Last round for drinks, whatll you be having, Anon?

Last round for drinks, what’ll you be having, Anon?

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  1. 10 months ago

    If I ever were to find another girlfriend, and we were to get married, I would still have 0 people to invite to a wedding except for like 5 family members.
    How does that work in cases like these?
    I'll have a gin and tonic for that realization.

    • 10 months ago

      > I would still have 0 people to invite to a wedding

      Don’t get married dumbass. It’s the year 2023.

      • 10 months ago

        kys fat frick

      • 10 months ago

        >don't get married
        >it's current year
        holy onions

        • 10 months ago

          frick off PragerU

          • 10 months ago

            not everyone is american, stay in your city and don't go online if you're so mad, israelite

            • 10 months ago

              kys fat frick

              >don't get married
              >it's current year
              holy onions

              >why yes I do invite the state into my personal relationships! I love giving leftist judges a saying in my personal affairs haha!

    • 10 months ago

      That doesn't matter, dude. She'd be there.

    • 10 months ago

      you're not alone fren

      • 10 months ago

        Can I invite you to my wedding?

    • 10 months ago

      I'm 30 and not only is the concept of getting married or even having a girlfriend completely impossible for me, but I have never even been to a wedding in my life. By my age most people have been to a dozen or more as all their friends get married, people who have changed jobs and know hundreds of coworkers and may go to some weddings there, etc.

      There's a woman at my work who is around 26-27 years old who is incredibly annoying and obnoxious, talks nonstop, butting into people's conversations, always telling stories about stuff she does, and I have to listen to how even someone like this is going on and on about all the bachelorette parties she goes to, how many weddings she is planning to go to, how even a person as annoying as her has so many friends and weddings to go to while I have nothing.

      • 10 months ago

        I’ve never been to a wedding in my life either. As things are now I’m not going to go to one anytime soon either.
        I’m an only child so it’s not like I’m going to get invited to a siblings wedding either

        • 10 months ago

          im an only child as well. sounds like we both have experienced loneliness that normal people cant comprehend

    • 10 months ago

      For me a water please, I was drinking the last 3 Weeks atleas some Beers everyday. Looking Forward for the next two months as I have an exvuse to Go full cocon Mode and concentrate on myself again. Hopefully I can make even more gains and finally aquire a >GF along the way. Wagmi, Brahs

      Just say you want a small Wedding only with your closests relatives. Easy peasy

    • 10 months ago

      dumbass your girl would invite people, aka her friends, family, and +1s and their families

    • 10 months ago

      There are def lopsided weddings all the time (where one or the other has way more people to invite). Your partner will know you don't have a wide social group by then, and tbqh who cares about anyone else

    • 10 months ago

      invite IST to your wedding

    • 10 months ago

      We just invited close family to our wedding, had it cheap, small and non religious. It was a good day.

      Its not that i dont have friends, its more that i really dont like hanging out with them.

    • 10 months ago

      People like yourself usually invite close family and a few friends per side, a "small, close circle" wedding or whatever other excuse you need to keep it respectable. Not an issue unless you're blinded by the romantic big wedding ideal.

    • 10 months ago

      I had a small wedding and it was great. we both invited our families only.

    • 10 months ago

      Don't worry, nothing is worse than being invited to a wedding.

      >Try to not to fall asleep in the church
      >Forced to play moronic normie wedding games
      >Food is usually shit

    • 10 months ago

      i shall attend your wedding if you invite fit. shall we come in gym clothes or suits? Jannies as best men??

  2. 10 months ago

    3 weeks off of alcohol so just a sprite for me. I have started seeing a psychotherapist to hep and attend AA because it is only place, I know people speak English. I don't live i USA. so, it helps with solitude.

    I still have addiction that are stealing my gains. junk food and cigarettes. I also started to temp myself with hookers, but I tried it once and regret it, so I don't want it. All in all, I am alright. Looking forward to making music and be at piece. Maybe get rid of the debt I am in.

  3. 10 months ago

    Went out yesterday and hooked up with a grill. She even sat on my face, grinding her pussy on me. Was nice.

    • 10 months ago

      More deets?

      • 10 months ago

        >out with a buddy
        >met a nice looking grill
        >she's obviously into me
        >we go to a few different bars
        >kiss her and notice she gets super horny when I grip her firmly
        >go home
        >put her in handcuffs and eat her out until she cums
        >frick her right in the pussy
        >"hey you like the reverse as well"
        >have her sit on my face
        >she's obviously into that as well
        >really grinds her pussy on my face
        >suffocates me with it
        >cums right on my face
        >sore jaw for days
        >worth it
        Gonna go over to her place tomorrow and have seconds.

  4. 10 months ago

    another bottle of rotgut
    im gunna go to the gym with my sister who is going to critique my form
    God bless her but she's got a napoleon complex and I can't wait for her to start telling me about how I look exactly the same as three months ago when I started lifting more regularly.

  5. 10 months ago

    >severe loneliness even when hanging with people who like me
    How do I fix this?

    • 10 months ago

      Go on a date.

  6. 10 months ago

    I've been sexually confused since I was a teenager. I jerk off to gay porn and I could even imagine having sex with another guy. At the same time I find girls attractive and like kissing them but I don't know if I want to have sex with one. I hate most gay people and I don't want to be "a gay" and I want to live a happy life married with a family and kids but I don't know if I even want to have sex with a woman
    Picrel (@lynaritaa on Instagram) does nothing for me but if it were a guy I'd probably be a bit aroused. In real life its a bit different especially because sometimes my girl friends will touch me and even rub their breasts on me when their sitting next to me and I really like that

    • 10 months ago

      Sounds like you're bisexual to me bro

      • 10 months ago

        bisexual isn’t real. you’re either a mentally ill gay, or you’re not. simple as

    • 10 months ago

      Stop jerking off maybe? go camping. See if you still have those thoughts. Perhaps you just associate dicks with pleasure

      • 10 months ago

        stop watching porn

        I have gone through long periods without any porn and while my attraction to women irl and in porn goes up, so does my attraction to men

        Rather than wondering, why not realise that you're literally allowed to enjoy either, both, or neither. Frick a girl, frick a dude, see how you feel.

        I mean, even to me that sounds a bit degenerate but the reality is one day you'll be dead and nobody will remember or care where you stuck your pee-pee when you were alive

        I specifically don’t want other guys knowing I’m into dudes. Most men do not like other gay or bisexual men simply because of their sexual orientation. I don’t want to ruin friendships with my bros because of what I’m attracted to. I like being a “straight guy” and I prefer the company of straight normie guys I don’t want to end up as one of those bisexual artsy gays who hang around with weeb goblinas and other lost souls, you know the ones I’m talking about? I don’t want to be forced into that position.

        • 10 months ago

          maybe your destined to be a coomer exhibitionist
          you obviously couldn’t control yourself enough to share your unhinged mindset so I think that’s the first clue

          • 10 months ago

            This is the confession/personal issue thread on an anonymous imageboard obviously I'm going to post about that here if I want advice

    • 10 months ago

      Take the ladyboy pill like our lord and saviour Connor

    • 10 months ago

      stop watching porn

    • 10 months ago

      Rather than wondering, why not realise that you're literally allowed to enjoy either, both, or neither. Frick a girl, frick a dude, see how you feel.

      I mean, even to me that sounds a bit degenerate but the reality is one day you'll be dead and nobody will remember or care where you stuck your pee-pee when you were alive

    • 10 months ago

      how would girls who thirst trap like this always posting their thonged ass on social media react if some guy who got with her told her he wanted to stick his tongue as far up her ass as he could? i mean they clearly accentuate their asses so they shouldnt be disgusted by it right?

