Just break it into the six fig salary band and you will be chad?

Just break it into the six fig salary band and you will be chad IST.

It never been worse time but now is the best/easier time to have a harem now.

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 years ago

    I already am there but still not chad. I don't even want a harem, just 1 woman I can respect and have fun with
    >inb4 wanting a woman you can respect
    I know that's the problem.

    • 2 years ago

      The problem is how you think fr fr no cap ong

  2. 2 years ago

    >more are living at home
    Where the frick else are they supposed to live?

    • 2 years ago

      In one of those bunk bed hostel things that cost a 1300 a month and you only have a curtain and a very small locker. But your side gig is robbing the government.

      • 2 years ago

        >your side gig is robbing the government.

      • 2 years ago

        Where the frick are you living that you pay 1.3k a month for that?

        • 2 years ago

          I don’t. I live in the sticks which I’m not sure is sustainable either but here you go. The future of city dwellers https://sf.curbed.com/2019/7/18/20699340/podshare-san-francisco-bunk-bed-sf-sold-out

    • 2 years ago

      In the pods of course

    • 2 years ago

      I live in Buffalo, NY, and bought a 1650 sqft house, 3 bed 1 bath, in a good neighborhood close to downtown, for 86k ~5 years ago. It’s worth closer to 175k now, but that’s still very manageable considering how low interest rates are. Housing is perfectly affordable in the US if you just don’t live in large coastal cities. You’ll make half the salary for a quarter of the CoL (if you’re a salary worker; if you’re a wagie you’re fricked everywhere).

      • 2 years ago


      • 2 years ago

        Yea that same house would easily cost a mil now. If you don't think the priced skyrocketed then you are clueless or dilusional.

        • 2 years ago

          It went from 99k value on zillow when we bought at 86k, and its current value is listed at ~170-180k depending on weekly fluctuations. Now way it goes over a quarter mil. My wife and I make a combined ~130k, not poor but not rich by any stretch. Who is making less than that that as a household that deserves a house?

          • 2 years ago

            Buddy I can't buy a small condo for 200k, let alone a house with land. Be glad that you got what you did because it's grim out there.

    • 2 years ago

      Oy vey, you need to get a loan for an apartment.

    • 2 years ago

      I believe they mean living with mommy and daddy.

      • 2 years ago

        Living with mommy and daddy is only bad if you have to live in the same house. My family owns land so i technically live with them in my own house. Why would i pay rent to some homosexual boomer landlord when i can pay it to my homosexual boomer parents who are leaving me an inheritance?

  3. 2 years ago

    > i fall into 1 of these 2 categories

  4. 2 years ago

    Imagine bragging about being a wage slave loser KEK, boring ass Black folk who all they talk about 24/7 is work. No wonder your gfs/wives cheat on your pathetic ass

    • 2 years ago

      imagine bragging about keeping society turning? fricking moronic homosexual stfu anyone can fill out forms thats why women make up the majority of office workers. are u a woman or just a gay?

  5. 2 years ago

    how do i into 6 figure WFH tech job with no experience and SEVERAL felonies

    • 2 years ago

      Felonies? You sound black so there should be no problem

    • 2 years ago

      a lot of the major tech companies are firing machines that are always looking for new people to burn out. they're also super liberal so felonies probably won't bother them unless you stole from a boss before, but if you have no work experience that rules that out so you're probably fine.

  6. 2 years ago

    I faked mental health problems after I didn't want to keep being a wagey. I got a diagnoses after pretending to meet the criteria of certain mental health disorders from WebMD.
    Not worked in 4 years and collect Disability.

    Now I have my own place paid for by the government. I don't feel bad because this money would only be given to Black folk anyway.

    Never going back to wage life. I just lift weights all day and do what I want.

    • 2 years ago

      give me the step by step, wise NEET
      what insurance did you get for the psychologist

    • 2 years ago

      you're a loser

      • 2 years ago

        i don't think he's a loser

        I make six figures, am over six feet tall, and have a six pack.

        Girls don't pay me any attention because my face is busted.


      • 2 years ago

        Sounds like a winner to me. Enjoy wageslaving though.

    • 2 years ago

      Damn that sounds cool, what does your girlfriend think?

