ITT: Times you were the bad guy

>Be me
>Lifelong lifter, pretty jacked
>Start new job, working with chill Englishman, he's tall (6'4) with broad shoulders but fat, never lifted in his life
>Always jokes with me about my size and strength
>Invite him to come to the gym with me after work, offer to show him the ropes
>He's in
>First sesh, start off with bench press
>Not sure how much he'll be able to do so just load up one plate on each side thinking he'll piss it in (he easily weighs over 120kg)
>Fails on the first rep, can't get it back up off his chest
>The kind of laugh that you channel from the universe when a fat person falls over thunders out from my belly
>Don't hate him at all, don't want to mock him, it was completely involuntary
>Never forgives me, brings it up months later

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  1. 6 months ago

    >completely untrained guy
    >no warm up
    >no teaching him proper form on just the bar
    >let's start with 60kg
    >laughs at him
    you're a shitty friend, you just wanted to show him you were better than him. gratz bro, you're stronger than an untrained person

    • 6 months ago

      >gratz bro, you're stronger than an untrained person

    • 6 months ago

      60kg is nothing. Press ups are harder

      • 6 months ago

        You mean Press-downs?

    • 6 months ago

      Kek, how weak are you exactly? c**t was 6'4 and over 120kg, if he couldn't bench 60kg he deserved to be laughed at. Should have taken it as a wake up call.

      • 6 months ago

        >t. doesn't even lift and believes the stories of people benching 2pl8 on day one
        Being fat doesn't make people strong, moron
        Proportions are also a thing
        You'd know that if you actually lifted

        • 6 months ago

          But 1 plate is laughable bro... are you full skelly or south Asian? I can't think of a single bro who would struggle to bench 1 plate for 1 rep.

          • 6 months ago

            >But 1 plate is laughable
            ...once you're actually familiar with the movement and your body is used to performing such a relatively unusual motion. Most people are wobbly as frick when they start out because they can barely even stabilise themselves properly.

            • 6 months ago

              tall dudes are even wobblier coz of long limbs + need to warm up triceps before pushing movements.
              manlets are basically flexed all the time comparatively

            • 6 months ago

              Not being able to bench 1pl8 is laughable for everyman without a a valid reason such as anorexia, a muscle wasting diseas, having been in a coma for the last 5 years, or being a dwarf

              • 6 months ago

                untrained people are weak you dumb fricking Black person, you're not cool for comparing yourself with someone who's never trained

          • 6 months ago

            I only bench 2pl8, but you're a dumb Black person

          • 6 months ago


            • 6 months ago

              Brownoid, got it.

      • 6 months ago

        But 1 plate is laughable bro... are you full skelly or south Asian? I can't think of a single bro who would struggle to bench 1 plate for 1 rep.

        My cousin is 5'8" and had a home chest-press machine thingy. He was 36 and was doing them daily and was noticing gains.
        He put the weight up to 155lbs (the max it had) and couldn't do a single rep. His 6'" 110kg fat friend couldnt either.
        I am 5'9" and at the time was 23, only did bodyweight calisthenics and did the 155lbs for several reps.

      • 6 months ago

        When I started I struggled to get 5 on 50kg at 130kg. I do 68.5 incline for 3x10 now at 110ish cutting.
        Also I did sarms and only swam at the start of my cut hehe

    • 6 months ago

      Being 6'4" with broad shoulders and being over 265 lbs and not being able to bench 135 lbs is fricking absurd dude. Anyone on the planet with those stats should be able to do that

      • 6 months ago

        Except that bench pressing is a completely useless and specialized exercise that only exists in homosexualy gym world. Dude could probably lift a house and carry it for distance.

