Jason Blaha's 5x5

Workout is as follows:
>Workout A
Squats 5x5
Bench 5x5
Bent Over Row 5x5
Barbell Shrug 3x8
Skull Crushers 3x8
Curls 3x8
>Workout B
Squat 5x5
Deadlift 1x5
Over Head Press 5x5
Bent Over Row 5x5 (10% lighter than A)
Close Grip Bench 3x8
Curl 3x8

Done AxBxAxx, BxAxBxx. I'm coming up on finishing Super Squats and need a new program. What do you guys think? I know Jason's ugly but the program seems solid.

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  1. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago


  2. 2 years ago

    Isn't that just Stronglifts with curls and skullcrushers added in?

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah its a rip off

    • 2 years ago

      Yes it is,

      I am doing the same but I added pull-ups and chin-ups, plus some shoulder and back corective exercises

      • 2 years ago

        What shoulders and back corrective exercises, anon?

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah its a rip off

      Yes it is,

      I am doing the same but I added pull-ups and chin-ups, plus some shoulder and back corective exercises

      Stronglifts is an absolutely solid program and there's no reason for him to reinvent the wheel especially in this day and age where we have solid data on what works and what doesn't. A shit ton of good coaches usually promote some type of conjugate/linear program with heavy barbell movements first and any sort of hypertrophy/assistance after. This is proven to work and produced world level athletes as well as made people huge in gyms around the globe. If you need anything specific then you can add it to this solid base and be perfectly fine

  3. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      I want to laugh at him but I've done worse
      I once uppercutted myself overhead pressing because I guess I forgot to pull back my head
      My chin was sore for the next day or two

      • 2 years ago

        anyone who claims to have never done this is either lying or doesn’t lift

    • 2 years ago

      Philosophical question for you IST:
      Did he hit his head off a 20kg bar, or a 110kg bar?

  4. 2 years ago

    >3 days a week

    • 2 years ago

      I only have a bar, flat bench, and rack so I’m working with what I have and all the stripped down programs I’ve found are 3 day.

      • 2 years ago

        Get familiar with the movements and build a routine that’s 4-5 days a week

    • 2 years ago

      I only have a bar, flat bench, and rack so I’m working with what I have and all the stripped down programs I’ve found are 3 day.

      >3 days a week
      Find a 4-5 routine.

      Where should I be looking? I workout at home and I really can’t find 4 or 5 day barbell, bench, and rack only programs.

      Though I’d prefer doing a 4 or 5 day routine

      Nowhere in the book does it say that you need to be in the gym x days a week. 3 is perfectly fine for most people in their first year and even after. Once you've got base you can do 4 or 5 days a week. Anything beyond that is probably reddit tier broscience that has you going an extra day for no noticable gain. Lots of really good lifters/athletes are in the gym 3-4 days and use the rest for recovery and sport specific training. You don't grow from what you lift but what you can recover from afterwards and there is no argument to be had here. This goes for natties and non-natties even if the non-natties can get away with shit easier but it'll catch up to them nevertheless. If you want longevity in the gym you need to realize that rest is equally important. Nobody performs 100% of the time without it coming back to haunt them later. If you want to push adequate volumes in the gym you'll find a limit to how much your body is able to take each week. You also accumulate stress over time and it never gets better, only worse if you don't realize what your body needs.

      • 2 years ago

        >Anything beyond that is probably reddit tier broscience that has you going an extra day for no noticable gain.
        This is cope because you don't want to go more than you already do. You don't even necessarily NEED rest days. Life will create them for you. You can work out every day if you program intelligently. There is no mechanistic reason why you can't. Practically it's probably better to for most people.

        • 2 years ago

          >You don't even necessarily NEED rest days.
          Stopped reading right there. Either you are moron or roidtroony.

          • 2 years ago

            >stopped reading right there
            Let's be honest, you didn't
            You have not worked a particular muscle group in two days. Why do you need to rest? CNS fatigue? Lol. Most people will never overtrain in their lives. Telling fitdyels they actually need to train less and recover more is pointless.
            Pic rel, geoffrey verity schoefield, >6', 29 bmi, natty, doesn't take rest days

  5. 2 years ago

    >3 days a week
    Find a 4-5 routine.

    • 2 years ago

      Where should I be looking? I workout at home and I really can’t find 4 or 5 day barbell, bench, and rack only programs.

