keep it real with you, she is letting you down easy with the "it's not you it's me". If she is jerking off all the time, she wants sex. It's not like she's fricked up on SSRIs and like physically cant get wet/aroused. She's dildoing herself all the time.

      Take some time for introspection on your dick game. In the great majority of times you have sex, she should be screaming and your sheets should be wet everytime. Deep dicking, oral, fingerblasting, foreplay, choking

    • 2 years ago

      To keep it real with you, she is letting you down easy with the "it's not you it's me". If she is jerking off all the time, she wants sex. It's not like she's fricked up on SSRIs and like physically cant get wet/aroused. She's dildoing herself all the time.

      Take some time for introspection on your dick game. In the great majority of times you have sex, she should be screaming and your sheets should be wet everytime. Deep dicking, oral, fingerblasting, foreplay, choking

      she's probably also cheating unironically, or will b soon. you write this like a redditt cuck post. get your dick in order. you should also be fricking her tiwce in a session a lot of the time

    • 2 years ago

      that kind of stuff never works out, if its bad now it will be worse in a few years

  77. 2 years ago

    Any other graduate students in here? How the FRICK do I meet people and make friends? I'm at the end stages and just dissertating now and don't need to do coursework or whatever with the other grad students. I have two friends, one is leaving the state since they don't want to stick around in person to write the dissertation and the other left the program entirely (still lives in town though). I don't really get along with any of the other people in the program so it looks like I'll be alone in a few months. I chitchat with some regulars at the gym but that's it. I have a roommate, but he has military grade autism, talks like a robot, and hides in his room all day.

    • 2 years ago

      5th year STEM bro, also started writing dissertation just this past week.

      I am not sure what the answer could be. I had a group of friends that were from different departments and even then we would only be able to coordinate dinner every 6 weeks, they just graduated since they are a year ahead and now I have very little.

      Unfortunately I accidentally made friends with some neighbors and now they wait for my car to park. They and their friends are a bunch of late 20 alcoholics who only want to get drunk and go to restaurants, neither very feasible when you are grinding a PhD. Don't have the money or time to do this shit multiple times a week so they just constantly b***h because they don't understand even having a true 9-5.

      The closest I've gotten to this is playing games with old highschool friends and just getting drunk on chat, not ideal but it's definitely good to have a network to relax with. I don't know how bad your situation is but if you're looking for virtual frens my discord is Vidofnir # 1479, I don't have too much time for vidya anymore but if you want to game with fellow ISTSTEM autists every couple weeks I have small group.

  78. 2 years ago

    30th birthday coming up & 10 year anniversary with gf shortly after that, she's talking about buying a house & now I think she's not the one. I've only been in two long term relationships since I was 14 & now I've got a new job and my 30th is approaching I'm starting to feel like I should be at least finding out what I'm like by myself, think going from from 1 LTR to another I've missed out on that period of my 20s. She has no idea and I just don't know what to do.

    • 2 years ago

      Human beings are naturally wired to fall out of love unless a child is born.

    • 2 years ago

      >I've missed out on that period of my 20s.
      There are legit reasons to want to break up but please for the love of God anon don't fall for the "le epic single party pussy sex prostitutes etc." meme - you ahve a 10 year relationship that you've been building and it is definitely not worth it to break the whole thing down just because you feel like you want to party and frick random women or something along those lines.

      If you've lasted in the relationship for nearly 10 years without wanting to break up, surely you must be very compatible with each other. If there's anything that's bothering you, I recommend you to try and see what solutions you could come up to the problem, if there's anything that could be changed or adjusted to help stuff fall back into place - maybe even talk about what's bothering with your gf. This might sound cliché but remember that sometimes you have to try and/or work for love - if you become stagnant in the relationship, it might need to be brought back "manually".
      Not only in the friday feels threads have I seen many anons recount stories of how they broke up long-lasting and successful relationships (sometimes even ones where they were each other's first) merely because they felt the call of the "single life," only to soon find out that said "single life" is very shallow. You can probably guess that they all regretted it.

