I've got a hard lump right below my tailbone

where my buttcheeks meet at the top.

I can't do any sitting exercises, I can't lie down, I can't do squats because it hurts.

Is it over???? It's fricking over isn't it. I just hope this isn't some kind of a tumor. One day it wasn't there, next day I'm working out legs and glutes and notice this big lump out of nowhere. Thought maybe it was a piece of bone that moved or something. IDK. It fricking hurts. I can't sleep either. I can't sit down. It's over. Frick sake.

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  1. 1 year ago

    monkeypox homosexual
    >I can't do X because it hurts
    Gay pussy homosexual b***h

    • 1 year ago

      maybe you shouldn't have had so much gay sex

      I'm straight and haven't had any sex for years anyway so try another guess

      Looks like a pilonidal cyst. I had one. Not fun. Enjoy the surgery :3

      Go to a doctor.

      Pilodinal cyst, go to a doctor before it bursts a half cup of stinking pus into your underwear and your ass begins to rot. They’ll drain and pack it and give you antibiotics.

      Going tomorrow morning. I don't know how long I can go before getting any surgery and not losing my mind. Knowing the NHS (uk public health services) I'll probably wait months to even be put on the list for surgery. I can't even go wannabe hero and try cut it out with a knife and a lot of alcohol myself because I can't see my bum obviously.
      How long did the healing take to the anon who had one?
      Also wouldn't draining it if it's a cyst make it come back eventually? I assume it has to be all cut open and removed right? IF it's just a cyst. I'm scared anons

      • 1 year ago

        >How long did the healing take to the anon who had one?
        Do you want a full layout of my story of recovery or do want a short nice clean summary?

        • 1 year ago

          Either or really anon. Everybody loves a good story about butt-lumps. I'd like to know how long it took you to heal post surgery and how long did that affect your working out for as well if possible

          • 1 year ago

            I'll give you the long version because otherwise I would feel bad leaving you in the dark
            Give me a few minutes to type it up

            • 1 year ago

              Thanks man, I'll be patiently waiting. Take as much time as you need

            • 1 year ago

              Before I begin, two things.
              First, I would absolutely do this surgery again if I had the choice. Second, I would also absolutely recommend having someone with you the entire time, starting from the morning of surgery. Have someone drive you to and from the hospital.
              I wasn't lifting much at the time, I wasn't fat or anything, just shit luck that I got one. Also, if employed, you're probably going to need like 2 weeks off.
              Anyway, I don't remember the exact name of the surgery, but they basically destroyed the sinus cavity and any tissue around it.
              This part I don't remember quite well, I woke up from under anesthesia being wheelchair'd to a hospital bed and was put on my side. I don't remember how long I was there on that bed, maybe an hour? It didn't feel long.
              Anyway, we finally got the green flag to go home, and I laid on the back seats of the car on the ride home. What was a 35 minute ride home felt like 5 minutes.
              I went to bed immediately upon getting home (which you will need help getting into for the first 3-5 days) and slept for like 10 hours. I woke up, ate dinner, and went back to sleep until about 8 the next morning.
              I think I had gauze that had to be removed that morning, which while painful, wasn't the worst thing in the world. I don't think packing was required after that.
              Now, for the first week, I had a drain tube coming out from the excised area and out my inner asscheek. This was definitely the worst part, at least for me, because quite frankly the whole idea is disgusting.

