
Is it better to drink a bunch of this powdered shit than drink alcohol all day?
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  1. 1 year ago

    I'm thinking I'm probably up to 20g a day now to stay of alcohol... should I just drink instead?

  2. 1 year ago


  3. 1 year ago

    I'd say yes it's better, but you're still addicted to a substance. Although kratom is probably the best drug out there to be addicted to.

    I go on and off with this stuff. Right now I'm on again and have been for 2 weeks. I'll start taking it everyday then decide I wanna be off of it. I'll withdrawal for 3 days which is pretty manageable with my strategy, and then stay off of it for a few months. Then I buy a 1oz bag and get hooked on it again. The sad realization I came to is that I like the version of myself more when I'm on this stuff. I'm more motivated, more creative flow, better focus and concentration, and more happier in my interactions with people. It's a godsend for school. However it does seem to block the natural flow of my articulation when I talk to people sometimes.

    It's not good for your hormone balance and lowers your test, however I haven't actually seen any loss in gains from it in my experience. It does effect libido too.

    • 1 year ago

      This. I also use Kratom for work to stay focused, concentrated and elevated mood. I take breaks from it on the weekend to help my tolerance

    • 1 year ago

      I don't care about the wanting to get off part. In fact it's better I don't have any urges to and it blocks urges to imo.

      I just need to know if I'm better off downing 20 to 25g of this shit is better than say 8 drinks a day... I know I'm trading addictions just need to know what's "better"?

      Pisses me off this shit might not be safe as well

      • 1 year ago

        Do shrooms and stop being an addict.
        You can microdosr shrooms if you ate too pussy to face your demons with a large dose

    • 1 year ago

      You posted this thread the other day.
      Kratom >>>>>>> alcohol by a mile.
      >t. the polysubstance abuse fricker

      >Although kratom is probably the best drug out there to be addicted to
      Is pretty much it. I wittled down all of my addictions to 2-3x daily kratom. I'm essentially a functioning, healthy normal human bean.

      I don't care about the wanting to get off part. In fact it's better I don't have any urges to and it blocks urges to imo.

      I just need to know if I'm better off downing 20 to 25g of this shit is better than say 8 drinks a day... I know I'm trading addictions just need to know what's "better"?

      Pisses me off this shit might not be safe as well

      >Pisses me off this shit might not be safe as well
      It's honestly very, very safe. Anecdotally, people take 50g+ daily for years with no real permanent side effects. Take <15g/day and you pretty much have nothing to worry about.
      There is a rare reaction where people immediately go into I think it's kidney/liver failure, but its immediate and acute. If you don't immediately end up in the hospital on first dose, you are 100% good to go. The only real side effect I'm iffy on is hair thinning. I know IST is schizo about it, but it is temporary (if your hair thins, you go off of it and your hair goes back to normal) and not everyone is affected to the point where no literature points to it as an actual side effect.
      My hair is less thick, but taking a half-year break and my hair was 100% back to normal.
      Given all that, kratom was by far the best choice of an addictive substance to choose.

      Is phenibut any good? Or wort trying
      Which brand or type and where buy if so?

      Is it safe then kratom

      I consider it my ace for when I need to be really social (work conferences), but it has horrible withdrawal to the point where I wont take it if I need to be functional socially afterwards

      Any anons have tips on quitting? I've been taking kratom almost daily for roughly 2 years now. I have pretty good self-control when it comes to dosing, so about 95% of the time I never crossed the line of 10 grams per day. I managed to go through withdrawals a few times, but always came back.
      I feel like it makes me able to do more and makes me feel more natural in my skin. But I want to kick it, since the dependency started presenting with some unwanted physical symptoms - my digestion is shit (that is not directly due to kratom, but taking it on an empty stomach is better and eating supresses the effects, so I avoid eating and fricked up my diet), my libido fluctuates and I come too early (although those are issues that I had even before taking kratom, they're more exascerbated now, but I used to have ED and that was just psychological, so I think kratom might just be blocking the issues that are causing the sex problems. For me it's still a reason to kick it). The combination of shitty eating and kratom itself fricks with my energy and sleep heavy.
      I'm scared I won't be as productive without it. Taking kratom genuinely helped me up my life's quality by miles. I quit a toxic relationship. I make way more money than I used to. I have much better friends. I have a better job.
      I am afraid all of the good things will disappear once I knock it. I'm ashamed of myself for using it to help myself and I'm not sure I can live with that shame, even if I managed to keep at least some parts of it under control. I hate the idea of someone or something helping me achieve things. Help will be and is appreaciated..

      Honestly, slowly reducing the frequency worked best. Go down to once per day, then alternate days, then every 3 days, etc. Dose almost doesn't matter imo, but frequency does. The anhedonia sucks the most.
      Importantly, EXERCISE. I was able to replace a big kratom addiction by exercising a ton instead. Lift in the morning + coffee instead of a dose, cardio in the evening instead of a dose. Helped a ton.
      Just know you will feel and act way worse without it, but its TEMPORARY until your brain adapts.

  4. 1 year ago

    incredibly addictive and does less for you than a cup of coffee and a good nights sleep. Literal meme garbage that DYELs and former potheads love

    • 1 year ago

      >does less for you than a cup of coffee

      Oh it's better than coffee

      • 1 year ago

        Oh, you are a gay.

  5. 1 year ago

    it locks up your butthole like pain pills
    it fricks with your sleep hard
    the damaged to your liver and heart is far less though, its not good to do anything every day.....
    booze it up one night a week.
    take kratom the next day to get rid of your hang over.