      • 2 years ago

        >"so anon what do you do for a living?"
        >"uh... im disabled"

    • 2 years ago

      >I faked mental health problems
      You are here on IST... we know the truth

    • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      >work at home
      >lift in the morning + side hustle
      >work 5 hour day maybe

      pretty chill

      • 2 years ago

        Exactly me. I think back to pre-covid where I did crazy shit like setting an alarm and rushing to an office every day. I used to sit in traffic, how crazy is that?

        • 2 years ago

          yahh exactly. I use to have a tooth brush at work. frick that sucked

    • 2 years ago

      I don't think you are faking, bro

    • 2 years ago

      Unironically the best option if you don't make 6 figures.

    • 2 years ago

      Do your friends, lover(s), and family support your life decisions?

      • 2 years ago

        If you don’t care what a random person thinks, why would you care what your parents think? Do you still think your mom and dad are God? Obviously you still show respect and enjoy each others company, be aware enough when their advice isn’t just bullshit, but that is about as far as it should go.

    • 2 years ago

      If racism and antisemitism ever become considered a disability I’ll be rolling in it

      • 2 years ago

        didn't that troon in chief say he's going to get those recognized as mental illnesses for all the YWNBAW posting? you're getting close to disability benefits

    • 2 years ago

      >I don't feel bad because this money would only be given to Black folk anyway.
      You are a Black person in spirit

  7. 2 years ago

    I could be earning 6 figures where I live if I pursued my master's in psychology, but I also have an in working for a family member selling commercial real estate; which opportunity is more lucrative?

    • 2 years ago

      Commercial real estate is awful right now but may pick up in the future. Offices are really struggling.

      • 2 years ago

        It's probably going to pick up in the future, and when it does, if I'm on the ground floor of flipping a strip mall and walking away with an easy commission, I don't want to miss out; that's significantly easier and less consternation than sitting in an office listening to someone bemoan the loss of their mental health.

        • 2 years ago

          Go for it man, you seem to have a decent opportunity and have a better idea of what you want out of it compared to the psych degree

          • 2 years ago

            Getting your real estate agent's and brokers license is also significantly more affordable than a master's degree

        • 2 years ago

          Possibly, not sure. An old family friend of mine just got out of it after almost 20 years because it's gotten so bad lately, but that may mean opportunity for newcomers.

    • 2 years ago

      real estate will always be a thing, and you can transition that to better opportunities.

  8. 2 years ago

    I make six figures, am over six feet tall, and have a six pack.

    Girls don't pay me any attention because my face is busted.

    • 2 years ago

      Maybe I could be your girl anon

      • 2 years ago

        sorry, I'm not into feminine penises

        • 2 years ago

          What about masculine ones?

  9. 2 years ago

    Can confirm, this is me. 34 with 2 college diplomas and no luck getting any work besides bottom level mcdonalds-tier shit. Frick them tbh, I'll just keep putting weight on the bar.

  10. 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      That's because men are meant to be the protectors no? Those other groups are all inherently weaker physically than men, hence why they are protected and unconditionally loved.

      • 2 years ago

        >expect men to fulfil their "traditional" role
        >no one else is held to this expectation
        >assuming gender

        Awfully problematic senpai.

      • 2 years ago

        Why would men want to be protectors now? They've had their rights and respect in family units stripped away. To expect someone to be in a protector role you have to give them something worth protecting.

      • 2 years ago

        Living by this in any western country is a kosher sandwich: Being unconditionally loving and providing for the average western woman gets you manipulated and turned into a doormat. Being traditionally masculine gets you called an “incel” and/or labeled as “creepy”.

        • 2 years ago

          Being traditionally masculine does not get you called creepy. Only being creepy does

        • 2 years ago

          >Being traditionally masculine gets you called an “incel” and/or labeled as “creepy”.
          it’s just you bruv

  11. 2 years ago

    I wfh and still live with my parents at 26.

  12. 2 years ago

    Why would I be in the labour force when I could be at the gym getting big?

    • 2 years ago

      >Why would I be in the labour force when I could be at the gym getting big?

  13. 2 years ago

    The opposite was true in my experience lol

    At 22 I was making $34,000 starting salary in NYC, going out partying and drinking in Brooklyn all the time, hooking up with lots of girls. Neglecting my health, but I was the fun, wienery, party-hearty guy and I got laid.