              • 1 year ago

                HOWEVER, I was told before the surgery not all cases needed a drain tube. I don't know how true that is, since I was told the chance was low, but it is something to be aware of.
                Anyway, it slowly would drain this weird shade of red (like blood but less... saturated in color? Idk) liquid into a bulb (showering with this is fun. Make sure you have medical tape or something to hold it to your skin) over the course of a day. The first day or two, it had to be drained I think twice a day but after that it slows down. It was a small puddle on the last day before it was removed.
                Moving on, for the first week, I did not do much at all. I was standing most of the time (sitting for the first few days is difficult but I was also pretty hesitant just because I was afraid of the pain, you may be able to sit earlier) and playing vidya on my tv. Walking is slow but doable, especially after the first day.
                I was given hydrocodone or something to help with the pain. I didn't feel any standing up so I kind of just stood in front of the tv playing games to pass the time.
                As for the bathroom, I must've gotten lucky because I don't remember shitting for the first few days. When I did, I don't think it hurt to sit and push.
                I think by the fifth day I could crawl into bed by myself.
                Having the drain tube removed, oddly enough, wasn't painful. It felt weird, and was a very... unique... feeling, but not painful.
                The second week was better. I sat more but I don't think I did for very long stretch of time. I still didn't do much.
                As for lifting? I don't remember exactly when I went back. Maybe 2 or 3 months? I didn't want to push my luck.
                The surgery will leave a scar (which fades over time), and if I sit on my tailbone funny, it hurts somewhat in that area. I haven't had any signs of it coming back yet and it's been almost 2 years now.
                I'm probably forgetting something but yeah that's it. It's mostly just passing the time.

                I'm the guy who wrote this

                Hey Op. I signed onto my desktop specifically to make this reply for you.

                It's a little lower than I would expect, but you very likely have a pilonidal cyst, as others have mentioned.

                It will not go away on it's own. This flare up may end, but it WILL come back.

                You will 1000% need surgery. There is the traditional surgery, which they basically put a crater in your ass like they are scooping out ice cream, and to be honest the success isn't that great. There is a newer procedure called the "Pilonidal Cleft Lift", which has a much higher rate of success, has a much easier healing time, etc. That said, you can expect to be off your ass for at least a month after surgery, and they will probably put one of those things on your back that continuously sucks out the puss while you heal.

                I highly recommend looking for surgeons in your area that can do pilonidal cleft lifts. You will very likely find a specialist who has done several. I had the newer procedure myself when it was still relatively brand new and only a dozen or so dr's in the whole world could do it. This was over 10 years ago though, so I'm sure it's much easier to find.

                Source: I had this exact same issue, dealt with it for 10 years using ineffective treatments, it was awful, and this is the best advice I can give to save you a lot of time and heartache.

                Sounds like we had similar experiences.

                Did you have the cleft lift or did you have the older surgery? If they put you on the drain tube you likely had what I had.

              • 1 year ago

                I was just about to say that, I had the cleft lift done, I just couldn't remember the name but that's definitely it.

              • 1 year ago

                HOWEVER, I was told before the surgery not all cases needed a drain tube. I don't know how true that is, since I was told the chance was low, but it is something to be aware of.
                Anyway, it slowly would drain this weird shade of red (like blood but less... saturated in color? Idk) liquid into a bulb (showering with this is fun. Make sure you have medical tape or something to hold it to your skin) over the course of a day. The first day or two, it had to be drained I think twice a day but after that it slows down. It was a small puddle on the last day before it was removed.
                Moving on, for the first week, I did not do much at all. I was standing most of the time (sitting for the first few days is difficult but I was also pretty hesitant just because I was afraid of the pain, you may be able to sit earlier) and playing vidya on my tv. Walking is slow but doable, especially after the first day.
                I was given hydrocodone or something to help with the pain. I didn't feel any standing up so I kind of just stood in front of the tv playing games to pass the time.
                As for the bathroom, I must've gotten lucky because I don't remember shitting for the first few days. When I did, I don't think it hurt to sit and push.
                I think by the fifth day I could crawl into bed by myself.
                Having the drain tube removed, oddly enough, wasn't painful. It felt weird, and was a very... unique... feeling, but not painful.
                The second week was better. I sat more but I don't think I did for very long stretch of time. I still didn't do much.
                As for lifting? I don't remember exactly when I went back. Maybe 2 or 3 months? I didn't want to push my luck.
                The surgery will leave a scar (which fades over time), and if I sit on my tailbone funny, it hurts somewhat in that area. I haven't had any signs of it coming back yet and it's been almost 2 years now.
                I'm probably forgetting something but yeah that's it. It's mostly just passing the time.