    • 10 months ago

      Your brain has been fricking fried by the internet

    • 10 months ago

      sounds like you'd be better off if you jumped in front of a train

    • 10 months ago

      She doesnt do anything for me too. She is just skinny b***h with plastic parts and is probably superficial as fuak.

      I am bi but heavily to the straight side. I get turned on by very feminime men, but not masculine.

      Just be you.

    • 10 months ago

      Imagine fingerblasting her anus

  7. 10 months ago

    I've always had insomnia/a sleep schedule that tends to shift forward, tried everything and eventually just settled on dealing with it
    As I get into my 30s though it's really starting to take its toll. It's been bad this week. Probably won't be able to sleep till around 6am and I've got a meeting at 10 tomorrow, I'm already exhausted as it is
    For now I need to get a report finished, then I can at least be done and relax in the middle of the night
    I don't understand how I can sleep 25% of my life and still be so shit at it

    • 10 months ago

      Have you tried you know, sleeping?

  8. 10 months ago

    whisky, neat. I have been seeing this girl for a month (nothing exclusive), but I habe terrible anxiety, because I dont know her that good yet. I have some feelings for her, but Im terrified of commitment at the same time. The thought of giving up some of my freedom and some kind of learned anxiety, that I have to be available for her and thinking of her all the time even when we are a hundred miles apart

  9. 10 months ago

    I have finally escaped hellish city apartments.
    Currently the first night of sitting on my terrace on my countryside house listening to crickets, watching the full moon and shitposting.
    No upstairs neighbor bowling at 3AM.
    No Black folk playing Black person music loudly from the street.
    Just peace.

    • 10 months ago

      Just a water tonight, please

      Life is great but my childishness is making it hard. 28, married for 5 years in September, we had our first baby in February. Need a better job, in seniorcare admin for the last couple years but its gone nowhere. I've been good about not spending much money, but I've spent the last couple of days researching how to put together a 14th century knights harness, especially a brigandine.

      Grats man, thats a special thing.

      Boogie's death please, make it painful. I'm afraid I'll have to pay with these quads.

      Was he ever going to have anything but a slow and painful death? Quads have ensured it

      i'll have some brandy with coke

      >have perfect gf, she was literally perfect in every way
      >except she decide to act like a prostitute
      >ruined 7 years
      >we were making plans for the wedding, we would make the biggest party as we had many friends in common
      >had enough, call her bullshit out
      >"that's it, I'm out"
      >since that day, I went out and never came back
      >grind like a motherfricker
      >nice job, plans of becoming director and making twice money
      >new friends, people at work envy my life
      >could have another girl but most of them are old/ugly/insane/have children
      >travel some places, buy stuff
      >still feel empty
      >almost 5 years and still miss her
      >exchange texts and couple calls in those years
      >she is literally the same girl but fatter in the right places and in medication now
      >she seemed to be happy to see me when we met the last time
      >denied fricking her because that would make the agony worse
      >had a final phone call a month ago because some address issues
      >"cut that shit or else I will press charges"
      >receive a long text of her apologizing
      >leave her in read
      >realize that even if I was an butthole because I'm hurt, I still love her but also realize that the person I love doesn't exist and it's only in my mind

      deepest feel

      That sounds agonizing, anon. Have you tried church or a shrink? I know those are not always popular solutions here, but if you're that stuck on her and what happened it might be worthwhile.

  10. 10 months ago

    Ill have a pont of ale. Give me the stongest you have. I am currently a NEET lookiny for a job asap with no luck. Finally got over my oneitis after discovering she got 2 septum piercings and a fricking neck tattoo wtf. I am pushing myself to lift with more consistency. I am also trying to quit drinking as much. Been drinking also everyday because of depression that it didn't happen with said oneitis. I have a waifu and will push myself for her

  11. 10 months ago

    i hate my family. crabs in a bucket, morons in a china shop, incapable of learning, and so on.

    give me a shot of something strong

  12. 10 months ago

    Boogie's death please, make it painful. I'm afraid I'll have to pay with these quads.

    • 10 months ago

      No fricking way my dude. Boogie is toast.
      And put me in the screencap.

      • 10 months ago
        • 10 months ago


    • 10 months ago

      rest in piss boogie, shouldve read the sticky while you had the chance

    • 10 months ago

      Oh no.

    • 10 months ago

      oh snap

    • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      I kneel

    • 10 months ago

      Hail Mary to save boogie, quints

    • 10 months ago


  13. 10 months ago

    Do not fall for the 3DPD, brothers. Stay true to your waifu and you will live a happy laifu.

  14. 10 months ago

    hello bartender, nothing for me but please serve something exquisite for the anon who talked about playing through the Trails series a few threads ago. He got me curious and now I'm hooked, and I didn't get to thank him because the thread 404'd.

  15. 10 months ago

    Frick bros I could seriously use help and I’m sorry this is long.
    >break 6 year dry spell last year
    >super hot girl, solid 8/10, best sex I’ve ever had, break it off because gut instinct and red flags and she just wasn’t right for me
    >back to being single and alone for year
    Decided I would buckle down and get my shit in order and focus on me. I’ve only just climbed out of my depression, I still have a ton of things to fix. Like losing 90lbs, recovering lost gains, getting a fricking job and handling financial stuff. If I start working I would have the financial stuff fixed in a year. All I’ve really done so far is gotten sober as of like 8 months ago. If I were to date right now it would be a disaster.
    >today match with 10/10 1/4th jamaican jamaican busty big tittie huge ass bombshell I have known since the first grade
    I was just swiping around to feed my ego and give me motivation. All my pics are old, I’m now fatter and poorer and a complete mess. It would be a HUMUNGOUS catfish if I met up with this girl. But I don’t want to lose my chance. I’ve also never gotten laid or dated off a dating app because my dating app text game sucks. Idk how to salvage this.
    I recall seeing on Instagram a couple years ago she briefly dated this guy who mogs me into oblivion. 6’2”, obviously on test/geared, firefighter.
    And here I am, a 6’2” fat frick who recently gave up on being a firefighter because I hated it. In my current state it would be a horrible experience. I’m autistic and can barely make conversation, I’ve never been on a first date with a woman I haven’t fricked first. All my exes and hookups pursued me more than I did them.

    How do I salvage this to keep the option open for when I’m ready? At least when I’m lean and not flat broke

    • 10 months ago

      Tell her the truth you dumbass. Give her a picture of yourself now and ask her out anyway. Shit. It's better than making her resent you and ruining your chances entirely.

      • 10 months ago

        Bro I don’t have A chance as is. She swiped on a profile I set up like 3 years ago. 90lbs leaner, gains, overall looking happier and healthier, few pics at my old job, etc.
        I’m not the same person anymore.
        And more importantly, while I don’t wanna lose the chance, I need to only focus on fixing the things in my life. I’ve backed away from all things social to focus, even stopped hanging with friends like 4 months back.

        • 10 months ago

          >3 years ago
          >Blame it on Covid

          Folk are undertstanding, just tell her "Oh yeah Covid hit me hard, but getting back to where i was "

          • 10 months ago

            It’s entirely a cope but I need to be in shape and have my money in order because I literally cannot make conversation. I need that to compensate. “Yeah he’s super shy and autistic but he looks good and he’s on top of his shit, has his own place, I’ll give him a chance maybe he’ll become less shy with me besides it’s kind of cute”
            “He’s super shy and anxious and it’s creepy because he’s broke and fat and has nothing to show for himself and lives at home still at damn near 30”

            Then take the chance anyway. Just because she swiped on your profile doesn't mean she wouldn't give you the time of day. Either you get rejected and be happier you tried, or stew over your indecisiveness and wonder what would have happened.