  6. 1 year ago

    And smoking weed isn't option cause I have the shit

    • 1 year ago


  7. 1 year ago

    Is phenibut any good? Or wort trying
    Which brand or type and where buy if so?

    Is it safe then kratom

    • 1 year ago

      Better than drinking and much much more practical. The only downsides I’ve found aside from withdrawal (which isn’t terrible and pretty much unnoticeable with a long taper) are that after the initial wave of euphoria I become stupider for about 45 minutes and easily agitated at minor things. Constipation isn’t an issue if you take a laxative or drink a bunch of water. Overall as a drug, kratom is an 8/10.

      Phenibut is great for increasing verbal fluency in social situations similar to alcohol. I’ve also found it’s a great pre-workout and relieves a lot of the tension you have when you initially start exercising. Withdrawal sucks though because I usually feel depressed 2 days after taking it and I’ll get cold sweats if I’ve taken it more than 3 times a week. Worth a try but you need to be very cautious.

    • 1 year ago

      Phenibut changed my life. Its much more addictive than kratom and the tolerance builds insanely fast if you take it every day. The thing is, phenibut takes like 5 hours to kick in most of the time for me, so even if I take kratom at the same time as phen, they don't hit at the same time

  8. 1 year ago


  9. 1 year ago

    having a few drinks every single day for a year will not make you impotent or give you withdrawals when you stop for a day. kratom will though. what kind of idiot would start taking this? stop deluding yourself and just take normal opiates. you'll probably save money and not have gross burps all day.

    • 1 year ago

      >save money

      You fricking moronic kid?

  10. 1 year ago

    Has kratom legit made any of you more IST ?
    Better attitude? Quit drinking or other substances?

    • 1 year ago

      i'm in great shape since i quit drinking and replaced it with kratom. still an addict but a functional one with better sleep

  11. 1 year ago

    Any anons have tips on quitting? I've been taking kratom almost daily for roughly 2 years now. I have pretty good self-control when it comes to dosing, so about 95% of the time I never crossed the line of 10 grams per day. I managed to go through withdrawals a few times, but always came back.
    I feel like it makes me able to do more and makes me feel more natural in my skin. But I want to kick it, since the dependency started presenting with some unwanted physical symptoms - my digestion is shit (that is not directly due to kratom, but taking it on an empty stomach is better and eating supresses the effects, so I avoid eating and fricked up my diet), my libido fluctuates and I come too early (although those are issues that I had even before taking kratom, they're more exascerbated now, but I used to have ED and that was just psychological, so I think kratom might just be blocking the issues that are causing the sex problems. For me it's still a reason to kick it). The combination of shitty eating and kratom itself fricks with my energy and sleep heavy.
    I'm scared I won't be as productive without it. Taking kratom genuinely helped me up my life's quality by miles. I quit a toxic relationship. I make way more money than I used to. I have much better friends. I have a better job.
    I am afraid all of the good things will disappear once I knock it. I'm ashamed of myself for using it to help myself and I'm not sure I can live with that shame, even if I managed to keep at least some parts of it under control. I hate the idea of someone or something helping me achieve things. Help will be and is appreaciated..

    • 1 year ago

      you must've had a pretty sweet life going on that you havent spiralled down the frickin drain using stuff like this.
      my experience with opioids and opioid like stuff is that it makes you much more tolerant to shit around you, because youre not dependent on external factors to manage your mood.

      that can mean your tolerance to monotonity is greatly increased etc. but also mean that you'll most likely wont change anything in your life in a positive way, and if some shit happens you just let it happen.

  12. 1 year ago

    Did you know that despite making up 5% of the earths population, the US consumes 85% of the pills?
    Maybe you should address the root of the issue instead of treating symptoms with alcohol or pills?

  13. 1 year ago

    It’s only worth doing if you’re deep into alcoholism or heroin abuse, as a substitute for either of those. If you start using it without having any other substabce abuse problems then you are a fricking idiot. Simple as

  14. 1 year ago

    the deal was with me half a year ago is whether to drink myself to oblivion once a week, or use kratom once a week. because i wanted to lose weight, and its pretty hard thing to do if you drink a lot, so i choose kratom.
    i had experience with opioids in the past, dont want to get into it, managed to kick the habbit for almost a year.
    know exactly what to expect, but got into kratom because i had some lying around because i bought it to help with my withdrawals in the past (protip: it doesnt help) and its supposedly way less addictive.

    well, how addictive something and how hard is to kick it is always dependent on how hooked are you. the problem with stuff like this is while you may not be able to drink yourself shitfaced every day because next day youll feel like shit, and your body physically doesnt want alcohol, with kratom you can use every day, and its pretty hard not to once you realize how good you feel on it.

    i tell you from experience, dont start with this shit.

  15. 1 year ago

    I used kratom while cutting and lifting and for lowering my inhibitions and talking to girls. It worked. However I became addicted and the withdrawal sent me into a severe depression in which I became homeless because in my demented mind I could save more money by living in my car.

  16. 1 year ago

    newbies will never know the glory of ordering 100g bags for 5 bucks each off malaysian incense candle websites

    its basically just the heroin equivalent of comparing coffee to meth. its nice but gets boring and isn't worth nuking your test and I would never take it unless I was bald now.

  17. 1 year ago

    Yeah definitely but I love it way too much

  18. 1 year ago

    Kratom is great, I love my earth opiate. I have a glass or two fairly regularly, less than 5g in a day whenever I do drink it.

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