Jobs of?

What are some IST jobs? I’ve been doing tech support since I started college 6 years ago. At least working at my college I got to walk around campus helping people but I’ve been sitting at a desk for the past 2 years now and I want a job that will let me get off my ass. You can imagine how DYEL I am.
What kind of jobs do you guys have or recommend?

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  1. 7 months ago

    Volunteer firefighter

    • 7 months ago

      You'll be disappointed. Volley departments rarely have any kind of fitness standard after you pass the CPAT. Far fricks everywhere. Heart Attacks cause almost half of LODDs.
      > t. Volley Firefighter gay

    • 7 months ago

      professional firefighter

  2. 7 months ago

    Personally, I am a NEET with a homegym

  3. 7 months ago

    I work in IT as a "client relations systems manager", which basically means I sit and shitpost all day while occasionally answering questions about a helpdesk system I set up. I take as much time working from home as I want, and I work down the block from two gyms so I take extended lunches to exercise.

  4. 7 months ago

    I work at Amazon full-time I didn't go to college but I make $20+ with night shift differential I make $21.25/hr with OT it's $31, so I make good money. College is a scam

    • 7 months ago

      >20+ hr
      you live in california

    • 7 months ago

      I'm an engineering technician (30 yo) that builds communications satellites. $37/hr but hopefully this year I'll be promoted to lab engineer which would bump me up to $50/hr. There's a gym up the street that I go to after work.

      This anon is right but please choose a trade instead of being a warehouse wagie. The pay is better and you learn useful skills.

    • 7 months ago
      Chud Anon

      Information Technology so you can get that sweet, sweet work from home position and home gym while getting paid on the clock.

      Got my Network + and A+, just finishing Sec+ for the trifecta.

      I was working at Costco when I was stuck in wagie mode. $18.50 an hour with a .50 raise every 1000 hrs worked up to $28.50 an hour. I think you eventually max out at five weeks vacation time per year too. If you do something like baker or tireshop it’s an extra $1 an hour and if you do hearing aids or eye exams it’s an extra $5 an hour on top of your pay.

      If you’re determined to stay in wagie world that’s the place to be. $28.50 and five weeks vacation is about as good as it gets for wagie life.

      • 7 months ago

        Do you have any kind of degree? Where did you get the certifications and how expensive was it? I’m sick of working on air conditioners fill me in

        • 7 months ago
          Chud Anon

          I’m still working on my degree but you can get started in this field without one if you are willing to start at help desk for a year or two before moving to better positions.

          The certification exams are $360, but there’s sales and discounts everywhere. I took a class for Net+ that let me test for free. Network plus took about 3 months of study and hundreds of flash cards, it’s a hefty test. Security Plus is pretty much mandatory for cyber security and government clearance positions. It’s easier than Network Plus from what I’ve seen, and far less tedious.

          The best resource for self studying either of these two is Professor Messer on YouTube. He has a playlist of about 120 videos for each test that will cover each concept in detail. He helped me prepare way more than my actual networking class at college.

          I also worked an entry level position already, and currently I’m getting job offers from recruiters for $65k a year on LinkedIn with no degree.

          • 7 months ago

            IT is fricking gay

            • 7 months ago
              Chud Anon

              IT is an umbrella, there’s a lot of job categories in the field

  5. 7 months ago

    >You can imagine how DYEL I am.
    a job isn't gonna bulk and cut for you, sedentary jobs are fine but lonely

    • 7 months ago

      I’m not saying any job is gonna make me ripped, but sitting on my ass for 8 hours a day saps the energy out of me, I just want to get on my feet at least a bit.

  6. 7 months ago

    I'm an optician and own my own eyewear company. I make glasses by hand that are bespoke; tailored just for the wearer. I make pieces from acetate, wood, buffalo horn. It's a good living, pays my bills, is creatively fulfilling, and I get to use my hands as well as my head. I pull around $75k a year.

    Pic related, it's one of my buffalo horn pieces with boulder opal inlaid into the hinge joint.

    • 7 months ago

      Oh. Woops, wrong pic. This one has petrified conifer inlaid into the temple; I was thinking of another pair that has boulder opal.

      Womp womp.

    • 7 months ago

      Oh. Woops, wrong pic. This one has petrified conifer inlaid into the temple; I was thinking of another pair that has boulder opal.

      Womp womp.

      Is lasik/prk worth it, anon? I just wanna be able to see again and I hate wearing glasses or contacts.