            I would normally agree with you but I know it would do more damage than good.
            >Meet up, disaster date, now I’m left with another shitty experience holding me back even more from trying again in the future.
            I’m just gonna try to make some conversation, get her number, and occasionally text/stay active on Instagram in the mean time. I think that’s my best chance.

            • 10 months ago

              >Get her number
              That'd be good at least.

        • 10 months ago

          Then take the chance anyway. Just because she swiped on your profile doesn't mean she wouldn't give you the time of day. Either you get rejected and be happier you tried, or stew over your indecisiveness and wonder what would have happened.

        • 10 months ago

          Still, be honest and shoot your shot. You never know. And even getting rejected is better than being too scared to try.

    • 10 months ago

      Like the other anon said. Don't sabotage this by imagining you can kick this down the road until "you're ready". There's a chance you're good enough right now, even if you know you have room for improvement. Hit her up and charm her.

      • 10 months ago

        Anon, trust me, I am not good enough right now.
        I’m capable of becoming more than good enough, I know that. I know I’m capable of being the best option any of the women I run into on a day to day basis would ever have a chance with. I don’t mean to sound egotistical, I just truly believe I have no ceiling.
        But I also know right now I’m lower than the bottom. It would be bad. And it sucks. I want to at the very least take her out and see if I actually like her, maybe frick.

        I wouldn’t date me right now. I have no idea why the last girl I dated did but it was similar circumstances. Met her when I was on top of my shit and a way different man, met up, she had already invested too much and we fricked. Started dating.

        I’m not only fat, anxious, no money, but I’m a sperg. Can barely even make eye contact at least. And it’s the mental aspect of my health, looks, and money weighing on me. When I’ve handled that stuff I know I’ll be my old confident self again. Shit at that point I’m I’ll meet a hundred girls just like her assuming I frick up because of this and she doesn’t work out/nothing happens.

        But it’s frustrating. I wanna be able to keep the option while I handle my shit

    • 10 months ago

      Don't fall for the "ready" meme. Choose a moment in the near future and go for it. Otherwise you are looking at a missed oportunity

      • 10 months ago

        I guess it’ll just have to be a missed opportunity then. I’m simply not ready and not about to try until I am.
        >very little hobbies
        List goes on. I got work to do. There’ll be other women. She’s not much better off she wagecucks at a local family owned pizza shop across the street from me. But she doesn’t have to be, she’s a woman.

        I’ll try talking to her see where that goes but I’m not expecting much.

        • 10 months ago

          I know i am speaking from my own perspective. If you believe you need time to whip yourself into the shape you want to see yourself in that is what you should do.
          I believe in you, Anon

  16. 10 months ago

    A China Blue please. I'm feeling adventurous with my drinks today.
    I'm done being a NEET but it's been 2 years since I've worked. I'm really trying to get a job but the process is so slow and it's straining my relationship with family. My mother and grandma especially are stressed out that I'm not working. I don't think I remember how to work hard anymore. I've ran a business and I've worked 100 hour workweeks a few times before but now it seems like that's been beaten out of me completely. I feel like I gave up emotionally and there's so much internal resistance to getting out of this even though I desperately need to. My debt is up and I'm trying to figure out how to pay it soon with a quickly emptying bank account. My life has been on pause for so long that it almost feels like I shouldn't be here. If anyone who had a similar situation got out of it then I'd really appreciate any advice on what got you to actually get your life on track.

    • 10 months ago

      I have been off track for most of my life and one thing that rally ever helped me to get where i am right now was gripping onto one endavour and not letting go. Just aim for one thing and one thing only (can be your most pressing matter at the moment) and detach yourself from other matters. Your life will inevitably remodel itself around it

  17. 10 months ago

    >at national guard annual training
    >meet an absolutely gorgeous tomboy
    >remember I'm ugly and say offputting things

    It was a fricking great training event otherwise. I wish cute girls didn't show up and ruin it for me.

    • 10 months ago

      Did you actually talk to her and get shot down, or did you let your negative self-esteem keep you from trying?

  18. 10 months ago

    Give me a nice guinness

    Had a bit of a shit work week, didnt got to rugby but did gym so least it was something

    Also went for a fell walk yesteray so my legs are killing today, was a good weekend till my mother tries pulling her usual shit

    >Mother wants to see me
    >Busy this week
    >Expects me to just drop everything and go see her
    >No she's not dying, she just hasn't seen me in a week
    >on the phone she goes on about "oh havent seen anyone in ages etc " typical guilt trip shit
    >Try to plan something, take her for breakfast next week
    >' oh no anon, i dont want to feel like im making an appointment'
    >Hasn't responded to any messages i've sent since

    Honestly I'm a 27 year old man and im acting like more of a adult than a 62 year old its fricking annoying

    • 10 months ago

      People who are selfish with time really piss me off. Its a straight up power play and they would never tolerated the same thing in reverse. Your b***h mother is saying her time is more valuable than yours - glad you're not entertaining that.

      • 10 months ago

        it is annoying but im hoping she will come round and understand shes my mum , always going to make time for her but i also have to live my own life

  19. 10 months ago

    I'll have a glass of chocolate milk, please.

    In starting with my last semester of college tomorrow and I am shitting my pants at the idea of actually going out into the adult world to find a job.

    It's shameful to admit since I am 22 years old but I still feel like a moronic teenager with no real goal besides watching porn (and drawing it) and attempting to workout.

    Anybody got some advice for me?
    I don't think I have enough people left to talk to, I've pushed away anyone who could have ever cared abouf me.

    Gonna go to bed soon, so I'll read the replies when I get up for college.
    >Pic related

    • 10 months ago

      The complexities of human behaviour, social relations and interpersonal interaction has vexed me to the point that I have taken the Ogre pill and will seek to solve all my problems through power henceforth. I just need to find and execute a way of being so powerful in the first place.
      >Yujiros a gay, he raped a man
      I don't care, if he felt inclined, he could force anyone to say that 2 + 2 = 5, so if I were that powerful, then whatever I believe in is true by default. The point isn't his (or mine) actual actions, it's that no one would dare confront us over them.

      Same shoes but I have a job. I can't give straight advice beyond try to find something easy and try to get out before your soul gets crushed

      • 10 months ago

        You sound like a pretty cool jailbird.

    • 10 months ago

      >I am 22 years old but I still feel like a moronic teenager with no real goal
      Hey, I'm 25 and this is normal. You don't need to have any real goals and that's ok. That's what your 20s are about. Most people waste their 20s and that's valuable experience in one way or another because you'll learn over time what you like and don't like.
      Don't get too caught up on feeling like you push people away because ultimately, the only one you can truly depend on is yourself so focus on showing up and being there for yourself. If you keep going to the gym and practicing self-care on the dark days you'll understand what I mean.
      And as for jobs, work on finding one sooner than later. Don't wait until you finish school. There are probably good resources at your school for finding jobs and you will save yourself so much stress if it's taken care of before leaving.
      Take it one day at a time and focus on a single positive habit at a time.

      • 10 months ago

        Thanks for the advice, I have so much shit on my mind I can't seem to solve on my own, it's frustrating.

        I'm planning to share my Resume with a worker at my college for some feedback/career advice, do you think this is a good idea?

