I've just ordered 0.5mg of Dutasteride + Minoxidil 5% - what am I in order?

I've just ordered 0.5mg of Dutasteride + Minoxidil 5% - what am I in order?

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

CRIME Shirt $21.68

It's All Fucked Shirt $22.14

  1. 1 year ago

    You're in for frick all since it doesn't regrow hair. Fin is what to you need.

    • 1 year ago

      But Dutasteride blocks more DHT?

    • 1 year ago

      dutasteride is more potent than fin

    • 1 year ago

      Fin blocks 70% DHT
      Dutast blocks 99% DHT

      • 1 year ago

        >wanting to block DHT
        Why am I in my early 30's and not balding? It's not low T, nor DHT.

        • 1 year ago

          You aren't sensitive to DHT that's why

          • 1 year ago

            Judging by rate of facial hair growth and facial structure change since my 20's I'd say my DHT levels have increased if anything, afaik that's normal as you age.
            My hair isn't like when I was 18, but it's close enough.
            Idk, DHT seems like a cool hormone for everything else it does, I don't think I will ever go full baldie and some potential thinning as the decades go on is worth it for me.

            • 1 year ago

              What I mean is your hairs sensitivity to DHT, not your bodies, guys like Arnold blast for years and keep all their hair whilst basedboys from buzzfeed with such low test levels they're basically infertile go bald, it's the most random fricking gene ever

            • 1 year ago

              Ok if she doesn't cause balding how do explain finasteride working?

              • 1 year ago

                Placebo. You just have to think it works and your hair will grow back.

              • 1 year ago

                Can confirm, I did this for my height, grew 4 inches age 28 doing leg massages

        • 1 year ago

          Don't underestimate the Norwood Reaper, bro.
          I thought I was safe, then my hair started to go at 32.

    • 1 year ago

      But Dutasteride blocks more DHT?

      dutasteride is more potent than fin

      Dutasteride is fricked because when it works, it's a fricking miracle and guys with literally no hair will see full regrowth, but Dut has a habit of occasionally making hair worse and because it isn't fda approved no one has the faintest idea why, Dut is a gamble on potential better results but also you could frick your shit up. Fin has a much much safer track record

      • 1 year ago

        >Fin has a much much safer track record
        >Post Fin shizos come out the bushes telling you it made them gay n shit
        lol whenever some dut user says it fricked their hairline they NEVER post pics. Their worse than post fin shizos.

      • 1 year ago

        >Fin has a much much safer track record
        I took it for 2 days and it really was fricking with me and my diknballz.
        My brother took it and is a fat frick and has no sex drive or ANY drive now. Just like a unic.

        • 1 year ago

          you should consider finishing high school

        • 1 year ago

          You don't get sides after just two days moron. Completely made up.

          • 1 year ago

            You can. Finasteride acts immediately. However people who get sides immediately also tend to have them go away just as fast.

        • 1 year ago

          >sides after 2 days

    • 1 year ago

      Wait I thought fin stops further hair loss and min is what causes it to regrow (after shedding like a dog in spring)?

      • 1 year ago

        Think like 60% of fin users got regrowth in the trials

  2. 1 year ago

    you need oral minoxidil in your mix. Start with 2.5mg, up to 5mg if 2.5mg is ok and no side effects

    • 1 year ago

      >ruins your heart

  3. 1 year ago

    Listem.. get real and understand it will take more than a year to see real progress.

    This is important, think about it and understand it.

    Then, dont skip days. Set a time after bath to apply everything.

    It works. You may feel some strange sensation on the prostate for a weak and it is normal, it goes away, dont freak out.

    You may be dodging a prostate enalargment and cancer btw

    Good thing you decided to act

    • 1 year ago

      start point

      • 1 year ago

        Should’ve gotten on it sooner but you’ll make it.

        I have the same bald / thinning pattern as you but I jumped on sooner. Seen the writing on the wall.

      • 1 year ago

        That's not bad actually, you don't have the weird hair pattern that balding men get.

