Just want to look good after awful 5 years

got accused of rape at a pary at 25 yo by an ex id broken up with that night. spent a year on bail, constant rebailing etc as they "gathered evidence" then the accusers best friend contacted police and told them she had drunkenly admitted to lying to get back at me. Police never brought charges but id been fired, tried to kill myself and developed severe mental health issues.

She admitted shed lied didn't even face charges as she was bipolar and was instead ordered to recieve treatment.

Spent the next few years doing drugs, tried to kill myself was found hanging from a rope in the garage was dead for a couple minutes my brother found me saved me.

I just got a job and want to recover my body, i lost all my muscle mass and gained about 120lbs of fat, strech amrks everywhere. I used to be skinny but lean, now ill never look very good as ill have loose skin im guessing but i want to look good as fast as possible.

Open to test use and orals as i have a connection through a friend who deals all types of drugs. Don't want to use any harsher compounds.

used to do mainly calisthenics but im too heavy and will be for awhile.

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  1. 9 months ago

    Every day, walk a mile on a treadmill with incline up to 15 and 3.0 - 3.5 mph. Should take about 20 minutes. Start lifting on top of this. Stop drinking alcohol. You're gonna make it buddy, I'm sorry that happened to you.

    • 9 months ago

      thanks dude. What kind of lifting would you suggest. If its purely to look better no athletic goals.

      • 9 months ago

        Do you have experience with weightlifting or are you a beginner?

        • 9 months ago

          I was in the maries so i was really into calisthenics. I could double bodyweight high bar squat and bench 1.5 bw but i mainly did dips, pullups, pistiol squats etc.

          Now im really fat so can't do bodyweight stuff so thought lifting would be the better way forward. Can't really stimulate shit if i can't do any reps.

          • 9 months ago

            If you want a program, try Greyskull LP. But really, I think just showing up and lifting for a few months will yield results.

      • 9 months ago

        This is my split:
        Day 1: chest/triceps/abs
        Day 2: back/biceps/neck
        Day 3: legs/abs
        Day 4: shoulders/forearms/neck
        Day 5: legs/abs

        I do 1 mile of incline treadmill walking at the end of every workout and I normally have 2 days of cardio or rest in there to make it a 7 day cycle. That's just what I do, I have never been overweight though. You may just want to start out with the incline treadmill while you let your body adjust to physical exertion.

        • 9 months ago

          Do you have an Ab routine?

  2. 9 months ago

    Why rush into drugs and try to lose fat as quickly as possible? I say commit to a new life and a new lifestyle. Let it be a process.

  3. 9 months ago

    What was it like being dead?
    I hope you get better anon, I'd recommend building a good solid strength base before you jump on roids though, start losing weight naturally then jump on clen as well

  4. 9 months ago

    Never stop being better. Mog your past self every day. They win when you give up. One day you not feel anger towards these people, but pity instead.

  5. 9 months ago

    bitches should unironically see time for this.

    • 9 months ago

      No. Intentions bearing false witness should be punishable by death. Not even memeing

      • 9 months ago


      • 9 months ago

        I a utopia it would
        But in a utopia this wouldn't even happen
        Time is just fine, but at least let it be time

  6. 9 months ago

    Give that chicks best friend 20 bucks.

    • 9 months ago

      I joined the marines right out of school and her dad was a marine when she heard her say that she went straight to the cops. Worst part about going through something like this is you never see women the same.

      Part of me wonders of her dad wasn;t a marine if shed of even told the cops. Shouldn't think like that because she saved me, but honestly i just have a hate in my ehart for women. I don't go near them. I can't deal with the thought of going through that shit again.

      • 9 months ago

        I don't get the connection with her dad being a marine

        • 9 months ago


  7. 9 months ago

    Checked and cool story, but read the fricking sticky homosexual

  8. 9 months ago

    Odds are that you voted for this and promoted blindly believing w*men
    You can avoid loose skin if you take your time losing weight and eat a good diet, supplements are your friend for the later
    If you're below 40 you should be able to fix yourself without PEDs, even if you want shit to be fast you shouldn't go on roids or trt until you lose most of the weight, loose skin is really hard to get rid off without surgery

    • 9 months ago

      I joined the marines out of school and have never been political, ive never voted.

      • 9 months ago

        should have killed yourself properly, bootlicking homosexual

  9. 9 months ago

    don't do test, no need to mentally frick yourself up just yet. Also cool story, adding it to my list of stories confirming that women with BPD will destroy your life

  10. 9 months ago

    homie lifting will only do so much you need to be fixed mentally and spiritually. Try shrooms as much as possible.

    • 9 months ago

      Frick off. He needs to get his mental and spiritual right but shrooms in his current state would frick him up way more


      got accused of rape at a pary at 25 yo by an ex id broken up with that night. spent a year on bail, constant rebailing etc as they "gathered evidence" then the accusers best friend contacted police and told them she had drunkenly admitted to lying to get back at me. Police never brought charges but id been fired, tried to kill myself and developed severe mental health issues.