        • 10 months ago

          Only if you trust that coworker.
          They might snitch on you and tell your boss you're looking for other jobs.
          Instead of that. Look at the online job posting.
          Look at what words are used in the "job description" or "requirements" part are.
          Pick some of the bigger, or technical words. Place those all over your resume. Lie about it if you have to, but make up a few bullshit answers before your interview. 9/10 times people don't even bother checking anything after a background check.

          smiley faces on food and food shaped like animals or objects make me really sad
          they remind me that I was once an innocent little kid who's mom loved him so much all she wanted was to see her little kid smile and be happy so she would always try to bring a smile to his face
          we weren't poor but we didn't have a lot of money so instead of soda mom would buy lemons and make lemonade and then draw a smiley face on the pitcher
          she would always get me little knick knacks that you be a dime a dozen so I could have something to play with
          I miss being happy IST, what happend? why can't I be happy like I used to be? why does that pic make me cry?

          Everything is kind of shit right now. It's easy to get demoralized. Hard to get motivated.
          Next time you have some free time, or a day off work, take a break from the bullshit. Enjoy a hobby you have. Maybe get a little drunk or smoke a little pot. Hit up a frickbuddy. Whatever you need to do to be happy for a bit.
          It's important to help yourself like that a couple times a year AT LEAST.
          If you don't, it just eats away at you. You get stuck in a routine and it feels fricking terrible.

  20. 10 months ago

    3 weeks into cocoon mode since moving. Training for a marathon in January. Hoping by that time I’ll be lean and have a fully furnished apartment, a dog, and maybe a new hobby.

  21. 10 months ago

    I was driving last night and pulled up on some car that had somehow flipped in a completely open road. It was raining, so maybe the rain fricked them. Me and some other dude forced the door open and the people inside were alright. Took off after the police showed up. Kind of happy with my response to that kind of situation, I was surprisingly calm, and it gives me confidence I can handle other tense situations in the future.

    Besides that, life is in a weird transitionary period for sure. No clue where I'm gonna end up, but I'm trying to just enjoy the trip. Also got my eyes on some other girls after being caught up on this one oneitis who suddenly backed out on me after she had me put my number in her phone. Knowing how this goofy world works, the odds she comes back into my life after I start talking with other girls are probably high

  22. 10 months ago

    I submitted an application to my local athletics club to trial for track
    The site says someone will be in touch with you shortly after submitting
    It's been two weeks... My dreams of the olympics are being hindered by some IT incompetent coach

  23. 10 months ago

    >That one friend who only talks about vidya and occasionally sports well into our 20s
    I love my friends and will continue to hang out with them because I owe them a lot for adopting me in my awkward years. However I am growing out of this. I need more friends my age who want to go out and not let life pass by.

    • 10 months ago

      and what do you talk about thats so insightful

    • 10 months ago

      >Shunning his friends because of his interests
      Sounds like a gay move to me. Make him come with you out to do stuff, instead of leaving him behind as well.
      He wants to talk about video games? Shit, let him. Tell him you feel like video games is baby shit, but don't fricking abandon a friend. You were never his friend in the first place if you do.

      • 10 months ago

        Like I said, I wouldn't stop hanging with them. They are good people and I appreciate them. I just need more conversation that video games and twitch streamer drama.

        • 10 months ago

          Why the frick don't you pipe up about your interests then? See:

          and what do you talk about thats so insightful

          It's not like you can't talk about what you like. You like going to the gym? Talk about going to the gym. You like looking for fat hos to plow? Talk about finding fat hos to plow.
          How is this a big issue? You think that things are going to get easier when you find "other friends"? All that's gunna happen is that you'll push the friends you already have aside in favor of your "Totally cool mature friend-group" that definitely defines you as a person.
          Frick you, as an aside.

          • 10 months ago

            Are you moronic you homosexual? I said I still love my friends, but hanging around with people who don't have a lot of energy or ambition can hurt you in the long term. It's good to surround yourself with likeminded people.

            • 10 months ago

              No, jackass.
              >I love my friends, but.
              You don't have to say in so many words, "I wanna be a big boy". Go and be the big boy. Tell them they can make it too. Be their inspiration instead of selling them short because they're not of the same mind as you.

      • 10 months ago

        >That one friend who only talks about vidya and occasionally sports well into our 20s
        I love my friends and will continue to hang out with them because I owe them a lot for adopting me in my awkward years. However I am growing out of this. I need more friends my age who want to go out and not let life pass by.

        I have a similar group of friends who are like this. But the difference is they shit on and shy away from my interests. And if I don’t like theirs or have the same level of interest as them they’ll make me out to be bad in some way.
        >anon doesn’t like DND because he’s dumb and lacks the ability to just have an imagination haha
        >proceeds to tell everyone else this unprompted behind my back in a 100% serious way
        Okay wow I tried it 5 times, for you guys, but thanks.
        >n-no hiking and hanging around the woods is scary! We won’t even try we’ll just critique and make a thousand excuses to avoid!!! But also you’re a bad guy if you ditch us to go do that solo instead of sitting around off to the side while we discuss anime you hate and play a DnD campaigns you’re not apart of
        >n-no that anime is fricking trash and full of plot armor you choose horrible animes you always choose the worst ones.. anyways so in PlotArmor no gayu Goochlick Supreme, the main character was in this fight and he used an ability that was never mentioned previously and also never used again and won the fight haha so organic and realistic I have the best anime
        >n-no that game is fricking gay and you like men for playing it no I never played it and know little about it but I know it’s bad because the popular majority overhypes this entirely other game that I will now verbally dicksuck for two hours straight because the internet told me to like it
        Maybe it’s different for this anon but sometimes abandoning or just keeping loose contact is your best option.

        • 10 months ago

          >dungeons and dragons
          >video games
          i wish i could be like everyone else here and be a massive nerd who got a software engineering job

        • 10 months ago

          Sounds like you can't handle the bantz

    • 10 months ago

      I don't think there is anything you can do that will stop the feeling that life is passing you by. It is an inherent part of life. And there isn't anyone out there who only has deep, insightful things to say. Small talk is the foundation of relationships.

  24. 10 months ago

    Hate my life so I think I'll buy a motorcycle this winter. Had my endorsement for years, but think I'm finally just gonna pull the trigger.

    Gonna get in shape as well, of course. That's also a problem.

  25. 10 months ago

    Talk me out of starting a personal blog.

    It feels like the most cringe idea I've ever had, but for some reason I can't escape it from my mind. This is the kind of thing status hungry white women with simp armies do.

    • 10 months ago

      Do it, be the cringe you want to see in the world.

  26. 10 months ago

    >tfw i get no (you)s just like in real life
    whats the point of posting here. just to give op our (you)s

  27. 10 months ago

    No (you) for (you), (you) whining homosexual.

  28. 10 months ago

    I have been essentially removed from my family for standing up for myself for once in my life. My own mother and sister basically spat in my face and threatened me for sticking to my gf and saying how I feel. It's so absurd i barely grasz the situation I'm in right now.
    I could do with a crate of cold beer right now.

    • 10 months ago

      Let me guess. GF was a c**t, your family politely called her out on it, and you flipped your shit on them.

      • 10 months ago

        I was about to say something like this. If there's one thing I've noticed about most men, it's that if you reward them with the slightest scrap of pussy, they'll put up with the worst shit from the girl, do the most moronic shit for her, and go along willingly with every manipulation of hers. I think it's safe to assume that poster, being a ISTizen and therefore socially stunted, is being manipulated by his gf and is completely helpless against anything she ever tries to get out of him.

        pic unrelated but I'll never get to post this image I made otherwise.