      • 1 year ago

        is this even andorgentic alopeica ? dht may not be your problem

    • 1 year ago

      >You may be dodging a prostate enalargment and cancer btw
      kek fin increases risk of prostate cancer anon

      • 1 year ago


        Excessive DHT promotes prostate growth

    • 1 year ago

      Holy frick just shave your head

  4. 1 year ago

    taking all that shit just to have some hair, pathetic
    enjoy your cancer in 20 years

  5. 1 year ago

    dutasteride and finasteride have slightly different actions because there are 3 different 5a-reductase enzymes
    try one or both

  6. 1 year ago


  7. 1 year ago

    I just ordered fin, but I'm trying to figure out which roids besides test I can be on while taking fin. I take a lot of tren and I know i won't be able to anymore but can I stop the fin for a tren blast then resume the fin?

  8. 1 year ago

    Should I start?

    • 1 year ago


    • 1 year ago

      Yes. Mine was a little better than that two years ago when I started but now it's similar so I guess I'm losing ground.

  9. 1 year ago

    what subreddit? also semen retention helps for hair growth.

  10. 1 year ago

    How much and where?

    • 1 year ago

      you can buy it legit from a uk pharmacy - oxford

  11. 1 year ago

    I started taking dutasteride 3 weeks ago and now everytime I cum literally nothing comes out. Wtf guys.

    • 1 year ago

      where do you think androgen receptors concentrate? DHT is the most powerful sex hormone

  12. 1 year ago

    >coping hard enough that you sign up to a lifetime of meds instead of just going bald immediately

    • 1 year ago

      ugly mutt

    • 1 year ago

      >t. coping horse shoe head
      I already take anti histamines almost every fricking day for alergies plus supplements

  13. 1 year ago

    >what am I in order?
    impotence and wrinkles

  14. 1 year ago

    >18/19 year old zoomer bends down to tie his shoelaces
    >enormous bald patch on the top of his head
    what causes this?

    • 1 year ago

      Weed. Many such cases

  15. 1 year ago

    Happy with this at 30

    • 1 year ago

      Personally I would kms if I lived in a shithole like that at 30

  16. 1 year ago

    My dad had diffused thinning at age 25, but he's the only male to go bald in my family. Is it over for me?

    • 1 year ago

      Hair genetics generally comes from your mother's side. So if your Mum has a brother I'd look at what happened to him and go off of that (or look at her dad).

      In my own case my Mum's brother lost all of his hair super early on, my 2 brothers were the same and shaved theirs off before they hit 30. My hair started thinning around 24 and I'm now 29, definitely receded a bit but have kept enough to not bother going bald yet. Have been regularly doing scalp massages (and use biotin) for a few years which I'm convinced has helped out.

      >thank you for reading my post, I hope you had as much reading it as I did typing it

      • 1 year ago

        my mothers brother is norwood 0 at 50 my mothers father was norwood 0 until he died i'm sitting here at norwood 3 in my early 20's

        • 1 year ago

          what about your dad?

          • 1 year ago

            he lost all his hair at once in his 20's due to severe stress was norwood 7 all the time i knew him, if you're asking about his side of family they aren't that bad actually some have good hair some are balding my grandfather had norwood 3 in old age

      • 1 year ago

        >be me
        >dad is 65 and has a full head of hair
        >his older brother is 70 and is the same
        >my granddad didn't start balding until his mid 80s
        >mum's dad died in his 50s of cancer but had a full head of hair
        >confident that I don't need to worry about balding
        >at christmas, looking at old family photos
        >find photo of mum's dad obviously on his deathbed and bald as a cue ball
        >"damn, cancer really burned through him didn't it"
        >mum said "yeah, there was only three weeks between his diagnosis and his death"
        >"doesn't it take months for your hair to fall out from chemo though?"
        >"oh he didn't get chemo, he was already terminal when he was diagnosed. He's just not wearing his toupee"
        And that's how I discovered my maternal grandfather was totally bald from his early 30s. Will my father's late balding gene balance out my mother's early balding gene or am I in a pickle?

  17. 1 year ago

    >get on topical fin/min after ten or so months on and off oral trying out doses to mitigate sides
    >on topical a few months, seems like all good
    >notice thinning on the sides now that wasn't there before, have to expand coverage
    >already using 2ml a day

    Switching to oral min and microdose oral fin now and using topical fin/min for spot treatment where it's most egregious. I'm at a NW2 heading fast to a NW3 if I don't get it under control. The shit thing is that it takes so long to see results and if it's not working you're losing ground the whole time. And you don't know if you're shedding because it's working or shedding because it's not.