                Thanks for the extensive detail man, I appreciate it.

                I have nobody to go to surgery with if needed (estranged from family, few friends, no friends I'd tell about butt lumps about either lol) so most likely will just push through all of this on my own. My last surgery for some other stuff they didn't want to put me under general anaesthetic for this reason alone so I most likely will be up and awake and feel them cutting shit out my back. Sounds like fun already.
                Employed but I'm on my feet all day. Will need to tell my boss about this somehow too.

                Did you have to go back to the hospital to have the gauze removed? Did you do it yourself or by some local GP or something?
                Also a drain tube holy shit.
                Was that tube in your body 24/7 until removed? Is this a standard procedure or was your cyst just bigger/more inflamed? Makes me dizzy thinking of it, I think I have some kind of an anxiety regarding foreign objects in my body.
                >Anyway, it slowly would drain this weird shade of red (like blood but less... saturated in color? Idk) liquid into a bulb (showering with this is fun. Make sure you have medical tape or something to hold it to your skin) over the course of a day. The first day or two, it had to be drained I think twice a day but after that it slows down. It was a small puddle on the last day before it was removed.
                --- pic related

                Thanks for the timeline too man gives me a bit of an idea what to expect. Fricking hell. Just when I got IST enough to enjoy my summer and waited for summer for so long. I'm gonna spend my time recovering from an actual pain in the ass. How big was your cyst if you could compare it to some kind of a household object or anything?

                Thanks again for your post man. I hope you never get another cyst and live a healthy, lumpless life

              • 1 year ago

                >I have nobody to go to surgery with if needed (estranged from family, few friends, no friends I'd tell about butt lumps about either lol) so most likely will just push through all of this on my own

                There is no way you are driving home from this procedure and any hospital that I'm aware of wouldn't even let you. That said, hospitals do have resources, you can probably hire someone, etc.

                >so I most likely will be up and awake and feel them cutting shit out my back.

                This is a very invasive surgery. I doubt they will let you be awake.

                >Was that tube in your body 24/7 until removed? Is this a standard procedure or was your cyst just bigger/more inflamed?

                Yes the tube will stay in 2-3 weeks. Yes this is standard procedure. You do not have a regular cyst.

              • 1 year ago

                You're welcome! Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I suppose it's far better than no news at all.
                I would still heavily recommend having someone with you at least for the first day, but someone else may have done it alone successfully. You absolutely will need some way of getting home though, because you're basically incapacitated.
                >Did you have to go back to the hospital to have the gauze removed?
                I misspoke, I'm fairly certain the cleft lift procedure doesn't use gauze, I must have gotten that confused from when I had it drained. Also, there's no drainage after the tube is removed.
                >Was that tube in your body 24/7 until removed?
                Yes, but I don't think I felt it. It definitely is disgusting but you just have to power through it.
                >Is this a standard procedure or was your cyst just bigger/more inflamed?
                I'm not certain, like I said I was told it wasn't done all of the time. To the second part of your question, I was given antibiotics for some time so it wasn't big when it was removed.

              • 1 year ago

                >Will need to tell my boss about this somehow too.
                After going to the doctors, ask them about how much time you will actually need.
                Just tell your boss you have a lump on your lower back. That's really it. Don't go mentioning butt lumps or anything, don't be a moron and get called butt lump genie or something for the rest of your life.
                Best of luck with the healing anon, YGMI.

              • 1 year ago

                Do they give you any painkillers for this? Holy shit

              • 1 year ago

                See the second part, I was given hydrocodone. The pain wasn't bad honestly, I don't think I really felt any unless I was doing something to agitate the area.