      If you just want some time for yourself, I'm sure your gf will understand that and your relationship, if it's already lasted that long, should have no problem withstanding a period where you perhaps spend a bit less time together or something (not talking about taking a "break" though that's an entirely different thing imo).

      • 2 years ago


        30th birthday coming up & 10 year anniversary with gf shortly after that, she's talking about buying a house & now I think she's not the one. I've only been in two long term relationships since I was 14 & now I've got a new job and my 30th is approaching I'm starting to feel like I should be at least finding out what I'm like by myself, think going from from 1 LTR to another I've missed out on that period of my 20s. She has no idea and I just don't know what to do.

        The grass is greener on the other side. Nevertheless, it sounds like you need closure to not having that thing that you felt was an important part of your development done and over with. If I can suggest an exercise, pull out a pencil or pen and a piece of paper, and hash out exactly what you think is missing by being in long term relationships for so long. Then ask if it is possible to do it with your girl. If it just "isn't the same" with having her around, hash out why and what you think is missing.

        Really important, but communicate with your girl. She's been with you for 10 years. Talk to her and tell her what's been on your mind. Don't sugarcoat it. You still care about her, and it's important that you convey that.

        Are you wondering deep down if you can withstand the onslaught of life all by yourself? Without anyone with you, you might learn how to fly solo, but in the end having somebody by your side will make things a hell of a lot easier no matter how good you get at flying solo.

      • 2 years ago

        simp energy. Lots of betas settle and get complacent in a relationship. Some will let it coast for 10 years. Who are you to say that didn't happen here? Why are you telling him to stay in one when he's not happy?

        >I'm tired of all this young top quality pussy
        Said no one fricking ever. Only betas as a cope for getting gutter trash whales (you)

        • 2 years ago

          Holy shit the delusion.

      • 2 years ago

        I've broken up with girls before and may have even broke a heart or two but eventually I found "the one" and I don't regret not settling before. Many of them went on for months or even years but subconsciously I always knew something didn't sit right. You can trust your gut on this one because if you've found the right one, you'll know.
        I agree, simply breaking up because you want le epic single life to frick prostitutes is a bullshit reason but if you legit don't see yourself with a girl for the rest of your life there is no reason to drag on the relationship any longer than it needs to or even settling.
        Choosing your wife is the SINGLE most important life decision you will EVER make. homosexuals will obsess forever over which car they're gonna buy, which gaming computer, or which brosplit to choose when in reality those things don't matter. You can sell a shitty car, you can get a new computer, you can change your routing tomorrow, but going through a divorce with a woman you've fallen out of love is terrible. And you're not getting younger. Dating at 22 is easier than at 27, at 27 easier than at 30, at 30 easier than at 35, and so forth.

        • 2 years ago

          >And you're not getting younger. Dating at 22 is easier than at 27, at 27 easier than at 30, at 30 easier than at 35, and so forth.
          For women. If you're a man, you're better off late 20s and early 30s for getting girls than being the same age as them (early 20s). Relationships for sure, hooking up maybe it's more even depending on how Chad you are lookswise, because looks is all you have when you're that young.

          • 2 years ago

            Maybe late 20s is still fine. I think the RP thought of a 35 year old man snatching up a 20 year old, at least beyond a ONS, is kind of delusional and pure cope.

            • 2 years ago

              >I think the RP thought of a 35 year old man snatching up a 20 year old, at least beyond a ONS, is kind of delusional and pure cope.
              You really think it's THAT rare? I'm not saying to expect that, I'm saying it's not impossible. It all depends on what you have to offer looks, money, career, and status wise. At 35 you can still go for early 20s chicks for LTRs, and if anything your chances are better long term with one of them than a 30 year old who has been with 5+ dudes before you. Chances of that working out is like 25%. And that's not a number from my ass but a stat in regards to marriage divorce rates and how many partners a woman has had.