  18. 1 year ago

    I've been on oral Finasteride for almost 6 years, I started at 23 when I first noticed receding.
    Now I'm 29 and I'm seeing very low progression of receding despite stability for the past 5 years. Is it wise to continue with oral finasteride and add on a topical finasteride?
    I currently take 1.25mg everyday, and I wash with ketaconazole 2% every week or so.
    Any similar experiences?

    • 1 year ago

      it's normal to lose ground on fin if you're destined for balder destinations past a NW2/3. you have to graduate to dut. but that nukes 5AR completely so think hard

      • 1 year ago

        >it's normal to lose ground on fin if you're destined for balder destinations past a NW2/3
        So why do diffuse thinners respond way better on fin than hairline receders? Their whole top is going bald.

        • 1 year ago

          depends, diffusing isn't necessarily over the whole scalp. sometimes it's in the nw5 zone, sometimes nw6 zone and up. the temples are also the most androgenically senestive part of your hair. like 90%+ of white men older than 30 have lost their temples and are nw2 or more

    • 1 year ago

      Normal progression, especially over time. Fin oral only reduces like 50% of DHT in the scalp. Topical will get that 70%.

      Thing with topical though is getting proper coverage down to the scalp level. You have to use a lot of it which sucks, but worth the money to keep the hairline.

  19. 1 year ago


  20. 1 year ago

    I start d micro needling and minox shampoo and spray. Can’t risk the dick with fin. Will give 6 months. No improvement then I will embrace the loss

  21. 1 year ago

    Why the frick would you want to chemically castrate your full body with finasteride, when there are safe, permanent, scientifically proven and almost free methods of reversing hairloss. ಠ_ಠ

    Most of these finasteride trolls don't even know the real reasons behind hairloss and never studied how to actually reverse it:

    Never forget that internet is full of evil, stupid and miserable people.

    They don't want to be the only idiots who have damaged or will eventually damage themselves permanently with these drugs, and rather spread the misery forwards.
    The only enjoyment of these finasteride trolls is to trick other people to take finasteride, drink castrol oil or get people to microwave their phones/batteries. I hope no one falls into this shit just because its easy to troll people on internet and create false sence of social proof and manipulate beliefs/feelings of certainty in these closed echo chambers of ideas.

    Its probably the same guy that used to always come to the dermarolling threads to recommmend everyone to drink castrol oil, instead of applying it into your hair with diluted peppermint/rosemary oil as a proven and better minoxidil replacement. How bad must his life suck, if the only enjoyment he gets is to hurt others.

    (Fun fact: Mussolini used to spike his political opponents drinks with castrol oil and watch them shit themselves in public gatherings.) (ಥ﹏ಥ)

    You have to buy finasteride/minoxidil for the rest of your life or you will loose your gains in two weeks. So eventually you will get unreversable heart palpatations, heart disease, impotence, dizzyness, vertigo, gynecomastia and suicidal thoughts. That happens when you chemically castrate your whole body for 40 years and become trans to cure your hairloss.

    • 1 year ago

      Thank God I never fell into this meme and instead used dermarolling, scalp massage, nizoral shampoo and castor oil/peppermint oil/rosemary oil mixure and lifestyle changes, that are just as effective as fin and minoxidil, because it tackles and targets the real reasons behind hairloss. Go see the hairlosstalk forum mega success thread about how tens of thousands people around the world are actually reversing their hairloss safely, naturally and without any side effects, by actually studying this stuff and sharing their results.

      I usually never post here, but these finasteride posts should be auto-banned by the moderators.

      • 1 year ago

        Based israelite subverting the gym with snake oil

        • 1 year ago

          Everybody wants the magic pill of just eating SSRIs/Finasteride to fix all their problems, but if you want to heal this stuff safely and permanently, you have to think for yourself, adress the real underlying causes of hairloss instead of just managing dht symptoms and actually put some thinking and effort into this process, and not just mindlessly popping some pills that the doctor and internet offers you.