    At 34 I run a solo consulting business, I did $291k revenue in the first half of 2022. I own real estate, some cool cars, lots of hobbies, and operate an adventure travel business on the side (more as a way to write off travel expenses than a money-maker).

    I BARELY still date anymore; it requires a phenomenal amount of time/energy and the ROI is quite simply not there in most cases. It's disheartening to meet a great girl and gradually realize she's nuts, or cynical/jaded to the point of deep unpleasantness. (We joke about it on here, but it is actually quite sad how bitterly unhappy many single women are these days).

    I've had far too many relationships sputter out and go nowhere because I don't want to play the games, chase/validate her. Time and energy I could have easily invested into my fitness, my businesses, my passions, out experiencing the world, or just sitting quietly in my house reading a book.

    Obviously I wish I could have kids, but unless I meet a lovely, stable and wife-worthy woman out there in the world, I'm not going to compromise my quality of life by settling.

    • 2 years ago

      I wish I had your life, I didn't even get to have a rockstar 20's period.

      • 2 years ago

        he burned out his pair bonding receptors and will now die alone or settle for somebody he doesn’t even like, u’re not missing much by opting out of hedonism.

        • 2 years ago

          >He still believes in Disney love
          Naïveté is a feminine trait.

          • 2 years ago

            doesn't actually disprove what he said tho

          • 2 years ago

            >becoming jaded and desensitized from dozens of failed relationships with prostitutes
            its a real thing and it happens to men as well

          • 2 years ago

            My wife was a virgin when I met and we have 3 sons, seethe westoid. If you want a virgin in the USA you’d have to become a pedophile.

        • 2 years ago

          >he burned out his pair bonding receptors and will now die alone or settle for somebody he doesn’t even like, u’re not missing much by opting out of hedonism.

          doesn't actually disprove what he said tho

          >becoming jaded and desensitized from dozens of failed relationships with prostitutes
          its a real thing and it happens to men as well

          genetically that's only true for women, for men their ability to pair bond stays at about 60% after 4-10 partners or thereabout. Basically if you're not a moron and are aware of the effects you can still have a decent life with a woman you can kinda stand.

          >He still believes in Disney love
          Naïveté is a feminine trait.

          then give some concrete advice, there's barely anyway to move up in the world now.

          • 2 years ago

            >men their ability to pair bond stays at about 60% after 4-10 partners or thereabout.
            I can tell anon hasn't much experience with women.

            • 2 years ago

              men stay at about 60% or 45% pair bonding and don't dip below it, women do not stop bottoming out after the 4th or 5th body ona girl it's like 10% or less? Forget the metric.

              • 2 years ago

                >men stay at about 60% or 45% pair bonding
                Says you.

              • 2 years ago

                they do, that's where the pair bonding study numbers came from.

            • 2 years ago

              It's funny cause this hoe is dead now

              • 2 years ago

                Women do anything for attention.

          • 2 years ago

            >Concrete advice
            Ok here. There is no woman who is capable of loving you. Stoic up and accept your life as a man is to slave for a woman in this current era, should you try and mate. It isn’t the order of God or nature, but it is the time you inherited. The age of romance died years ago.

            My wife was a virgin when I met and we have 3 sons, seethe westoid. If you want a virgin in the USA you’d have to become a pedophile.

            Funny, because that is a feminist concept. Here is the other truth 14 is when a girl should be married off as they can still pair bond. The older she gets the more resentful she is. That isn’t to say some 35 year old should be able to wonder up and take her for himself. He should be 5-10 years older and stable with a job. If a man hasn’t made it by 25 he is also useless and deserves the current hellscape we live in. Either way there is no going back. Birth control and lack of law (for lack of a better word) has destroyed them both. There is no future or hope. It will not get better, it will only spread. Enjoy what you have now. Glad I could help.

            • 2 years ago

              >Ok here. There is no woman who is capable of loving you. Stoic up and accept your life as a man is to slave for a woman in this current era, should you try and mate. It isn’t the order of God or nature, but it is the time you inherited. The age of romance died years ago.
              not that, the career shit, there's no such thing as love, I get it, but I'm here to grind and live a good life, I don't want to die having gotten anything I want.

