Jared Leto, Chuando Tan, Bryan Johnson, David Sinclar.

Jared Leto, Chuando Tan, Bryan Johnson, David Sinclar.
All of these are on plant based diets and all look much younger than their age. Jared and Chuando have been on these diets the longest and look the youngest, David and Bryan have been on them the shortest and look less young but not as old as men typically do at their age. All of them are around 50 with Bryan being the youngest and looking the oldest, and Chuando being the oldest and looking the youngest.
Bryan Johnson has only been at it for 2 years so he obviously haven't seen the same effect as the others (yet).
This just proves that there is something in a plant based diet that is extremely beneficial for the body or something in a meat based diet that is toxic for the body. We might not know what it is yet but it's obvious if you look at these people.
>its just genetics bro
It's not and it never will be "just genetics". Genetics are a factor but when you're pushing 50 it is mostly an accumulation of how you have lived prior to that.

Just look at this pic of actors that are also wealthy and over 50. These people live of their acting job and therefore also on their looks which they probably take care about. Still they look remarkably older, with saggy skin, more wrinkles, patchy skin etc.

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  1. 5 months ago

    Now talk about your diet and post a pic of your face.

  2. 5 months ago

    just come out of the closet already (and post body or shut up and never post again)

    • 5 months ago

      Now talk about your diet and post a pic of your face.

      Look like ballsacks and die early c**ts

      • 5 months ago

        you forgot your photo

  3. 5 months ago

    Uhhhh nice essay on the looks of a few male actors. Kek wtf

  4. 5 months ago

    This smells like a vegan/keto b8 thread, i wonder if ketoschizo will suddenly start spamming his bs meat increases lifespan shit here soon

  5. 5 months ago

    It's reduced mTOR activity via a) leucine insufficiency and b) calorie restriction. That's it. You can emulate this with low dose metformin and rapamycin.

    • 5 months ago

      Not only that but also IGF1 and there could be a lot more that we don't know/understand yet about either meat or veggies

  6. 5 months ago

    clooney was never handsome, change my mind

    • 5 months ago

      Clooney looked like a generic jock in his early years eventually turning into a handsome business man when he got older

    • 5 months ago

      This is a joke, right?

      • 5 months ago

        no, his mouth/jaw is annoying
        and in films he does this stupid nodding thing whenever he's about to start talking

      • 5 months ago

        no I agree with him, he looks like my albanian mechanic. also brown eyes just suck.

  7. 5 months ago

    When im old idc about looking young. I just wanma be a jacked old man

    • 5 months ago

      I wonder how many 2023 dollars this dude has spent on juice
      Like jon bon Jovi estimates he's done MILLIONS of dollars of hard drugs but that's in like 1999 dollars

    • 5 months ago


  8. 5 months ago
    Chud Anon

    >just be a millionaire and have a professional team of doctors and makeup artists to look good on a vegan diet


    • 5 months ago



      Jared Leto, Chuando Tan, Bryan Johnson, David Sinclar.
      All of these are on plant based diets and all look much younger than their age. Jared and Chuando have been on these diets the longest and look the youngest, David and Bryan have been on them the shortest and look less young but not as old as men typically do at their age. All of them are around 50 with Bryan being the youngest and looking the oldest, and Chuando being the oldest and looking the youngest.
      Bryan Johnson has only been at it for 2 years so he obviously haven't seen the same effect as the others (yet).
      This just proves that there is something in a plant based diet that is extremely beneficial for the body or something in a meat based diet that is toxic for the body. We might not know what it is yet but it's obvious if you look at these people.
      >its just genetics bro
      It's not and it never will be "just genetics". Genetics are a factor but when you're pushing 50 it is mostly an accumulation of how you have lived prior to that.

      Just look at this pic of actors that are also wealthy and over 50. These people live of their acting job and therefore also on their looks which they probably take care about. Still they look remarkably older, with saggy skin, more wrinkles, patchy skin etc.

      You're fricking moron if you believe thats all it is. You are an omnivore, our species is omnivorous, stop being a homosexual.and accept it. Grilled chicken salad wraps might be the best meal in existence.

      • 5 months ago

        >You are an omnivore, our species is omnivorous
        Evolution doesn't require you to live longer than you reproduce, hence fatties who are unhealthy can reproduce before they die, doesn't mean that their diet is good even if they survived 1 million years on nothing but chips.

