just my 2 cents: you guys suffer because you take this shit wayyyy too seriously

After participating in this board for about a year, I've noticed a lot of you guys talk about how you're miserable b/c women this women that, my left eyebrow is a smidgen higher than my right eyebrow, my jaw isn't wide enough, I'm not tall enough, I need a million dollars, all women are prostitutes etc. etc.

While a lot of these things may be true (sloots gonna sloot) I think you guys take all this stuff way too seriously. You post some pic of your face with the most dead look in your eyes like you're gonna face a firing squad. Dude lighten up, crack jokes, laugh, have fun. Life is temporary and very few parts of it are that serious (with God, family, health, and finances being the handful of serious parts). The fact that you don't look like fricking Gigachad or twinklord Timothy Chamelet is not the root of all your problems and sadness (p.s. nobody fricking looks like those guys). The way you look is truly not that serious, you've been fed half-truths that handsome/pretty people get treated better (true) but it's taken to the extreme to mean that if you're not some male model your life is shit (untrue). One thing that will attract or repel people always is your PERSONALITY. Do you want to be around someone who always seems sad and angry and resentful? Going about your day to day life just lighten up a little and people will be drawn to that fun energy. Women are not serious creatures, they're made for fun. Does physical attractiveness make it easier to pull hoes? Of course. But it only gets your foot in the door. You still have to make her comfortable. Radiating this insecure, self-conscious, super serious try hard energy just makes the interaction awkward and uncomfortable no matter how you look.

tl;dr "just bee urself :)" but fully unironically

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  1. 10 months ago

    The sad and "black"pilled posters will still ignore this wall of truth because they would rather just say woman bad and go with rest of their day lol

  2. 10 months ago

    Truth. Inb4 "cope, if you're not a 6'13 12/10 male model you should end it now" homies that rot behind a screen for 10 hours a day

  3. 10 months ago

    Very true. We should all strive to be better, but to pick ourselves apart for the most minor things is counterproductive.

  4. 10 months ago

    I crack jokes and laugh quite a bit, but I never smile, and I don't think I'm capable of enjoying anything fun.

  5. 10 months ago

    Holy shit OP is NOT a homosexual today.

  6. 10 months ago

    yeah but seriously

    all those guys here who say you've got to do all kinds of programs and PPL 5x5 8 days a week etc. when you can just work out 2 or 3 days a week and look awesome. When you live in the gym you can't really meet women to go out with

  7. 10 months ago

    Bro, I've been a recluse for 21 years. I only leave my house when I absolutely have to for shit like medical appointments. My own mother lost her mind and tried to stab me to death before hanging herself. My younger twin brothers were born with severe cerebral palsy who I had to be caregiver for after my mother killed herself. My dad is an insane hoarder who piles junk to the ceiling and just sits on a recliner all day whispering and ranting to himself. I have to look after him like a senile infant or he'd literally waste away and die. I was born with all sorts of genetic defects into an insanely fricked up environment. I can't just ignore all of that and be all skip to my lou like Tom Bombadil through my neighborhood. Feeling miserable all the time and wanting to die 24/7 is perfectly logical in my position. 99% of people would have killed themselves years ago if they were me.

    You're also completely out of touch with what it's like to be a beta incel. 63% of young men in America aged 18-30 are incels now. That's double what it was just 5 years ago. And so women's standards really are inflating out of control, and most young men really are justified in feeling miserable. You're part of a rapidly shrinking percentage of men who can still have relationships with women. And so you don't know what it's like to be lonely and dejected and treated like garbage by women. But maybe you will as these social trends continue to spiral out of control.

    Something needs to be done about our society unraveling besides simply shitting on incels.

    • 10 months ago

      Would you frick a woman who was in your position? I wouldnt

      • 10 months ago

        Of course not. I don't blame women for not being interested in me. It's the correct choice. But my point was that some of us are completely justified in feeling horrible. And I'm also an extreme example. The vast majority of incels are nowhere near as fricked up as I am, and most of them wouldn't have had trouble finding a girlfriend 15 years ago. Most modern young men really are suffering due to the changes in our society over the last 15 years. Most of them aren't getting psyoped by incels into becoming incels themselves via blackpill content on the internet. They simply can't get matches on dating apps - which is how most relationships are initiated now. And our society in general is going to shit. And so telling them to be upbeat and positive when they can't afford a house, groceries, gas, and healthcare, and are alone all the time, is completely out of touch with what young men are going through in our current society, and is probably coming from a privileged perspective from someone who managed to succeed in life due to better genetics, better upbringing, and pure luck.