          • 1 year ago

            I was Norwood 3 Vertex already in my early 20s, but after 4 years of dermarolling and stuff, now in my 30s I have better hair naturally than I even had in my teenage years. Feels good man. I have nothing else to gain than to help others.

            Im eternally grateful for the guys that shared their own experiences once and prevented me not to take something as awful as finasteride for the rest of my life.

            I fell into SSRI meme thou when I was a teen, and getting rid of that stuff after a year and cultivating healthy lifestyle has been one of the best things I have ever done along with dermarolling.

            • 1 year ago

              It's the Rosemary oil, it's equivalent to minoxidil you haven't reinvented the wheel. Derma rolling alone produces poor results, in fact there's a guy on Reddit who's been dermarolling for a year with no other treatments, he doesn't give a shit about being bald and just did it for research, he regrew absolutely 0 hair.

              • 1 year ago

                No big surprise.

                With hairloss you have to adress: bloodflow, oxygen, scalp tension, inflamation, calcification, dht ect.

                Dermarolling or rosemary oil by itself is moronic and trying to fix all the causes with just by getting rid of all your bodys dht with finasteride is just senceless overkill.

                It works temporarily, but at what price? There is way more intelligent and effective ways to adress each causes of hairloss than just popping pills. Anyways only few people out of million can keep doing that for 40years without any side effects.

                Better just to focus on the long term solutions that actually gives you the wanted results without side effects imho.
                If you are insecure, use hair fibers and dermmatch the 2 years that the natural process takes to work or just do a hair transplant. Finasteride or SSRIs should not be a life long solution.

              • 1 year ago

                Scalp tension is a meme, no difference in flexibility between balding and none balding, I've been doing scalp massages for a decade just because it feels good and thus my scalp is incredibly flexible to the point you can play with it, still balding

              • 1 year ago

                Well it worked for me and for thousands of people around the world to recover from norwood +3 back into norwood 1 under two years.

                Its actually wild that all you hear is about dht and that you need to take fin/mix, when motherfrickers are having these crazy results just by scalp massages and lifestyle/diet changes.

                I know many guys in real life that have had the same results as me, just by copying what I have been doing for couple of years.

                I feel bad for guys that are too stubborm to even give this a shot and rather poison themselves, when there is too much evidence to ignore nowadays thanks to internet. Sunken cost fallacy or sometype of ego trap not to admit they were wrong and conned I guess.

              • 1 year ago

                These guys have TE not male pattern baldness if they resolved it via nutrient intake, even then it's rare, all the guys on my 600lb life or my life on meth or any other reality show shit have perfect hairlines, not because they live healthy but because they don't have the mpb gene. My uncles on my moms side are chain smoking alcoholics in their 70s with perfect hair, I hate alcohol and have never smoked, eat well for lifting and never touch fast food, guess who's balding. It's down to the gene and no amount of lifestyle changes will fix that if you have the gene

              • 1 year ago

                frick off rob from perfect hair health dot com

              • 1 year ago

                All of this will just delay the progression of balding. In a few more years nothing that guy can do will help.

              • 1 year ago

                And again you need to fix more than just scalp tension to reverse hair loss:

                With hairloss you have to adress: bloodflow, oxygen, scalp tension, inflamation, calcification, dht, nutrition, sleep ect.

              • 1 year ago

                This is all disproven by the common every day observation of people living their worst life having full heads of hair and people who take care of themselves going bald. No matter what though you'll never accept it and always move the goal posts that balding people simply must be doing something wrong and the people who are approaching literal death with all their hair, well let's pretend they don't exist

              • 1 year ago

                Im happy it worked for me, but in reality I dont give that many fricks what others think of me.

                Too many guys on internet let strangers to dictate their self-worth and have extreme body-dysmorphias. Constantly seeking that approval, validation and love from outside themselves.

                It makes people to over-compensate their extreme insecurities by mutilating themselves with surgeries or chemically castrating themselves with finasteride, instead of just reconnecting to that total sence of self-worth and unconditional self-esteem from within. Kinda sad to see it everywhere.

              • 1 year ago

                Have to go, I hope this helps to guide some people into the same amazing journey and advanture that I had reversing my hairloss.

