ITT: Name one good argument against veganism

Or at the very least, refute this.

>helping to create a comfy future
>dont have to harm animalbros
>plant protein is a better protein source that meat protein
>cheaper meals
>slay vegan q3.14s

Meat-eaters, you can't

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  1. 5 months ago

    didn't read

  2. 5 months ago

    I like meat. I like meat I hunt or fish for myself the best. I also like eggs and dairy. Vegetables and starches are also tasty. That's enough reason for me.

  3. 5 months ago

    It tastes better and I like it

  4. 5 months ago

    I want a misato wife so bad bros

  5. 5 months ago

    It's gay.

  6. 5 months ago

    Meat tastes better.

  7. 5 months ago

    man iam lonely...

  8. 5 months ago

    >slay vegan q3.14s
    i fricked one vegan chick and she was totally fricking insufferable. not about the veganism, she was surprisingly chill about that, but basically everything else. you can have em OP

    anyway, meat tastes good and as an omnivore i don't have to constantly deny myself food and have more choices at a given time. you could say i'm self-interested. meat is also chock-full of fats, proteins, and micronutrients (probably the most overlooked part), including some that only occur naturally in animal products, and being omnivorous makes it much easier overall to maintain a healthy, balanced diet without needing to be hypervigilant or take supplements

    • 5 months ago

      You a omnivore? Why aren't you eating petrol for the bulk?

      • 5 months ago

        look up the definition of omnivore sometime, might do you some good

  9. 5 months ago

    >plant protein is a better protein source that meat protein
    >cheaper meals
    6.5/10 Quality bait, made me reply.

  10. 5 months ago

    You're moronic

    >helping to create a comfy future
    >dont have to harm animalbros
    By killing animals no longer raised for food? Do you think they get set free and could survive alone?

    Oh look, Minks set free in Ohio, wasn't that so nice! Oh shit, the 10,000 domesticated carnivores decimated the local fauna by slaughtering all mice and birds before starving to death. But at least they didn't live on a mean farm. Oh wait, the veteran who kills them was especially pissed because instead of dying without pain from a needle in their home they've always known, they died slowly and horribly in terror and pain. And you vegan fricks want that fate for all farm animals.

    >plant protein is a better protein source
    that meat protein

    Your brainwashing is adorable. Vegans suffer from brain damage, gross sickly skin tone, no muscle mass, and rapidly aged skin because plants do not have the same kind of amino acids and other microscopic things found in animal protein.

    >cheaper meals

    LMAO LOL. Cheetos, Oreos, and the vast majority of goy slop are VEGAN.

    Veganism is disgusting and selfish. You see a slab of meat and feel bad you have to see it. You don't fricking care about animals. If you did you'd use ethical and organ farmers who treat their animals well like the ones on Applegate I buy meat from give their animals longer time with their mothers, toys, and more open space to play. If you did care you'd also know damn well farmers would never feed thousands of animals for no profit. All farm animals would die of starvation or be killed by farmers in a all vegan world. What are you a sick frick member of PETA who wants every domesticated animal dead including pets?

    • 5 months ago

      >throw seeds into ground
      >seeds grow into yummy plant food
      >food is 100% food (other than the dirt and whatnot)


      >plant seeds
      >grow food
      >feed food to animals
      >build massive concentration camps for killing animals
      >have a bunch of waste from the corpses that you have to throw away (organs, bones, skin...)
      >in reality only like 50% of it is edible
      >is literally lower in quality and taste than plant based food

      • 5 months ago

        If that's all you think happens when plants are grown as food, I'm inclined to believe everyone who says vegans are morons. What about:
        >the pesticides and genetic modification required to make fruits and vegetables available everyone the world around.
        >the transport costs and CO2 output of shipping fruits and vegetables to places where they aren't in season, year round
        >the historical, wide scale destruction of the American prairie ecosystem so that we can farm corn and onions, furthering both the degradation of our environment and the unhealthiness of our population.
        >monocropping techniques, destroying the natural soil and requiring more chemicals to continue agriculture
        >the "animalbros" killed by getting caught in industrial agriculture machinery.

        The meat industry might not be great but don't kid yourself that agriculture is any better.

        • 5 months ago

          >>the pesticides and genetic modification required to make fruits and vegetables available everyone the world around.
          Required for animal agriculture as well. Either that or we starve.
          >>the transport costs and CO2 output of shipping fruits and vegetables to places where they aren't in season, year round
          Still less than animal agriculture
          >>the historical, wide scale destruction of the American prairie ecosystem so that we can farm corn and onions, furthering both the degradation of our environment and the unhealthiness of our population.
          >monocropping techniques, destroying the natural soil and requiring more chemicals to continue agriculture
          Done mostly for animal agriculture
          >>the "animalbros" killed by getting caught in industrial agriculture machinery.
          What about the humans who get killed by agriculture machinery? Why allow animal farming but not human? both die in farming accidents.