      • 2 years ago

        Though I’d prefer doing a 4 or 5 day routine

    • 2 years ago

      Alex's novice program fixes every issue that ICF has. Neither are great but his program is better than this

      Blaha was and still is a fricktard socially speaking but his advice is absolutely solid. He's probably amongst the top 1% for his age group in terms of strength and muscularity even if he's not pleasing to look at. He also vlogs every single workout + shows his clients' workouts as well. I'll be the first one to say he's a complete frickup in terms of his past (and to some degree present) behaviour but he puts in the work and is probably more successful than 99% of people on this board who shit on him.

  6. 2 years ago

    Why so much, every single day? Dude has you benching and skull crushing, or OH pressing and benching, on the same day. Why not just increase the weight? Or add reps/sets, do a drop set, or a top set. You'd be in the gym for hours when you could've just benched some more and left it at that.

    • 2 years ago

      I guarantee that you look like shit. Imagine thinking a 3 day a week program is too much work.

      • 2 years ago

        I don't think 3 day per week is "too much", I think having multiple compound exercises in one day, for the same muscle group, each with high intensity, low rep, high sets scheme, is redundant. And should be split up over more days, permitting more isolation work and volume to be done for each muscle group.

    • 2 years ago

      Good workouts take 1 hour minimum and that's really pushing it. If you're putting up good numbers in the gym, and that's what you'll have to if you want to look good and be strong especially natty, then you're not going to be shitting around for only an hour. Once your volumes and intensity pick up you're gonna need more time to get the work in.

      • 2 years ago

        If I do a deadlift session wherein I ramp up to a top set, hit a 1rm, then drop down for some volume. Then that alone might take me 1 hour. Because "if you're putting up good numbers", you need to rest. Adding a bench press in there, then if you're doing 5 sets, that's a minimum of half an hour. Sure:
        > Hurr Durr, powershitter rest sooo long
        But the more rest, the more you can lift at a given reps/sets scheme. So if you want to "put up good numbers", then 2 exercises will have you in the gym for 1.5 hours already. Add in the pull movements, another half hour (if you're actually pushing yourself to lift more) add in skull crusher's, bicep curls, and/or close grip bench press / ohp/ squats, and that'll easily have you bordering on the 3 hour mark. Unless you're half assing your lifts, and claiming 5x5 @ 40% of 1RM, with 1 minute rest is somehow "putting up good weight"

  7. 2 years ago

    Alex's novice program fixes every issue that ICF has. Neither are great but his program is better than this

    • 2 years ago

      Could you post a link or what to google?

      • 2 years ago


        • 2 years ago

          Ty anon

  8. 2 years ago

    Wtf this program must take 2h per session? I mean sure if you're like 20 but who has time for all that?

    • 2 years ago

      I’m thinking of doing something like squat, deads, BB row one day and then Bench, OHP, shrugs next and run it 4 days a week to cut down on daily intesity. What’s your opinion?

      >Captcha says wow thank you

      • 2 years ago

        Nice captcha. That sounds reasonable. I myself do a PPLPPXX and always do 2 exercises per muscle group at 4x10 or 4x12 except for legs where I mostly go 5x12 but still 2 exercises per muscle (hams and quads). I also like to do ONE heavy lift per session so at my first push I do heavy bench light OHP and the other way around next push session
        But your program sounds reasonable. I'm guessing you're going more for strength rather than size? If not I'd skip DLs, they take like 45 minutes to perform each session, absolutely drain you of energy and they WILL hurt your back eventually

        • 2 years ago

          I used to be really into lifting for strength but took a break when covid hit and just did random shit to stay healthy, my numbers for 1RM was like 275 for Bench, 390 something for Squat, and 495 for Deads. But that was 2020. I caught the itch to put up numbers again and bought a rack, bar, and bench so I’m working with limited equipment. I’m a pretty tall dude so my Bench has always lacked so thats why I’m thinking of always doing it first for upper day.

          • 2 years ago

            Do what you enjoy. I realized I would rather lift for 45 minutes and walk my dog for 2h in the forest than the other way around. If you want to train for strength then I'm rooting for you anon. Hope you crush your old numbers.

  9. 2 years ago

    blaha looks like garbage. i would pay good money for reliable advice to not look like him. he would look much better if he ate less and worked 6-7 days a week

  10. 2 years ago

    It's a garbage program OP, Blaha just came in early and gained popularity by shilling his copy paste program. Go do a proper program that you can stay on for a considerable amount of time like GZCLP or 5/3/1 variations.

  11. 2 years ago

    Okay I’ve taken you anon’s ideas and am thinking of doing pic rel, need to work on bench so might as well add 2 variations. Not bad eh?

    • 2 years ago

      Anon this is garbage, read the post above yours and frick off.

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