It's over

It's over thread.

>mid 30s
>SEA peasant genes
>weight hasn't changed at all after puberty
>16.5 lb dumb bells is heavy for me, can only do curls with them
>checked test levels, they area okay, but no information about free test and other stuff, cause docs don't do that unless you pay

Most concerned about my back tbh, it's so weak and fragile (superman exercise feels painful), also my digestive system is bad, one of the reasons why I won't put on any weight even in my mid 30s.

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  1. 5 months ago

    Superman is terribad for your lower back.

  2. 5 months ago

    Leanmaxx and grow out your hair you can probably pull younger girls assuming you have them asian babyface genetics

    • 5 months ago

      Most asians can't pull off the Bishounen look , it's like thinking all skinny white guys can look like Bieber or young Dicaprio

    • 5 months ago

      If he's SEA he's just gonna look like a hairless monkey, not a bisho k pop pretty boy.

      It's over thread.

      >mid 30s
      >SEA peasant genes
      >weight hasn't changed at all after puberty
      >16.5 lb dumb bells is heavy for me, can only do curls with them
      >checked test levels, they area okay, but no information about free test and other stuff, cause docs don't do that unless you pay

      Most concerned about my back tbh, it's so weak and fragile (superman exercise feels painful), also my digestive system is bad, one of the reasons why I won't put on any weight even in my mid 30s.

      Stop being a doomer and work with what you got. Complaining about genetics is blackpill bullshit.

      • 5 months ago

        I mean that look isn't too bad

        • 5 months ago

          >I mean that look isn't too bad
          Yeah that's the point. If Tony Jaa has "SEA peasant genes" OP has no reason to complain. You work with what you have, he shouldn't chase the pretty boy look because he probably doesn't have the face for it, but that's no reason to lie down and rot.

    • 5 months ago

      >just eat more

      Serirously I have thought it through. Eating more, working out intensively would be waste of resources.
      It's totally inefficient, because I wasn't made to be big/buff. The only real solution would be taking steroids of all sorts.
      You are delusional to think otherwise. All the natty guys you have posted here on IST and you see on youtube are all fake natty.


      I am lean, as I said, your stereotypical picture of some sea peasant working on rice fields.

      >grow out your hair

      I am balding

      • 5 months ago

        >balding asian
        Rip , legit no way to pull it off, you will look like either a Monk or an butthole

        • 5 months ago

          Rip , legit no way to pull it off, you will look like either a Monk or an butthole
          just say monk

      • 5 months ago

        i probably have way worse genes than you and i work out and look pretty decent nowadays
        i was like 50kg and didnt go outside for months when i started trying to workout, i started with something like 5kg dumbbell curls and pushups, i have tiny wrists and hands, chronic diseases etc.
        if you simply keep working out and enjoying it you will get hungrier, eat more and gain weight.
        i gained nearly 10kg my first year and i didnt really have any proper program or diet, a lot of it was fat but i basically turned from undead to human and started feeling way better, now i work out properly and i'm very satisfied with how i look and the strength i have. i've also been doing muay thai for like 4 years now.

        my guess is you are doing curls treating them like a strength movement, almost nobody curls more than 15kg without egolifting, you just need to eat and focus on general strength for a while to feel more confident and coordinated.
        do some kind of full body program thats not exhausting, and do cardio like walking 30mins or jogging if you can.
        if you are lactose intolerant drink lactose-free milk, you dont have to do extensive dieting but learn about how much protein is in stuff and eat more of it, don't count protein from non-animal foods.

  3. 5 months ago

    >Has barely worked out
    >Complaining about how weak you are
    Most useless kind of post on this board i swear
    Go workout for a few months you gelatinous seppo c**t, then you can complain

  4. 5 months ago

    >i haven't tried anything and I'm all out of ideas

    i will never understand how you people complain just for the sake of whining. Your future is in YOUR hands and YOUR hands only. Take charge.

  5. 5 months ago

    why do you want to get stronger what is the motivation?

