Ive been feeling like i have less energy and motivation(lethargic/apathic).

Ive been feeling like i have less energy and motivation(lethargic/apathic). in the gym and outside the gym since i quit weed
Should i just start again? Sure it has negatives but i think it had a net positive effect on me

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  1. 4 months ago

    Anon I give you permission go ahead in life and start smking weed again

    • 4 months ago

      up voted

  2. 4 months ago

    >experiences withdrawal and asks if he should relapse
    Can't you see weed's rotting your brain? Do not fricking start again.

    • 4 months ago

      Anon I give you permission go ahead in life and start smking weed again

      im mainly asking because my lifts have gotten weaker

      • 4 months ago

        The only reason quitting weed would make your lifts go down is if he you are undereating from not being high all the time. Otherwise, there is literally no correlation. You are better off buying pre-workout if you want energy and motivation in the gym.

        • 4 months ago

          This anon gets it, when I take a T break my appetite drops to 0 for about a week/week and a half then normalizes again

  3. 4 months ago

    Recovering weed addict here. It takes like 2 years of abstinence to reset how your brain interacts with an addictive substance. Take 2 years off from weed and if you still want it after that, go for it

    • 4 months ago

      I've been feeling that way. Wellbutrin has helped. Hopefully it will get even better s-

      >2 YEARS
      Idk if I got it in me. Can you reset your brain if you cheat once a month?

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah wellbutrin helped me get off weed. Just stick with it and be productive. Smoking once a month is fine, my problem is that if I ever have it around me, I will smoke every day for hours.

        • 4 months ago

          >I gave up using a plant to cope with life to move to a much more harmful pharma drug that can change my brain chemistry radically and increase my odds of suicide, not to mention I may get "brain zaps" and mentally crash for months after I decide to come off.
          Wow, did I make a smart choice!

          • 4 months ago

            Weed can be harmful to the nervous system and also alters brain chemistry. Obviously it also has negative effects when both on it and coming off.

          • 4 months ago

            Wellbutrin is not an SSRI, it doesn't cause brain zaps. It has made me much more goal-oriented and has helped me lose weight, while weed made me feel hopeless and lazy. I don't care what your jaded, neurotic opinions are, I will do what works for me.

    • 4 months ago

      no way it's 2 years bro

      • 4 months ago

        Not him but probably different lengths of time for different people and I try to tell myself that anyone can recover from drug addiction. Spent 75 days sober and it was torture. I had a court ordered drug counselor who kept saying you'll feel better in a month- no two months- no 6months to a year.

  4. 4 months ago

    you should just do nicotine and never do gay weed again

  5. 4 months ago

    Be prudent. Just smoke it in the evening, when all your day's tasks are finished and during a time which you normally relax and unwind. Don't smoke when there's something you need to be doing, or if you're out and about. And don't fricking ever "wake and bake."

    • 4 months ago

      This. It's how I've lived for 25 years because I was sick of having 3-4 hours/sleep max from lifelong insomnia.
      I have never smoked during the daytime (except a few times on vacation in Jamaica and Mexico) in my life, as I won't do it as long as there's shit to get done. It's a reward after everything, including lifting, is completed.
      If you have the right balance, it can work, but the people who feel compelled to blaze up constantly usually end up fricked. Not every time, but many times.

      • 4 months ago

        >but the people who feel compelled to blaze up constantly usually end up fricked
        I'm 34, and used to smoke all day everyday until I was about 23/24. I used to think that some people could live a normal functioning life smoking throughout the day. The older I get, the more I've realized those types of people end up pretty fricked up in different ways. There were guys I knew that seemed put together at 25 and still smoked, and they seem like a disorganized trainwreck in their 30's now. Even the people that hold down decent jobs and have families but smoke constantly seem to have shit wrong with them mentally. I can't think of a single person now in my 30's who is a successful, functioning adult and smokes everyday.
        Anecdote: I have a boss in his 40's who smokes regularly. He has a great job ($200k+), but is prone to anger outbursts, paranoia, and his hair is always greasy. I don't think he showers daily. He has no romantic interests, doesn't clean his house, his house always smells like catshit because he doesn't clean its litter box, and his free time is completely spent playing video games. He is an 'incel' in the genuine sense. Does he smoke weed everyday because he lives like this? Or does he live like this because he smokes weed everyday? My younger self would have seen him as a "functional stoner" at the surface level.

        • 4 months ago

          >Does he smoke weed everyday because he lives like this? Or does he live like this because he smokes weed everyday?
          Weed is not a drug for escapism. So the latter is correct. He chose to live like a loser.

    • 4 months ago

      This is the way. Love getting a lil stoned in bed some evenings, make some music, play games etc etc.

  6. 4 months ago

    Im about to smoke a blunt after class and do a bunch of free throws. I can't wait for this gay shit to be over with. typing in this in class btw

    • 4 months ago

      u have to be 18 to post here..

      • 4 months ago

        Im in college

    • 4 months ago


      Im in college

      Crazy to me that people still smoke blunts when there is good tasting weed out there. I used to smoke em every day but just the thought of that chemically cigarello taste makes me sick now.

  7. 4 months ago

    >Ive been feeling like i have less energy and motivation(lethargic/apathic)
    You could consider trying ashwagandha or tongkat ali. It's possible you're stressed out, and your high cortisol (which the weed might have kept under control) is fricking with your test. Alternatively (or additionally), your sleep might be fricked up.

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