      • 7 months ago

        If you're a good candidate and the right age, absolutely. The key factors you want to avoid is lots of corneal astigmatism, it creates a very unpredictable surface to work with (better success with PRK than with LASIK in this case). Also you want to be under 38 years old, ideally. When they do LASIK or PRK, the changes they make are anterior, whereas the intraocular lens inside the eye (that will start changing like crazy when you hit 45) is posterior. Meaning, if you do it when you're 40, you'll have a couple years of great vision and then all the changes that occur inside the lens itself will create unpredictable prescription issues.

        Some people do monovision LASIK after they become presbyopic (when your lens hardens and flattens in your mid-40s and you lose the ability to read up close). Where they make one eye distance and one eye near, and they just hope your brain flips between the two as needed. This shit is fricking bananas. Doing monovision LASIK without trialing the patient in monovision contacts first, to see if they can even adapt to it, should be fricking illegal. Against all advice, my mother-in-law did this and now she can't see shit, and says whenever she looks and anything within a 10 foot bubble, it feels like her eyes cross and she gets a massive headache.

        That being said, for people who already wear and like monovision contacts, they are good candidates; but without trialing it first, you are completely throwing the dice with your vision.

        Avoid pajeet doctors. They are unscrupulous pieces of fricking poo and deserve the rope.

        That's my advice. LASIK/PRK is fantastic if you're a good candidate. Go to an extremely reputable doctor, and don't go doctor shopping if a very reputable one tells you "no can do." Because I'm sure you can find some back alley nog who will do it if you try hard enough, but you will be very unhappy with the results.

  7. 7 months ago

    I'm an electrician. Don't do this shit. Job is dangerous, you get run ragged like a dog, you're tired all the time, have to put up with bullshit from anyone and everyone, all your coworkers are moronic, and to top it all off it takes 5-10 years to start making money above poverty wage. I have almost 4 years experience, been with my company for 2 years, and I get $16/hr, no PTO, no benefits, and only 4 (unpaid) holidays per year. No one should subject themselves to this trade. Anyone wanting to be a tradie (lmao) should be a pipefitter or something instead.

    • 7 months ago

      I'm a welder, working as an ironworker, I get 38 cad with 2 years experience. Also terrible job, I don't know if any trade is worth it. I was making $50 an hour up north but working 2 weeks straight for 10-12 hours a day was a nightmare.

    • 7 months ago

      your mistake was going non union

      • 7 months ago

        Looked into the union but there are problems there. 1) I have done lots of commercial remodel work on jobs originally done by union and there is so much bad work it blows my mind how it even ever passed inspection. I want to be a good electrician with my own company so I don't want to learn how to do shitty work.
        2) union pay for my area is not much higher than what I get. Add into that that they don't provide information publicly about what they charge in terms of dues/fees and I don't even know if I would be taking home any more $
        3) I know a few union journeymen and their work is horrible and their knowledge is nil.
        4) ideological differences. despite all of the above I went to apply on my local union's website a few weeks ago and their website was filled with all sort of leftist drivel. I am a rare tradie who went to college for engineering and I went to a huge university that was full leftist. The shit the union has on its website is almost indistinguishable from the most woke leftards from the epicenter of modern brainwashing. If they put that shit on their own website I can't imagine how it would be being entangled with such an institution.

        • 7 months ago

          My brother in Christ, where the FRICK are you? Black personton, Idaho?

          • 7 months ago


        • 7 months ago

          > I am a rare tradie who went to college for engineering
          Then why are you working as a tradie ? Just get into an engineering position.

  8. 7 months ago

    i'm a mailman
    walked 18 miles on friday
    15 miles today
    average 25,000 steps per day 6 days a week

    i don't even care about the money that much. i'm 20 and live with parents. no friends/gf to spend money on. I've stashed away more than $30,000

    maybe i'll go to college or something with the money, idk. But I get to walk around for 12 hours a day and listen to podcasts

    i am very depressed

    • 7 months ago

      College is a waste of time because boomers are holding job advancement hostage, because of how terrible the economy is.
      Get certifications for stuff you're interested in. It's usually one or two online classes and a test to get certified.

    • 7 months ago

      >I am very depressed
      Frick, I actually thought I was about to read something positive until that last line. Are you depressed because of the social isolation or is it something else? Walking that much every day seems like it could definitely take a toll, maybe not at your age but I can’t imagine a 30+ year old walking that much without running into issues.

