Keto Diet for non-fatties

Has someone who isnt/wasnt fat tried a keto diet? How did you feel on it?

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  1. 3 months ago

    I went from a BMI of 30 to 35 in a month because I just went nuts and ate 5000 calories worth of roast meat every day.

    • 3 months ago

      >I went from a BMI of 30 to 35 in a month because I just went nuts and ate 5000 calories worth of roast meat every day.
      I asked about non fatties

      • 3 months ago

        When my BMI was 30, I was usually the skinniest guy in a group of 5+. This is in Australia.

        • 3 months ago

          30+ is obese

          • 3 months ago

            Obesity is relative. I was also in Japan when I was "skinny" and the Japanese looked at me like I was the monster from The Goonies.

            • 3 months ago

              >Obesity is relative.
              Its not. That's liek saying weight is relative because you weigh "less" on the moon

    • 3 months ago

      Joking aside, I feel like keto would be really easy to disprove just by eating 3k-4k in meat every day. Has anyone done this yet?

      • 3 months ago

        Yes, the majority of americans

      • 3 months ago

        How does that "disprove" keto?

  2. 3 months ago

    I did keto last year when cutting to 12% for around 3 months, will be doing it again starting April for my summer cut.
    I did 1200kcals on rest days and 1500kcals on cardio/lift days.
    Here's what you need to know about keto:
    >like most diets, it all comes down to CICO
    >when main benefit of keto is that you can OMAD without getting hungry
    >keto is a CUTTING and MAINTENANCE diet (no carb bloat and water retention, six pack guaranteed at lower BF%)
    >in my experience cardio performance drops by ~20% when on keto (your goal on keto is to lose weight and stay lean, not perform on a top level)
    >CICO keto OMAD is the best cutting diet out there

    • 3 months ago

      Why so much cheese? What kind of cheese are those?

      • 3 months ago

        Your average cheese/brie/mozarella/smoked cheese (left to right)
        I like cheese a lot, I'm a mouse (squeek squeek)

        • 3 months ago

          Make a cheese tier list thread

          • 3 months ago

            Really depends on your taste, for me, it's:
            >goat cheese

            I don't like hard cheeses.

            >OMAD is the best cutting diet out there
            If it's what you need to do to not over-eat, sure. But every bodybuilder knows that getting protein/calories around the clock is what works best for both cutting and bulking. Getting 4 meals with 30+ g of protein each decreases catabolism compared to a single meal of 100+g of protein.

            Yes, but most bodybuilders are roiders so these rules don't really apply to natties who don't carry an unnatural amount of muscle.

            • 3 months ago

              >but most bodybuilders are roiders so these rules don't really apply to natties who don't carry an unnatural amount of muscle.
              They're also cutting on anti-catabolic compounds like test/tren/anavar.

              The argument against doing a multi-meal cut is that the improvement is marginal compared to the routine (OMAD) that you like.

              • 3 months ago

                Losing muscle mass on a cut is nothing a natty should be concerned with, it's mostly a pro (roider) bodybuilder problem who need to mixmax to 100% to keep as much as possible.
                As long as you're lifting and getting enough protein (80-100g per day) as a natty, you have nothing to fear.

              • 3 months ago

                >Losing muscle mass on a cut is nothing a natty should be concerned with
                Everyone loses muscle on a cut, it's just a matter of how much. The idea that natties don't need to worry about losing muscle on a cut sounds like something coming from either a dyel or someone who has never cut natty.

              • 3 months ago

                People greatly overestimate the amount of lean muscle mass they can actually carry and greatly underestimate how much fat you actually have.
                You don't lose as much muscle mass when cutting as a natty as a roider.

              • 3 months ago

                This. Plus being lean makes you look more muscular in the first place because, you know, you can actually see your muscles.

              • 3 months ago

                >t. has never cut to below 10%
                >t. benches less than 3pl8

              • 3 months ago

                >cutting below 10% as a natty

              • 3 months ago

                99.99% of IST isn't below 10% while pressing 3plate
                main difference is some think what is optimal for a roided competitive bodybuilder is also optimal for their normie body

            • 3 months ago

              manchego is a king tier cheese you might enjoy based on your other cheese preferences

      • 3 months ago

        >Why so much cheese?
        why not?

    • 3 months ago

      >OMAD is the best cutting diet out there
      If it's what you need to do to not over-eat, sure. But every bodybuilder knows that getting protein/calories around the clock is what works best for both cutting and bulking. Getting 4 meals with 30+ g of protein each decreases catabolism compared to a single meal of 100+g of protein.

      • 3 months ago

        More people will adhere to OMAD as long as they aren't snacking addicts

    • 3 months ago

      I tried it for a few days and didn't feel good. Had no energy and gave up. People who do Keto tell me that's normal for a few days you just have to push thru it.

      i tried it briefly late in my cut and it made me have too little energy for the gym

      Wtf is with people complaining about hunger and energy, neither of these things are ever a problem for me. You just do and not do.