        But don't get me wrong; I'm not opposed to OP's message when it comes to encouraging people to be more extroverted and sociable and to not drown yourself in black pills. He just doesn't seem to realize that our society if fundamentally sick and is churning out mentally ill and miserable people. Millions of people are becoming addicted to drugs for a reason. Their lives are genuinely horrible. And something needs to be done about that rather than scapegoating incels on the internet and telling people to be more positive and jovial.

        • 10 months ago

          I just can't relate mate I'm sorry. I have shit genetics, no prospects, 0 finances, bad credit and being generally nothing to the table but I'm confident in myself because I don't hate myself. I have a happy family. I do a pretty good job of keeping things together. Get off the internet, get a job. Save a tiny amount of money. Exercise and talk to some women you feasibly have a shot with. Do you want to die alone or do you want to lower your standards? No matter how shut your circumstances there is always a woman with shitter circumstances who would be happy to grind it out with you

          • 10 months ago

            >I'm confident in myself because I don't hate myself. I have a happy family.

            • 10 months ago

              I have a woman and children because I don't hate myself, is what I'm saying. Not vice versa

              • 10 months ago

                I don't hate myself either, how to aquire gf?

              • 10 months ago

                What have you tried so far

              • 10 months ago

                Everything besides becoming a Mongolian warlord

              • 10 months ago

                It sounds like you know what you need to do then.

          • 10 months ago

            The key points there are that you don't hate yourself and you have a happy family. Millions of people suffer from severe depression. They can't just wave a wand and be happy. You don't have that problem, and so you don't know it's like to be mentally ill and have to take drugs to alter your brain chemistry out of desperation. And you're also additional proof that what truly matters in life is having friends and family. Growing hordes of people don't have that anymore due to rapidly increasing incel rates, the breakdown of the family unit, and the growing loneliness epidemic.

            And while I appreciate the self-help advice, it doesn't really apply to me due to my super unique and screwed up situation. I'm honestly not that ugly, I've been addicted to lifting weights for nearly 25 years, and so I'm fitter than the average person despite being a recluse, and I don't have to really worry about money. I'm just absolutely mind fricked due to all of the horrible things that happened in my life. As I said, I had to slavishly take care of my younger twin brothers with cerebral palsy for 15 years, and then my mentally ill and senile dad for the last couple years. And while one of my brothers died and the other is now receiving 24/7 care outside of our house, you can't just bounce back from from a black hole that deep - especially if you're plagued with all sorts of terrible mental disorders like I am. Imagine your mom trying to stab you to death and then killing herself, staying inside your house for 21 years taking care of 2 severely handicapped people, and your crazy dad manipulating you into becoming a recluse and his personal slave, and then trying to turn your life around at the end of that. You'd have a nice day.

            And I don't have standards. I'd be loyal as shit to any woman on the planet that agreed to be in a relationship with me. It's just that I'm so low on the male totem pole that no woman would ever be interested in someone as screwed up as me.

            • 10 months ago

              it could be worse
              Imagine you had all the same stuff
              But you didn’t have the wheel in you to take care of your senile father
              Nor the world to take care of cerebral palsy brothers
              Basically what I’m saying is you can have all the same stuff but just be a demon and abandon them for death
              That’s really not much of a concession
              I wish you good luck, brother

            • 10 months ago

              you've obviously got shit circumstances but I've been through depression too, pills,cold turkey of it, serious drug abuse in ghettos and deep rooted generational family problems. very real mental illness. You don't wave a wand, it takes work and time and sacrifice and loss. It makes a man of you. Currently walking with my gf to take the kids for a day out at a castle. Life is good and not because a woman made it better. I'm here by choices that I made and if this fell through I'd do it all over again. Im not dick measuring and saying oh well we've all got problems but your circumstances won't improve just because some guy online said it gets better. Your suffering isn't just some random series of bad events it's the story of your life. Heal and grow or perish like a starving dog. Imagine having some pretty perfect life, never having known suffering and being unable to relate to the harsh brutality of the world you live in. Hard pass

    • 10 months ago

      >my life is shit so I always have to be at home
      This kills your social life therefore your dating chances, 99% of the problem is here.
      >I also am sad most of the time, so I'm probably not so tidy and not so fun to be around (rightfully)
      This is also a big problem, first impression are really important. If you don't make yourself attractive (by being tidy/at least clean/ fun to be around) how do you expect to attract someone?
      >somehow it's women's fault for not giving me a chance and having impossible standards
      You are shifting blame. ik you didn't have a choice but if you are a shut in/ sad frick (and therefore alone) because of your situation this has nothing to do with women, or with strangers. They don't know u and don't owe you anything, it's not their fault your family was shitty. You are the only one that can change your own life. You can't expect a stranger to come and fix it for you and most of all you shouldn't want to pull someone in your life if it's so fricked up. You have to first solve your own problems and then you can hope to attract someone. And this is not having high standards. This is normal.
      It's not society it's not women.
      You can't expect for people to willingly jump in a pool of shit for you.
      If you are a shut in how are you gonna meet/attract women? What do they have to do? Come to your house and pull you out of it to get to know you? You can't expect strangers to jump at you bro. You have to put yourself in those social situations (i unironically recommend joining church groups, they are christians so they are meant to welcome you and will go out of their way to get you in a comfortable place).