    • 10 months ago

      What happened? Tell us a story and maybe we'll call you out on your bullshit too.


      • 10 months ago

        For background i'm 25 and just finished medschool. I moved in with my gf i have known since highschool.
        She comes from a fairly religious family, which my mother and sister always held against her for whatever reason. After years of nagging and trying to put mistrust between us things seemed to have calned down until my parents' divorce. Their relationship was always strained and I even told my mother on many occasions that divorce is the right course of action. She even threatend my father with it a few times, but when he finally went through with it she fell apart. I took care of her for months. Then all of a sudden she got really aggressive, pressed charges against dad, started threatening me over the most random bullshit. I tried to appease her, but naturally grew distant. It all culminated with my gf stating she believes my father actually love and cares for me and my younger sister (among other things) which pissed my mother to no end. She cut me off (I later found out she cut me off from my extended family). The day before yesterday i confronted her about the threats, rumors she spread in the family, and how she adressed my gf. I refused to cave in as i always did. In the end she declared i am no longer accepted in the family.
        Now i'm sitting at my work, listening to Silver mt. Zion, my thoughts racing, writing to you Ankns

        • 10 months ago

          >pressed charges against dad
          What were the charges? I have no experience with parents going thru a divorce but sounds like your mom feels isolated and is afraid of being abandoned. Honestly, it sounds like you need to reign in your gf. It isn't her business sharing her opinion with your family. You two can talk it out but if your mom is talking pressing charges of any kind, it's possible your dad did something fricked up and your mom is doing her best to keep it together.
          Sounds like a tough position for you so here's my condolences for you and your family, but put a leash on your b***h.

          • 10 months ago

            The thing is he really didn't. I am aware of the both sides. He left all the savings, gold and houses to her and fricked off to live in his tiny hut oitside the city. Also she earns a frick ton as a doctor so it's not like she is at any risk here.
            It all really is so disheartening, because i always tried keeping shit together in the family and all of a sudden i have been made to be undesirable and essentially put on the sidelines. I know it comes off as b***hing, but i've been more or less a surogate father to my sister and a partner to my mother and they put me aside just like that, dismissing everything i have ever done for them.
            I'm still more or less lost in this situation. It is just so abstract and insane.
            Btw thank you for hearing me out and addressing my situatin, Anon

            • 10 months ago

              Why do you care about your mom are you still living with her
              Move out and dont bother worrying about her
              And if your dad is a better person than your mother (which it sounds like he is, giving you guys his savings) than you should talk to him more
              he does sound like a bit of a pussy for having a domineering wife and letting her get her way but it happens a lot

              I'm not the guy you're replying to but I've heard this scenario a lot from friends of mine and we don't know you or your situation or what your parents are like fully so there's not much advice anons online can give you

            • 10 months ago

              >He left all the savings, gold and houses to her and fricked off to live in his tiny hut outside the city
              I'm thinking kinda based.
              Back to the issue at hand, I understand your b***hing more than you know. I think you need to reconsider your position in all of this and refocus your energy. You're probably a sensitive guy and you want to fix everyone's problems but you can't and it's typically futile to try. Is involving yourself in drama a recurring pattern for you? I ask because it's a pattern with myself and looking back I admire the people who, when there's interpersonal conflict, are neutral and content regardless of whatever drama is going on. Acting as a surrogate father and partner is ridiculous and I doubt they asked you to be that. It's out of your control. Best you can do is listen to your family and tell them you love them. Give a hug or some shit. It's tough but it'll work itself out.

  29. 10 months ago

    71780777 good triple

  30. 10 months ago

    What do you guys think of the recent alien shit going on? Are there really ayylmaos?

    • 10 months ago

      99% chance its just some gay psyop. It would be cool as frick if it were real though, and I really hope it is. It would be the one redeeming factor of this gay clown show.

      • 10 months ago

        It's always a gay psyop until they present evidence at an in-person rally
        It's probably just a coverup for some new air force project at Area 51 lul

  31. 10 months ago

    I'm thinking of doubling my does of Wellbutrin to 300mg
    Earlier in the year when I first started I felt amazing and focused
    But slowly I've started sinking back to the same old depressed, anxious, antisocial and fatigued guy
    I want to be good again

  32. 10 months ago

    I'm 33 years old and I still haven't escaped the precept that your career shouldn't be 'boring'.

    How do I finally grow up and accept that making enough money to provide for a family is more important than feeling cool at the end of the day? If I don't fix myself soon I know I'm going to fall back into EMS and sign up for paramedic classes.

    • 10 months ago

      You have to have a family to make it matter, d'oy.

  33. 10 months ago

    >graduate in comp sci
    >apply for all jobs within area
    >heard nothing back
    >there's no more jobs to apply for

    umm what now?

    • 10 months ago

      Go to IST and get yourself an AI waifu.

    • 10 months ago

      apply to out of state remote jobs

  34. 10 months ago

    Finally got in good shape and now getting matches with attractive girls on dating apps, but I'm still autistic and struggle to speak to people, any other autist bros who made it?

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah, just put yourself out there and frick uggos if you need to 'practice'. Climb the ladder.

  35. 10 months ago

    Help me cease my degeneracy bros. I've had all sorts of hookups in the past few months, but stopped as I found God again (Catholic).

    I sometimes find myself browsing this degenerate subreddit for my country for hook-ups. Immediately found a qt asian in my small hometown with nice breasts but took all my willpower to not to connect. Really need assurance that it's only FOMO and that I don't need to copulate with as many women as possible. Please, it's eating me up inside.

    • 10 months ago

      I ought to punch you in the mouth you manprostitute but I’d be a hypocrite if I did. Idk man, it’s tough. I’m in the same boat (I’m Muslim) I am struggling with staying away from sex before marriage but I’m just getting a lot of exercise and fasting on some days and that helps a lot. Good luck brother

  36. 10 months ago

    I’ll have a Pentobarbital. I’m learning that I’m going to have to find new ways to entertain myself without weed and that’s very annoying.

  37. 10 months ago

    I feel like we all just want a spouse who maintains an appropriate standard of conduct. This would necessarily be either (1) a conscious decision on their part, or else (2) the only thing they can do.

    Best case scenario is 1- you’re dealing with a chick who may have made mistakes and is capable of making very terrible mistakes, but is also self aware/ self conscious, and can say why they made decisions, what the outcome was, and how they plan to live in the future considering what they learned. This is typically the standard that women hold men to- they want someone capable of anything but prudent enough to run a tight/ deliberate course.

    2- is minimally acceptable and would be when you’re dealing with a chick who may have been raised in a strict household, and perhaps would not have had either the opportunity or moral inclination to frick around and do shitty things. This is like moronic church girls, super ugly chicks etc.

    I live in the Midwest and what scares me is that most chicks I meet can’t reach the standard that women hold for men. Like either they’re unapologetic and dont care about cheating or fricking around, or else have built a lie or delusion around their past. Maybe it comes with time but I’m already mid 20s so we’ll see.

    • 10 months ago

      good post and I get what you are getting on
      I'd accept even a tryhard 1 over a 2

  38. 10 months ago

    i fallen into coomer degeneracy. i found a website called watch4beauty that has all these hot girls mainly from latin america and eastern europe all doing professionally shot solo stuff and im downloading so much of this shit. the most hardcore it goes is the fricking machines. they are probably all sex trafficked but they are so hot

  39. 10 months ago

    I'm 26 and I feel like I'm ready to die bros. Like I dont want to commit suicide but my life is so droll that if I went to sleep and didnt wake up after I dont think I'd be bothered. The most exciting part of my life is over and its all downhill now. Can anyone else relate?