              • 2 years ago

                Does it happen from time to time? Sure. Is it the norm? Absolutely not. (But I guess that's what you said)
                Most 35 year old men are married with kids or at least kids on the way and an unmarried 35yo already rings every possible alarm bell with girls. There might be a reason why he's not married, e.g. successful bachelor actor like Leonardo DiCaprio, but more often than not the reason he isn't married is simply because he's a fricking loser

              • 2 years ago

                >and an unmarried 35yo already rings every possible alarm bell with girls
                That depends entirely on what country you're in. In Scandinavia that's basically the age men on avg get married. In the US, it's like 5-6 years earlier I think. You're making it sound catastrophic.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm from a small town in Southern Germany, that's my sample size, probably different in different countries, yeah

  79. 2 years ago

    went to the movies with a friend. sat next to a cute girl and our arms were touching all movie. this is the most skin to skin contact i’ve had and made me realize i am quite lonely. on the positive side i hit 120kg bench today.

  80. 2 years ago

    >0 friends
    >dead end job
    >5'9 and acne
    Even on here I suck lmao. I'm the literal thread killer. Every thread I reply to, my reply is the last before it 404s.

    • 2 years ago

      the world owes you nothing

    • 2 years ago

      I can't imagine a man from 200 years ago being this pitiable. The world owes you nothing, you have to grab it by the balls and yank until you get what you want.

  81. 2 years ago

    >Haven't gotten laid in a decade.
    >Lifts starting to slow.
    >Recovery taking longer.
    >Can't even do the full SS workout without being exhausted and it taking forever.
    >Split it.
    >Lifts are 1/1.5/2/2.75
    >Can never seem to make it past 80kg bench.
    >All my friends keep telling me I look great. But I don't feel great. I just go to the gym to feel better.
    >Depression, tiredness, hot flashes, night sweats, lack of motivation, all getting worse.
    >Typically signs of low estrogen levels, but that can't be it right?
    >Frick it it's my birthday, decide to pay for hormone check.
    >Pic related.
    I thought my life was on track but it seems it's about go off a cliff. I live in bongland so my chances of getting trt, let alone good quality trt on the piece of shit healthcare system i've been paying into for years are fricking low as shit. I just want to be able to compete with the rest of the fricking species. I'm in my early thirties, this is going to get even worse.
    >can't even see my doctor till tuesday because of bank holiday.
    I've never taken any PEDs anons but I'm fricking tempted to start blasting and cruising, I want kids some day, but at this fricking rate i'm more likely to kill myself than procreate.

    thank you for reading my blog.

    • 2 years ago

      P*rn claims another one

  82. 2 years ago

    Nothing much to report this week again barkeep, my art skills continue to progress swiftly. My only issue is forcing myself to sit down and actually START drawing, I can usually take myself the rest of the way afterwards.
    A small issue but one that I can overcome with time hopefully.

  83. 2 years ago

    The girls at work keep hugging me or feeling my arms. I'm just a robot I don't do good with this

  84. 2 years ago

    Welp, it finally frickin happened. Think I slipped a disc. Snap city. I knew 'd get my ticket some day. Both heels on my feet are numb but more notabley my genitals, anus, perineum and the inner side of my left buttoc is numb.

    Currently waiting for a callback from a doctor/nurse whatever.

    RIP. Was finally making some gains and enjoying the benefits too. Typical.

    • 2 years ago

      what exercise?

      • 2 years ago

        Barbell row on Thursday I think. I likely made it worse working out Friday morning then noticed the numbness when I was on the shitter Friday afternoon.

        I've been walking around like a tit thinking it would just 'get better' on it's own. I just read online a slipped disc, combined with symptoms of numbness in the anus or genitals you need to meed immediate medical attension. Which is why I'm waiting for a call back now. They didn't give a time frame, should have asked before hanging up.

        • 2 years ago

          need to seek* I am tired as frick

        • 2 years ago

          best wishes on your recovery bro

          • 2 years ago

            thank you

  85. 2 years ago

    Lads did I do a cringe or a based?

    >out for a jog on one of the local trails
    >unusually crowded day even for summer, having to dodge families, dogs, old people etc
    >see a group of maybe half dozen late teens/early 20's stacys just shambling towards me
    >they all seem to look at me in unison
    >I feel like they're about to make fun of me, many groups of people have laughed at me in my life I can just sense it
    >one of them says "Hey"
    >I say "No. Frick off." And start going even faster to get away from them

    At the time it felt good to tell them off but looking back I feel like I might have come off worse than I intended. Thoughts?

