i've been lifting and i still wanna kill myself. what gives?

i've been lifting and i still wanna kill myself. what gives?

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A Conspiracy Theorist Is Talking Shirt $21.68

  1. 7 months ago

    Have you tried talking to girls, or guys?

  2. 7 months ago

    Believe it or not lifting won't cure all your problems. Get therapy. From a man, female therapists are trash and will internalise any problems you have with women and mold you to fit their agenda. Make sure your therapist doesn't have glasses either. Men with glasses are weak and are basically women emotionally, may as well get mental health advice from a duck.
    >t. Knows more than everyone else in this thread

    • 7 months ago

      Can I get a female with glasses and get her to pump me full of all the drugs I shouldn't take?

      • 7 months ago

        For note I want to be ruined by a therapist.

    • 7 months ago

      Hey frick you pal

    • 7 months ago

      This won't work either. Truth is if you're a loser now, you are just fated to be a loser until death. I mean sure you can cope by getting money, going to the gym, developing hobbies but in the end of the day it won't change anything. It won't make you more attractive, you won't be taller, people will still be indifferent to you or outright dislike you because through in through you are a low value male.

      • 7 months ago

        Projecting like a gay definitely won't work

        • 7 months ago

          It's the truth though unfortunately

          • 7 months ago

            For you yes

            • 7 months ago

              Let's be honest though if you got bullied in school, you just aren't going to be a happy person. Your social standing has already been decided and there's not much beyond surgery you can do to fix it

              • 7 months ago

                We don't care if you got bullied at school homosexual. Stop spreading your pathetic blackpills amd lies everywhere. You're like a cancer, just frick off weakgay. People here are just trying to improve. Its not their fault you can't make it you habitual loser.

              • 7 months ago

                There's not a single point you can refute I'm not lying you're delusional

              • 7 months ago

                If its all true then you would have killed yourself already. Unfortunately its not lol

              • 7 months ago

                I don't want people to be happy when I do. Otherwise I would

              • 7 months ago

                you need a duck therapist

      • 7 months ago

        There's not a single point you can refute I'm not lying you're delusional

        >t. untrained incel

  3. 7 months ago

    your hormones are out of whack. Specifically estrogens are too high.
    - Stop eating all fats that aren't tallow, butter, coconut oil, lard.
    - Stop eating anything that comes in a package with a list of ingredients.
    - Stop eating grains and beans.
    - eat starchy root vegetables and maybe some gourds: potatoes, sweet potatoes, carrots, parsnips, squash
    - eat eggs and beef (mix up the cuts). You can also do lamb and goat and the like but it's more expensive so most people don't. Also eat liver. It has the most nutrient density of any food you'll eat regularly.
    - avoid chicken and other poultry. If you get back to normal you can have it as a treat. The fat ratio is all wrong, with a high amount of omega6's.
    - fish is a weird one and will depend where you are in the world. Just avoid it until you're feeling better and then look into it more deeply.
    - You can add dairy. Do it one product at a time and after you're a few weeks into the diet. Yogurt, sour cream, whole milk, some cheeses. Be highly selective of your dairy.
    - Get the good salt from hippies. Salt in grocery stores has anti-caking agents that contain aluminum or cyanides.
    - Supplement D3 and iodine (lugol's iodine 2% is easy because you can just have 1 drop a day in water). The D3 should be paired with K2. The iodine should be paired with electrolyte salts. Magnesium and Potassium. You will also need Selenium for long-term iodine supplementation. A couple organic brazil nuts a day is enough. Don't overeat brazil nuts, too much selenium is very bad.

    This is a modified whole-30 diet. It combines an exclusion diet with newer ideas about saturated fats. You should aim for a macronutrient balance favoring calories from protein to be about equal to calories from carbs (at least close). Fat should be the lowest macro but the composition of the fats you do eat are important. Don't aim for 'low fat' so much as 'reasonable fat'.

    • 7 months ago

      If you want to know more read about the cholesterol / saturated fat -> testosterone connection. Iodine is another one that can be connected to hormone issues and most people are deficient.

      For meals don't overthink it, just go by ingredient. I always have better than boullion in the fridge. The costco one is low-salt and organic by default with no crap in it. A simple stew with onions, beef, and potatoes is incredibly enjoyable. For breakfasts I'll often just have shredded slow cooker beef with potatoes and eggs if I'm feeling it. Butternut squash is in season here so that's also been a treat just tossed in butter and bacon fat and roasted.

      If the things I shared are too out there, I do encourage you to look into the whole 30 diet as a starting point. It's mostly used for people with medical issues relating to diet, but it's as scientific as a diet can get for what it is. I would say however that saturated fats have a noticeable and swift impact on both mood and mental health issues. Introducing coconut oil and cutting out canola oil / processed foods should be an uncontroversial step. Butter is the next least weird addition. Tallow seems weird if you're not used to it, and can be expensive if you buy it prepared. But suet is about $2/lb and you can make close to a pound of tallow from that suet with minimal effort. Tallow is my favorite fat for cooking.

    • 7 months ago

      I noticed I always feel less depressed when I eat lots of saturated fat like you suggest.

      But then my sleep goes to shit. I feel lethargic. My skin gets fricked up and I'm bloated.

      Honestly feels like I can't win lmao

  4. 7 months ago

    Low blood sugar probably. It causes rapid mood swings. I lift, it crashes, I want to die, I eat something, an hour later I'm back to normal.

    • 7 months ago

      How to raise blood sugar permanently?

  5. 7 months ago

    Stop drinking the flouride. Brush your teeth with baking soda. Cut down on sugar. Bam. Just cured your depression.

  6. 7 months ago

    Have you tried lifting heavier weights?

  7. 7 months ago

    Because lifting weights is no substitute for God.

    God is love. Life without God is constant spiritual torture.

    You can believe in God and pray to God if you can believe in love.

    Also you got some sick waves did not expect to see that keep it wavey bruh.

  8. 7 months ago

    You're not lifting hard enough.

  9. 7 months ago

    This is probably some irrelevant attention seeking post but regardless. Ive been working on having more empathy for people and being less judgemental because of things ive seen and experienced recently. Its going well.
    However, in your case like most people in the west there is literally BILLIONS who would fight a lion in an arena or kill a dozen people with their bare hands in a gladiatorial tournament to have your life andnopportunities, however shitty they are and however fricked your life is. So i have zero empathy for pathetic fricking homosexuals like you and if you want to off yourself do it right this moment, and do a backflip.

    • 7 months ago

      >I have empathy but you should have a nice day
      Uhh based?

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