                Good luck and best wishes, even to the finasteride trolls.

              • 1 year ago

                you still didn't respond to me what's your method exactly ?

            • 1 year ago

              what norwood you are now ? what do you suggest the alternative is ?

    • 1 year ago

      Nice membership costs, moron. Just another scammer.

      • 1 year ago

        moron. the only thing that actually works if youre balding is finasteride. ur just another baldcel spreading misinformation. take the fricking pill and go on with your day homosexual.

        Triggered and coping.
        Egos defence mechanism and rationalizations at maximum capasity. Keep enjoying those side effects you beautiful child of god.

    • 1 year ago

      moron. the only thing that actually works if youre balding is finasteride. ur just another baldcel spreading misinformation. take the fricking pill and go on with your day homosexual.

    • 1 year ago

      Funny to see Rob is still at it. Out of curiosity I watched the video to see if changed anything about his arguments since I first read his site almost 10 years ago (he didn't). He really intrigued me with his published study though so I took a look and... what a completely fricking joke.

      That's not how you draw conclusions LOL. Half of the people who saw *any* results actually saw worsening of the hairline. In fact the regression model he cites which supposedly predicts "more progress the longer you do it" beautifully illustrates that people simply drop out of the study the moment they realise what they're doing is actually bad for their hair.

      The whole study is a published illustration of survivorship bias. I wonder how it ever made it through peer review.

    • 1 year ago

      Deboonked by le finasteride shill mann

    • 1 year ago

      So what, just massage your fricking scalp?

    • 1 year ago

      This Black person literally claimed that he was giving out free information and working with people for free in this video and his website wants you to pay for shit lol frick no

  22. 1 year ago

    Why would you like to chemically castrate yourself when there are safe, permanent, scientifically proven and almost free methods of reversing hairloss.

    Makes me sad to see people like Andrew Schulz from Flagrant2 and other podcasters to push these boner pills, nicotine snuffs and finasteride products to their gullible audiences just to get slice of the profits by exploiting our insecurities and hardwired vulnerabilities to marketing.

    'Keeps' is just a marketing ploy to get you to become a paying life long subscriber customer of these highly overpriced pills (+400% mark-up) that are addictive toxins. There is NEVER a need to chemically castrate yourself, unless you are a pedophile or trans.

    These finasteride companies, doctors and celebrities cant make huge profits with the stuff that actually gives you long term benefits without any side effects. With 'Keeps' you are a hostage who has to keep(s) buying finasteride/minoxidil products everyday for the rest of your life or you lose all the results in weeks-months when you cant tolerate the awful side effects anymore. They should push products like Toppik hair fibers and Dermmatch instead, while you are reversing your Norwood 3/5 back into Norwood 1/2 naturally.

    Promoting finasteride is just as evil as convincing teenagers to eat SSRI's for the rest of their lives with its horrible side effects, instead of just telling them how to manage your dopamine/serotonin levels naturally by fixing your diet, sleeping patterns, doing exercise, healing traumas, getting a frickbuddy, cultivating social life, creating life goals, meditating and feeling genuine happiness and real satisfaction, instead of binging netflix, cheetos and videogames.

    Please dont fall into poisoning yourself with these stupid pills that big pharma companies make to maximize their profits. ಠ_ಥ

    • 1 year ago

      No one actually uses keeps, I buy a years worth of fin for 30 bucks, 2 years if I cut the pills

    • 1 year ago

      >when there are safe, permanent, scientifically proven and almost free methods of reversing hairloss.
      Like which ones?

    • 1 year ago

      >Promoting finasteride is just as evil as convincing teenagers to eat SSRI's for the rest of their lives
      Pretty much this

      • 1 year ago

        I remember when I was a slightly anxious teenager, just looking for the easy and fast magic solution to fix everything with a simple pill.

        The white coated doctor in his office, using authority and other tricks to convince me that my social anxiety and low serotonin levels were hereditary and could ONLY be cured by taking SSRI pills for the rest of my life.

        They had no tests to affirm this diagnosis, but they can still prescribe some clueless kid these pill based on just one 15 minutes meeting. Never asked what I eat, measured vitamin levels or sleeping patterns.