      • 10 months ago

        To expand on this
        >I also am sad most of the time, so I'm probably not so tidy and not so fun to be around (rightfully)
        Op was saying you should enjoy life and you answered "I have the right to be sad bc of my situation" but if you are always sad even if a girl wanted to get to know you she will have a bad first impression.
        And it's not her fault, you are making yourself unattractive.
        Ik it's hard and shit is going on in your life but if I have a shitty day and at some point I meet a nice girl I'm not gonna be salty and sad when i'm with her. She is the only nice thing that happened to me that day so I unironically will just cheer up, because something I want (a girl), something nice happened to me.
        At least be happy when you are around them like op was saying, enjoy the small joys of your life and don't pollute them with the problems you have at home.
        Also tidy yourself for when you go out, in case you meet someone, be prepared. Those two things are not just to become attractive but for yourself too. taking care of yourself makes YOU feel better, enjoying life in those rare times it's good instead of saying "well this will pass and I will be sad again later for other things" just strips YOU of the experience of feeling good in that moment.

        im pretty sure you might be a redditor ive seen post here before, usually trying to "debunk" incels, always failing majorly with your extremely shallow advice you think is some novel way of thinking.
        the problem is you have a distorted view of male loners as much as the strawman of incels view of women, many might be shut-ins but many are not, a huge proportion of men are virgin and lonely now and most of them believe the naive bullshit you believe in, and they live "normal" lives for the most part. most depressed people keep up a certain baseline of functionality and hygiene (imagine unironically thinking 60% of men are not getting gfs because they dont shower lmao), they are just miserable because they're lonely and alienated. you refuse to address the actual cultural issues and the behaviour of women, the social hierarchies of today, the economy, the delibate alienation, you want people who never had anything in the first place to become some kind of zen buddhist who doesnt care about having a gf anymore, to get a gf, this just isnt how it works.
        most of the people who are still bluepilled are just moronic 30+ y/o boomers who grew up right before it got really bad, and cant comprehend the way things are now. you would probably be the biggest incel if you were 10 years younger.
        self-improvement is bigger than ever among men and its clearly not doing anything besides sucking up their wagie money. you can see it occasionally on this board where people are like 30 with fitness model physiques and decent jobs yet they are lonely incels because they had a shit start in life like a massive % of men.

        • 10 months ago

          I didn't understand half of what you said because instead of answering to what i sed you assumed I was someone I'm not and started answering to shit I never said (buddhist that don't care about having a gf? Never said that in my post, answer to that).
          My point is op is saying to be positive, and have sun end enjoy stuff, and the anon I answered to said basically I have the right to be sad. But if you are sad even when nice thing happen (in social situations like op was sayin) how the frick are u gonna live on? How are u gonna attract someone?
          You have to first learn ti be happy with yourself to hope to be happy with someone. If you are miserable even when you are with friends or a girl and can't cheer up even when there's something nice happening in your life the problem is within you and it's not that women have high standards.
          This is summed up what i meant.

          • 10 months ago

            im not saying to literally become a buddhist, but you act like its a prerequisite to finding a girl, to be happy with not having one, when thats bullshit, normies are just as miserable and probably whinier when they become single for a while.
            depression is not that black and white, like i said most people who lead shit lives with depression keep up atleast a baseline of functionality and mood even if it isnt real, personally not long ago i had someone interested in me and i felt happy for the first time in ages, all my "depression" went away for a few weeks atleast, until i learned i couldn't get with her for other reasons, then i automatically had to go back to my emptiness. i was depressed when i met her. people being meanie chuds online isnt why they have no gfs in real life, its merely an outlet.