              • 1 year ago

                Okay, I was worried because I'll probably have to have similar surgery for a hemorrhoid soon and I'm not good at dealing with pain in my ass area so I was gonna skip it unless they give me the good stuff afterwards

        • 1 year ago

          Hi, op here! I'm trans btw. I want the full layout

      • 1 year ago


        Looks like a pilonidal cyst. I had one. Not fun. Enjoy the surgery :3

        , it's most definitely a pilondial cyst. Had one of those myself for YEARS before it finally popped. Had to get a salve (I think it was made of silver nitrate) applied to it once a week for a couple of months. I've got a nice scar there now, but no further problems ever since the last treatment, and that was many, many months ago now. If you're lucky, you can get it drained in a controlled fashion by a healthcare professional, avoiding a lot of the trouble I had to go through.

      • 1 year ago

        I've had one of these twice. First time they closed it up, second time it was left open to close on it's own, more painful but better for not getting it again. The fun part is that they wash it and fill it up with gauze, getting that shit changed was so painful that I'd sweat on the sheets. Remove it asap and be prepared to not sit properly for a month while it heals. Consider not sitting on your ass for too long so you'll reduce the chances of getting it again. It's basically just an ingrown hair, but on that part, it fricks you up real God. My cousin nearly died because he didn't want to get it checked and finally went through with the surgery after passing out while taking a shit.

      • 1 year ago

        I've had one of these frickers return for months on end. Cutting into it without anesthesia was almost less painful than the anesthesia itself. Not super painful, though. Eptying it surgically did nothing for me. It kept returning. Because of the repeated emptying, a section of skin on it became super thin, and I could casually just pop it if it acted up. After a few months of popping every other week, it went away and never returned. Don't listen to the people who want you to remove the affected area. They are shills.

        • 1 year ago

          lol this is what im doing rn with mine

          i never had surgery, i just pop it with my nails in the shower and wash it with soap and water

          it does keep coming back though, its annoying as frick

      • 1 year ago

        where my buttcheeks meet at the top.

        I can't do any sitting exercises, I can't lie down, I can't do squats because it hurts.

        Is it over???? It's fricking over isn't it. I just hope this isn't some kind of a tumor. One day it wasn't there, next day I'm working out legs and glutes and notice this big lump out of nowhere. Thought maybe it was a piece of bone that moved or something. IDK. It fricking hurts. I can't sleep either. I can't sit down. It's over. Frick sake.

        Pop it with a needle and wipe the puss on your mirror and post a pic. I get these all the time in my groin they’re no big deal it’s pretty painful popping them but if you aren’t a pussy you can do it

        t.5”7 278 lbs

  2. 1 year ago

    Looks like a pilonidal cyst. I had one. Not fun. Enjoy the surgery :3

  3. 1 year ago

    Go to a doctor.

  4. 1 year ago

    Pilodinal cyst, go to a doctor before it bursts a half cup of stinking pus into your underwear and your ass begins to rot. They’ll drain and pack it and give you antibiotics.

    • 1 year ago

      dude when this shit happened to me, I was asleep and woke up literally glued to my bed sheets in a puddle of dried puss and blood.

      • 1 year ago

        Seconding [...] , it's most definitely a pilondial cyst. Had one of those myself for YEARS before it finally popped. Had to get a salve (I think it was made of silver nitrate) applied to it once a week for a couple of months. I've got a nice scar there now, but no further problems ever since the last treatment, and that was many, many months ago now. If you're lucky, you can get it drained in a controlled fashion by a healthcare professional, avoiding a lot of the trouble I had to go through.

        I've had one of these twice. First time they closed it up, second time it was left open to close on it's own, more painful but better for not getting it again. The fun part is that they wash it and fill it up with gauze, getting that shit changed was so painful that I'd sweat on the sheets. Remove it asap and be prepared to not sit properly for a month while it heals. Consider not sitting on your ass for too long so you'll reduce the chances of getting it again. It's basically just an ingrown hair, but on that part, it fricks you up real God. My cousin nearly died because he didn't want to get it checked and finally went through with the surgery after passing out while taking a shit.

        It's not been leaking or anything yet. It doesn't seem to have any opening or anything like that and it's quite hard and doesn't really move when I try to move it underneath the skin. I wanted to see if it was bone or some other organic matter.
        So you guys are saying these can burst?? Do they burst on their own or by straining or sitting down on them or something? I'm scared to even go take a shit now to be honest.