    • 2 years ago

      ultra cringe bro. just say, "sup" but in a sort of casual yet detached manner and let them mire as you stride by.

    • 2 years ago

      Lmfao just say hey or something

    • 2 years ago

      >cringe or a based?
      everyone knows based and successful people write 500 word essays about minor events in their life on a chinese cartoon forum

      • 2 years ago

        Not that guy but what a strange response.

    • 2 years ago

      Super cringe, guarantee they weren't going to hate on you

    • 2 years ago

      Cringe. Here's what you should have said
      >Hey, what's up
      Damn, hard.

  86. 2 years ago

    Meant to go boxing today but woke up almost throwing up at 4AM and my stomach feeling weak as frick. Couldnt tell if it was food poisoning from chinese or from drinking beer and rum so slighty sad about that

  87. 2 years ago

    >had a few weird dates with a girl early in undergrad(i was a dumbass as an undergrad), felt like i came off as a weirdo
    >in 2nd year of grad school, 4 years later
    >grad school orientation, all returning students encouraged to attend
    >helping new people in lab, might as well go
    >girl i went on the dates with is a new grad student
    >oh frickin boy here we go
    >introduction exercise has everybody pair up
    >everybody paired up besides me and the girl
    >oh frick please not let this be awkward
    >it wasnt awkward, we talked like regular people that just knew each other before
    words cannot describe how much of a relief that was

    • 2 years ago

      I miss wealthy cello


  88. 2 years ago

    I don't know if this girl is gaslighting me or not

    • 2 years ago

      Good post man.

      • 2 years ago

        Right after I hit post I realized I forgot the other words:
        >Back in July, female coworker of 3 years wanted to get fired from job due to not being able to handle stress
        >We were close friends for the past 2 years
        >I said I hope she'll still hang and shoot me a text about her life after leaving
        >She says she doesn't really keep up with people and probably wont even keep talking with her other friend at work
        >Kind of surprised at her coldness and disappointed
        >Later in the month she changes her mind and doesnt want to leave
        >Still kind of upset so I decide to stop being buddies with her
        >Last week we finally talk and I bring up the topic
        >She denies ever saying it. She claims she said she has trouble keeping up with people but would try with us. Says I misunderstood completely and now she's mad at me for giving her the cold shoulder.

        I've never been rash and wouldn't make a snap decision to drop her.
        I swear I heard what she said.

        • 2 years ago

          I would be careful with that one. Someone who wants to waffle between life-changing decisions is probably just venting and is probably bored with her life so is trying to stir up the pot a little bit.

          All I'm saying is, don't give her anything you don't want to see broken.

    • 2 years ago

      Women gaslight by nature. It's not her fault they are all evil. You're not crazy brother.

  89. 2 years ago

    How do I stop being a loser? I find it really hard to socialise at a very basic level compared to most people, I’m very quite and slow when in a social meeting. Even with friends and such I just don’t seem to understand the unspoken rules of socialising, and I sometimes take small things as being malicious or having deeper meaning. I would also like to meet new people and branch out a bit, but it seems like I can’t at the moment with how poor my social skills and personality are. How can I improve?

    • 2 years ago

      I feel this, it’s almost as if I’m in a contracted state while others are very open and flowy. With alcohol I have no issues talking to anyone, but sober it’s a nightmare

      • 2 years ago

        I used to be much more social with alcohol as well, but I’d often resign myself to “class clown” and do stupid shit. I had a wake up call and stopped acting that way when I drink, now I’m just like I am sober really

    • 2 years ago

      Set goals and just keep on trying. What do you mean when you say socializing?
      Do you want friends? A gf? What do you want to do with your friends? Play sports? Play vidya? Just hang around?

      • 2 years ago

        I guess I just want to meet different types of people, explore. I do have a group of friends but I feel like they’ll leave me at some point since it feels like I’ve changed a lot lately. I wouldn’t mind having a gf but I doubt it would last that long frankly. I go to a boxing club regularly so there’s a few people there I know but no more than simple greetings and sparring together. I guess that’s better than nothing though.