      She admitted shed lied didn't even face charges as she was bipolar and was instead ordered to recieve treatment.

      Spent the next few years doing drugs, tried to kill myself was found hanging from a rope in the garage was dead for a couple minutes my brother found me saved me.

      I just got a job and want to recover my body, i lost all my muscle mass and gained about 120lbs of fat, strech amrks everywhere. I used to be skinny but lean, now ill never look very good as ill have loose skin im guessing but i want to look good as fast as possible.

      Open to test use and orals as i have a connection through a friend who deals all types of drugs. Don't want to use any harsher compounds.

      used to do mainly calisthenics but im too heavy and will be for awhile.


      My condolences for how shitty things have been for you brother. I'm glad you're looking to turn your life around though and get back on track
      Like the other anon said, incline walking each day would be good for you. It burns the same calories as running while being easier on the joints, which is good for you being so overweight. It's also a good way to get a healthy habit going and having it stick. Once a day is good place to start until you start getting fitter, then you can do twice a day if you wanted
      Losing bodyfat though is going to really require a calorie deficit. You need to eat less food to drop bodyfat. The fastest you can lose weight without it affecting your gym performance, aka keeping and building muscle, is roughly 1% of your bodyweight per week. Every pound or half a kilo lost per week is a 500 calorie deficit from what it takes to maintain your weight. Use this website to figure out what it takes to maintain your weight and subtract the amount of calories for how much weight you want to lose per week
      After that just add the calories you burn through cardio and you're good to go. Every 20 pounds or 10 kilos lost go 100 calories less if you want to maintain the same pace for weight loss using this calculator
      If you make most of your foods meat, vegetables, fruit, and filling carbs like potatoes and whole grain wheat it'll make weight loss pretty easy. After the calculations it's not complicated and it's more about just sticking with the foods that will keep you full. Don't neglect yourself though with plain food. Eat healthy and filling food you actually like the taste of. I love fajitas and grilled fish tacos with red cabbage slaw and I eat them every week while staying low calorie and high protein during my cuts.
      They're not worth it man. Once you stop taking them you go back to how you were before but now with years shaved off your life

      I read in the other replies that you used to be a marine and lifted before. That's good because you'll build that muscle size and work capacity back pretty fast. Muscle memory is real. Start with a basic beginner program doing bench press, rows/pullups, and squats/lunges every other day for your big lifts for 5x6-12 each. Finish the sessions with 3x8-12 for arms, hamstrings, and raises for the rear delt and lateral delt. It should take around 1 1/2 hours unless your rest periods are long at first, which is totally fine. You haven't exercised in a long time and you can build back up to it no problem. Once you've done this for a few months and you're feeling ready for a more intense program you can do a proper split and give your body more volume and exercise variation. Start simple, work hard at it, and don't chase the shiny red ball. You'll spin your wheels
      >mental health
      Picrel is what helped me get out of my own head when I was at my lowest. I was genuinely mentally broken and this book helped more than anything towards the beginning of my getting better. Once you can calm your mind and emotions and be more clear headed you'll be able to start looking for ways to give yourself meaning in life. You'll be able to start doing things that fulfill your soul and make you feel like you're really accomplishing something. It's hard to do that when you feel like you're living in a tornado desperately grasping for something to hold onto only to have it stripped away time after time by the storm you call home. It's no way for a man to live

      Thing is due to years of being fat and doing drugs my test levels are abysmal. So i could likely qualify for TRT, i did a medichecks and my test levels are hyper-gonadal. but losing weight might change it.

      >my test levels are hyper-gonadal. but losing weight might change it
      It would help a lot. There's a process in the body called aromatization where fat tissue basically turns testosterone into estrogen. As you lose fat and get healthier it'll start to come back

  11. 9 months ago

    My condolences for how shitty things have been for you brother. I'm glad you're looking to turn your life around though and get back on track
    Like the other anon said, incline walking each day would be good for you. It burns the same calories as running while being easier on the joints, which is good for you being so overweight. It's also a good way to get a healthy habit going and having it stick. Once a day is good place to start until you start getting fitter, then you can do twice a day if you wanted
    Losing bodyfat though is going to really require a calorie deficit. You need to eat less food to drop bodyfat. The fastest you can lose weight without it affecting your gym performance, aka keeping and building muscle, is roughly 1% of your bodyweight per week. Every pound or half a kilo lost per week is a 500 calorie deficit from what it takes to maintain your weight. Use this website to figure out what it takes to maintain your weight and subtract the amount of calories for how much weight you want to lose per week
    After that just add the calories you burn through cardio and you're good to go. Every 20 pounds or 10 kilos lost go 100 calories less if you want to maintain the same pace for weight loss using this calculator
    If you make most of your foods meat, vegetables, fruit, and filling carbs like potatoes and whole grain wheat it'll make weight loss pretty easy. After the calculations it's not complicated and it's more about just sticking with the foods that will keep you full. Don't neglect yourself though with plain food. Eat healthy and filling food you actually like the taste of. I love fajitas and grilled fish tacos with red cabbage slaw and I eat them every week while staying low calorie and high protein during my cuts.
    They're not worth it man. Once you stop taking them you go back to how you were before but now with years shaved off your life

    • 9 months ago

      Thing is due to years of being fat and doing drugs my test levels are abysmal. So i could likely qualify for TRT, i did a medichecks and my test levels are hyper-gonadal. but losing weight might change it.