  6. 5 months ago

    I refuse to believe it's truly over but I need some guidance.
    >be me pajeet, born and bred India
    >intend on living here so dw
    >5'10 king of manlets (average height is like 5'6) here
    >Don't look like Henry Cavill or Hrithik Roshan but looks slightly above average, been called cute at times
    >I workout regularly and always stay between 12-15% body fat
    >Terrible eyesight and bad dark circles around my eyes
    >Have had 2 chances in my life so far where the girls were clearly into me but I was too moronic to turn it into something
    >I still start stuttering whenever I talk to a girl and I have trouble making and maintaining eye contact
    What should I do? How do I get better at social interactions and what to do with my circles?

    • 5 months ago

      practice. Go to clubs or go on more dates. It just sounds like you have social anxiety and very little experience.

    • 5 months ago

      Sounds like you can be just fine Pajeetbro. Like

      practice. Go to clubs or go on more dates. It just sounds like you have social anxiety and very little experience.

      suggested, the only solution for social anxiety is experience. Something is scary if you rarely do it, but if you talk to girls on a daily basis, there's nothing scary about it. But you have to put yourself outside of your comfort zone and just try and try and try. It will get better, keep at it.

    • 5 months ago

      Arranged marriage you moron

    • 5 months ago

      Have sex with escorts to get over your fear of women

    • 5 months ago

      Exposure therapy. Force yourself into social situations. Make mistakes and learn from them. Never give up.

  7. 5 months ago

    Have you considered ladyboymaxxing?

  8. 5 months ago

    I saw a jacked asian dude at the gym a few weeks ago. Had a cutie gf w him too.

    Most of the other asian bros I see are in your predicament. Theyre like... 140lbs tops, 5'8'' tops. It is what it is.

    Eat more, like, all day... and keep adding weight.

  9. 5 months ago

    >Balding asian

    oof, i'd ask my dad for a refund

  10. 5 months ago

    I guess the debate is pretty much settled.

    Surely it is far easier to start as a 240lb American than a 120lb Asian.

    • 5 months ago

      Fat strong / bear mode is a thing
      Never have heard the opposite before, which is skinny strong, though if you say those boulder climbers are skinny, then they are strong for their weight.

      • 5 months ago

        There are plenty of skelly powerlifters

  11. 5 months ago

    >be me
    >most men around me are pretty strong especially compared to what most people say they lift on this site
    >im a leagues above those people
    god i love being a slavic ogre

    • 5 months ago

      nice numerics, really nice

      Also mirin those natural born strong folks, destined to be strong with little resources needed to achieve it.

  12. 5 months ago

    >its over
    >never even tried to start
    Stop being a pussy

  13. 5 months ago

    >What is OHP
    >What are squats
    Buy a barbell and get lifting you whiny b***h.

  14. 5 months ago

    >>mid 30s
    my coach trains men and women who have started in their 40s just to fix their fricked backs from farm life. Then actually look decent for the first time in their lives. Relatively within 5 years.
    Overall above their peers.
    >SEA peasant genes
    dont shit on your genes, its pointless and will make you depressed. It also trains you to be used to being depressed. Love your family deeply and the men and women who made you. They could be drunks but they came together and did the best they could.
    Forgive them for your sake but dont allow them to rule you.
    hasn't changed at all after puberty
    Read the sticky, experiment with your diet.
    test levels, they area okay, but no information about free test and other stuff, cause docs don't do that unless you pay
    You are likely fine, roids are an option but you should make that a last resort because once you get on you don't want to come off ever.

    Read the sticky and experiment with your diet. It will take your time digestion to adjust but as you stress it more and more it will grow stronger and more stable.

    When i first started eatting 200g of protein i had the worst shits ever. I had to consume 50g for a week. Then i did 100 and got big shits.
    So i dropped it down to 75g for two weeks.
    Then i upped it again.

    Give your body time to change, give your mind to change.

    Im not SEA but if you got a farmer background or poor background like me then you are probably used to suffering pointlessly with no growth ever. It takes time for your brain to get used to the idea of hope as a concept and pride in accomplishments even if its just eatting 200 extra calories.

    Please do not give up bro. It does not get better eventually. It gets better because you force life to get better.

  15. 5 months ago

    Try HIT

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