
>great exercise
>uses and builds upon the strength gains you've been making
>useful in case you ever get into an physical altercation
>great fun

do judo

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  1. 12 months ago

    Nah if I ever get into a fight I'm just gonna yell kamehameha and punch them as hard as I can

    • 12 months ago

      i mean that could work

    • 12 months ago

      Ah, a fellow Aikido chad I see.

  2. 12 months ago

    Judo is based and all but hard on the joints after a few years. Still would recommend.

  3. 12 months ago

    How far am I allowed to throw other people?

    • 12 months ago


  4. 12 months ago

    >Judo le bad BJJ is better

    • 12 months ago

      I'm actually looking to get into martial arts, but my small city only offers judo and bjj (and aikido, but it seems like a meme). Which is the most fun and practical for self-defense?

      • 12 months ago

        >Which is the most fun and practical for self-defense?
        None. Buy yourself a pepperspray or a gun, moron.

        • 12 months ago

          I can't buy a gun, I live in Europe. And pepper spray is gay, I want to fight people.

          • 12 months ago

            You can absolutely buy a gun in EU/Europe, you humongous homosexual.

            • 12 months ago

              But you can´t carry one for self defense (in most yuro countries)

            • 12 months ago

              You can't even conceal a paperclip in your pocket in Europe if you intend to defend yourself with it. The EU is a dystopian shithole.

              • 12 months ago

                Jokes aside does ANY Euro country allow you to carry a weapon in your car or in public and use it for self defense?

                I mean or let's go a step down do any Euro countries actually allow you to use one in your fricking home lol?

              • 12 months ago

                Plenty, if you´re in actual danger at least
                Not many, I think the czech republic allows it

              • 12 months ago

                Yeah but alot of places technically let you defend yourself at home with a gun but in practice what happens is that the standard is so fricking high for when it is deemed acceptable that it may as well be illegal. That or the rules for storing firearms, registering, licensing, etc. are so fricking high that you will be guilty of some serious process crime for even having one available to use.

      • 12 months ago

        Depends on the gyms. Could go either way.

        t. I do judo, bjj, and aikido

    • 12 months ago

      Combat Sambo is far more encompassing. It includes boxing, elbows, knees, kicks, throws, and grappling.
      Nothing is barred but stomping and flying armbars. And no one is allowed to immediately resort to ground fighting

  5. 12 months ago

    >mfw no qt young sadistic attractive fit strong wifey irl
    why even try for 3D women anymore bros

    • 12 months ago

      the only people who go to my dojo are elderly, santa clause built white guys or pissed off Filipinos

  6. 12 months ago

    Is there any modern Judo? Like skip the bow to your master, useless warm up bs?
    I do jiu jitsu at a very modern gym where it's all about getting good and they don't waste time. I'd be interested in a Judo version of this.

    • 12 months ago

      >Like skip the bow to your master
      unironically zero disirprine and zero respect, stay away

      • 12 months ago

        My instructor is the current IBJJF black belt world champion 🙂

    • 12 months ago

      I too would study Judo if they let me wear my camouflage BJJ gi, let me pull guard every match, didn't require humility (I mean the Gracies taught me that being a wienery prideful wanker is the way to go, after all I'm superior, I know BJJ) and didn't require basic respect of your teachers or opponents

      • 12 months ago

        Didn't Gracie get his shit pushed in by a judoka once?

  7. 12 months ago

    Mogged hard by wrestling. Also, if it’s not no-gi, taekwondo tier.

    • 12 months ago

      no gi is gay as frick. who are you fighting? someone in a bathing suit?

    • 12 months ago

      >Mogged hard by wrestling
      Wrestling rules are gay though, mostly just awkwardly hoisting each other around. Judo is pretty nice but has no strikes, which is lame.

      • 12 months ago

        Mogged hard by wrestling. Also, if it’s not no-gi, taekwondo tier.

        Lifting is gay as frick. It is much mire pathetic and gay then taekwondo. Those dancers are just enjoying the fun and healthy hobby, having a good time. And some moronic lifter pussies who've never been in a fight and know nothing what hard work is say some shit. 99% of any martial artist do it just for the fun of it and don't care if they can defeat some Black person in a fight. Only insecure morons do.

