Its time to definitively break this buck

How bad is it for you?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

CRIME Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 month ago

    I’ve gone through nearly a can a day for the past year. Not dead yet. Take away what you want from that statement.

  2. 1 month ago

    Zyn is overpriced and they're too damn big. I prefer FRE, they have 9/12/15 mg. Buy my shit in bulk online, frick paying 5 bucks for that shit at the gas station.

  3. 1 month ago

    ya’ll a bunch of zoomers with this bullshit.

    chew redman and watch all the purdy lil ladies squirt on sight. It’s a scientific fact.

  4. 1 month ago

    Mentally this is one of the worse things you can do, Niccotine just non stop frys your brain into wanting tons of dopomine and adrenaline, making the need stronger over time there is 6x more nicotine absorbed zyns than from smoking cigarettes on top of that it opens the same path ways in your brain as other stimulants like adderall and meth. I predict that tons more zoomers are going to be looking for more of a jolt as the years go by, and may be diagnosed with other disorders similar to adhd and anxiety.

    • 1 month ago

      Nicotine is neuroprotective against dimentia and alzheimers. I take one in the morning because meetings are brain dead. I might take one at lunch time for the focus. I might take one on the drive home because traffic is fricking terrible. I don't use them over the weekend. Never used tobacco. They're great for coding.
      Brain Stack:
      >alpha brain black label
      >nitric oxide
      >black coffee
      >zyn 6mg

      • 1 month ago

        Its neuro protective because the majority of people who use nicotine dont get to live to an age where they can get dementia if you want to protect your brain sleep 8 hours a day and meditate. there is a reason monks in asia live long healthy lives.

        • 1 month ago

          redpill me more on this. ive been meditating daily for about a year and a half just cus it relaxes me but i didnt know about the brain wave shit

          • 1 month ago

            ask any astrologist white woman clutching crystals and she can explain it to you. It's woo woo bullshit for just calming down with intention. It works but not for any of the reasons you'll read about.

          • 1 month ago

            The human mind is not ment to be stimulated and distracted constantly this stops you from feeling all your emeotions and allpwing you to process your thoughts. 500 years ago the average person did not have to check their phone or the news, or even have to be entertained 24/7 they just lived. They were allowed to have hours of silence for example walking place to place or going hunting or farming for hours. this calms the mind and allows up to stop our self from indulging evey time a worry comes to mind emotions all come and go and should not be tampred with. by meditating you allow ypur self to be natural and seek out thinngs that stimulate you.

        • 1 month ago

          >there is a reason monks in asia live long healthy lives.
          because they avoid wammin at all costs?

          • 1 month ago

            They drink beer and fast too, so objectively speaking which is worse?

      • 1 month ago

        >nitric oxide
        I'm guessing it's to offset the vasoconstriction of the nicotine?
        Also, how are you liking alpha brain?

  5. 1 month ago

    Lmao nicotine candy. Grow a pair you fricking twats. Fricking hell no wonder you're all incel low t virgins.

    • 1 month ago

      Niccotine also causes lack of oxygen in the body and messes with you blood presurw and can cause osteoiprosis literally weakening your whole body and interfearing with healing.

      • 1 month ago

        vitamin d3 + k2 fixes that
        >lack of oxygen
        nitric oxide oxygenates the blood, or if you need to go beyond you can drink chlorine dioxide lol

        • 1 month ago

          osteoperosis is irreversable, vitamins arent going to stop a chemical that is in your body for hours each day, Nicotine messes up your blood flow by constricting yout blood vesseles and making them less and less flexible, surgons require you to not use nicotine for at least 6 weeks before suregry to avoid damage to the body.

          • 1 month ago

            >constricting yout blood vesseles
            nitric oxide is a vasodialator, and another piece of that is inflammation. Taking things like turmeric counteract it.

            Its neuro protective because the majority of people who use nicotine dont get to live to an age where they can get dementia if you want to protect your brain sleep 8 hours a day and meditate. there is a reason monks in asia live long healthy lives.

            there is a strong correlation between "blue zones" where the highest concentration or centenarians on the planet and tobacco use. Tobacco is now obsolete and you can't find one non-tobacco tainted study showing negative side effects from nicotine.