          • 5 months ago

            Ok so veganism does cause moronation, got it.

          • 5 months ago

            >Still less than animal agriculture
            When you account for the fact that methane output of fertilizer production and soil combustion (also results in desertification) as a result of tilling (also results in hydrophobic soil) is accounted for, it is much less than animal agriculture. Meaning it's entirely possible to raise much of the livestock without tilling given they are raised in areas with suitable forage (i.e. grasslands for bovines, forests with plenty of legume producing plants for pigs, anywhere with bugs and suitable forage for chickens) whereas much of the plant agriculture is not possible without tillage. Then when you account for the fact that those animals would have produced their carbon dioxide as a natural part of the carbon cycle, they really don't matter as animals are a natural part of the ecological feedback cycles responsible for life. In reality the vast majority of carbon dioxide output is from energy production. The concern over the small fraction from agriculture in general is moronic.

          • 5 months ago

            >Required for animal agriculture as well.
            Pesticides and genetic modification are not necessary for animal agriculture in general. Only suitable land, the ability of humans to manage animal herds, and protecting them from predators. Also, don't equate breeding to genetic modification, it's a moronic assertion since the common understanding and use of "genetically modified" refers to species produced through genetic engineering. Genetic modification isn't even necessary for plants. Whether or not you can provide enough food for groups of people who fell for the Malthusian trap is another question. Whether or not it is necessary can be debated.
            >Done mostly for animal agriculture
            Lol. The purpose of growing many crops, especially the staples, is to derive a small kernal, seed, or ovum which is edible to humans or that can be used to produce something edible to humans. Everything else is waste. Usually it's the waste that's fed to animals. In fact, if the great plains were intended to be used for animal agriculture, then simply running herds of bovines across them as a replacement for the 100 million bison that formerly occupied the plains would have been more than adequate and would have required almost no modification of the land.
            >What about the humans who get killed by agriculture machinery? Why allow animal farming but not human? both die in farming accidents.
            Turns out there are common diseases such as prion diseases that are quite easy to catch from eating humans. Whereas they are extremely rare from non-human animals. Second there is a species value gap. There is no reason to value animals outside of the human species in the same way as I would value humans. I have yet to see any vegan ever present a real argument as to why I should. However, the harvesting deaths are part of agriculture but miss the point. Harvesting deaths are the minority of plant agriculture while deaths deaths from crop protection measures are the majority and intentional.

    • 5 months ago

      You're so fricking dumb

  11. 5 months ago


    My argument is that meat tastes better. What is your counter-argument? Does vegan food taste better? No?

  12. 5 months ago

    There doesn't need to be any arguments against veganism because none of the vegan arguments against meat are valid, sweetie.

  13. 5 months ago

    Veganosm lacks essential nutrients.

  14. 5 months ago

    Proteins from animals taste better than plants, meat and dairy also just have some supplements in them that plants don't.
    The more we look into animals that only eat vegetation, the more we realize that there is really no such thing as obligate herbivores, a horse will occasionally eat a lizard or something to supplement certain things.
    Also vegan chicks smell like patchouli and that shit is wack

    • 5 months ago

      >Proteins from animals taste better than plants,
      Not really. My favourite protein comes from a plant even though I eat everything

  15. 5 months ago

    to create a comfy future
    Not true. I suppose this could apply if they decided to oppose red meat, but chicken is fairly safe for the environment, certainly more than onions.
    >>dont have to harm animalbros
    Only mammals are bros. Chicken deserve it. Dinosaurs lost, mammals won. Now we eat dinosaurs eggs and eat their flesh.
    protein is a better protein source that meat protein
    Not true, but depends on the meat
    >>slay vegan q3.14s
    Only true advantage. I too like to cum inside them

  16. 5 months ago

    It's hard to cut on a vegan diet, since most vegan sources of protein are higher in calories.

    • 5 months ago

      Just eat white eggs moron

      • 5 months ago

        OP said "vegan" diet. Eggs would fit into a vegetarian diet, but not a vegan diet.