              • 2 years ago

                love exists lmao, dont get all ur info from the internet and go live your life. u idiots acting like u know everything when u have zero life experience and live in a bitter incel echo chamber online.

              • 2 years ago

                Oh please. Most people can just look around and see all the single mothers, all the divorcees, all the broken families, many here probaby grew up in such circumstances. Which probably stunted them for life.

                I'd be great to have a loving steadfast wife to live out the rest of my years with, and raise a strong family. But at this point, it's just hopium. All the best to those who risk it all to play the game, but it's a massive gamble.

              • 2 years ago

                >doesn't even want to take the chance
                No different than women careermaxxing until 40 then getting hit with giga regret.

              • 2 years ago

                Not equivalent whatsoever. Women initiate divorce 90% of the time. She's the one who chooses. A woman, at basically any point in her life, could've chosen to stop being a prostitute and have a guy beg her to marry him, and so long as she chose to stay, the marriage would last and she'd be set. For a man, you're putting everything on the line and praying to God that the woman doesn't decide to divorce you and steal the kids. Modern marriage isn't far off from the mating rituals of praying mantises, with the sucker male risking a ridiculously high chance of being eaten afterwards, just so he can bust a nut.

              • 2 years ago

                And the alternative is never taking that leap of faith and loving someone and being loved, and never having children as an expression of that love. Seems like a pretty easy call to make to me. Then again, I used to think the way you do too when I was 20 and I thought I had it all figured out.

                Only women have regret at 40. If a man has truly made some frick you money the world is his. The only time this isn’t true is if his career max was a garbage collector. Then it won’t matter how much money or pension he has, the stink will follow him anywhere. That is one gig you have to marry your high school sweetheart to have any hope at pussy.

                >the world is his
                Kek, to do what, exactly? Holding this idea of "oh if I just hit x career goal and have y bank account number THEN I can start doing shit" is pure cope. "The world is his", come on now.

              • 2 years ago

                >Money doesn’t open up opportunity. Women don’t value bank accounts more than anything.
                Poor gay cope. Granted, if you are looks maxxed enough, you could do like that one guy who pretended to be a diamond mine owner who had “powerful” enemies and got those women in London to spend like $200,000 in hotels and private jets under the assumption he would pay them back. Fricking moronic b***hes went into deep debt to pay for it all because they finally snagged their millionaire. kek

              • 2 years ago

                Opportunity to do what? Go ahead, list what amazing opportunities being wealthy will do for you at 40 that will mean something genuine to you.
                Pure fricking cope, man. I hope you're like mid 20s at the oldest.
                >women valueing bank account
                Good for you! A gold digger when you're 40! Do you watch a lot of that ripped mixed chinless bald dude on YouTube? Is that why you're like this?

              • 2 years ago

                You’re willfully moronic. If being able to travel the world and own the property you want with no one laying claim to you isn’t opportunity I don’t know what is. You genuinely sicken me. And yes, all women are prostitutes so I chose the slender blonde in the slinky silver dress calling me daddy.

              • 2 years ago

                >If being able to travel the world and own the property you want with no one laying claim to you isn’t opportunity I don’t know what is.
                Yeah you still got a couple years of growing up. I promise you, you'll feel like such a fricking ignorant moron when you mature a bit. Remember the way you feel now, or even better, write down these things and look at it in 5 years. I guarantee you you will feel moronic. Or maybe you're just moronic on a base level. Either way you'll end up emptyhanded, your goals are meaningless.

              • 2 years ago

                Wrong. Late 30’s. Maybe you should follow your own advice and become a little more traveled.

              • 2 years ago

                Oldgay here, you are right, my brother wwas just like you describe now he's a bitter rich 40 year old wondering where the time went. That's the issue when you're a smartass/stubborn, it can go wrong if you don't fully understand.

              • 2 years ago

                Only women have regret at 40. If a man has truly made some frick you money the world is his. The only time this isn’t true is if his career max was a garbage collector. Then it won’t matter how much money or pension he has, the stink will follow him anywhere. That is one gig you have to marry your high school sweetheart to have any hope at pussy.

              • 2 years ago

                Honestly when you're older you'll realise that the world doesn't make you happy. What makes you happy is coming home and chilling on the couch with your partner, dogs and kids. Watching them grow up, and tending to your own little plot of land.