        Benching should be the last measure of "strength." It is a gay exercise and so are you, homosexual

        • 6 months ago

          assblasted dyel detected. Any grown ass man should be able to lay down on a bench, grab a 135 lb barbell, and ape it up without hardly any training at all and with no skill or coordination involved. No excuse if you're 6'4" and 260+. He just never did anything and let his body atrophy to the point where he couldn't so some simple shit like that. That's fricking embarassing dude. That's so fricking weak. That means this big b***h couldn't even do a single pushup. But I guess pushups are a gay exercise and not a real measure of strength too. Not like you would ever need to push something lmao. It's completely useless to have strong triceps and pecs isn't it? Never ever has there been a situation in which a man has needed to push something EVER

          • 6 months ago

            >You can’t benchpress your way out of this one

            • 6 months ago
            • 6 months ago
      • 6 months ago

        Maybe I'm just exceptionally weak but when I switched from one arm push ups to free weights as a 192cm tall and 90kg heavy guy with long limbs my bench press was (and still as) also shit, while being able to do weighted dips for reps. I think it's the lever that puts manlets in advantage for benching.

    • 6 months ago

      OP was the fat guy

  2. 6 months ago

    >Be me
    >Captain of the university rugby team
    >Train like a literal madman, strong as an ox
    >Former fat works out at the campus gym though he's not a student, obnoxiously into fitness-as-personality, loudly sings along to music in his headphones, bros nickname him Gaga for singing along to Lady Gaga
    >Gym is old, has bolted barbells up to 65kg
    >Gaga is working his way up to his max on overhead press, 55kg
    >Decide to pick up the 65kg even though it's not shoulder day
    >Overhead press it 15 times with ease in front of Gaga
    >He watches me, his smile and optimism gone
    >Radiating self loathing, legit looks suicidal, I completely ruined his day
    This was years ago, still feel bad about it

    • 6 months ago

      You're probably just projecting mate

      >completely untrained guy
      >no warm up
      >no teaching him proper form on just the bar
      >let's start with 60kg
      >laughs at him
      you're a shitty friend, you just wanted to show him you were better than him. gratz bro, you're stronger than an untrained person

      OP is moronic and probably doesn't even lift

    • 6 months ago

      meanie 🙁

  3. 6 months ago

    I escalated a situation in an MMA gym to the point that a guy left and committed suicide. I just fricking hated this dude because he never cut his nails, had bad hygiene, was dumb as a rock, was too rough with everybody he trained with, fought outside the gym at pubs and was a just generally a menace. One sparring session I went too far and kicked the shit out of him and really fricked his leg up. He got fired from his manual labour job because he couldn't move heavy things or walk properly for a few days and his life fell apart extremely quickly which led to him killing himself about a month later. I feel a lot of remorse that I was the catalyst that led to him dying. I should have helped him, I should have been kinder and lifted him up but instead I just tortured the silly bastard because I could.

    • 6 months ago

      his fault
      people fight much stronger and skilled people than you all the time and don't get fricked up for life because of that, he should've know his own limits

    • 6 months ago

      Its good that you feel regret. But someone who gets into fights with random strangers is a shit head and you had the right idea in trying to correct his behaviour.
      Dont beat yourself up over it too much.

      • 6 months ago

        I wasn't trying to correct his behaviour as much as I just had built up a loathing towards this guy and finally just decided to hurt him. I would love to pretend that I had a moral pretext to what I was doing but the truth is that I didn't think too hard and had a pretty controlled snap over the course of 2 5 minute rounds. In hindsight I am amazed that the coaches didn't stop it because people getting hurt is always a bad look for any gym and they are always really vocal about being respectful to training partners. The more I reflect on the situation the more disappointed I am in everybody involved (90% myself). Even if the coaches hated him as well he was still in their care in a way. I have a very sour taste in my mouth and have lost a lot of sleep thinking about it.

        • 6 months ago

          We all let our impulses get the better of us sometimes. Something to reflect on.

        • 6 months ago

          You loathed him because of his antisocial behaviour. Thats is just your evolutionary instinct. It was nature taking its course.
          Yes you could have done things differently and maybe you will in future. But no amount of personal struggle excuses that guys behaviour and people will naturaly react to him like you did.