            • 1 month ago

              Even all of the vape shit (I never vaped either), aside from all of the negative side effects being from the vapor inhalation those are hard to keep out of the hands of children. Nocotine pouches won't frick your lungs or your breath or your teeth.

            • 1 month ago

              >nitric oxide is a vasodialator, and another piece of that is inflammation. Taking things like turmeric counteract it.

              That isnt how it works I cant just eat a donut and then eat an apple then say that the apple cancels out the donuts health effects. Nicotine is very obviously stronger than a suplement or a vitamin. there is a reason they call it an addictive substance its way more powerful.

              • 1 month ago

                Aside from an apple having a shit ton of fructose and the two actually compounding the problem... yes that is exactly how it works. A donut in the diet offset by a lot of leafy greens and fiber will regulate blood sugar better than two simultsneous sugar sources. Are you now going to claim there is now to regulare vasoconstriction and blood oxygenation?

              • 1 month ago

                >now to
                *no way to

              • 1 month ago

                For you to claim that a vitamin has more stopping power than a chemical is like saying a .22 is just as strong as a 44 magnum. I cant just drink 3 times a day and then say coffee will cure the hang over, to eat a donut a day you cant just offset it you will feel sick and you will have a build up over time. Your bones and blood presure cant be evened out, substances are bad because they are way stronger than your efforts Im sorry but thats how it works.

              • 1 month ago

                vitamin D3 is a hormone, try again

            • 1 month ago

              Like I said surgons dont want to operate on bodies with nicotine in them, we also do have studiea that show that nicotine does have health effects like killing the bodys ability to brow more bone and kill eleastisity of your blood vessles.

              • 1 month ago

                no, you don't.
                t. Future centenarian

              • 1 month ago

                Yes, Im israeli fed because I dont want people wasting their money and to live healthy lives....

              • 1 month ago

                ...nailed it, you left out troony though.

              • 1 month ago

                Oops my bad ill go get bottem surgery tonight

          • 1 month ago

            >osteoperosis is irreversable
            wrong, most people aren't getting enough D3, and aren't combining it with K2 until they're old and frail and they're doctor prescribes it.

            • 1 month ago

              It prevents in a healthy body, it doesnt reverese. Onec you get it there is no going back

      • 1 month ago

        osteoperosis is irreversable, vitamins arent going to stop a chemical that is in your body for hours each day, Nicotine messes up your blood flow by constricting yout blood vesseles and making them less and less flexible, surgons require you to not use nicotine for at least 6 weeks before suregry to avoid damage to the body.

        Its neuro protective because the majority of people who use nicotine dont get to live to an age where they can get dementia if you want to protect your brain sleep 8 hours a day and meditate. there is a reason monks in asia live long healthy lives.

        >nitric oxide is a vasodialator, and another piece of that is inflammation. Taking things like turmeric counteract it.

        That isnt how it works I cant just eat a donut and then eat an apple then say that the apple cancels out the donuts health effects. Nicotine is very obviously stronger than a suplement or a vitamin. there is a reason they call it an addictive substance its way more powerful.

        Thanks for the advice Dexter, but I'm just going to enjoy a pouch while I'm deadlifting. Go wash your hands with antimicrobial sanitizer, geek.

        • 1 month ago

          Okay dude have fun getting beat on by the imported phillipina nurses in 30 years

          • 1 month ago

            OK dude have fun living super safe and not having sex. Germs are icky bro.

            • 1 month ago

              Yes I am a germ freak on the account of how many old people Ive seen rotting away in a room somewere live dangerously, but dont look for the easy way out it doesnt exist.

          • 1 month ago

            Nobody told me the future was going to be this bright! Think they'll be thicc by them?