      • 7 months ago

        >Are you depressed because of the social isolation or is it something else?
        I'm not sure why. It's not caused by the job, i've been like this for nearly a decade. I just kind of feel purposeless and i've never been able to relate well to people. I feel like i'm a spectator floating around with no anchor to reality or reason to exist. Plus some normal self-loathing stuff that will hopefully dissipate with time. Most people here probably relate
        if anything the job has improved my state of mind to be sure

  9. 7 months ago

    In a low level government employee. I make 56000 USD per year. We have a gym at the office, but I don't use it much because lm lazy. Big surprise.

  10. 7 months ago

    Neet with upper middle class parents

  11. 7 months ago

    Being a server is fun, good money and I get my cardio in and get to flirt with women.

  12. 7 months ago

    I work doing archaeological fieldwork. Private sector environmental surveys for construction projects. Started at $18/h 3.5 years ago and am now making $28 in California/Nevada. Can pay $35.. Also free housing with hotels, + $45-$60 for per diem (tax free) for days spent in hotel. If you have any kind of degree, regardless if it pertains to environmental sciences or anthropology, you can get a job doing archaeology. and all I've learned in 4+ years of private sector has been gained from field experience.

    Pros - get to travel around the country, living rent free out of hotels, and saving a ton of money. Exploring areas of the US I would never really visit otherwise. Easy hookups with local b***hes in my 20s. I get to work outside, with my hands, doing something I'm passionate about. Physically demanding work, like excavation or surveying in the great outdoors. Sometimes I can get paid to go camp out in a National Forest for weeks on end, and clock a phat per diem for camping supplies.
    Cons - Living out of my car part time / living in hotels part time, can be taxing. The contracts I accept move me around often, so it isolates me and is sometimes tough to make new friends in new places. Sometimes there's toxic, nasty shit in the soil (military bases have lots of chemical dumps). Real dirty lifestyle. Hard to keep down a woman in my life. FAR FROM THE GYM MOST OF THE TIME. But that's because I work in the middle of nowhere CA/NV, there's work in large metro areas with good gyms.

    Survey, excavation, and construction monitoring for outdoor work. Laboratory processing, desk background research, and report typing for indoor work. High demand for entry level technicians, check out for some job opportunities. It's contracting in its essence, and you can work a sprint for months and take as much time off as you want. I typically work 10 months a year, save all of my money, and travel in the winter (slowest time for fieldwork projects).

    • 7 months ago

      >I work doing archaeological fieldwork.....
      Based and underrated ISTizen

      i work as a bus boy at a restaurant and it gave me good newbie gains cause of all the running around and heavy lifting i do.

      the luster has worn off though, the pay is shit now and i only worked their cause i wanted to escape neetdom. now i've been here so long i just feel like a loser, i don't like new coworkers, i feel i get looked down on or pitied secretly. job used to be cool, would go out with coworkers every weekend get wasted and go home, made really good money doing little effort. an old coworker came in to eat and stopped me to ask me what i was doing with my life and why im pissing away my potential.

      >i work as a bus boy at a restaurant....
      You know the deal... if you aint got connections in the kitchen , its over....

      I'm a crab boat deckhand, going to get my liscense to be my own captain tommorow. One of the best jobs in the world if you like physical work and being in nature. I get fat in the winter though. Less work and no sweating on the boat

      Might be LARP but if not.... damn , Im surprised and props.

      Back to the kitchen (again...) , those espressos on my way in early traffic mornings , those French stylish baristas telling me that they hope i'l have a Wonderfull day....kinda missed that lifestyle.... almost 12 hour shifts daily , as someone who smoke a pack a day I came down to 4 cigs a shift , it aint easy and hard as frick but you know , dirty hands / clean money...
      >don't lift , just shitspost

  13. 7 months ago

    Small business owner of a heavily automized business, so you get plenty of free time.

    STEM PhD or Masters holder who runs a homeschooling ring.

  14. 7 months ago

    I'm a WFH coder and I assure you I make more money than you while simultaneously having more free time. Most of my day is unironically spent playing Minecraft kek

    • 7 months ago

      I would hate to be locked at a desk for most of the day. I guess if I were to get my projects completed on time, I would have ample free time, but something tells me that you stay at that computer, in that chair, for most of the time

      • 7 months ago

        >posts on IST
        >works from home
        >plays video games all day
        >first response put down others while bragging about his income and how little work he does

        It's almost difficult to comprehend how insecure and miserable someone like you must be.

        Cope more wagieslavies, you wish you had it as good as me. Though I will admit I drive a fiat though.