        Seconding [...] , it's most definitely a pilondial cyst. Had one of those myself for YEARS before it finally popped. Had to get a salve (I think it was made of silver nitrate) applied to it once a week for a couple of months. I've got a nice scar there now, but no further problems ever since the last treatment, and that was many, many months ago now. If you're lucky, you can get it drained in a controlled fashion by a healthcare professional, avoiding a lot of the trouble I had to go through.

        How big of a scar did that leave?

        I've had one of these twice. First time they closed it up, second time it was left open to close on it's own, more painful but better for not getting it again. The fun part is that they wash it and fill it up with gauze, getting that shit changed was so painful that I'd sweat on the sheets. Remove it asap and be prepared to not sit properly for a month while it heals. Consider not sitting on your ass for too long so you'll reduce the chances of getting it again. It's basically just an ingrown hair, but on that part, it fricks you up real God. My cousin nearly died because he didn't want to get it checked and finally went through with the surgery after passing out while taking a shit.

        >The fun part is that they wash it and fill it up with gauze, getting that shit changed was so painful that I'd sweat on the sheets. Remove it asap and be prepared to not sit properly for a month while it heals

        I'm sweating just fricking reading this

        • 1 year ago

          Pick it like a pimple in front of a mirror until you see something white under the skin and stick a needle in there. There's an ancient medical saying "Ubi pus, ibi evacua".

        • 1 year ago

          I've had one of these twice. First time they closed it up, second time it was left open to close on it's own, more painful but better for not getting it again. The fun part is that they wash it and fill it up with gauze, getting that shit changed was so painful that I'd sweat on the sheets. Remove it asap and be prepared to not sit properly for a month while it heals. Consider not sitting on your ass for too long so you'll reduce the chances of getting it again. It's basically just an ingrown hair, but on that part, it fricks you up real God. My cousin nearly died because he didn't want to get it checked and finally went through with the surgery after passing out while taking a shit.

          >ingrown hair
          do you guys shave/wax your tailbone and butthole? how else do you get an ingrown there?
          are you homosexuals?

          • 1 year ago

            I've never shaved that area in my life. I'm not fat, nor do I lead a sedentary lifestyle. No idea why I got a cyst there. Must be some kind of genetic stuff or a random universe fricking with me event

          • 1 year ago

            By sitting on their tailbone instead of their ass and wiping from the front back like a girl.

        • 1 year ago

          I've had one of these twice. First time they closed it up, second time it was left open to close on it's own, more painful but better for not getting it again. The fun part is that they wash it and fill it up with gauze, getting that shit changed was so painful that I'd sweat on the sheets. Remove it asap and be prepared to not sit properly for a month while it heals. Consider not sitting on your ass for too long so you'll reduce the chances of getting it again. It's basically just an ingrown hair, but on that part, it fricks you up real God. My cousin nearly died because he didn't want to get it checked and finally went through with the surgery after passing out while taking a shit.

          It might be an ingrown hair, but it might also be from tiny rifts in the skin, which heal with bacteria inside. The bacteria is left to fester, and go through bloom cycles. I think I had my cyst for a year at least before it became a problem. It would grow a bit, shrink away, and return bigger a while later.

        • 1 year ago

          >How big of a scar did that leave?
          Not very large. Maybe 2-4 cm across.

        • 1 year ago

          >I'm sweating just fricking reading this

          Dude you are really making it a bigger deal than it is. It's a niche problem that requires niche surgery, that's it. The worst thing about it is that it takes a few weeks too heal.

          Just get it done. It's seriously not a huge deal.

    • 1 year ago

      >Pilodinal cyst, go to a doctor before it bursts
      Came here to say this. Don't delay.