    • 12 months ago

      >Also, if it’s not no-gi, taekwondo tier.
      Kimura would kick the shit out of any wrestler to ever live
      Wrestling is stupid as shit, imagine playing a game where the only goal is to pin a guy on his back and hold him down, then calling it a martial art

  8. 12 months ago

    nah, other sports are more fun
    >b-but it's heckin practical!
    I have a ccw, it's more practical.

  9. 12 months ago

    Absolutely FRICKS your joints. Violent pulls on shoulders and elbows, bracing on one leg while offer having a twisting force through the knee. Then consider all the small joints in the hands and feet.

    Nah, player, it’s great and effective, but it’s just about the worst thing you can do injury wise. I enjoy being active in my life too much.

    • 12 months ago

      >t. never done judo

  10. 12 months ago

    Lmao it isn't the 90s anymore. Just join a decent MMA gym with a active competitive fight team. You'll learn Striking, Grappling and submissions all at the same place. There isn't a huge point to train individual styles in the modern era of fighting like it was back in the day

    • 12 months ago

      I can think of many reasons why you're wrong, but I'll focus on one
      If you want to learn to defend yourself then MMA gyms won't help you, MMA isn't about self defense, it's about hurting people as much as possible, something that will land you in a prison cell if you do it outside of an MMA match even in self defense

      Striking is never self defense
      Do you really think giving your opponent brain damage is an excusable crime "because I was scared"?
      Judo teaches you to ground an enemy then quickly transition into a hold, joint lock, or choke, any of which ends a fight and can be done without harming your opponent (i.e. it's actually self defense and won't get you locked up for 10 years)

      • 12 months ago

        Judo isn't effective in a street fight unless the guy you're fighting is wearing a super thick Hoody or jacket. It can be effective if you train nogi throws but you wont find that at any judo academy. Only at MMA/some BJJ gyms. And most MMA gyms teach those same judo techniques in a more effective manner because you have to actually worry about the guy punching you. It's going to be hard to just grab a guy's jacket while he's trying to punch you. You can end a fight with MMA training without hurting the guy alot better than judo. You'll probably severely injure/kill the guy if you throw someone on concrete

        • 12 months ago

          this isn't true.
          many throws don't require the gi, look at most of the hip throws or foot sweeps

          then the ones that require a lapel grip can be modified to use an underhook

        • 12 months ago

          If Rhonda Rousey can become a UFC champion with moron-tier striking that shows that Judo on its own is actually quite effective in MMA, let alone a street fight.
          Obviously in the modern MMA game you need more than just grappling (lmao Kron Gracie), but Rhonda's success with only high-level judo shows you how effective it actually is in a no-gi environment against people that can't fight. And as Rhonda shows, it's best to actually have some striking so you don't get wrecked by strikes, but judo is effective overall.

          • 12 months ago

            >using women as a reference for fighting

            • 12 months ago

              fine then watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WjN8iuRk3o

              >Implying the average moron on the streets knows more about fighting than even a female mma can

          • 12 months ago

            Not as effective as wrestling or any nogi grappling. How is it even debatable?

            • 12 months ago

              I do no gi grappling but to me judo seems like a good option for self defense. I live in a colder climate so most of the time people wear long pants and a hoodie or a jacket, so gi techniques should work on them. Judo places great emphasis on taking people down without getting taken down yourself, which is important for self defense. Hard throws on asphalt or concrete are also pretty much the most devestating techniques you can use in unarmed combat. Most no gi grapplers don´t really focus on takedowns and top control that much, instead they focus on elaborate grappling sequences on the ground that aren´t really practical for an actual street fight. Knowing 15 different armbar setup from guard is great for an ADCC tournament, but not for a brawl outside a bar. I think judo is really underrated for self defense.

            • 12 months ago

              judo is more accessible than wrestling in the US if you're not in high school.

          • 12 months ago

            Women MMA back then was not as advanced and she was Olympic caliber Judoka not from the neighboring dojo. Ronda also has trained with Gene Lebell and Gokor Chivichyan (Hayastan Grappling System) and the Gracies (BJJ), she is more than "just a judoka".

