
How are they so based? Why aren't they more common for general fitness or for noobs instead of more complicated and time consuming programs?

Lately I've been exercising very minimalistically at home; Basically I do swings and Turkish getups as often as possible, save for twice a week when I do chinups/pullups and hack squats. I originally started doing this because I wanted to save time and energy since I've started being a wagie, and because I injured my elbow and couldn't do any pressing for a while. However, I've noticed kettlebell exercises have made me stronger in ways I didn't even know I was weak in:

>My lowerback and knees feel more stable and balanced
>My balance is better
>My conditioning is far better
>My shoulder clicks less and feels more stable.

On top of that the movements are relatively easy to learn and you're less likely to get injured doing them.

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  1. 9 months ago

    >Why aren't they more common for general fitness or for noobs instead of more complicated and time consuming programs?
    They are among normalgays and CrossFit types. I still think Dan John has the most based minimalist programs out there.

  2. 9 months ago

    I like kettlebells for useful strength and athleticism. But whenever I do swings (say 10x15 EMOM), I get terrible lower back pain and spasm picrel about 30 minutes later. How do I prevent this?

    • 9 months ago

      You are likely doing one of two things.
      >leaning back too much at the top
      This can be remedied by the cue of imagining a string from the top of your head to the ceiling or sky. At the top position that string is pulled tight and remains taut. Your head and torso stop at vertical,but your arms continue to float up. This stops your lumbar from taking excess load
      >your abs are tiring out first
      Lower weight and do longer sets for time. Abs are more slow twitch than back muscles. Get em good and strong. Your cue is tou want your sternum and belly button to be friends.
      Good luck fren

      • 9 months ago

        What this guy said. Also do 10 reps per set maximum.

        Another thing, DO Turkish getups. I found that doing JUST swings ends up leaving my back a little sore even if my form is perfect, but when I follow it up with getups it's like it cancels out by working the antagonists.

        Thanks for useful advice- both dubs. Will put these cues to work and play with weight and getups, which I have neglected.

    • 9 months ago

      You are likely doing one of two things.
      >leaning back too much at the top
      This can be remedied by the cue of imagining a string from the top of your head to the ceiling or sky. At the top position that string is pulled tight and remains taut. Your head and torso stop at vertical,but your arms continue to float up. This stops your lumbar from taking excess load
      >your abs are tiring out first
      Lower weight and do longer sets for time. Abs are more slow twitch than back muscles. Get em good and strong. Your cue is tou want your sternum and belly button to be friends.
      Good luck fren

      What this guy said. Also do 10 reps per set maximum.

      Another thing, DO Turkish getups. I found that doing JUST swings ends up leaving my back a little sore even if my form is perfect, but when I follow it up with getups it's like it cancels out by working the antagonists.

    • 9 months ago

      What he

      You are likely doing one of two things.
      >leaning back too much at the top
      This can be remedied by the cue of imagining a string from the top of your head to the ceiling or sky. At the top position that string is pulled tight and remains taut. Your head and torso stop at vertical,but your arms continue to float up. This stops your lumbar from taking excess load
      >your abs are tiring out first
      Lower weight and do longer sets for time. Abs are more slow twitch than back muscles. Get em good and strong. Your cue is tou want your sternum and belly button to be friends.
      Good luck fren


      Make sure you're bracing your core really well through the movement. Also are you doing hardstyle swings or sport style?

    • 9 months ago

      youre most likely not squeezing your ass at the top of the swing and standing up as straight as possible. thats why a lot of the swing coaches say to squeeze your glutes and 'pull your kneecaps up'. its broken english for 'stand up straight'

  3. 9 months ago

    kettlebells seem like a meme

  4. 9 months ago

    kettlebells are for morons who listen to the joe rogan experience.

    • 9 months ago

      I surmise you are a fattie.
      Post body, post 5k time, post bf %age, post number of stairs it takes to fully wind you

    • 9 months ago

      Kettlebells are based. But using only kettlebells is moronic

  5. 9 months ago

    They are for noobs and females . Good lucky newby

    • 9 months ago

      Post body

      • 9 months ago

        No because you're a skinny fat dyel like OPs pic

        • 9 months ago

          >won’t post body
          Thought so

    • 9 months ago

      I can pick a kettlebell bell up with my c**t lips

      • 9 months ago

        we call that a Greek Getup around here

  6. 9 months ago

    >Why aren't they more common for general fitness
    safety hazard in commercial gyms because morons will lose their grip and fling a 30 pound weight across the gym.

    • 9 months ago

      for some reason whenever ive lost grip on a kb its on the way down so it just tumbles behind me

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