        • 7 months ago
    • 7 months ago

      >posts on IST
      >works from home
      >plays video games all day
      >first response put down others while bragging about his income and how little work he does

      It's almost difficult to comprehend how insecure and miserable someone like you must be.

  15. 7 months ago

    i work as a bus boy at a restaurant and it gave me good newbie gains cause of all the running around and heavy lifting i do.

    the luster has worn off though, the pay is shit now and i only worked their cause i wanted to escape neetdom. now i've been here so long i just feel like a loser, i don't like new coworkers, i feel i get looked down on or pitied secretly. job used to be cool, would go out with coworkers every weekend get wasted and go home, made really good money doing little effort. an old coworker came in to eat and stopped me to ask me what i was doing with my life and why im pissing away my potential.

  16. 7 months ago

    Last year of my masters
    I'm the front desk b***h at my gym
    My entire job is standing I'm view of everyone and looking pretty

    • 7 months ago

      You know the rules

    • 7 months ago

      post body

  17. 7 months ago

    >another fit job thread
    op, everyone here is a doctor, lawyer, engineer, business owner making millions, or specifically software engineer/programmer (and they will be sure to tell you they work from home for 2 hours a day making a frickton of money)

  18. 7 months ago

    History student that works part time on the IT help desk.

  19. 7 months ago

    I used to do tree work and it’ll make you strong as an ox.

    I wouldn’t do it if I was lifting for aesthetics though.
    You’d be too tired to go after working 70 hours a week.

  20. 7 months ago

    Attorney at a defense contractor. Used muh GI Bill to go to law school, now I wfh most days keeping my bosses out of federal prison. My job is incredibly easy; I'm basically a grossly overpaid accountant but they are so paranoid about audits that I have the golden ticket.

    Even though I'm basically a single dad at this point I still have time to get in multiple workouts a day with the employer and customer being none the wiser.

    Anyone considering law school should know that being IST is a major advantage to your quality of life, particularly since half of the people in law school are women.

    • 7 months ago

      howd you get this gig? career progression before in house?

      >t. 1L

      • 7 months ago

        Many years of military experience plus a TSSCI clearance. Basically allowed me to skip being at a firm. It is a niche that you can't exactly bank on finding, but with that said in general I recommend that you take a look at OGC gigs at intelligence agencies. A corporation won't pay for your clearance so you can't move to the corporate side until you have done penance with the government. Also, JAG is the least shitty option for military service so don't rule it out as a bridge to the larger federal gravy train. I wasn't a JAG myself though FYI

  21. 7 months ago

    I'm a crab boat deckhand, going to get my liscense to be my own captain tommorow. One of the best jobs in the world if you like physical work and being in nature. I get fat in the winter though. Less work and no sweating on the boat

    • 7 months ago

      Congrats in advance anon. You are killing it. Get a good crew and solid harvests and you got it made. There's a lot that can be done with aquaculture in general. For example growing bivalves for food & to clean the water. Recently the Chesapeake Bay just reintroduced scallops back to its water after it's kelp forest I think was destroyed by pollution.

      • 7 months ago

        Thanks brother, I work out the us southeast for blue crab. Are you a commercial fisherman?

        • 7 months ago

          Nope I just have a wide range of interests especially when it relates to learning about food. Most seafood has a nearly limitless demand so if you get good yield from harvest you'll make plenty.

  22. 7 months ago

    prosthetic technician

    it's boring, pays like shit, and is a dead end.

  23. 7 months ago

    Teacher. Spend most days avoiding punching kids in the back of the head. Saving grace? Helps me stave off suicide spirals by having kids be dependent and miss me.

  24. 7 months ago

    I’m a CAD drafter. I sit on my ass 10 hours a day and drive 2 hours per day. I work out regularly and have been consistent for 15 years. I enjoy my work because I can rest my body all day.

    • 7 months ago

      Post belly

  25. 7 months ago

    Geologist at an engineering firm. I WFH 99% of the time but have also been working OT the past 5 months.

  26. 7 months ago

    >be 31 with no career and humiliated about my job and life as a whole
    >getting a decent job that I'm not humiliated going to every day would be a good start
    >get jealous when I see all the good jobs people especially on here have
    >have zero motivation to put in the work required to get anything because I have nothing to live for and nothing even interests me
    The cycle never ends.

  27. 7 months ago

    How do people even get the motivation and drive to get careers? I read shit about what people do to get careers or move up in them and it seems like an unfathomable amount of work

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