            Depends on the gyms. Could go either way.

            t. I do judo, bjj, and aikido

            If you know judo and bjj can you make aikido work Anon? I kinda think their ukemi is good and some standing joint locks is not a bad Idea.

      • 12 months ago

        yeah because throwing somebody over your shoulder and smashing their skull on the pavement is much better excuse for killing somebody

        • 12 months ago

          >your honor, the plaintiff climbed on top of my head from behind, while I was trying to run away - I'm not sure what happened next but both of us fell over after which I quickly stood up and left.
          it's called plausible deniability buddy, try and pull that off when eyewitnesses say you knocked him out with a flying knee to the head

          • 12 months ago

            Nta but I agree the way something physically plays out is relevant- more importantly though you have to be able to show you were in fear of seriously bodily harm (people can accuse you of anything) whether it be through eye witnesses, video, or the undeniable circumstances etc. that you were in fear of your life and that you did not unreasonably or illegally create the situation that resulted in that fear.

            If you can plausibly show you were in fear of serious bodily harm- you basically got a free pass to smoke someone, knock them out, slam them, you name it.

      • 12 months ago

        I train to kill, because if I have to fight, I might as well fight for my life

        >but muh prison

        Killing in self defense is allowed.

        • 12 months ago

          >Killing in self defense is allowed.
          Not in the first world it aint

          • 12 months ago

            Jokes aside have any of you ever known a man who killed in self defense? I've personally known three. Two were investigated and never charged. One was charged and acquitted.

      • 12 months ago

        >Striking is never self defense
        strange jump of logic here

      • 12 months ago

        This is objectively false legal information. Please limit yourself to talking about your gay little martial arts performances.

  11. 12 months ago

    in case you ever get into an physical altercation
    Is that why almost all grappling sports are done on padded mats?
    Avoiding grappling in a streetfight is fairly easy so long as you aren't getting flanked by the person trying to take you down.

    • 12 months ago

      lmao if someone can touch you, then they can grab you... you're now grappling

    • 12 months ago

      you've never trained or fought in your life

  12. 12 months ago

    why the frick are people saying Judo is ineffective for self defense? because of the gi thing? almost 3/4 of the throws in Judo can be done without a gi

  13. 12 months ago

    Nah that's how you snap your knee and ankles in half

  14. 12 months ago

    >get injured constantly
    >get ringworm, staph, and other skin issues
    >get knocked out in a street fight
    >have to wash smelly gi 3x a week

    Nice martial art

    • 12 months ago

      you're a pussy, is this how you go through life? no wonder you have nobody

      • 12 months ago

        Unlike you ive got nothing to prove. Keep at it. Enjoy your ringworm

  15. 12 months ago

    Okay, I’ll get into Judo.
    Just to add to the conversation, the most practical way to defend yourself is with a weapon, be it a knife or a firearm.
    Boxing is probably the most practical martial art, since you want to be able to sprint into safety when needed, and you can’t do that whilst grappling someone.

  16. 12 months ago

    Do the manlets train with the women

  17. 12 months ago

    Its very hard to find a good gym once youre old enough.
    I did judo as a kid, hapkido as a teen and muay 14-25, then I tried to get back into training, with judo at 28.
    No one had a perception of safety or self defense.
    Techniques are drilled with overcooperaive ukes that will never use atemi and it's annoying.
    Makes you feel like youre wasting 95% of your time helping people with no footwork feel good acting as they can apply the technique despite the strength difference.

    • 12 months ago

      Judo will stall or outright stop your lifting progression. It's really hard on your joints. Still the best thing I've ever done. Gives me a reason to stay fit. I posted a thread about this - lifting for its own sake is overrated and you'll almost certainly be disappointed in your results, especially if natty. Judo is extremely based, the perfect blend of a modern sport with a belt-based martial art. You can enact your weeb fantasies while learning a pressure-tested combat sport.