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah bro…you could travel maybe? Find a wife?

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        Youre right but you knew what i meant anyways so at the end of the day it doesnt really matter that much

      • 10 months ago

        no one fricking uses the word droll in english, and it means amusing in french

        I don't know what the original anon was smoking when he made that post

    • 10 months ago

      You're being a sore loser

      Life can get way better

      Teens and 20s were ass cancer for me

  40. 10 months ago

    I have no idea what career path to follow. The world is on fire and it makes making decisions challenging. I'm getting old and need to reset my life. Currently rebuilding my body, focus, and habits but need to make progress.

    Drinks for this feel?

  41. 10 months ago

    Dropped out of grad school before I officially started. Realized I like being a dumb blue collar monkey who works with his hands
    I also went on a date with a big booba lady. While she's funny, she's definitely more educated than me by a long shot and has some red flags with moving every single year after graduating college to 30

    Not really sure how I feel about her tbh, was gonna sleep on it and decide if I want to ask her out again tomorrow.

    • 10 months ago

      >red flags with moving every single year after graduating college to 30
      is that a red flag? unironically me.

  42. 10 months ago

    Quit alcohol and completely turned my life around to save my marriage. 10 years later, she still resents me. Think I'll have a bleach on the rocks tonight.

    • 10 months ago

      Wise man say if you need to save marriage, marriage not worth saving.

      • 10 months ago

        Lmfao yeah right. I'd probably be dead by now if i hadn't quit. She's the mother of my children and i love her dearly. I always have. I got into a bad habit (through her, ironically as i didn't drink or anything before we met, it was just something to do together) and she was completely right, i was ruining myself. She pulled away and we talked for hours about everything. I promised I'd improve. I have. Quit drinking. I'm fit. Lift. Box. Confidence through the roof. Healthier than I've ever been. More financially secure with a job that pays the bills so she doesnt have to work. I completely satisfy her when we frick. Every time. Involved with every aspect of our kid's lives. Do everything i can to help with housework. I'm a good man. I bust my ass for her and my family. She just doesn't love me anymore and it kills me. She doesnt even kiss me or hug me anymore.

        • 10 months ago

          Congrats anon, most people are just coping in those scenarios. Glad you quit drinking, I've seen firsthand just how horrible it is.

          • 10 months ago

            I hate problems. I fix problems once recognized. I can't make someone love me. That's a problem. I know there's dozens of solutions. I dont like any of them so imma just whine on 4chins before i just go back to my horrible life for as long as i can keep doing it.

        • 10 months ago

          >Do everything i can to help with housework. I'm a good man. I bust my ass for her and my family. She just doesn't love me anymore
          This is my nightmare. I don't think I could trust a woman to actually love me. It seems I love them more. Every girl I've ever dated got the ick and my ego shatters. I now lift to prepare for the day when I'm brought down emotionally again.

    • 10 months ago

      At the very least you improved yourself anon. It also puts you in a better position if you divorce.

  43. 10 months ago

    Finally seeing results from my skincare routine. I'm re-youthing my face so I can make up for all my lost years by LARPing as an early 20s chad.

    Thank lord for autism!

    • 10 months ago

      post routine

      • 10 months ago

        pat face dry after shower, then dab with water
        Apply hyaluronic acid serum followed by moisturiser. Also apply SPF50 face cream if going to be exposed to direct sunlight
        Wash with gentle exfoliator. Apply strongest retinoid you can get your hands on - followed by hyaluronic acid serum and moisturiser 20 minutes later

        Once every 10-14 days:
        (Don't apply retinoid this night) derma roll with 0.75mm needles. Dab water on face and apply hyaluronic acid serum followed by moisturiser. Stay out of sun for 24h

  44. 10 months ago

    i'll have some brandy with coke

    >have perfect gf, she was literally perfect in every way
    >except she decide to act like a prostitute
    >ruined 7 years
    >we were making plans for the wedding, we would make the biggest party as we had many friends in common
    >had enough, call her bullshit out
    >"that's it, I'm out"
    >since that day, I went out and never came back
    >grind like a motherfricker
    >nice job, plans of becoming director and making twice money
    >new friends, people at work envy my life
    >could have another girl but most of them are old/ugly/insane/have children
    >travel some places, buy stuff
    >still feel empty
    >almost 5 years and still miss her
    >exchange texts and couple calls in those years
    >she is literally the same girl but fatter in the right places and in medication now
    >she seemed to be happy to see me when we met the last time
    >denied fricking her because that would make the agony worse
    >had a final phone call a month ago because some address issues
    >"cut that shit or else I will press charges"
    >receive a long text of her apologizing
    >leave her in read
    >realize that even if I was an butthole because I'm hurt, I still love her but also realize that the person I love doesn't exist and it's only in my mind

    deepest feel

    • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      I seriously don't envy the men who fall in love. Nothing worse for a relationship than the man being in love. I've had sex, I've had gfs, but I've never once felt "in love" with a woman in the way movies depict. Honestly it looks pathetic. I bet women see it the same way.

      • 10 months ago

        Falling in love is the worst thing that can happen to a man. I used to think that It was a nice feeling, that you made you want to give your all to another person and become better for the sake both. Truth it is just brain chemicals that make you act like a moron. No woman will ever appreciate the effort and your feelings.

    • 10 months ago

      It’s the worst feeling in the world being rejected from a oneitis ex that you obsess over even when you tell yourself that you moved on but you really haven’t. You cry at random times. You are feeling the pain of loss of someone you aren’t necessarily feeling the love of someone.

      • 10 months ago

        >You cry at random times. You are feeling the pain of loss of someone

        Man this fricking sucks, I felt that shit earlier this year with a girl that I thought was the one or so. She moved to another country and I even had to read philosophy and book chapters to cope with loss, I remember crying while driving over random songs that reminded me of her, even walked out of the gym for 10 minutes when a certain song played over the speakers.
        I fricking wanted to follow her but she did not.

        What a miserable experience is to fall in love and love the image and the thought about something that doesn't really exist. I just hope I never fall in love or develop feelings for a girl or anything for that matter. She texted me couple of weeks ago to see how I am doing and to tell me that she will be back for some time during the end of the summer and if I want to go for a drink or coffee with her. I don't know how to feel, I mourned her and pretended she died or something so I can go on and live with my misery.

        • 10 months ago

          Say you’re busy that day. If she insists on another day, pick another day. She has to want for you to get back together, she can’t be half arsed. You can’t will the relationship back into existence either. If you’re doing way too much you’ll scare her off. Focus on other things, because she might not actually come back for you. You are strong and you’ll get through this anon. You’ve been through worse before.

    • 10 months ago

      Similar situation here
      Last green line hits hardest, but good to know I'm not alone
      The person I once loved no longer exists and isn't coming back

      I'll take a Diplomatico Rum Old Fashioned thank you sir

  45. 10 months ago

    Found a cute girl on a dating app, I spoke with her but noticed her responses were weird, almost if AI generated. I reverse image searched it and It was a fricking fake profile with some google image, it fricking hurt.
    I hate this shit. Why am I stuck on these fricking apps? You get one shot at life and I'm a fricking loser. A fricking suicidal socially awkward loser. People call me a fricking loser all the time, either directly or indirectly; faking feeling sorry for me.
    What's wrong with me? What did I do to someone? I'd like to apologize if I did something to deserve this.
    Am I really not deserving of love? I try to cope with being okay by myself, but that's nothing but a lie and I know it.

