Its Valentines Day. I have Erectile Dysfunction (mental/anxiety based) and a date in 4 hours.

It’s Valentine’s Day.
I have Erectile Dysfunction (mental/anxiety based) and a date in 4 hours.
What workout should I do to best alieve this issue, if any?
I’m not joking. I’m going to the gym now.

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  1. 4 months ago

    The workout is called viagra

  2. 4 months ago

    >sex haver issues
    don't care

  3. 4 months ago

    Best stack: vitamin D2 and K2, Zinc, fish oil, Boron, and multivitamin.

  4. 4 months ago

    Just have fun in your workout. Avoid going to failure on glutes or abs as you're going to need those muscles later.

    Do whatever helps you alleviate anxiety (viagra, small quantity of alcohol, lots of foreplay, kissing, massage) and when sex happens just go with the flow and have fun. Accept that there will be some nervous excitement and that's nothing to fear. Make the girl cum at least once with your mouth or fingers and she should be happy.

  5. 4 months ago


    Get on cialis
    Don’t overtrain
    Get good sleep
    Stop watching porn
    Limit fapping

    You might be fricked today, or not, but do the above long enough and you’ll be good

  6. 4 months ago
    Cecelia Drakensang In Seattle

    Of course previous you should no fap, no porn. It helps a lot. But with mental/anxiety based ED you often need help like a viagra, once successful, that will improve the anxiety and make it better next time. Not doing so will likely result in failure and even worse anxiety.

    The amount of people with ED though now.. crazy.

  7. 4 months ago

    I was just about to make this exact post brother. I have the same issue and tonight I'm having sex with the hottest girl of my life for the first time. Terrified out of my mind. Heres my approach: physically, I'm gonna take 200mg of Viagra and limit myself to one boozy drink. Also, I will do cardio during my workout to elevate blood flow. Mentally, I am going to not allow myself to overthink. I must will myself into a confident mindset.
    , we are ALL gonna make it

    • 4 months ago

      200 mg is too much lmao. You're fine with 50 mg. 100, tops, if you're not feeling confident. 200 puts you at risk of a heart attack.

      • 4 months ago

        agree with this.
        if you're taking 100mg viagra pills you are already broke dick levels.
        should be about 25mg-50mg. anything else and there is something so seriously wrong with you sex should be the last thing on your mind.

        Like those homosexuals that shill 15-20mg cialis.
        homie those are for 70 year old men.
        you should not have ED to that degree as a man in the prime of your life between 25-50.

    • 4 months ago

      Dude that is far above what you should do. Have you ever taken a dose that high? Don’t exceed 100mg.

      • 4 months ago

        What the frick, a 20mg pill gets my dick hard for like 3 days, I sometimes use it to further entertain my slampiggy gf

        >Inb4 OP kills himself taking 10 pills and the roastie don't even take him to bed that night

      • 4 months ago

        200 mg is too much lmao. You're fine with 50 mg. 100, tops, if you're not feeling confident. 200 puts you at risk of a heart attack.

        Actually you guys are right. I've done 200mg a few times. My peabrain thinks the viagra dose should be proportional to how much I'm drinking to counteract it. 200mg is dangerous, I'll stick to 100mg. Thanks anons

        • 4 months ago

          wagmi brother, keep yourself safe. When I've been on benders I've found that 50 mg help, but I can see why you would take 100. Just never go above 200 anymore.

    • 4 months ago
      Cecelia Drakensang In Seattle

      >I'm gonna take 200mg of Viagra

      Don't be a dumbass dude, that is overkill. Your blood pressure will shoot up and your heart will thump.

      >and limit myself to one boozy drink

      Yeah stay off booze, for a lot it is a total dick killer.

      • 4 months ago

        Exact opposite. Your blood pressure will be too low.

        • 4 months ago
          Cecelia Drakensang In Seattle

          Oh true, my bad, I've only ever done low doses, was too scared. Seen guys in porn bright red looked as though they were fricked up. Still, low blood pressure is bad too. I remember it did something to it.

    • 4 months ago

      50mg has never steered me wrong even while absolutely shitfaced
      100mg is a guarantee
      200 is a death sentence

  8. 4 months ago

    Tadalafil 20mg, problem solved

  9. 4 months ago

    Any answer other than cardio/stretches/l-citrulline is correct.
    L-citrulline for the NOS boost, activated by the cardio, stretches to get the blood moving.
    Keep your stress down after, congrats easy erections.
    Proven to be as effective as low dosage cialis/viagra.
    Anything else is a cope.