      In USA BJJ is more popular and there are more gyms but the vibe is just not quite there... IMO if someone sits on their ass in front of me they're no threat to me at all and it doesn't belong in a combat sport - and yet BJJ competitions will penalize you for not engaging with this moron's guard. Otherwise, though, the more open ruleset is fantastic, and the groundwork is obviously better if a little overly complex. BJJ gym could be the better option depending on where you live - for example many Judo gyms in midwest USA are extremely shitty, run out of a YMCA with class 2x/week and filled with literal fatass mall santas who just get together to LARP

      You're a moron if you seriously want people training with atemi. Just go do MMA. All of your other complaints are solved by smashing people in randori until they figure it out

      >t. Judo black belt
      No rank in BJJ but I smash all blues and 50% of purples. They won't give me rank because I just smash with Judo lol

      • 12 months ago

        I dont want anyone to hit the atemi, I want people to stop running in with the chin open and a relaxed neck.
        Techniques at the place I was were taught with sloppy form I guess.

        • 12 months ago

          Sure, but I wouldn't worry about what they're doing. Just practice the way you want to. For example, I never hang out in turtle for more than 1-2 seconds because I know it's moronic. My newaza is very dynamic and effective because I don't subscribe to the sport Judo newaza philosophy and blend in (the good) parts of BJJ. You can do something similar, adjust your mindset and direction while training but otherwise the class can be valuable even if they don't treat it like a "fight"

          Also keep in mind just about nobody is thinking about "muh streetz", Judo is an effective martial art but first and foremost it's a fun and social sport. You are far more likely to get a benefit to your life from the social and fitness aspects, rather than some contrived self defense fantasy. So practice the useful stuff, don't learn bad habits, and otherwise just enjoy your teammates

      • 12 months ago

        thank you for your perspective blackbelt anon

        I trained muay thai for three and a half years, but that was fifteen years ago. I'm still quite fit - I run marathons and could lift 1234 in the big lifts before the 'rona (havent been lifting since) but I'm 37 years old. I want to get into judo do you think it's stupid to do so?

        • 12 months ago

          No, it's not stupid. Especially with your level of fitness. Judo is like wrestling, it's a sport best suited for the young, but unlike wrestling there is an active adult (even senior) population continuing to practice. There are many aspects of Judo which you can pursue even when too old to engage in full contact sparring, such as grip fighting, perfecting the mechanics of your throwing technique, kata, or even just groundfighting (newaza) as that doesn't involve falls.

          I say try it, but start lifting again as well, since you will need the strength and stability to protect your joints. And focus a LOT of your attention on learning to fall properly, and being relaxed & flexible in all aspects of Judo (but especially when taking falls). They should be teaching you this, but not everyone does. 37 is not too old to start, but you have probably ~8 years left before you need to seriously start budgeting your weekly sparring to once or twice per week

          • 12 months ago

            >~8 years left before you need to seriously start budgeting your weekly sparring to once or twice per week
            anon this is the most motivating thing I've heard in a long time, thanks bro

            • 12 months ago

              I'm glad I could help anon 🙂 8 years is enough time to earn a black belt if you practice hard. Some people even keep competing into their 50s and 60s, as there are competitive divisions according to age. But these people are rare so while it's possible, it may not be likely

  18. 12 months ago

    yeah its great but its very high risk injuries martial art like wrestling, thats why its rare older people still actively do judo bcs many injuries ( shoulder , hip, knees)

  19. 12 months ago

    Here's a fun video that I've watched several times over the years. First of all, yes, this is not a real "fight" and there is a degree of compliance here. Everyone in this video is pursuing perfect execution of the throw, and it would be considered disrespectful to throw Mifune with anything but timing and technique.

    That being said, there are some fun offensive and defensive techniques being shown here. You can tell from Mifune's movement just how skilled he is even at an advanced age. The way he glides into throws still looks foreign to me, as if he's a video game character or something.

  20. 12 months ago

    I wish there was someone that taught judo near me. It does look fun.

    • 12 months ago

      Do you have BJJ near you? It comes from judo, the only thing that's different are the rulesets so if you have a good gym you will probably learn takedowns too.

  21. 12 months ago

    I ruptured my ACL during sparring last year. I have at least 12 months off training and had reconstructive surgery early this year. Just make sure you strengthen your knees and when sparring you are not with dickheads who want to show off all the time.
    The last group I was in had way too many show boating frickwits who were unconcerned with technique and proper form and just wanted to brute strength all the time. I started Judo at 33.

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