I've never been able to pick up a workout habit all my life. I think it's because I'm lazy and ADHD.

I've never been able to pick up a workout habit all my life. I think it's because I'm lazy and ADHD. It just feels like such a pain in the ass to put on shoes, put on a jacket, grab my keys, grab my phone, and even walk to my apartment complex gym let alone drive to one.

I'm thinking of just buying a bench and a dumbell set and putting it next to my desk (I wfh 9-5 weekdays). I can't tell if I'm aspirationally spending or if that actually will help me get in the habit. I roll out of bed in a plain t shirt and pajama pants and work at my desk all day, I feel like I can get in the habit of exercising in those clothes during my lunch break and then taking a quick shower.

I'm in an apartment so I'm limited in what gear I can actually have.

Anyone have success doing this? Is this valid or am I being an idiot? My main goal is fat loss, toning, flexibility/improving back pain, and just building the habit.

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  1. 4 months ago

    yes home gym is the only reason I'm consistent, also wfh

    pull up bar, bench, adjustable dumbells and some rubber bands to wrap around the bar are all you need

    • 4 months ago

      Rubber bands to wrap around the pull up bar?

      How are you doing a pull up bar at home? The door frame ones concern me.

      Thanks, though! That's encouraging.

      • 4 months ago

        >Rubber bands to wrap around the pull up bar?
        for tricep pulldowns and and kneeling banded crunch

        doorframe holds up just fine, it will get a bit dinged up just from the friction of the bar on paint.

        • 4 months ago

          Whats your routine? Or how did you develop one?

          • 4 months ago

            Seems pretty obvious,
            Dips Pull ups abs curls tricep pushdowns legs (lmao) 3 sets of 6-10 or 8-12 or just AMRAP. 2-4 days a week, and then you can just start increasing it, you’re at home so you can even just do a set every X minutes anyway.

          • 4 months ago

            Push=OH press, bench press, lat raise, skull crusher, triceps pulldown
            Pull=alternate neutral and wide grip pull up each week, dB row, dB pullover, shrug, hammer curl, concentration curl
            Leg= split squat, Romanian deadlift, ab stuff

      • 4 months ago

        Door frame ones are shit. I've seen several people IRL pull them down and have to pay $100s in door frame repair. I pulled one down threw my shoulder out for 2 weeks.

        Just do pushups, your landlord or parents will thank you.

        • 4 months ago

          >Just do pushups
          not enough he needs to do pullups

  2. 4 months ago

    Pull up and dip bar and roman would be cheaper If you wanted to start there first

    • 4 months ago

      Something like this? Yeah this is much cheaper than a $350 dumbbell set.

      i have the same problem for most of my life but it seems you are a functional human being able to hold a job. i believe you'll be aspirationally spending, you should start off with pushups and squats for a year before potentially wasting money and space on machines for your home. any advice for me on how to get a wfh job?

      That's valid. The reason I got stuck on buying weights is the one time I managed to keep up a workout habit for like 4 months, I was doing barbell lifts. Then COVID happened so I stopped going to the gym. I was unemployed and not in school, though, so that probably helped me actually having time to go to a gym at whatever hour I felt like it.

      I'm a programmer which probably helped. Most of these jobs are WFH.

    • 4 months ago

      Seems pretty obvious,
      Dips Pull ups abs curls tricep pushdowns legs (lmao) 3 sets of 6-10 or 8-12 or just AMRAP. 2-4 days a week, and then you can just start increasing it, you’re at home so you can even just do a set every X minutes anyway.

      These were my comments

      Whats your routine? Or how did you develop one?

      Now I’m realizing you could just be a moron and not think for a while. Just go, be a monkey. Like a prisoner. Oh shit gotta hit some pull ups, now some dips, now some abs, eh I’m gonna work for a bit, Damn nice break I wanna hit some more pull ups now. Don’t think just do. Kinda tired of logging so much shit now. Wish that was me instead of finding some optimal routine. Get some bands and you’re set. Straight up dorito look

  3. 4 months ago

    i have the same problem for most of my life but it seems you are a functional human being able to hold a job. i believe you'll be aspirationally spending, you should start off with pushups and squats for a year before potentially wasting money and space on machines for your home. any advice for me on how to get a wfh job?

  4. 4 months ago

    I'm similar, I'm an ADHD-esque procrastinating moron with constantly shifting interests who can't focus on anything. I've been drinking a strong black coffee at 4:30am after I wake up, then immediately heading into my home gym (or running in the street) afterwards. So far it's having good results as the immediate caffeine burst gives me intense focus and motivation to lift. I also feel quite good afterwards which is unusual.

    • 4 months ago

      How are you waking up at 4:30am? I'll be on my phone from 11pm to 12:30am, fall asleep, hit snooze on my alarm from 8am to 9am, and finally roll out of bed feeling so groggy, physically tired, and dehydrated.

  5. 4 months ago

    Maybe find a cute adhd girl to bang. Some of the cute ones look and act like anime characters lol

  6. 4 months ago

    Make friends with some rich people

  7. 4 months ago

    If you have a sturdy enough adjustable bench and adjustable dumbbells that can go heavy enough, then you can effectively train every muscle in your body.

    DB presses
    DB rows and seal rows on the bench
    Split squats
    Reverse Lunges
    DB RDL
    Lateral Raises
    Bent over Raises

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