  10. 4 months ago

    what's the difference between tadalafil and sildenafil? I'm kinda tired of having to stealthily take 25 mg viagra every time I have sex.

    • 4 months ago

      viagra is short activation, but more potent.
      cialis is absurd halflife at 36 hours, is less potent.

      People prefer cialis because it takes the edge off worrying if the medication was taken at the right time. You just take a dosage daily and if sex happens it happens.

    • 4 months ago

      Tadalafil is literally 100x more practical. Just take 5mg once a day at any time consistently. It has a long half-life so it’s effective at any point in the day. Viagra requires empty stomach, timing, etc. Very impractical.

      • 4 months ago

        what about the effectiveness of tadalafil when I'm drinking? Most situations I get to bang women there's different levels of booze on the table (parties, dates, that sort of thing) I mean, I never get wasted but I do have one or two drinks, maybe three, to break the ice.

  11. 4 months ago

    If you're anything like me the solution is never ever watch porn again. It fits my disposition too well; you can indulge in any type of degeneracy (and this is the important part) ALONE and without judgement. It fits my personality too perfectly. While I'm in it's thrall I will never have a healthy sex life. This obviously isn't true for everyone but it is for me unfortunately

    Keels are literal miracle excercises as well, just give you bigger harder erections

    • 4 months ago

      *kegels are miracle excercises

  12. 4 months ago

    1. Eat healthier (beets/ginger/bananas)
    2. Squats/cardio to promote blood flow
    3. Seek therapy to help with mental issues
    4. Vitamins see what your low on, l-arginine helps.

    If none of that shit has worked, I hear penis pumps help with ED. Viagra, Cialis. Oysters are good shit to for fricking.

  13. 4 months ago

    I used to think mine was mental/anxiety based as if I got a little out of focus or nervous I'd lose it
    I switched my bike saddle to one with a channel and I'm fine now, even surprised it's still hard sometimes when I get the same distractions or nervousness as before

  14. 4 months ago

    Where are all of you people getting viagra?
    Dont you need a prescription?

    • 4 months ago
      Cecelia Drakensang In Seattle

      Lots of countries do online "prescriptions" in which you just click you have no heart issues or the dick problems are not down to anything else, and most will sign it off and send it out.

      Although at times they require ID now. More likely in the West do they impose these restrictions.

    • 4 months ago

      Better question.

      Where are all of you people getting girls??

      • 4 months ago
        Cecelia Drakensang In Seattle


        Actually, for people that are not, they should still get a solid erection often and pump some toy. Not getting fully erect can lead to a dick shortage, I am sure of it. There is some literature out there. This is why dick pumps work as they re-stretch parts and bring back the growth.

        I took fin years ago to try and grow some hair back. I was one of the "tiny percent" in which it stopped my dick working. For months. Even after I stopped it. I swear my junk shrunk. So much so I had to get a weenie pump to get it back to the normal size it was.

      • 4 months ago

        Got mine on bumble

      • 4 months ago

        Work, gym, store, out and about.

    • 4 months ago

      I went to my physician and told them I don't get hard anymore (lie) and asked for as many 100mg pills as they could give me. Had them send it to some online pharmacy and it was like $6 for 90 pills even though my insurance wouldn't cover it

      • 4 months ago

        You can get low cost through GoodRx. It’s a godsend.

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah; just get a prescription.
      Go to the doctor and state that you are having issues getting and maintaining an erection and it’s affecting your relationships and quality of life.

  15. 4 months ago

    Hinge is the greatest thing ever. They're so down to go on dates

  16. 4 months ago

    Go out with her and don't frick her. Problem solved. no anxiety, no pressure, no embarrassment and guess what? Now she's gonna be anxious and wonder what's wrong with her. Bonus.
    But stop jerking off and porn, your dick needs to recover.

  17. 4 months ago

    I am so fricking nervous about my erectile dysfunction and I believe it is mostly responsible for me being a virgin in my early 20s. In Australia, you need to get a prescription for pharmaceutical grade boner pills and I am too nervous to go see a GP. I can't even beat off anymore. The last time I managed to get a nut in was in 2022. I am still ravenously horny like a male hentai protagonist so this is purgatory for me.