  12. 9 months ago

    You convinced me to only talk to modest looking girls and have sex with actual prostitutes. Party bawds are the worst of both worlds.
    Training wise, lift heavy and rest adequately to progress from session to session. HIT helped me bust through year old plateaus.
    Nutrition wise, you can't go wrong with dairy, red meat, fruit, fruit juice, eggs, honey, coffee, sugar and white rice. Carbohydrates are extremely important for the body, especially when fighting stress, so keep that in mind.

  13. 9 months ago


  14. 9 months ago

    >She admitted shed lied didn't even face charges as she was bipolar and was instead ordered to recieve treatment.
    You try for a civil suit? God knows you can show damages.

  15. 9 months ago

    orbi gud

  16. 9 months ago

    >carries through with a suicide attempt
    >doesn't try to kill the people who brought him to that point
    I don't get normies, at least the incel school shooters like the supreme gentleman fought back

    • 9 months ago

      Thank you .

      If I’m gonna kill myself im taking people with me

  17. 9 months ago

    Honestly just get a better rope and end it for good. The only good things in life happen before 30 and I hate to break it to you but if that's your 20's just you wait and see how bad it gets. Your brother is an butthole for cutting you down and forcing you back into this hell.

  18. 9 months ago

    You should introduce her to your best friend, Mr. Staircase.

  19. 9 months ago

    The suicide attempt stands out.

    Get it together man . If you didn’t commit the crime what the frick were you tripping on?

    Do you know how hard it is to get a rape conviction?

  20. 9 months ago

    Andrew Tate got put into jail for 3 months because of made up charges and do you see him walking around obese and sad?

  21. 9 months ago

    How the frick doed that even happen lol
    I'm 28 and so far I've had over 200 girls report me to the police for rape
    Not one arrest, not one single arrest
    My lawyer taked care of it

    • 9 months ago

      Ghenkis Khan raped 1000s of women, yet not a single crusader arrested him.
      Guess the golen times are in fact behind us

  22. 9 months ago

    Jump off a building next time, you emotionally manipulative pussy. Do you think for even a moment the trauma youve put your brother thru? He has to live with this shit until he dies, even if he says its fine and bottles it up inside himself for YOUR sake.
    Trust me, I'm speaking from experience. You are a horrible fricking person, and you know exactly why you chose to have a nice day in a place where people could rescue you, and even CONVINIENTLY FIND YOU just in time.
    I'll say it again, do it proper next time, pussy subhuman.

    • 9 months ago

      Shut up you tryhard homosexual lmao

      • 9 months ago

        No, I wont
        have a nice day properly
        Do it pussy
        Youre a burden on your family and they hate you for it
        Jump off a building
        Do it proper
        Attentionprostitute homosexual

        • 9 months ago

          There are no buildings tall enough to die from in my village in India

        • 9 months ago

          Not OP but seeing how many suggestions you got I'm sure you're thinking about it more than anyone else here so go ahead

          • 9 months ago

            >one suggestion
            >"You have so many suggestions!"
            Doubledigit IQ

    • 9 months ago

      i hope this is bait. if not stay focused, devil. don't let some b***h ruin your life. if you were a marine you've made it through shit that would break most people. keep your head up and your eyes on your future bro.

      don't forget this shit either man. i just had a buddy run his truck off a cliff over some stupid prostitute taking his life from him. don't forget the boys who have been there for you man im sure they have been even if you don't want to admit that. reach out man there's no weakness in needing help only refusing it

  23. 9 months ago

    Holy shit brother. Here's an upside to this - it can only go uphill from now on. Go out by a lake on a sunny day and spend some time doing nothing, but listening to the birds and other background noise. You'll find the motivation to turn things around and get in an even better shape. Stretch marks be the scars of the pit you climbed out of.

  24. 9 months ago

    Think you need /k/ instead my brother. I really hope this is hate bait.
    Civil court is a thing. Make sure sure to send a transcript of the record to any man dumb enough to date her or business to hire her.

  25. 9 months ago

    Don't let some b***h ruin your life, let your anger be you fuel, lose the weight and live well to spite people like her.

  26. 9 months ago

    op deserved it for being a larping homosexual

  27. 9 months ago

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