  5. 1 year ago

    maybe you shouldn't have had so much gay sex

  6. 1 year ago

    >look up Wikipedia
    >see OP pic
    LARPing Black personhomosexual

    • 1 year ago

      Do you seriously want me to take a picture of my own hairy, lumpy butt for your viewing pleasure? I'm flattered but also you need to lay off your coomer mindset

  7. 1 year ago

    Frick dude, you just reminded me of that one anon who had like multiple surgeries until he had like a hollowed out hole there and it still wouldn't go away and would keep coming back. Best of luck.

    • 1 year ago

      Thank you man. Not that this made me feel any less paranoid or better in any way about this lmao. FML

      • 1 year ago

        Before I begin, two things.
        First, I would absolutely do this surgery again if I had the choice. Second, I would also absolutely recommend having someone with you the entire time, starting from the morning of surgery. Have someone drive you to and from the hospital.
        I wasn't lifting much at the time, I wasn't fat or anything, just shit luck that I got one. Also, if employed, you're probably going to need like 2 weeks off.
        Anyway, I don't remember the exact name of the surgery, but they basically destroyed the sinus cavity and any tissue around it.
        This part I don't remember quite well, I woke up from under anesthesia being wheelchair'd to a hospital bed and was put on my side. I don't remember how long I was there on that bed, maybe an hour? It didn't feel long.
        Anyway, we finally got the green flag to go home, and I laid on the back seats of the car on the ride home. What was a 35 minute ride home felt like 5 minutes.
        I went to bed immediately upon getting home (which you will need help getting into for the first 3-5 days) and slept for like 10 hours. I woke up, ate dinner, and went back to sleep until about 8 the next morning.
        I think I had gauze that had to be removed that morning, which while painful, wasn't the worst thing in the world. I don't think packing was required after that.
        Now, for the first week, I had a drain tube coming out from the excised area and out my inner asscheek. This was definitely the worst part, at least for me, because quite frankly the whole idea is disgusting.

        HOWEVER, I was told before the surgery not all cases needed a drain tube. I don't know how true that is, since I was told the chance was low, but it is something to be aware of.
        Anyway, it slowly would drain this weird shade of red (like blood but less... saturated in color? Idk) liquid into a bulb (showering with this is fun. Make sure you have medical tape or something to hold it to your skin) over the course of a day. The first day or two, it had to be drained I think twice a day but after that it slows down. It was a small puddle on the last day before it was removed.
        Moving on, for the first week, I did not do much at all. I was standing most of the time (sitting for the first few days is difficult but I was also pretty hesitant just because I was afraid of the pain, you may be able to sit earlier) and playing vidya on my tv. Walking is slow but doable, especially after the first day.
        I was given hydrocodone or something to help with the pain. I didn't feel any standing up so I kind of just stood in front of the tv playing games to pass the time.
        As for the bathroom, I must've gotten lucky because I don't remember shitting for the first few days. When I did, I don't think it hurt to sit and push.
        I think by the fifth day I could crawl into bed by myself.
        Having the drain tube removed, oddly enough, wasn't painful. It felt weird, and was a very... unique... feeling, but not painful.
        The second week was better. I sat more but I don't think I did for very long stretch of time. I still didn't do much.
        As for lifting? I don't remember exactly when I went back. Maybe 2 or 3 months? I didn't want to push my luck.
        The surgery will leave a scar (which fades over time), and if I sit on my tailbone funny, it hurts somewhat in that area. I haven't had any signs of it coming back yet and it's been almost 2 years now.
        I'm probably forgetting something but yeah that's it. It's mostly just passing the time.

        • 1 year ago

          Addendum: you may be able to do things sooner than I did them. I mostly was afraid of doing anything too soon.

          • 1 year ago

            Addendum 2: My surgery also included using sutures to close the wound. I don't think there was any packing invovled.

  8. 1 year ago

    I cured my own cyst. Just stuck a needle and drained it when it grew, then poured rubbing alcohol on it. And of course fixing my sitting posture and using a lot of soap in the shower.
    Draining it felt amazing. Perhaps better than taking a giant turd.