            Don't bullshit so much. 80% is personality, and having a group of friends. 20% is looks. If the looks are very bad, then it'll weigh exponentially more. The main problem of the people here is that they don't have a good social circle and not the means to achieve proper friendships. It's a societal issue, admittedly, and some people are truly fricked. The only thing op says is to try to lay a foundation to make friends, cus without that you'll definitely get nowhere

            i understand social circles are the first thing, and then looks start mattering, but OP is trying to tell people that they have no gf because they are racist sexist chuds and they need to put on a clown mask in real life and be le so silly xd funny happy and then all their problems get fixed

    • 10 months ago

      To expand on this
      >I also am sad most of the time, so I'm probably not so tidy and not so fun to be around (rightfully)
      Op was saying you should enjoy life and you answered "I have the right to be sad bc of my situation" but if you are always sad even if a girl wanted to get to know you she will have a bad first impression.
      And it's not her fault, you are making yourself unattractive.
      Ik it's hard and shit is going on in your life but if I have a shitty day and at some point I meet a nice girl I'm not gonna be salty and sad when i'm with her. She is the only nice thing that happened to me that day so I unironically will just cheer up, because something I want (a girl), something nice happened to me.
      At least be happy when you are around them like op was saying, enjoy the small joys of your life and don't pollute them with the problems you have at home.
      Also tidy yourself for when you go out, in case you meet someone, be prepared. Those two things are not just to become attractive but for yourself too. taking care of yourself makes YOU feel better, enjoying life in those rare times it's good instead of saying "well this will pass and I will be sad again later for other things" just strips YOU of the experience of feeling good in that moment.

      • 10 months ago

        >bad day
        The dude doesn't just have bad days though, he has a bad life.

        • 10 months ago

          these people just cant comprehend and place themselves in other positions, a lot of these guys just seem to want to feel better about themselves by acting like they have the knowledge and methods talking to people who have it worse, like others should simply work as hard as them, there is legit advice to be given to incels and such but every "maxxing" way is known at this point, and it doesnt work for everyone, and people should just admit that societally the juice isnt worth the squeeze.
          the more people nowadays try to become above average to even get their foot in the door, the more the bar gets raised, you not only need an entirely full package of attributes and lifestyle, if you got it a bit later or differently than normal you might even have got the door shut infront of you altogether
          and then even if you got it all, theres nothing beyond serial monogamy, which is probably on the decline aswell, nobody has a real long term relationship anymore.

          • 10 months ago

            I hate normies almost as much as women. Almost.

          • 10 months ago

            Don't bullshit so much. 80% is personality, and having a group of friends. 20% is looks. If the looks are very bad, then it'll weigh exponentially more. The main problem of the people here is that they don't have a good social circle and not the means to achieve proper friendships. It's a societal issue, admittedly, and some people are truly fricked. The only thing op says is to try to lay a foundation to make friends, cus without that you'll definitely get nowhere

    • 10 months ago

      I’m so sorry to hear that. To be clear, I was talking about people catastrophizing and nitpicking aspects of their appearance, not people who actually have real problems. I hope things get better for you bro, srs.

  8. 10 months ago

    Op giving out free white pills here

  9. 10 months ago
  10. 10 months ago

    I think a lot of people are having trouble with the family, health and finance is part as well. Trying to look good is just trying to indirectly solve other problems that they dont have tools to solve

  11. 10 months ago

    I haven't stuck my pp inside a woman for 14 years now despite trying, and the worst part is that I know what I'm missing.
    The first 10 years I could do what you say, but not anymore. It's just not possible not to be miserable now.

  12. 10 months ago

    You can be as positive as you want, but sometimes life just fricks you up. Take a look at some Russian grenade drone videos as an example. It doesn't really matter whether you can put on a happy face or remain resilient, sometimes you'll just get annihilated by circumstance outside of your control

  13. 10 months ago

    Stopped reading there.
    Christcucks need to die.

    • 10 months ago

      we all need to die
      believers in God and non-believers in God alike
      it’s a fact of life

  14. 10 months ago

    I've found the best way to cope with shit like worrying about losing my virginity at 28 while being impatient with my fitness journey is just imagining every women at my gym is already taken by Chad - so I must become Chad myself. Maybe even surpass Chad, to start climbing to heights no normal man even remotely attempts to reach.

    • 10 months ago

      Stop saying Chad if you want to succeed

      • 10 months ago

        You know what I mean, though. Replace Chad with "some guy who is in better physical shape than me"

  15. 10 months ago

    this is the most hilariously naive and bluepilled post ive seen all month, you really should go back

    • 10 months ago

      being bluepilled is based it's like being a virgin

    • 10 months ago

      That's the spirit! 🙂

  16. 10 months ago

    >you would probably be the biggest incel if you were 10 years younger
    yeah and you'd probably be a massive chad if you were born the same year as me

    • 10 months ago

      when your ugly chubby betabux gf inevitably breaks up with you you're going to be lonely for the rest of your life and you know it
      stop trying to prop yourself up by acting like you have some kind of wisdom when its really just the same shit everybody's mom has been telling them since 12 years old

      • 10 months ago

        I am poor and my gf is thin

  17. 10 months ago

    OP you full of shit and a homosexual but trying is good.... today you tried not be a homosexual , im kinda proud of you but still you ended up being one , tomorrow is another day for you :).

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