            • 1 month ago

              Im not going to sugar coat it for you its the ugly nurses that had to get jobs cause no one wants to marry them they are angry and lie a lot, have tons of kids who love and respect you and live healthy. If you don't you will be forced to live in goverment payed facilities where you are forgotten and covered in your own shit. Its better to be poor with a family than rich and alone. Ypu family will love you mpre than the system

      • 1 month ago

        Mentally this is one of the worse things you can do, Niccotine just non stop frys your brain into wanting tons of dopomine and adrenaline, making the need stronger over time there is 6x more nicotine absorbed zyns than from smoking cigarettes on top of that it opens the same path ways in your brain as other stimulants like adderall and meth. I predict that tons more zoomers are going to be looking for more of a jolt as the years go by, and may be diagnosed with other disorders similar to adhd and anxiety.

        >can't spell nicotine
        >claims to be an expert in nicotine

    • 1 month ago

      General is ok. I switched to nicotine pouches to prevent teeth staining, but Zyn is my last resort when I'm waiting for a shipment of the good stuff. The imports from Sweden are 2x better.

      • 1 month ago

        >The imports from Sweden are 2x better.
        This. They're actually cheaper, too, even with expensive shipping. I've never gotten a can with fewer than 20 pouches in it (many brands do 24 per can) versus 15 in a can of zyn.

        redpill me more on this. ive been meditating daily for about a year and a half just cus it relaxes me but i didnt know about the brain wave shit

        if you are asking for red pills, you have a long way to go. *gong sound*

      • 1 month ago

        Checked and agreed. General is my find it anywhere hold me over can but my favorites are Ettan White, Lundgrens, Goteborgs, Grov, etc.

      • 1 month ago

        What do you import from Sweden, and how/through which website?

  6. 1 month ago

    Never saw the appeal of nicotine in any form. It always made me feel dizzy and nauseous. Only idiots would get “addicted “ to this trash. Use that as motivation to quit.

  7. 1 month ago

    Healthiest format for a nice nicotine buzz
    Thread full of boomers and losers

  8. 1 month ago

    frick no just cold turkey that shit. i realized that the only "benefit" you get from popping a lynyrd zynyrd is relief from the cravings. anyone talking about muh benefits of nicotine is coping with their addiction to a substance that provides literally nothing except anxiety, vasoconstriction and drained wallet syndrome

  9. 1 month ago

    Regarding the vasoconstriction associated with smoking and nicotine…how long after quitting do the vasoconstrive effects stop?

  10. 1 month ago

    >How bad is it for you?
    If you value your hairline you will quit this shit right now

  11. 1 month ago

    Can someone who quit it tell me if I should quit too?
    No joke ill quit right away if im better without it.

    • 1 month ago

      you should quit
      depending on how shit you are at dealing with addiction the first couple weeks might be an uphill battle and you'll likely gain a few kilos from increased appetite but at the end it's worth it
      once addicted, taking snus doesn't add anything to your quality of life, it just sates your established urges

      if you're not an addictive person, a big perk of quitting is that you can bum one pouch of a friend on special occasions every few months and get an actual kick out of it. don't do this if you're weak and risk restarting regular use

      >t. born and raised swede, did snus at first on occasion and then daily for ~8 years before quitting

  12. 1 month ago

    I asked my dentist about it and they said they couldn't think of a reason they would be harmful. On the other hand I bet it is overflowing with microplastics.

    • 1 month ago

      inflamed gums, perhaps recession long term?
      nicotine users also are more likely to become insulin resistant.

      I dipped for years like the good Southern boy I am and used Snus for times when I couldn't dip like on on a plane. Quit a couple of years ago. Nicotine is great, but after a while it no longer has the same effect and you need it just to feel normal. At the end of the day not really worth it, although there are times I wish I was packing a lip and chilling.

      yeah, it's nice at first but that wears off quickly

  13. 1 month ago

    I dipped for years like the good Southern boy I am and used Snus for times when I couldn't dip like on on a plane. Quit a couple of years ago. Nicotine is great, but after a while it no longer has the same effect and you need it just to feel normal. At the end of the day not really worth it, although there are times I wish I was packing a lip and chilling.

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