    • 1 year ago

      I've done this too. Also jabbed it with a sterile needle, repeatedly squeezed around it, and hit it with rubbing alcohol fairly often. Worked out well

  9. 1 year ago

    ive had this for 1.5 years because im too autistic to see a surgeon, the pain goes away after a while OP but its still obnoxious as frick and will Leak nasty fluid every night also!

  10. 1 year ago

    Stick a needle in it and squeeze homie squeeze

  11. 1 year ago

    Nice picture from wikipedia

    What’s the point of making these moron anons believe you have a skin condition? Is it funny?

  12. 1 year ago

    It literally says what it is on your image dumbass. Why are you pretending not to know?

  13. 1 year ago

    I probably had this pilonidal thing, it popped when I was at work and I was then reeking of the pus smell around the whole open space office until it was time to finally clock off. Longest shift ever. What helped me was then cream for hemmorhoids.

  14. 1 year ago

    Sit in a warm bucket of water and salt every hour or so for like ten minutes. You will feel a huge relief when it pops but get ready it's going to stink and explode. Imagine all the pimples yoy have popped in your life time all in one.

  15. 1 year ago

    Yo y dis whiteboi's lips so goddam hairy?

  16. 1 year ago

    Hey Op. I signed onto my desktop specifically to make this reply for you.

    It's a little lower than I would expect, but you very likely have a pilonidal cyst, as others have mentioned.

    It will not go away on it's own. This flare up may end, but it WILL come back.

    You will 1000% need surgery. There is the traditional surgery, which they basically put a crater in your ass like they are scooping out ice cream, and to be honest the success isn't that great. There is a newer procedure called the "Pilonidal Cleft Lift", which has a much higher rate of success, has a much easier healing time, etc. That said, you can expect to be off your ass for at least a month after surgery, and they will probably put one of those things on your back that continuously sucks out the puss while you heal.

    I highly recommend looking for surgeons in your area that can do pilonidal cleft lifts. You will very likely find a specialist who has done several. I had the newer procedure myself when it was still relatively brand new and only a dozen or so dr's in the whole world could do it. This was over 10 years ago though, so I'm sure it's much easier to find.

    Source: I had this exact same issue, dealt with it for 10 years using ineffective treatments, it was awful, and this is the best advice I can give to save you a lot of time and heartache.

    • 1 year ago

      Oh my god I just googled the Pilonidal Cleft Lift and saw the scars.
      The worst thing about your posts gentlemen is that this is not going to be a one and done kind of a surgery but I will have to have it constantly drained. I'm not feeling well just reading this. I think I'm gonna pass out. Thanks for the post tho anon I'm grateful for all the info

      • 1 year ago

        Don't get israeliteed do it yourself.

      • 1 year ago

        i had one and coudnt sit normally for a month, its a struggle but youll get over it

      • 1 year ago

        you won't need to get it constantly drained after it's healed. this fixes it permanently.

        also, the scars really aren't that bad. you can't even tell I had one except the top of my butt crack has a little curve in it

      • 1 year ago

        Surgery md here; most pilonidals dont need a huge flap with scars, you drain first and if it comes back you can just take some out of the midline. Good luck

  17. 1 year ago

    >Had surgery for this done last year
    >Just a couple months after I returned lifting after my gym was shit during covid
    Hopefully you will do everything under a month, specially if you can get the drainage (in my case they couldn't just make it fit between my ass and place it was, since it was too close to the anus). If not, you probably will need to treat it for a bit more than a month. SInce here in my country there is no shitty healthcare, I was visiting the surgery nurse for three months until it was fully healed.
    Also, no sitty in a regular chair for like a month.

  18. 1 year ago

    Fasting for three to four days at once will get rid of the inflammation. If you eat, let it be anything other than carbs. I got surgery at 12 because the cyst was literally stuck on the coccyx (tailbone), which they had to scrape. It's reappeared a bunch of times throughout the years now, around the same area, but only when I've fallen back to a high-carb diet; fasting and keto have gotten rid of it in less than a week without fail. Trust me, you don't want the surgery, but, especially, you DON'T want the post-operative care.