    • 6 months ago

      It's unreal how right bullying feels sometimes. It's primal instinct, ape on ape violence for the sake of the pack. Order must be kept, hierarchy enforced. We are apes but also we aren't. There's no doubt old mate deserved the shit kicking but equally no doubt he was hurting on the inside. Needed love, not hate. But the truth is you weren't the one that needed to give it to him and he was a grown man responsible for sorting his own shit out. You don't even know, you could have been kind to him and it could have backfired - maybe if he doesn't kill himself he inflicts far worse on others down the line.

      • 6 months ago

        >It's unreal how right bullying feels sometimes. It's primal instinct, ape on ape violence for the sake of the pack. Order must be kept, hierarchy enforced.
        things like pic rel couldn't exist if it wasn't in our nature

        • 6 months ago

          So true. The will to dominate probably predates the brain.

    • 6 months ago

      Don't be sad anon, you saved countless other lives that this guy would have ruined

    • 6 months ago

      I would have shot you instead.

    • 6 months ago

      you did the right thing

    • 6 months ago

      Depends if you or others tried to tell him first to cut his nails and stop being rough while training.
      If he was spoken to and still kept doing his shit I would feel some remorse but as an outsider it feels like he got what he deserved.
      If he got roughed up without anyone saying anything about his behaviour, then yeah, it was too much. You won't help anyone by beating yourself over it and you sound like a decent guy for feeling such remorse.

    • 6 months ago

      If he got fired for a minor injury then it wasn’t just your ass kicking that killed him. His boss probably hated him and was looking for any reason

    • 6 months ago

      >got fired because his leg broke
      Yeah nah it's his employers fault, who the frick fires someone because of that?

  4. 6 months ago

    You dumb Black person
    I'm 6'3" and I started by benching about 30

  5. 6 months ago

    >"Hurrr he's tall and weighs a lot dat means he can bench 60kg immediately"
    You always start with the bar to get the technique down whenever you're starting out, you silly Black person. Newbie gains are a thing at least partly because your form and your body's familiarity with the movement improves over time.

  6. 6 months ago

    When I cheated on every wonderful women Ive ever been with. I try to be better though.
    >Im not a saint but I could be if I tried

  7. 6 months ago

    >be me
    >in gym
    >hate this guys guts who always belittles abs bullies me. He’s a 6’3 Samoan guy built like a fricking brick
    >have funny idea
    >he goes to workout
    >go in locker rooms. Find his gym bag.
    >fill it with sand, water & protein shakes (this Musashi protein drink my gym buddy always drinks kek)(it’s skme sacred ass Samoan bag he got from his dead grandshhwr or something shit)
    >sleek away into the gym with my Chinese 5’6 gym buddy
    >wait an hour and acruslly forget what I did
    >hear a yell from the gym locker room
    >hear crying out
    >rush inside
    >asian gym bro is bleeding from his skull, face eyes and lips are busted
    >almost have a panic attack he looks so fricking bad. Half dead
    >sudden oh shit moment.
    >Samoan spastic must have assumed it was my Asian friend who did the prank because he always has the Musashi protein drink.
    >he had a detached retina and is convulsing kn the floor
    >go run and get ambulance
    >asian friend never fully recovered from.m this. Has 25% vision left in left eye
    >to this day he doesn’t know it was me
    >mfw jb
    Mfw in 2019 I got my friend absolutely beaten near half time death over a dumb joke.

    • 6 months ago

      >ruin strangers property
      Should have been you.

    • 6 months ago

      What happened to the samoan?

    • 6 months ago

      You deserved to get your ass beat you ab-training twink.

      • 6 months ago

        Its IST. Lots of cluster b psycho twinks.

    • 6 months ago

      >used a protein shake that could be easily connected to someone else
      >your bro

      Idk why you call this person your bro when you set him up like that. You're still a bad person, and deserve all the isolation you probably receive.