    • 2 years ago

      I feel this, it’s almost as if I’m in a contracted state while others are very open and flowy. With alcohol I have no issues talking to anyone, but sober it’s a nightmare

      Are you guys judgmental of others? What about yourself?
      My friend's who have the hardest times socializing and seem contracted are typically the ones who have more c**ty behavior (they are still good dudes) and they judge others, judge themselves and they look at small things for meaning. They've opened up and asked what I mean by certain things and I tell them the truth, I mean nothing by most of what I do.

      At least for those people it's a combination of judging and also trying to apply critical reasoning for other human's social interactions. Critical reason and pattern recognition are both used interchangeably in life, but pattern recognition is easier and takes less mental energy so when shooting the shit people are typically not planning anything or doing anything for an express purpose, they are just "going with the flow" by using pattern recognition and not judging in the moment.

      Can you give an example of not knowing an "unspoken rule of socializing?".

      • 2 years ago

        No I would say I’m actually not a judgemental person for the most part. I feel others are more judgemental and that I would have to be more judgemental to fit in with others. This is also one of the things I meant by an unspoken rule since people will gossip about mutuals and show what they really think about them, they analyse them pretty much. Pointing out all of the things they don’t like which I wouldn’t really care about. My friend group do it about other friends and I’m assuming they do it about me a lot as well. I’m not sure if this is normal or shitty behaviour though

        • 2 years ago

          That's shitty behavior my friend, I have small group of people I work with that do that and if asked my opinion about some gossip I tell them, "I don't really care".
          Everyone has their own way of behaving and the way they wished they behave. I tease/shit on people jokingly but 1) I hug or give some physical contact when I leave a group, 2) tell them to drive safe (I tell them love them if I known them for more than 1 year) and 3) if a little gossip starts I'll something to the tune of "who cares lets ...".

          You just need to find who you want to be, truly internalize it and become that person, then find people who are cool. I've had a lot of friends commit suicide and die from accidents growing up so when I go for a hug or jokingly slap someone's ass for the night I genuinely want them to be safe and I do not care if they say something when I walk away.
          I am by no means Chad but I do the things I enjoy when talking to others and I try to facilitate them enjoying themselves too. The only truly heinous traits are things like lying, gossiping and being selfish. As long as I don't do that shit, anything they say behind my back reflects them being shitty.
          How old are you/the other guy by the way? I was a bit more critical of things when I was in college but now I'm 27 working 6 days a week 12 hour shifts, so there has been a natural shift of not giving a shit if someone wants to judge me or any other person for being authentic.

          • 2 years ago

            That sounds like pretty good advice actually. I have been trying to become a better ideal version of myself but it’s hard because it isn’t realistic currently, but I do want to work towards it. I am 19 years old, soon to be 20.

            • 2 years ago

              I'm young but you're real real young dude, don't stress it. Don't get dragged down by shitty behaviors, adults with degrees and jobs who shit talk are pathetic. They exist and abuse alcohol and drugs well into their 30s and truly will never make it. Those are childish behaviors, it's understandable that those people are your age and just learning how to properly socialize themselves. I'm just in late 20s and already all my close friends hug each other and tell each other they love them before leaving.

              For reference, and I don't know if this will be helpful to anyone, I have 3 "friend" groups.
              1) Childhood friends. No degrees, union working jobs, having families now. They are not fat but not IST, but great people who don't shit talk and are caring. Each person can confidently be who they want to be, authentically just want to have a good time and want to provide for friends and family

              2) Gradschool friends, these people are going to make it. They are all STEM and either chemists, physicists or biologists/geologists. They shit talk the c**ty administration/professors but not other people. Most of them are actually women but they are more chad than most people here, they've been putting the time and work in their doctorates and any social time is truly no stress and just to frick around.

              3) My goddamn neighbors/the locals. People who are early to mid 30s, they are all alcoholics with master degrees in social science with low-paying jobs they don't like and have nothing to do with their degrees. They are on countless medications to function and both men and women wonder why they can't find a good LTR while they suck and frick randos every other weekend. This seems real judgemental but you can be hedonistic and make it, but they aren't because of their mindset. They gossip, they judge others, and they are cliquey. All because they hate themselves.