  17. 5 months ago

    you won't get enough nutrients
    debate finished

  18. 5 months ago

    >inferior nutritional value, leading to malnutrition
    >false statement of morality (animal slaughter is inevitable and the cultivation of vegan foods requires mass slaughter of bird, rodent, insect and other pest animals)
    >false statement of environmentalism (vegan crop cultivation is destructive and causes permanent harm to soils, fields and ecosystem)
    There is no good argument FOR veganism

    • 5 months ago

      >inferior nutritional value, leading to malnutrition
      What is missing in pic related?
      >false statement of morality (animal slaughter is inevitable and the cultivation of vegan foods requires mass slaughter of bird, rodent, insect and other pest animals)
      1.Majority of crops are fed to livestock
      2.Participating in something which could result in accidental deaths =/= purposeful rape/murder/abuse. Otherwise you could say people who drive cars are the same as serial killers because more people die in car crashes than murder.
      statement of environmentalism (vegan crop cultivation is destructive and causes permanent harm to soils, fields and ecosystem)
      1.Majority of crops are fed to livestock

      Actual arguments please.

      • 5 months ago

        >omega 3
        It's ALA so divide by 20 and that's how much you actually get.
        > 5:1 or higher omega 6 to omega 3 ratio
        Not advised. You need more likely 4:1 after conversion factors are accounted for.
        The foods you entered do not have methylcobalamin hence does not have B12. Your diet is also deficient in creatine, carnitine, and taurine.

      • 5 months ago

        >1.Majority of crops are fed to livestock
        Yes. Animals are fed 100% of the waste products of food production such as stalks, inedible shells, and meals that are a byproduct of seed oil production. It turns out that those waste products are the majority of the mass of any crop which skew the numbers. However, the majority of edible parts of plants are not fed to livestock and are rather used for human consumption whether through industrial or food related purposes.
        >2..Participating in something which could result in accidental deaths =/= purposeful rape/murder/abuse.
        Are you going to ignore the millions of intentional animal deaths from pest control/crop protection measures?
        Why should I be worried about artificial insemination of animals? Calling that rape is kinda moronic. It's not even sex. Meanwhile in nature, many (maybe even the majority) of the sexual encounters are in fact rape.
        Slaughtering an animal is not murder. Plain and simple. Murder is an unjustified killing. Where animals are killed so we can eat them and get sustenance. In fact, eating animals is necessary for human thriving. This is justified like executing violent criminals to hopefully remove their genes from the genepool and prevent them from being a burden on their community is not murder.
        >Otherwise you could say people who drive cars are the same as serial killers because more people die in car crashes than murder.
        A terrible analogy as the majority of killings in plant agriculture are from pest control/crop protection measures while the accidents are a minority. In automobiles, murders are a minority while accidental deaths are the majority.

  19. 5 months ago

    Her breasts would not be that big if vegan.

  20. 5 months ago

    It's bad for the environment
    >in4 muh animal feed!
    No you cretin only the waste (wich there is a ton of because it's a shit food) gets pulped into animal cake

    • 5 months ago

      >only the waste (wich there is a ton of because it's a shit food) gets pulped into animal cake
      Depends on the animal. If you want to eat poultry or swine, it's best to feed them higher quality feed which means you're more limited as far as the waste you can feed them is concerned. Söybeans for example are often fed directly to swine and poultry. For bovines and other ruminants however, 86% of their feed is inedible to human while only 14% is edible. That being said, a large portion of a ruminants feed is grass and leaves which just grow readily on the property which the animal live. Some ruminants subsist entirely on that.

  21. 5 months ago

    That were Omnivores
    Both plant and meat eaters are stupid

  22. 5 months ago

    Pescatarianism is cooler. You get to eat like you're in the Redwall series, and that's awesome.

    • 5 months ago
      Chud Anon

      Redwall made me racist

    • 5 months ago

      Their fish wasn't toxic like all your fish

  23. 5 months ago
    Chud Anon

    You age like shit

  24. 5 months ago

    >helping to create a comfy future
    wrong, bugman future
    >dont have to harm animalbros
    circle of life, but we should work to minimize suffering
    >plant protein is a better protein source that meat protein
    bait lol
    >cheaper meals
    marginally unless you're eating poverty-tier meals
    >slay vegan q3.14s
    thank u hungry skeleton, you can keep them

  25. 5 months ago

    Vegans are gay

  26. 5 months ago

    >claims to be vegan
    >drinks copious amounts of sperm
    Naughty naughty, OP

  27. 5 months ago


    >give me one reason you eat meat
    >i like eating meat
    >no, you have to say something else!!
    god, vegans are so fricking annoying sometimes

  28. 5 months ago

    I don't wanna have to eat beans and rice all day and brap like crazy.