        I was pretty happy and normal kid even with my social anxiety, but after the brief initial hope and excitement, SSRIs gave me unthinkable brain fog, difficulty to ejaculate, loss of happiness/sadness/all emotions, suicidal thoughts, self-cutting just to feel something, weight gain and brain zaps. It was truly fricking horrible time in my life. It made totally different person and transported me into this fever nightmare hell realm. Thank god I got rid of them fast.

        All I had to do to balance my serotonin levels and social anxiety, was to gather the discipline to quit gaming, excercise more, sleep better, get rid off junk food, start a business, face my fears by meeting new people and after 6 months I was happier than I could even imagine was possible. That has lastest 16 years to this day.

        SSRIs can be a short term solution for some rare cases, but any doctor that pushes those pill to every teenager just to make profit should burn in hell. 🙂

        tbh finasteride sounds even worse than ssri's. Prepare for a rough ride.

        • 1 year ago

          Okay but social anxiety is literally in your imagination, homie I can SEE my hair falling out

          • 1 year ago

            The problem is not that your hair is falling, its that people can see it. Keep stabbing those eyes man.

  23. 1 year ago

    I'm 26 and have virtually no beard growth. What do?

  24. 1 year ago

    Do scalp massages work

  25. 1 year ago

    Hair is made of amino acids, protein. Do balding men lack protein rich food?

  26. 1 year ago

    Im not sure if Im really getting bald
    So what happens if I take fin+minoxidil without being balding?

    Hope you understand my question

  27. 1 year ago

    not a single male is bald on either side of my family. both grandfathers had norwood 0 till death. my hairline is receding; frick this gay earth

  28. 1 year ago

    I've been coping with Finasteride for a while now. It has stopped hair falling but I still got those receded temples that are impossible to regrow (2.5 NW).

    Seriously considering just buzzing it off and becoming a bald man at 27.

  29. 1 year ago

    >blocking DHT for hair
    The absolute state of hairlets. You might just transition at this point.

  30. 1 year ago

    you need to not give a frick about being bald. its the self consciousness that gets you, literally no one gives a frick that youre bald, let it go and live life, dont worry about getting laid either lmao manlets make me cringe

  31. 1 year ago

    shave your head and go outside. Look how differently women treat you. It's worth breaking your dick to keep your hair. Better to be a eunuch surrounded by people you love than an ugly freak

  32. 1 year ago

    Got a bunch of dutastride.
    If I'm going to do something now is the time
    But im giga afraid of side effects.

    What do anons?

    • 1 year ago

      Why start with dut?

  33. 1 year ago

    Two weeks
    No routine.

    How does it look? Any progress?

    • 1 year ago

      yeah it looks like your hair grew two weeks longer

  34. 1 year ago

    Any of you Black folk have experience with microdosing fin?

    I'm essentially NW3, receding hairline but the hair itself is still very thick. I mostly want to keep what I have now. I was thinking of taking the 1mg dose maybe once or twice a week. Thoughts on this?

    • 1 year ago

      see this graph


      >get on topical fin/min after ten or so months on and off oral trying out doses to mitigate sides
      >on topical a few months, seems like all good
      >notice thinning on the sides now that wasn't there before, have to expand coverage
      >already using 2ml a day

      Switching to oral min and microdose oral fin now and using topical fin/min for spot treatment where it's most egregious. I'm at a NW2 heading fast to a NW3 if I don't get it under control. The shit thing is that it takes so long to see results and if it's not working you're losing ground the whole time. And you don't know if you're shedding because it's working or shedding because it's not.

      However I think the whole "microdosing" and adjusted dosing thing to avoid side effects is a meme. No matter what you're going to eventually be cutting 70% of your serum DHT and about 50% of your scalp/tissue DHT, the only difference is how fast you get there. If you're prone to side effects they're going to come.

  35. 1 year ago


  36. 1 year ago

    anyone on minox lose the tingling feeling you get from putting it on? it no longer tingles or iches when I put it on

  37. 1 year ago

    >dropped topical fin/min for oral fin/min a few weeks ago
    >am now combing out fricking wads of hair in the shower
    >can't tell if this is because it's working or because it's not

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