              TLDR: Get into a make-it group, which happens naturally when yourself are going to make-it.

              • 2 years ago

                Thank you for the advice. I will try to implement this mindset more into my life

    • 2 years ago

      Use CBT, cognitive behavioral therapy, read up on it and how it works. Can't be arsed to write a long post. Quick tips:
      >pay attention to the other person, look at them
      >people think of themselves and not fricking up more than they think of you and your possible frickups
      >you can talk about pretty much anything, it all has to do with how you talk
      >stay in the moment and pay attention to how you feel if you feel bad/off/awkward, and you'll realize it's nothing, it'll go away, or you can lean into it and you'll feel better because you're the one in control
      And then I don't know, join a sports club, you'll be able to do a bit of talking there while still having a main focus on the sport.

      • 2 years ago

        This seems like good advice, I’ll try and use it in the future. I am also currently in a boxing club which I go to once a week, and seem to get along with some of the regulars so that’s nice

  90. 2 years ago

    >be highschool sarm goblin that doesn't actually do sarms, 10th grade
    >be sitting at table in recess with my friends
    >8.5 green eyed brunnete 9th grade qt comes and sits besides me
    >wow anon you're a lot stronger than last year
    >starts checking me out
    >don't even look at her
    >completely ignore her, instead talk to beta manlet friend standing up behind me
    >she stops talking
    >realize my mistake
    bros, I may be moronic.

    • 2 years ago

      Relax man, you now have that experience and now you know better. Shame is a valuable feeling even if it sucks, because shame is enough to change the way we go through life for good and for the better.

      Also, underagedb&

      • 2 years ago

        I'm allowed to drink where I'm from yet amerilards are not. Don't see the problem with being underage.

  91. 2 years ago

    I just blocked my bpd gf. She cut herself bad yesterday and called me crying that it was deep. Now she is acting like nothing happened I can't take this shit anymore. I am trying so hard to leave her this time. She encouraged me to overeat too and now I'm 40lbs overweight. I've been hitting the gym consistently for a few months and now I think its time to debloat.

    • 2 years ago

      Don't look back anon, it will get better, You're going to make it.

  92. 2 years ago

    I realized confidence is a feedback loop. You can't fake it. After years of lifting, looksmaxxing and fashionmaxxing I finally am attractive. Guys respect you and girls give you positive attention. These interactions give me so much positive energy to be fully confident and not feel insecure. Knowing I walk into a room and mog pretty much every guy in that room is such a great feeling too. Most men these days don't take care of themselves and let their potential go to waste. 5 years ago I was a bloated dyel with terrible fashion and had 0 female attention, absolutely pathetic. Now girls straight up approach me to tell me I am attrative. You can't fake confidence, you have to earn it.

    • 2 years ago

      dude shut the frick up lmao

    • 2 years ago


      dude shut the frick up lmao


  93. 2 years ago

    How to be less clingy? I thought it would calm down once the novelty wore off but it's been 3 years now and we can't even go moments without missing each others. And while it's sweet in a way it does mean I end up neglecting the other people in my life

    • 2 years ago

      Before you met the other, you were able to survive just fine without them, right? You can keep doing this for the rest of your days. The thing is when you're with someone special, you'll cherish the moments you're together. Of course you enjoy those moments! But you can also go on without them too.

      • 2 years ago

        Just fine... I was a suicidal drug addict that did little with his life. She started taking more room in my life after I was locked up after a failed suicide attempt. She's helped me sober up from everything and showed me how to take care of myself and build a life that makes me happy now. She means everything to me and it's just difficult. The only thing on my mind all day is always the same, try my best to make her as happy as she made me

        • 2 years ago

          Don't forget to make you as happy as she made you.

          • 2 years ago

            That is what I am trying to do yes. I feel like I am playing with a double edge sword here. But it's just so difficult and I don't really know hot to move forward

    • 2 years ago

      By force. By basically limiting your feelings for her, by spending more time away from her either by yourself or with others.

  94. 2 years ago

    Is the anon here that went to the bar alone for first time?

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