              • 2 years ago

                You see all the bad in the world but refuse to see the good. I suggest reading some zen philosophy like the tao te ching and zhuangzhi.

              • 2 years ago

                none of that homosexual asian shit changes the fact that the modern institution of marriage is completely fricked

              • 2 years ago

                >If I larp hard enough reality won’t frick me in the ass
                It isn’t half full, it isn’t half empty, it is just fricking half. Reality is relationships are fricked and there is no fixing it in our lifetime. Should we close pandora’s box now, it would take 40 years or more to raise people the right way again and too many mask slips would just open the fricker right back up.

              • 2 years ago

                you have zero life experience.

                You have to make connections and network. You will always fall in with where your friends are. If by chance you are underage research prep schools and make your parents enroll you if you are good enough to make the cut. Otherwise if you are in that 25 plus area, well good luck man. I guess read Richest Man in Babylon, How to win friends, Think and Grow Rich, the old wisdom books. If you are just dead set on making memories, get credit cards and go. Seemed to work for dsp. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yOFxHwde3ik

                Well, there's nothing I can do about it then other than trying to do it on my own.

              • 2 years ago

                You have to make connections and network. You will always fall in with where your friends are. If by chance you are underage research prep schools and make your parents enroll you if you are good enough to make the cut. Otherwise if you are in that 25 plus area, well good luck man. I guess read Richest Man in Babylon, How to win friends, Think and Grow Rich, the old wisdom books. If you are just dead set on making memories, get credit cards and go. Seemed to work for dsp. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=yOFxHwde3ik

    • 2 years ago

      I share your attitude about women; too often I find myself forcing myself to be out in public on a walk or whathaveyou, yet I hardly ever see women I'm physically attracted to. I had a job a couple of years ago where I was interacting with hundreds (if not a few thousand) of people on a daily basis, and out of all of those interactions, I saw a girl I was attracted to maybe 3 times, tops. :/ If meeting women that I'm legitimately physically attracted to is such a rare instance; does it not make more sense to invest my time into things I know are going to improve the quality of my life rather than chasing mounting odds?

    • 2 years ago

      it's over

    • 2 years ago

      >he fell for the "party and frick broo" meme
      >he fell for the "career" meme
      How do you think you will feel in 40 years when it's all coming to an end? Forget the meme shit, you have the means, go find someone before it's too late moron. Family is the only thing that'll mean anything

      >inb4 fried his pair bonding ability

      • 2 years ago

        >go find someone before it's too late moron
        I avoid going down this path because desperate people make poor decisions. The last thing I want to do is marry the wrong woman, overlooking red flags, out of desperation. There is nothing that will frick your life up more than marrying the wrong person, especially if kids get involved.
        >How do you think you will feel in 40 years when it's all coming to an end?
        By that point I'm hopefully living in peace on a ranch property out west.

        • 2 years ago

          >I avoid going down this path because desperate people make poor decisions. The last thing I want to do is marry the wrong woman, overlooking red flags, out of desperation. There is nothing that will frick your life up more than marrying the wrong person, especially if kids get involved.

          my brother did this. then his wife pretty much convinced him that his family was against their family. I haven't talked to him for years now. apparently I wasn't good enough for him anymore.

          it bothers me everyday

          • 2 years ago

            My cousin went to pray the gay away camp and ended up moving and joining that church where they assigned him a wife. He now condemns his entire family as if he knows better than anyone and treats his mother like shit. They didn’t even send him, he did it to himself and carried this really fricking weird chip on his shoulder and his wife is a know it all b***h in his ear. When he would visit when they were “dating” he was his normal fun self. The moment she was around he dowered up. 20 years later and he is unrecognizable. Fricker has 3 kids too, the oldest has broken his sisters leg and arm more than once and they had social services called on them a couple of times. So much so that they have fled two states now to avoid surveillance.

            • 2 years ago

              sorry to hear that.

              yah my brother was himself but turned bitter and angry. after the 2nd kid he went full bitter and more angry.
              then stopped talking to me out of no where. said I've done nothing for his family. which is wrong.

              doesn't talk to the rest of the family. rest of the family is all jolly together. we all actually ran a full marathon in disney.

              • 2 years ago

                I don’t know man. I wish I knew the answer to get them to snap out of it or at least be closer their old selves. I know some bridges you can’t recross though. GL man.