  8. 6 months ago

    >be driving to gym at 5 am
    >progressive psytrance playlist shaking my car
    >2scoops pre coursing my veins
    >truck trying to speed around me
    >block both lanes
    >throw eggs out window that splat on his windshield
    >pull up to gym
    >truck follows me into parking lot
    >old man gets out of truck and waddles up stairs to gym
    >pass him and check in
    >go to only free squat rack
    >old truck man sits down and is waiting for free bench
    >take a long time so I’m not the one to give mine up for him

  9. 6 months ago

    Jokes on you that guy did that on purpose so hell mind frick you next time

    >With the same one pl8

  10. 6 months ago

    >brings it up months later
    Is he a FtM or something?

  11. 6 months ago

    I started lifting at beginning of the year and could only bench the bar, I was only 60kg 5'6.
    I can bench 1pl8 for 8 now and sometimes I see people who are 100kg struggling to bench 40kg, maybe they're beginners but still pretty weird.

  12. 6 months ago

    I accidentally got this guy banned from the gym.

    >be me
    >doing conjugate at gym
    >no speciality bars at the commercial gym so carry my football bar and ssb around the gym with my to each station
    >walking to free weights area and see this fat asian on the treadmill
    >going at like 2.5 mph sucking wind like there's no tomorrow
    >want to encourage him
    >start to press up on the speed and incline
    >he looks at me and says "n-no, stop...please"
    >I say "use your words chubs. Please what?"
    >he can't even get it out, he's breathing so hard
    >at 9.0 mph he literally busts ass and falls off the back of the treadmill
    >a couple of PTs walk over and ask what happened
    >I say he was trying to impress those girls by running fast and I pointed to a couple of qt cardio bunnies
    >he literally can't even get any words out he's breathing so hard can only say "h-he..." pointing at me
    >I say I came over to try and help him
    >PTs make him go to the office and kicked him out of the gym and made him cancel his membership
    >also had to pay $250 for "damaging the the equipment" from his fall

    • 6 months ago

      Fake and gay

  13. 6 months ago

    itt: times anons mogged their friends and made them feel bad

  14. 6 months ago

    My gym has a rule where if you're squatting less than 2 plates you have to use the smith machine

    >see new years asian dyel struggling to squat 185lbs for reps in the power cage
    >correct his form and tell him I'll spot him next time
    >"you dont need the safeties on here since I'm spotting you, plus you need to go down further"
    >load up 225 for him
    >actually does a good 1st rep to parallel
    >2nd rep physically push the bar down so he goes ATG
    >hear lots of popping, face looks like hes going to blow coming up
    >"hold your breath during the whole movement next time for more power"
    >3rd rep, I remove the J hooks and put them in my bag
    >DYEL is too busy blowing blood vessels in his eyeballs to notice
    >"ok man 1 more rep"
    >he starts to stall out midway up and gasps for breath
    >leave and go shower

  15. 6 months ago

    larping thread full of larpers

  16. 6 months ago

    >show up to the boneyard with my boys
    >some asian dyel is on our rack squatting 95 lbs
    >we approach him
    >he starts packing his stuff up
    >put my hand on his shoulder “Nah it’s cool bro, you can work in with us.”
    >bro loads up a plate on one side
    >”Better yet, why don’t we work in with you.”
    >give my bro a nod
    >he loads up 2 more plates
    >pick up the dyel kid and put him on the bar ass first on the other side (he weighed roughly 135lbs)
    >we take turns squatting him for reps
    >couple of qt cardio bunnies walk by laughing their tiny asses off
    >look like he was actually getting a workout, sweating like crazy
    >haven’t seen him since

    • 6 months ago

      Excuse me but when did the homosexual gangbang start? There was every indication that there would be one but I'm not seeing it..I..I don't understand

      • 6 months ago

        homosexual gangbang website newbie

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