      • 3 months ago

        cause you never actually cut to a low bf%. Losing weight and hitting sub 10% isn't the same

        • 3 months ago

          K, granted, I am trying to right now with vegan anorexia basically, tryna get them death gains

  3. 3 months ago

    It eliminates carb bloat.

    Pic rel is BMI 15.4 vs BMI 15.9

    • 3 months ago

      >the most muscular 6'0+ natty

  4. 3 months ago

    Keto diet would make for a shitty lifestyle.
    >no carbs ever
    >no glycogen in muscles, makes running and lifting a pain in the ass
    Keto works in short blitzes during a cut but isn't anything I'd want to do long-term or for bulking/maintenance.
    Carbs are good for you [in moderation you strawmanning schizos], cheap, and anabolic.

  5. 3 months ago

    Too greasy for me

  6. 3 months ago

    I tried it for a few days and didn't feel good. Had no energy and gave up. People who do Keto tell me that's normal for a few days you just have to push thru it.

  7. 3 months ago

    yes. it's fine.
    morons on IST (and the internet in general I suppose) make it such a bigger deal than it is
    no, it doesn't make you tired, or weak, or brainfoggy. it also isn't some miracle to weight loss. nor is life without carbs any less enjoyable. I have a suspicion that 90% of people who say this shit never even tried keto for one day.

    the biggest effects of keto are that you'll have a more steady constant stream of energy throughout the day rather than going up and down. also, it's more expensive. and you do have to occasionally turn down some foods.

  8. 3 months ago

    i tried it briefly late in my cut and it made me have too little energy for the gym

  9. 3 months ago

    I did well on a cyclical keto diet when I was just slightly chubby, it got me in the best shape of my life. 5-6 days of eating keto, 1-1.5 days of re-carb on the weekend, lost 30 lbs. over 1.5 years while barely trying, saw my abs for the first time, and had most of my lifts go up.
    But, that's with a weekend carb-up. Doing keto without any re-carb is pretty gay, just made me feel weak and sluggish all the time and I lost as much muscle as fat.
    Weekend re-carbs are the only proper way to do keto.

    • 3 months ago

      >keto but "recarbing" every week
      your body wasnt in ketosis

    • 3 months ago

      That’s not keto that’s carb cycling

      • 3 months ago

        >cyclical keto diet

        • 3 months ago

          Shoot your self in the head with a gun

          • 3 months ago

            Concession accepted

  10. 3 months ago

    A few weaks ago I did a 3 days fast and then started keto for the first time afterwards. About 4 days later I had a mildly painful lump under my left ribs which I think was my spleen swelling up. I stopped keto after 10 days or so and it went down slowly. Its still kindve there but not painful anymore and not as large.

    What did I frick up?

  11. 3 months ago

    I don’t particularly stick to keto although I’m probably in ketosis most of the time. I just don’t eat carbs and eat as much protein as possible on one meal a day.
    I feel physically great, I do all my working out before I eat and always have enough energy to lift and run.
    I am 6’1 175 lbs for reference, and had my body fat measured with a scan at 11% , just so the israeli schizo who stalks these threads knows.

    • 3 months ago

      The scans aren’t real I got scanned for 8% when I was 15 at least

  12. 3 months ago

    >not fat
    >wants to do a meme diet
    Why for ? That shit was created to motovate normies to buy keto labeled products at a high price, u're literally falling for a marketing scam, at at maintenance or slightly above if u want to gain some muscle, doesn't matter what kind of food as long as u keep track of macros and micros intake

  13. 3 months ago

    A proper keto diet, consisting of whole foods (not shit like "keto cookies" and crap that talks about "net carbs"), which is going to mean almsot exclusively fatty meats, eggs, added fats such as butter and oil and a modest amount of green vegtables with a tiny amount of nuts and cheese (mostly just as flavorings, not as a signifcant source of calories or nutrition ), is not something fatties can do.

    Almost any fatty ona keto diet is not doing it right. It takes a certain amount of discipline and will power to get through the first several days - maybe even week - of high blood glucose, high insuling withdrawal. And then, to live life without cakes, cookies, ice creams and pies is more than most fatties can handle.

    I lost voer 100 pounds on a strict keto diet and it weas easy peasy. Clear head. Strong. Good workouts. I didnt gain a lot of myscle, but strngth increases while traing heavy and consitent were good. Sex drive was great. Doing a proper keto diet or a modified bodybuilder style higher protein, but mostly keto diet is awesome.

    Ten years later, the weight has stayed off and this way of eating - mostly meat/egg, some vegetables and a little bit of cheese is now my default lifetyle. I have re-set my insulin and other hormones so that mnow I CAN eat some cake and cookies and shit, and I have afairly flexible metabolsim. I just choose to make my meals mostly keto i nature. There is no need to eat a bowl of pasta, for example. For anyone especially anyone who is 1) an adult 2) not emaciated thin.

    Keto rules.

    • 3 months ago

      >A proper keto diet, consisting of whole foods
      You cannot sustain a legitimate ketogenic diet without foods that are not whole.

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