        • 2 years ago

          Didn't say anything about rushing or being desperate, just don't have the wrong priorities in life, and finding someone should be a top 3, and for you since your money and career maxxed it should be number 1.

  14. 2 years ago

    revolution is coming, pic very related

    • 2 years ago

      maybe, but all these angry young men are sitting at home alone instead of organizing and radicalizing with fellow angry young men out in the world.

      • 2 years ago

        >maybe, but all these angry young men are sitting at home alone instead of organizing and radicalizing with fellow angry young men out in the world.
        that just leads to an upswing of stand alone mass murders, rapes, crimes etc. Think Brazil and favelas. This eventually leads to more and more riots like BLM or april 26th. BLM and wall street got us within a dick hair of societal collapse and the pandemic only sort of stopped it. I would expect it to get worse in the coming years, not better.
        The elite think they cna get away from it because they're so far from the action they can jsust clip off and come back when it's over, but eventually things will become the new dark age, as for how it'll shake out, who knows.

  15. 2 years ago

    >More are living at Home
    As opposed to a Motel or what?

  16. 2 years ago

    >more young men living at home
    I wonder why? Possibly because salaries are so low and housing is so expensive especially in leafland. I make ~$66,000/yr (like $50k in the US) and I'm 25 and educated in electrical engineering and have been in the industry for two years. All this, and make above average salary in my province for my age- more than most of my peers whom I went to school with. At least I have savings and a gym membership living with me mum

    • 2 years ago

      Boomers also squatting on jobs isn't helping

  17. 2 years ago

    >live in california
    >starting salary for even cops and shit is 100k+
    six figures means nothing here, it's a dystopia

  18. 2 years ago

    I make just under the 100k mark. I have weird interests and don't like people. I'll be sibgle for the foreseeable future.

  19. 2 years ago

    I make over 6 figures and I'm still a loser.

  20. 2 years ago

    I work for a FAANG in Barcelona winning 21600€ per month (taxes discounted). I am in the 1% of my generation, but I feel like I will never be able to afford my own home. I live by fitness and guitar, training and playing for the revolution. Thanks for the inspo frens

    • 2 years ago

      Ganar is earn in this context in English, not win.

  21. 2 years ago

    Most of what drives a man boils down to pussy. Wanting money and success so they can woo a woman. Then needing to continue working harder and harder to pay for her, pay for a family, and so on.
    In a broken society where the gender dynamics are so fricked that for all but the top echelons of men to even fricking bother pursuing a woman or marriage, there's no longer any real reason to be successful. A single man who isn't trying to impress anyone with flashy shit and no family to provide for can live comfortably off very meager amounts of money. And this binary is becoming more and more extreme, where more and more guys are feeling like it's not even worth it whatsoever.

    Shit, I actually do make good money in an attractive profession, but it doesn't matter. I'm so fricking jaded about wom*n that I don't bother and just ignore them. My only goal is to have zero debt and retire very young, that's it.

  22. 2 years ago

    Woopsie, looks like the narcissist boomers didn't raise their kids properly.

  23. 2 years ago

    Lol if you think making six figures is gonna make you a Chad you are gonna be disappointed. You need to chase a mission, not dollar figures. You'll just end up depressed and not fulfilled and girls will see it.

    • 2 years ago

      No shit? I thought I could walk around unshowered and fart uncontrollably while exposing how I actually feel about the israelites(love them) once I hit 6 figures. Jesus christ you are dumb.

  24. 2 years ago

    go back pajeet shitskin Black person

  25. 2 years ago

    Why would I (legally) join the labor force? I've been getting paid cash under the table ever since I could work. Why the FRICK would I give the government a cut? They can suck my butthole, and balls, and if you're reading this Mr. FBI I hope you choke to death on israelite semen, AND this post is satire AND pipebombs are legal now.

  26. 2 years ago

    It's now harder than ever to break into finance as a young guy, why do you think they're all living at home?
    I work finance in London in a good career and I constantly see my company do everything they can to hire any women or minorities that apply. If you're a young white guy you have to work twice as hard to prove you're worth hiring over the applicant who gives diversity brownie points.

