It's strange how there isn't definitive agreement on what this is.

>lol that's just fat bro

Yes he has crappy posture. Yes he's fat, but that isn't all or even mostly visceral fat. It's a distended stomach that can radically shrink or expand with a day of dehydration, fasting & shitting vs. a day getting bloated on beer and food.

Giant beer gut is overwhelmingly a male problem. What's so different about male anatomy? It's like some men have a stretched, weak abdominal wall that can't even begin to hold in a full stomach or poop-filled intestines. They need a tummy tuck like women get after a Cesarean.

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  1. 4 months ago

    I mean isn't it just from years and years of neglecting lifting? If you never train your abs you are bound to look like that at some point.

    My dad is built like that too, it's weird, he is skinny everywhere but his beer belly and it's literally like a basketball, but his bloodwork is all fine.

  2. 4 months ago

    It's a combination of unlucky genes, fat and super weak transversus abdominalis usually.

    But it's nothing you couldn't work on with some training and diet.

    • 4 months ago

      i can bet you part of it is gut issues and gut bacteria imbalance. this can happen to low body fat people as well

    • 4 months ago

      >It's a combination of unlucky genes, fat and super weak transversus abdominalis usually.

      The weak transverse has to be part of it, but there are a lot of strong guys who still suffer from this. Pro bodybuilders at 6% bf with massive bubble gut are a perfect example. It must also have something to do with stretching the muscle to the point it can't bounce back, which is exactly what happens to some pregnant women and why they get tummy tucks.

      Also men have a much higher % of visceral fat. Fat women's subcutaneous fat lies over the muscle and so doesn't stretch it. The "skinny everywhere except the stomach" is 99% male.

    • 4 months ago

      Its just male genes. Men are predispositioned to hold more fat in their abdominal region. Obviously there is also a intra-sex range on how much fat you hold, but on average a man will hold more fat in their belly than women.
      Thats one aspect of it. The other is that men drink more & more often than women
      . Alcohol indirectly causes fat gain by inhibiting stopping you from burning fat and also containing calories. Alcohol also seems to promote abdominal fat gain in particular, so that combined with the bad abdominal fat genetics of men is what causes the "beer belly"

      Men more likely to have abdominal fat + Men more likely to drink more&often causing fat gain especially in the belly -> these 2 factors amplify each other = beer belly.

      >It's a combination of unlucky genes, fat and super weak transversus abdominalis usually.

      The weak transverse has to be part of it, but there are a lot of strong guys who still suffer from this. Pro bodybuilders at 6% bf with massive bubble gut are a perfect example. It must also have something to do with stretching the muscle to the point it can't bounce back, which is exactly what happens to some pregnant women and why they get tummy tucks.

      Also men have a much higher % of visceral fat. Fat women's subcutaneous fat lies over the muscle and so doesn't stretch it. The "skinny everywhere except the stomach" is 99% male.

      >It's genes

      Yeah nah, it isn't. I mean, if it's genes, wouldn't most teenage boys also have at least a little pot belly?

      There's one thing all these men that look like OP pic has in common, and that's massive alcohol consumption.

      • 4 months ago

        How many teenagers have accumulated a decade of regular drinking? Lol.
        Something being influenced by genetics doesn't mean it's an instant on off switch, boys and girls both have full heads of hair as kids but when they grow up 2/3s of men lose their hair. Please go find me 6 year olds who have started balding.

    • 4 months ago

      >lol that's just fat bro

      Yes he has crappy posture. Yes he's fat, but that isn't all or even mostly visceral fat. It's a distended stomach that can radically shrink or expand with a day of dehydration, fasting & shitting vs. a day getting bloated on beer and food.

      Giant beer gut is overwhelmingly a male problem. What's so different about male anatomy? It's like some men have a stretched, weak abdominal wall that can't even begin to hold in a full stomach or poop-filled intestines. They need a tummy tuck like women get after a Cesarean.

      I mean isn't it just from years and years of neglecting lifting? If you never train your abs you are bound to look like that at some point.

      My dad is built like that too, it's weird, he is skinny everywhere but his beer belly and it's literally like a basketball, but his bloodwork is all fine.

      He just has a weak abdomen and weak lower back. When the lower back is weak it puts too much work on the abdominals to keep your back upright and so it buckles.

  3. 4 months ago

    Its just male genes. Men are predispositioned to hold more fat in their abdominal region. Obviously there is also a intra-sex range on how much fat you hold, but on average a man will hold more fat in their belly than women.
    Thats one aspect of it. The other is that men drink more & more often than women
    . Alcohol indirectly causes fat gain by inhibiting stopping you from burning fat and also containing calories. Alcohol also seems to promote abdominal fat gain in particular, so that combined with the bad abdominal fat genetics of men is what causes the "beer belly"

    Men more likely to have abdominal fat + Men more likely to drink more&often causing fat gain especially in the belly -> these 2 factors amplify each other = beer belly.

  4. 4 months ago

    My dad eats healthy (meat amd veegtables), doesn't overeat, works a physical job every day and is fit (has muscles).
    But he has a beer gut because every he drinks 6 beers a day, some days 18 beers.
    I always tell him to cut back on the beers so he can lose the gut but he just doesn't care anymore. It's a shame.

    • 4 months ago

      Same here.
      My dad's body literally gave him a huge red flag to slow down on the beer when he collapsed and he started to shit and throw up all over himself. He told me he was sure he was gonna die that night.

      >Alright, scary, so I guess it's time to stop drinking 10+ beers a day?
      >"..Why? It's not the beer son."

      He doesn't seem to give a shit if he dies next week.

      • 4 months ago

        >He doesn't seem to give a shit if he dies next week.
        He absolutely does care. But it's an uncertain future cost vs. the immediate pleasure of beer.

      • 4 months ago

        >He doesn't seem to give a shit if he dies next week.
        He absolutely does care. But it's an uncertain future cost vs. the immediate pleasure of beer.

        It's just the mentality of older men. Same reason they never go to the doctors.
        By acknowledging they should stop drinking they are also acknowledging they are destroying their health, and then are faced with the realisation of mortality.
        By continuing to drink and not caring they are keeping such realisations out of their mind, so can continue to live comfortably without concerns of health.

  5. 4 months ago

    1. Fix APT
    2. Reduce BF%
    3. Stop Drinking
    4. ???

    What have I missed?

  6. 4 months ago

    Fatty liver, anon. It's always due to fatty liver.

  7. 4 months ago

    I don't drink alcohol and I have this belly but I was a NEET for many years, I'm 5'6 138lbs, how do I fix this shit? Been lifting for a year

    • 4 months ago

      fix posture and start doing stomach vacuums

      • 4 months ago

        that's not just crappy posture, that's kyphosis, he needs surgery.

        the shitty thing about kyphosis is that it makes stomach look even bigger.

        Is this kyphosis or just fat? I do have a bit of scoliosis

        • 4 months ago

          start fasting and water retention

          • 4 months ago

            What you mean water retention? I work a physical job ish and fasting for me can be hard but I guess I could just do OMAD before going to work and fast for 18-20 hours, would that help?

  8. 4 months ago

    that's not just crappy posture, that's kyphosis, he needs surgery.

    the shitty thing about kyphosis is that it makes stomach look even bigger.

  9. 4 months ago

    Don’t listen to the beer memes it’s weak abdominals

    • 4 months ago

      How to fix this

      • 4 months ago

        do abdominal training maybe?

  10. 4 months ago

    Late stage liver cirrhosis

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