  46. 10 months ago

    i literally did not leave the house once all weekend. a beautiful weekend and i sat inside. all i did was waste it on the internet and watching tv. nothing useful at all. i see no one and talk to no one. i have nothing to do, and no one to do anything with ever. my life is complete shit but when i have free time that is an opportunity to fix things, i ever do anything. literally everyday of my life there is no goal, no purpose, no drive, no motivation. it is just to waste time until i get to go to sleep again. there is no focus on anything at all. i know no one, i go nowhere, i do nothing.

    i am tired of reading stories about people dying young, or having the courage to commit suicide while i dont.

  47. 10 months ago

    Ive been stressed and tight as a string for past 2 days , find it hard to deal with all hard feelings when they are on such volumes.
    Also thank LORD for everything , his name is blessed forever....

  48. 10 months ago
  49. 10 months ago

    This is gonna be a tough one. I’ll have a double shot of gin. My mom tried committing suicide two weeks ago, she’s 65 I’m 24. My entire family and her entire family wrote her off. I’m the only one who talks to her. I’m living on my own for the first time in about a year (had shared accommodation etc or lived near gf). The last time I lived alone I was so isolated I got depressed, and then I saw my mom in myself, and then I got deeply scared. I’m more afraid of turning out like my mom (hopeless, mentally ill, alone) than I am of death. Truth is her life is as painful as they get and there’s nothing i can do but watch in horror. This is a weird question, but how do you live alone successfully? I have a gf I want to marry but I want to prove I can do this. Last time I lived alone I was so depressed, and my anxiety hit life time highs. Help me anons. The biggest difference is that I hope in Jesus Christ now, that in the end the father and the son will make all things good.

    • 10 months ago

      >how do you live alone successfully?
      Find online friends, look into hobbies, that kinda stuff.
      But I can tell you from first hand experience; you will not be able to live on your own forever, it's a isolation hell.

      • 10 months ago

        I don’t plan to. I plan to get married. If I didn’t I would become a monk and live in a monastery. Otherwise I’d just make the church my home.

        i feel bad for your mom that she didnt succeed. anyone with a miserable life should be allowed to kill themselves.

        That’s sad nobody should have a miserable life. I can’t be responsible for her happiness but after 4 hours hanging out with me she said she was glad she didn’t die that night

        • 10 months ago

          OP can't you encourage your mom to live near you? Or with you? Jesus christ.
          Why are Westerners so isolating to their families

          • 10 months ago

            I do live near her, but everyone else moved away. I’m in BC my two sisters moved 3000 km away and my dad lives in a different country. Her own family lives here but none of her siblings care about here. I live like 10 mins from her but I can’t just fill her days that’s the sad part. We at least are going to try going to church together a few times a week. But yeah it all started to spiral around the divorce, then our family went bankrupt and lost the house. Then everyone turned in each other. I’d rather God kill me then have to get divorced.

    • 10 months ago

      i feel bad for your mom that she didnt succeed. anyone with a miserable life should be allowed to kill themselves.

  50. 10 months ago

    Just a run and coke please. I just moved out. I wanted to be like my roommates who go to raves and concerts. I wish I could be more extroverted like them but sometimes I disappoint myself

    • 10 months ago

      Most people here don't have good quality normie friendships myself included. I kinda had one until I went drinking (and I want to fight when I drink quickly and get buzzed) and my friend took that too far and thought it was serious and started choking me. Since then I don't really have any friends that aren't family friends or work. I still clean up with girls but I can't get them to stay long term.

  51. 10 months ago

    I've finally come to terms that blackpillers are completely right in one regard: if you're not her best option, you're irrelevant. No respect, no attention. It's time to retire the idea that I'll be anyone's wet dream.

    • 10 months ago

      I don't think that's true. When I met my gf she was still in love with her ex. She never admitted to it of course but you could tell.
      It took a while but at this point she's completely in love with me and I doubt she thinks about him at all. Time goes on, people change. She settled for me because she liked me a lot even if she would've rather been with someone else. Can't say it wasn't the same for me at first, when I would compare her to my ex every day in my mind and it took some effort to stop that bad mental habit. But what seems like settling at first can bloom into love if you find out, in the process of making do with what you've got, that you love each other just the way they are.

      • 10 months ago

        Hypothetically, if somehow her ex came back to her life and she cheated on you with him, which happens sometimes, would that completely shatter your notions about what love is?

        • 10 months ago

          No, I'd just think she's a c**t and be glad she did that before getting pregnant so I could just dump her and find someone better to raise children with. At the same time, I want to put some kids inside of her precisely because she's a good person and isn't interested in doing that kind of shit.
          And yeah many men have said that through history and got it wrong. Happens to the best of us. But I try to make the best of my judgement.

          • 10 months ago

            I see. Well, you know her better than me so who knows. My only point with this post


            I've finally come to terms that blackpillers are completely right in one regard: if you're not her best option, you're irrelevant. No respect, no attention. It's time to retire the idea that I'll be anyone's wet dream.

            is that in dating if you have to work hard for it, then it's never worth the investment, almost never works out too. If I have to persuade a woman to sleep with me when there's a guy she would sleep with immediately without any resistance, then what's the point really? Of course that's just my view on it. I just don't see dignity in any of it.

            • 10 months ago

              I agree. The effort should be behind cameras. Working out, developing skills, making yourself attractive, cultured and dependable is the bulk of the hard work when it comes to dating. Trying to convince someone to like you past that is a waste of time and just building up frustration for nothing.

        • 10 months ago

          I’m thinking there was some frickery about and your ex gf was fricking her ex or cheated on you at least once with him behind your back.

    • 10 months ago

      blackpill helps. ask a girl if she wants to hang out and frick in the first minutes. according to blackpill, nothing is gonna change her answer

      • 10 months ago

        I spoke to a girl recently, and the best sex of her life was when she was teasing the guy, rather than him trying appeal to her.

        Blackpill is so fricking real, I feel dumb for not recognizing it earlier.

        • 10 months ago

          My wife says that she never had any interest on me and only saw me as a friend. That was until I started taking a long time to reply to her texts and refusing to answer her calls. She said that the moment I wasn't readly available to her, she started seeing me with a different eye. Granted, I did it because I was depressed back then, but it all worked out for the best.

          • 10 months ago

            I see, I'm somewhat easily accessible but only because I don't like to play a game or try to pretend I'm more busy than I'm not, so I'm quickly to respond. I guess I should change that

            • 10 months ago


  52. 10 months ago

    Laphroaig PX

  53. 10 months ago

    Give me a bottle of rum.

    My business' sales are awful this year, and I'm getting tired of not having a steady income. I'm bow studying programming, since all my programmer friends are doing well, and it's fun. Afraid about a few things since I've been self employed my entire life, and there's the looming threat of chatGPT, but I still feel it's the best move within my knowledge.

  54. 10 months ago

    its late but I still feel like I need a shot
    >Talking to a girl, shes got stage 2 ovarian cancer
    >Doctors cut out a 40cm cyst and she nearly died
    >She just did chemotherapy because another cyst is growing
    >Talk to her hyperthermia therapy and explain how it sometimes works
    >What the frick it uses multiple needles I won't do it
    >Tell her she should ask the question about if hyperthermia therapy would be effective about it since she already nearly died
    >She essentially says she'd rather die than *ASK* about the treatment

    • 10 months ago

      >>She essentially says she'd rather die than *ASK* about the treatment
      Women want to be the victim so bad. My ex 100% has something wrong with her uterus or colon because she constantly had digestive issues and uterine/stomach cramps. They were so bad we went to the hospital multiple times. Of course I drove and stayed with her every time. And then she had mental problems and quit treatment for that too. Broke up with her because shes fricking crazy and chose to stay that way.