    • 4 months ago

      >In Australia, you need to get a prescription for pharmaceutical grade boner pills and I am too nervous to go see a GP
      this is true in literally the entire first world you moron
      go to a walk in clinic, say you have ED, get script
      its literally that easy

      • 4 months ago

        >go to a walk in clinic, say you have ED, get script

      • 4 months ago

        I think if I do that, they will quiz me on why I can't get an erection and why getting erections have such a pertinent impact in my life. They will probably ask me if I have a girlfriend and ask if she is on the verge of leaving me because I can't frick her or something. They will probably think that I am a porn addict gooner and they will deny me the boner pills out of principle. I can't fricking win, but I am just speculating here since I have never sought out the medical community in any capacity for my erectile problems. Maybe I am just being moronic here, but I doubt that they will just give me the boner pills if I just waltz into the clinic and ask politely. I just want to jack off again.

        • 4 months ago

          None of that happens lmao. You get asked a few questions, you insist without sounding too demanding or autistic that you might need prescription and you get it, maybe with a follow up schedule for another appointment, Shrimple.

          • 4 months ago

            Well, having the basic male function of being able to get hard seems like a medical neccesity for me. Maybe this will run a blood test and check my BP too? I don't mind all that, it is if they strike a nerve with me by saying "why would a young man like you need this medication? You don't have a girlfriend and beating off is a waste of time anyway so in a sense you are blessed". Maybe I need to just ask my sister to come into the clinic with me and pretend to be my girlfriend and have her say that me being unable to get erections is jeopardizing our relationship so I am leaving him, but that is medical malpractice and it is something that I despise and it is probably just an insane overthinking scheme that will lead to no progress. I'm sure that doctors of both genders can be sympathetic to my position because not everybody can get diamond-hard at the drop of the hat so they will understand my plight.

            • 4 months ago

              here you moronic autist let me transcribe your visit so you don't have to stress. the doctor will be greentext.
              >what can I do for you today
              i'd like a prescription for sildanafil, 100mg tablets please as those are the most affordable size at the pharmacy. I will start with half doses as needed.
              >how long have you had ED for?
              quite awhile, and it has affected my ability to feel confident with a new partner
              >do you have any history of heart disease or low blood pressure?
              not to my knowledge
              >ok, here is your prescription. I'm also going to write you a requisition for some blood work in case there is a physiological issue at play here
              thank you

              • 4 months ago

                That sounds reasonable, thanks mate.

              • 4 months ago

                I said sildenafil (viagra) but to be honest with the way you describe your issues you might want once daily tadalafil (cialis) in which case you want a 28 pack of 5mgs and take that shit daily for the rest of your life. this will not be cheap, mind you. probably 120+ a month forever, but peace of mind.

              • 4 months ago

                As long as I can relieve my teenage years by beating off 5x a week, $120 is trivial since I can easily afford it since I don't drink alcohol or smoke tobacco.

              • 4 months ago

                >my teenage years by beating off 5x a week

        • 4 months ago

          neverminded, first go to a doctor and get treated for your paranoid schizophrenia

        • 4 months ago

          You are severely overthinking this.

          Every person that has been or is in a relationship knows sex is important and a key part of living a healthy life. You tell the doctor you are often not able to achieve an erection, though sometimes you can but it’s weak and short lasting.

          If they start advising non-pill lifestyle changes you tell them you have done some research on your own and have made lifestyle changes to correct this but it hasn’t been enough (more sleep, less smoking, less drinking, more exercise but not to over exertion, abstain from porn, etc).

          They truly don’t care. They see tons of patients with this exact issue.

    • 4 months ago

      Why are you nervous?
      I mean I can see why you think it’s shameful but doctors are used to having people get objects stuck in their butt and deal with 500 lb morons. You won’t even be a blip on the radar

  18. 4 months ago

    I have an 8 inch pp and never have issues getting hard
    where is my gf

  19. 4 months ago

    >people going on Valentine's day dates
    >Im getting /druk/ browsing bit and listening to metal gear solid music
    What a life

    • 4 months ago

      I am just watching video game character sound board prank compilations and I think they're just great.

  20. 4 months ago

    Cialis 1x10mg

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