  9. 5 months ago

    >Jared Leto
    He wears makeup and dyes his hair. Plus he's had work done on his face. He would look closer to his actual age without these, although he still did age very well

    >Chuando Tan
    He's a massive outlier, but there are other factors helping his appearance. For one he's Asian, Asians do tend to look younger than whites or blacks to begin with. Plus he does edit his pics

    >Bryan Johnson
    He has the appearance of a man in his mid 40s, which is exactly what he is

    >David Sinclair
    Worst example lmao he literally looks old

    What those guys have in common is that they stayed in good shape and didn't lose their hair, which are the main factors making them seem to be younger than they are - most middle aged men are fat and bald. The teeth too, having good teeth (natural or not) makes an older person appear younger while worn and fricked teeth make you look old

    I'd say the main thing is, you're less likely to get fat on a plant based diet. It's just easier to stay lean when you eat like that. I can also point to meat eaters looking young in old age, I can't seem to post pics here but look at pics of Arnie in terminator 3. He was in his 50s, and looked as if he had aged as well as Leto

    • 5 months ago

      A lot of wisdom here. If Bryan Johnson was fat and bald he would look like the average man his age, same with Jared Leto if he was fat and bald. Fat and bald is what makes you look aged more than anything else

    • 5 months ago

      Not op but I'm intrigued, can you prove any of your claims? Not about Bryan Johnson or David Sinclair but the other two

    • 5 months ago

      Arnold looking younger than his age??? Lol no are you moronic? Arnold looked OLD as frick at 50, much more so than the people in OPs pic

      • 5 months ago

        Arnold looked fine in his 50s, pic related. Just looked the same level of age as David Sinclair, to point to OPs examples. Clearly an aged man but looking better than most in his age group

        • 5 months ago

          Forgot pic

          • 5 months ago

            Saggy skin? Check
            Lots of wrinkles? Check
            Skin fullness? Nope
            Is this your definition of youthful? He has lost all elastin and collagen in his skin, he looks his age

            • 5 months ago

              Looks no worse than Bryan Johnson. That's just old man skin brah it happens, none of us can avoid it. Even Jared Leto, there's a reason he keeps facial hair and wears makeup

  10. 5 months ago

    from the article "Chuando eats 6 eggs for breakfast"

    • 5 months ago

      I am aware of that, which is why I said plant based, not vegan.
      Chuando still eats a mostly plantbased diet

      • 5 months ago

        Most westerners eat mostly plants if they're following standard American diet. Are you implying that if they continue to eat slop but remove meat that they will age better? A big mac meal with a coke is majority plant foods.

        • 5 months ago

          Most westerners eat fast carbohydrates such as bread, potatoes, pasta, rice in abundance. Not mostly veggies. Veggies might account for 20% in a western diet, not 80-90%

      • 5 months ago

        holy frick you're moronic, probably a jeet

  11. 5 months ago

    These people were never vegan and never will be. They are not stupid. Celebrities do this to make the news and stay relevant. They go "vegan" for a week or one year, get noticed, make money, and then that's it. The same thing with "vegan" influencers. They are not really vegan, but they pretend to in order to sell vegan products to actual morons who adopt the diet and wreck their health. True vegans are idiots, there are a few out there, who truly look vegan (malnourished) - these people believe they are going to be the first ones to prove a vegan diet works. Just lol.

  12. 5 months ago

    >It's not and it never will be "just genetics"
    Posting Brad Pitt contradicts that lol. He looks fantastic for his age, and he's been a VERY heavy drinker and smoker since his late teens

    • 5 months ago

      He looks terrible compared to the ones I mentioned. Just because you think he looks good as in he is an "attractive" person doesn't mean he looks young. He has wrinkly skin, saggy skin, no fullness etc. He looks old. It's like people on fit can't understand what an old person is and only looks at their appearance and if they are attractive or not. moronic forum

  13. 5 months ago

    >These people with 0.000000 stress don't age! What's up with that!!!!


    • 5 months ago

      This, stress is the biggest thing that ages you

      I have a twin brother, we're identical but I look so much older than him now (we're both 46 year old boomers). Parents always favored him lol, always gave him all the money he asked for, let him do whatever the frick he wanted, while I was pretty much kicked out as soon I turned 18. Forced to get a job and given 6 months to save up for my own place

      Whole life I've worked, got 2 kids (any anons with kids can tell you how stressful they are) and been married for years. I don't drink all the time or anything but I get hammered pretty much every weekend. Twin bro did none of that, lifetime NEET with no kids, stayed at home with parents and spends his days playing vidya

      He aged much better than me, has no gray hairs, skin is still perfect, still has that "youthful" glow, face is fuller than mine. He's literally the spitting image of me 15 years ago. Stress is a killer, it's easy to age good when you never have to worry about anything and never have to do jack shit. None of those guys in OP Pic probably do more than 2 hours of real work a day

  14. 5 months ago

    it's all genetics because behavior is genetic
    >t. knower

  15. 5 months ago

    Saying that Pitt and Clooney are over 50 is a bit like saying Bryan Johnson is over 18, Pitt and Clooney are 60, those 10 years is when aging is going to kick into gear.

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