    • 5 months ago

      Me neither that's why I became an endurance guy

  29. 5 months ago

    >slay vegan q3.14s
    You could just lie

  30. 5 months ago

    I’m a homosexual: the thread

  31. 5 months ago

    >enter thread
    >post misato mommy

  32. 5 months ago

    >Animal products have better nutritional bio-availability, especially in terms of protein absorption.
    >Meat consumption is correlated with increased testosterone
    >Veganism is gay/"empathy" focused/ associated with leftism and feminity and will therefore (even disregarding things like sóy) decrease testosterone just by virtue of the subconscious viewing itself as less manly
    >It's natural, unlike most vegan alternatives
    >The government wants you to be vegan so youre more passive, feminine, cheap to maintain, and so your organs are in prime condition to be taken from you and given to the elites

  33. 5 months ago

    I don’t want a comfy future, I want more pain and suffering. Especially for animals

  34. 5 months ago

    >Name one good argument ag(...)

  35. 5 months ago

    Fit men don't argue with morons.

  36. 5 months ago

    >helping to create a comfy future
    Most modern plants require pesticides to grow in large amounts which harm your body and the nature around it.

    >dont have to harm animalbros
    Can't change nature. Go tell a lion not to eat a zebro and watch your ass get kicked.

    >plant protein is a better protein source that meat protein
    Not abosbable due to antinutrients. That's why vegans and weak and skinny. And no, being on over 9000 supplements is not veganism.

    >cheaper meals
    Eggs and chicken wings are cheap and delicious. Goes both ways.

    >slay vegan q3.14s
    All of them have more red flags than China.

    Veganism is a normie fad diet who try to virtue signal how caring they are, whereas in reality it's nonsustainable.

  37. 5 months ago

    >>slay vegan q3.14s
    Vegan women would rather date a carnist Chad than vegan virgins like me
    Veganism is a thankless job but at least we're not Christcucks lol they think blacks should breed

  38. 5 months ago

    >Name one good argument against veganism
    "I don't wanna."

  39. 5 months ago

    >helping to create a better future for my corporate overlords
    >turn animalbros into minced meat by combines just to let them rot in the field
    >plant protein is absolutely worse protein source that meat protein
    >cheaper meals are completely tasteless, need to spend a ton to make anything good
    >jerk off while normal people slay vegan q3.14s

    IDK anon, you tell me

  40. 5 months ago

    >isnt from vegas
    >calls themself a vegan

  41. 5 months ago

    >>dont have to harm animalbros
    This is the only part that matters.

    • 5 months ago

      I hate this pseud homosexual

      • 5 months ago

        They hate him cuz he's right.

        • 5 months ago

          Not everyone that is hated is right, some are just homosexuals.

          • 5 months ago

            True, but in this case, he's right.

            • 5 months ago

              Nah, Schopenhauer was def a homosexual

              • 5 months ago

                Stop posting.

  42. 5 months ago

    This is a health and fitness board not an ethics of consumerism board.
    Veganism is strictly inferior for both health and fitness so only thing there is to talk about is ethics and you can shove them right back where they came from, your ass.

  43. 5 months ago

    >plant protein is a better protein source that meat protein
    Literally false. Actual meat might be suspect, but plant protein is barely protein, with all sorts of micros that you don't want thrown in.
    >cheaper meals
    Not a meal, so not cheaper to begin with.
    >Ok, so wtf are we supposed to eat?
    How is it hard to understand?
    Milk is produced to be drunk, fruit has evolved to be fricking eaten, eggs are there to provide nutrients to new life and that's close enough.

  44. 5 months ago

    >arguments against veganism
    As other anons have said, you may not be able to get proper nutrition as a Vegan. Sounds right, but I've not seen any solid evidence of this though. Articles may be bullshit , who knows.

    Most anons say meat tastes better. So here basically it is what matters to you more , flavors or morals.

  45. 5 months ago

    Dawg, let me tell you something. I drink skim. But yes, you don’t need to eat any animal product… eat some grain and bean or nut or lentil or onions or (skim usually more affordable than onions milk and other subjective points like a bit of fat… probably not an issue as just a little but won’t clog up the gut gut also is noted as lower quick release energy impact) something… all these foods have sufficient protein and many others do also…. Veganism is extremely energy efficient…given impact doesn’t matter… science will cure all… the desert soil will be restored to blooming fertility… if there is no wildlife on land or oceans… people will be fine… sea levels rising will spur on many technological innovations… get your hookers… do your blow… eat your pizza… enjoy yourself and don’t worry…

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