    • 2 years ago

      This tbqh, think the UK is the worst for it
      It took me 9-12 months to get a job offer after university but female grads with less work experience were getting offers within weeks, pic related

      • 2 years ago

        Yeah this tracks with what I've seen. I'm one of the few white guys in his 20s in the office, managed to get in just before COVID hit. All my peers are still trying to get jobs in tech and finance, and its fricking rough. Bringing it up gets you called an incel and racist, all the while all anyone talks about is how we actually need more women and minorities. What a joke. It's getting to the point where they'd rather outsource to India then hire local grads, so that's been funking awful for our work quality.

        • 2 years ago

          my company is actually loud about diversity and inclusion but it's 100% white and most of the management positions are held by men even tho 80% of the employees are women
          I didn't know this thing was actually taken seriously in other countries
          here they promote diversity only as long as it's free I mean I'm actually sorry to see women fricking up their careers because they get pregnant

  27. 2 years ago

    Why would I want to pay hundred of thousands for real estate property when it's not even going to be mine? The government can literally take it at any moment without any reason

    • 2 years ago

      are you keeping all your money in a hidden treasure chest? because other wise they can take that pretty easily too

      • 2 years ago

        only people I know who got real estate "taken" by the government were forced to sell because they had to build an highway
        they actually sold very shitty land at a high price because they had to buy it quickly or the whole thing would have gone into the toilet
        10 years later highway still not completed

        >they got into trump's mansion uninterrupted
        They could definitely take yours. If they got Trump without any problem imagine how easy it would be to take your 800sqft condo lmao

        • 2 years ago

          Maybe don’t hide nuclear secrets when you were kicked on your ass.

        • 2 years ago

          I bet you don't give a shit when swat teams raid houses in moolie country

      • 2 years ago
    • 2 years ago

      only people I know who got real estate "taken" by the government were forced to sell because they had to build an highway
      they actually sold very shitty land at a high price because they had to buy it quickly or the whole thing would have gone into the toilet
      10 years later highway still not completed

      • 2 years ago

        I think he is talking about the property tax which is only an issue if you were dumb enough to buy in a city or among the hip and trendy like morons in Aspen. Yeah taxation is fricking theft but rent is an even bigger fricking money sink with absolute zero to show for it.

  28. 2 years ago

    But I don't want a harem

  29. 2 years ago

    I make six figures and have a decent amount of women that I have met up with and fricked from tinder. Money doesn’t make a difference

  30. 2 years ago

    I currently have 72k in my backpocket sans the gf (dual income)
    that is why I still live at home.

    I don't care if I have 250k it won't make a difference since I would drown in interest forever and still only be able to afford something mediocre.

  31. 2 years ago

    if this were any other time in history there would have been an uprising by now. but because we have pornhub, video games, streaming services, and the internet, men are too docile to do anything

    • 2 years ago

      Not only that but men are segregated, taught to hate their neighbor and are under constant surveillance. They protected themselves from all angles

  32. 2 years ago

    That because anyone under 30 is a fricking homosexual full of plastic residue, fluoride, and their butthole is too close to their nutsack from their mom eating gmo plant based sludge during pregnancy. They are unable to function. There is no chance for redemption, no bright horizon, just a bunch of guys with girl sized taints who are too girly to be upset at the people who did this to them.

  33. 2 years ago

    >The launch pad is on fire and the fuel is lower grade
    Why are those selfish men failing to launch????

  34. 2 years ago

    my wagie job had to give me a raise because they can't get any new applicants and i'm the only one in my position that isn't an addict, moron, incompetent, etc, does that count as making it?

  35. 2 years ago


    A woman is supposed to give up herself and you give up your resources. Feminism made codependency a bad word and you have to marry super young to fight it. Even Duck Dynasty dude said 18 is too late, a woman is too ruined by the world for a relationship to work. 16 is where he said it is right but coming from the deep south he would likely want to say 14 but that would guarantee cops on his ass.

    • 2 years ago

      >implying they wouldn't be already indoctrinated from all the tiktoks and insta stars or their own roastie mother
      it's not that simple these days when kids grow up glued to phones

  36. 2 years ago

    >yet another thread on IST where everyone is rich with a prestigious job
    no matter what board i go to it is impossible to escape. even on tv right now, a maxed out thread about everyone being a software engineer. its unbelievable.

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