Juggernaught Method

What does IST think about the JM training protocol? At first glance, it seems very Russian with all the sub-maximal volume.

Compared to SS, SL, 5/3/1 and the Reddit PPL; it doesn't seem like something people talk about. However, CWS seems to know what he's talking about, has a good coaching pedigree, and is himself strong as a bull.

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  1. 2 years ago

    I ran it once and enjoyed it
    didn't hit any new 1RMs but made huge rep PRs throughout

    • 2 years ago

      What lifts did you do it for? Bench-Squat-Dead?

  2. 2 years ago

    I hate modern lifting. Look at this shit, this is a crude overcomplication of basic exercises. What the frick is the matter with you? Just pick up something a couple times and put it down, when it gets too easy, add weight. Jesus Christ, I've seen actual Boeing engine diagrams less complicated. My brother in Christ, this is the lifting equivalent of what goreshit is to music. Frick you.

    • 2 years ago

      Teenage zoomers are exponentially bigger than teenage millenials were, and it's all thanks to this "overcomplication."

      • 2 years ago

        I don't give a frick about generations of people I have no actual connection to. By Allah, I only care about myself and what I am doing. This is the ultimate form of nervous autism. Why are you malfunctioning so hard right now my Jesuit brother, I can not fathom trying to do whatever ever mess you have posted and topping this with a functional life style of anything else. I would rather have my hand and foot chopped off by a Burmese war lord than do any of this arithmetical horeshit for a year. Say grace my companion, what has been posted is a metaphysical and theoretical debauchery to all of fitness. You are the reason fitness and general weightlifting is frowned upon by many and seen as too "complicated." You are the sole reason for black personal trainers scamming thousands of dollars from people every year. By the hand of Shiva, if you gave me a hammer and let me in a room with you and your 'Juggernaught' Method (Whatever the frick that means) I would only see a nail.

      • 2 years ago

        zoomer homosexuals just pop sarms pretty much when they start lifting because yolo why not
        they are also way easier to get than test was back than

      • 2 years ago

        sorry to burst your bubble but it's the roids not some meme powershiting programs

    • 2 years ago

      That sort of autoregulation is why most gymgoers are DYEL.

      • 2 years ago

        The reason most 'gymgoers' are 'DYEL' is because of a lack of motivation to continue and improper dieting. My comrade of the Lord, shit like weightlifting logs, Starting Strength, and internet fads are what have destroyed actual lifting programs. What is the purpose of this program even? Bodybuilding? Powerlifting? Olympic Weightlifting? Strongman? You didn't even say. Any newbie at lifting would probably drop it after seeing something like this just from how daunting it is. "Autoregulation." May the Lord himself grant me the strength, power, patience, and peace of mind. What are you even saying? I can say the same exact thing about what you have posted. My picture shows the routine of an elite Judo fighter. Sure, this will not apply to you or maybe anyone else. But please read it, look at the simplicity of it. The easy to maintain, easy to follow, easy to understand program. This is the ideal, what lifting "program" you have posted is nothing short of a barbell hate crime. I digress, frick you Black person.

        • 2 years ago

          >The reason most 'gymgoers' are 'DYEL' is because of a lack of motivation to continue
          Yes. Without a written program telling them what to do, they will slack off when they try to add weight and reps based on how they feel.

          • 2 years ago

            Nobody is going to understand that program. You are giving a toddler a abacus and asking him to solve a math equation. If these "programs" where so tried-and-true and effective why haven't all bodybuilders, strongmen, powerlifters, and professional weightlifters used it until the last decade?

            • 2 years ago

              If you're a beginner, do Greyskull until you stall.

              JM is in the same higher-volume school of thought as some of Sheiko's routines. Of course, Sheiko's PL routines have similar principles to Soviet WL routines. JM is part of a very successful school of program designs.

    • 2 years ago

      Lmao imagine being such a brainlet that you get confused with some numbers

      • 2 years ago

        Of what?

        >72.5% x 3x7
        What is this shit? Where's my Texas Instrument. Mother Maggie, I hate autistic people so much.

        >Leave 0 reps left on + set
        >No + Sets

        What is this even for? Which lifts? If being moronic means not understanding this jumble, I'm happy to Gump it.

        • 2 years ago

          just pirate the book

          • 2 years ago

            What book? Why do I need a book to pick up weights?

            • 2 years ago
  3. 2 years ago

    >spamming twitter troony lingo like my brother in christ, by allah, by the hand of shiva, etc
    >cant read a book or do simple math

  4. 2 years ago

    I have never run it but it looks solid. If you are curious give it a go. Make sure you are intense in your reps and throw the weights around with force would be how I believe it should nlbe approached.

  5. 2 years ago

    You will very likely detrain going 4 months without handling heavy weights
    I would consider adding an easy 85-90% single as a warm up

    • 2 years ago

      this is a program for general athlete rather than a powerlifter imo,

  6. 2 years ago

    I'd rate it, got me a lot bigger and stronger I went from 70kgx5/100x5/140x5/150x5 to 80kgx6/110x7/160x6/180x8 the first time I ran it. Once you get stronger the amrap sets become a bit too fatiguing to make progress on though

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