    • 1 year ago

      Your doctors and surgeons are stupid. You don't get rid of what OP has.

      It might be an ingrown hair, but it might also be from tiny rifts in the skin, which heal with bacteria inside. The bacteria is left to fester, and go through bloom cycles. I think I had my cyst for a year at least before it became a problem. It would grow a bit, shrink away, and return bigger a while later.

      By sitting on their tailbone instead of their ass and wiping from the front back like a girl.

      >ingrown hair
      do you guys shave/wax your tailbone and butthole? how else do you get an ingrown there?
      are you homosexuals?

      Pilonidal cysts occur where our tails used to be. The space is effectively empty and closed but if something gets in it (for example, if you are a hairy person naturally) then there's no other recourse but to have it surgically removed.

      At least thats how it was explained too me.

      • 1 year ago

        >You don't get rid of what OP has

        You don't get rid of what OP has without surgery, to clarify.

      • 1 year ago

        >Your doctors and surgeons are stupid. You don't get rid of what OP has.
        I haven't been to the doctor nor followed any medical advice literally since then. They got it surgically removed just like you said. Anyway, I just got rid of the inflammation this very week of another cyst that's been lodged around that same area. I've avoided surgery for years now. As long as I do keto, I don't have any problem whatsoever with it; it's shrunk, if anything.

        • 1 year ago

          Even the traditional surgery that they used too recommend for it has a low success rate. The pilonidal cleft lift has a 90% success rate, IIRC.

          Look into it. Best decision I ever made. The last year before I got it done I was basically a bedridden shut in because pants hurt too wear, it was impossible to sit down comfortable, etc.

    • 1 year ago

      This is a very interesting comment. I have a cyst, it activates here and there then goes away entirely. Nothing near what OP has but same concept.

      Last year on a cut, I noticed I never got one for several months, back to bulking, it returned. Now back on a cut, no sign of it.


  19. 1 year ago

    Welp ur kinda fricked Anon,
    had the same like a year ago,
    went to the doctor, they send me to the hospital, there they cut it open and cleaned it out,
    a month later they cut a golf ball-sized piece of tissue out and didn't lift for 5 months.

    Thank fully I can get back on the grind and lift and lose weight.

  20. 1 year ago

    It's just an abcess you fricking moron. Go get a doc to look at it. It could potentially be something serious like staph.

  21. 1 year ago

    Probably not helpful, but I had one of those at 1/3rd the size. It went away on its own after 3 weeks.
    Not trying to tell you that it'll solve itself, however it's probably not the end of the world for you. You can be happy about that.

  22. 1 year ago

    Pilonidal cyst. Welcome to hell. I've had one for almost 20 years now and it used to flare up constantly but these last few years it has chilled out.
    The surgery for it is an absolute b***h because they have to literally remove a huge chunk of your ass.

  23. 1 year ago

    >pilonidal cyst

    OP get that checked out if you dont want 1/3 of your ass turning into pus

  24. 1 year ago

    Any of you Anons start developing this. Before it gets crazy unmanageable like this, put on silver impregnated foam & a hydrocolloid bandage. Change that b***h out at least daily. Avoid super hot showers/baths/heating pads. A warm epsom salt compress is ok but dont let it set too long. Too much heat kills healthy cells and those trying to fight the infection, too.
    How tf you get free healthcare and let your ass get this bad, mate?

  25. 1 year ago

    I popped mine and flushed it with hydrogen peroxide. Lot of stank, puss, and blood but after a few weeks of putting bandages and neosporin on it the skin healed and hasn't been an issue since.

  26. 1 year ago

    Bro, find someone you trust and have them lance it with a sewing needle that you held in a flame.
    If you live in NJ I'll hook you up

  27. 1 year ago

    bro you have this because you are lazy and filthy

  28. 1 year ago

    Holy frick I had one of these in the same place, some of the worst pain of my life and then it fricking burst while I was on the toilet at work (luckily end of day)! and it felt so good but frick it stunk so bad and stuff was coming out of it for like a full day straight

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