      Anyways being single aint so bad when you lift and got a comfy pet.

  55. 10 months ago

    Whiskey neat.
    I keep going through cycles of severe self sabotage over the past couple of years. Now I'm nearly obese, no job after getting fired, and self isolating. People have kept calling reaching out to me and I'm not answering. Even my family is worried because I barely leave my room. I just don't feel like trying and inevitably fricking up again.

    • 10 months ago

      You need to love yourself and not be so hard on yourself. People care about you and you can go for a walk outside. Forest gump went for a walk and just kept walking. Be like forest gump and just walk there and back to see how far it is. Who cares if you’re fat. Don’t do it for others. Experience life.

  56. 10 months ago

    Tonight, it’s over. Tomorrow, we’re so back.

  57. 10 months ago

    I informed my father about my suicidal thoughts just for him to get used to the idea. Felt so weird.
    Lifts been good lately though, I wish I could cut properly but the sadness and the void during the weekends fricks me up badly and I end up overeating. I've been getting compliments from people in the gym and some trainers about my progress but feels void, I don't even know how to react, I just thanks but I could have done better.

  58. 10 months ago

    vodka cranberry thank you man

    I met this qt grill at my friends birthday party. She's new in my city and starting uni same time as me this autumn. Anyway after the party she messages me and asks for us to go have coffee together.
    We go and it was an awkward experience because of my 'tism and zero game. I'm not sure if it was a date even or if she's just the social type and wanted to make new friends. I feel bad about it. I was thinking of apologizing to her and asking her out properly.
    It's been a few days and I still haven't messaged her because I got no clue where to take her. I don't like the idea of restaraunt dates because I'm afraid we'll just sit and eat in silence.
    Aaa woe is me I'm afraid of awkward silences and women pls help me Sexmen. goddamn dude I'm lame.

    • 10 months ago

      Obviously do not apologize, just ask her out by saying hey it was fun or something, wanna go for a drink/coffee/whatever?
      Also if you are scared of the awkard silence pretend that you are interested in her and ask her questions about her hobbies/past etc so she can talk about herself. Maybe attempt to ask her if she is single etc in a non-creepy way if the convo goes that way.

    • 10 months ago

      >I was thinking of apologizing to her
      Definitely don't do this you'll come off as a little b***h.
      >goddamn dude I'm lame.
      you are clearly, but that's ok. Just take it as a learning experience. Dating is like that. You learned some valuable lessons like how easy it is to get girls thru mutual friends. Over time you'll learn how to be interesting. It's mostly a game of asking her thoughtful questions while revealing just enough about yourself to keep her interested.

      I went to some israeli holiday and hooked up/dated casually with a mutual friend. I have some game so we had sex 3 times, but on the 3rd time we went to my place and I think I did something to give her the ick because once we had sex she immediately left and I never heard from her again. I'm kinda clueless what it was but I think it was either A) she was allergic to my cat B) I gave the sex wrong [fricked up sex habits due to porn and long-term relationship] C) I was too nice

  59. 10 months ago

    >chit chatting my a trainer in the gym constantly
    >she gives me compliments etc
    >decide to ask her out
    >says sure and we exchange numbers
    >try to talk to her a bit before setting up a date
    >she replied with just emotes or extremely short messages
    >dont bother anymore and stop texting
    When we see each other at the gym we talk like nothing ever happened, I was thinking about asking her out after summer vacation or something but don't know what to do honestly. She is clearly not that interest, if not at all.

    • 10 months ago

      have you tried asking her out in person?

      • 10 months ago

        Well I did, that is why we exchanged numbers. On hindsight best course of action would have been to directly ask for a date or something after she gave me her number and not bother with moronic small talk.
        I don't know dude, my ex and a prostitute i was hanging out with after breaking up broke me and I am acting like a moron. Now she is on a holiday leave anyway and I dont feel like talking to her, maybe when September comes I will just ask her out directly.

    • 10 months ago

      >asks her out
      >doesn't setup a date
      blud wafflin' fr fr

  60. 10 months ago

    Long island ice tea.
    (You) don't know how lucky you are.
    i don't know what it means to be happy
    a friend suggested meditation

  61. 10 months ago

    something strong or a shotgun blast if you have it

  62. 10 months ago

    Frick lads, I’m a military gay and I’ve been on an exercise for last month, anyway a couple days ago my now ex gf told me she hooked up with a dude when she went out drinking, feeling pretty crushed at the moment, unfortunately we live and work together because I’m a fricking moron, any advice?

    • 10 months ago

      Find another fish in the sea? Don’t date someone and then go off to war? Idk

  63. 10 months ago

    >Water, as always.

    Fourth day of canivoure. I lost a lot of weight, I don't feel any hunger, and I started to feel slightly better than yesterday.

    So far, so good.

  64. 10 months ago

    I'll take a beer, any is fine thanks.

    Just putting this here as a form of self-affirmation.

    >Noporn and nofap for 3 months til infinity

    >start lifting regularly, even if school is so busy

    >start dating that girl I've been talking to cause the
    vibes are good

    >keep up all the other good habits, meditating, reading, studying more and harder etc.

    >quit nicotine cause vaping is gay and moronic

    The dubs may offer me strength perhaps. I need change bros, real change. Rugby injury had me sedentary for 3 months and it was really cringe. I'm hoping to get back my old gainz I lost.

    Hoping you're all living and loving, stay the course bros.

  65. 10 months ago

    I see you posting on your story please respond to me haha

  66. 10 months ago

    >keep procrastinating on works until near deadline
    I still don't understand why this shit keep happening.
    For some weird reasons, I have this random moment of immense productivity where I can get a shit ton of works done to days where I wouldn't do anything at all.
    I am so lazy that I don't even bother playing games, watching anime, or other mindless consumerism.
    I don't know if it's bipolar shit or something.

    • 10 months ago

      I have that too, literally the only time I visit this site is when I am at work. Might be depression or something

    • 10 months ago

      I have that too, literally the only time I visit this site is when I am at work. Might be depression or something

      Same. Turns out it was ADHD for me.

  67. 10 months ago

    Dating fricking sucks, bros.
    I've been in a relationship for 6 years. Now 2 months single. Tried online dating. Pure trash. All the good ones are taken and only Basedboys and Turboautists remain. All I want is a fit guy with a nice smile so I can massage and cook for him. It shouldn't be that difficult right?

    • 10 months ago

      >dating someone for 6 years
      big oof

    • 10 months ago


  68. 10 months ago

    I completed 2 out of 3 of my multi year goals in order to turn my life around. The last one is to find employment in my field but I am not having any luck. The longer I go without getting employed the further I feel myself falling back into my old way of thinking.. how I'd rather kill myself than be a wageslave.

    I had recently overcome this way of thinking by rationalising how much better it is to be self sufficient and able to fend for yourself like an adult male is supposed to. To become a man that a woman could respect, love and depend on. I had finally reconciled with getting a job and I was almost 'excited' to be an employed adult man. But the longer I go without hearing anything back from the applications I'm sending, I can feel the old thoughts coming back.

    Today I woke up, checked the time, and went back to sleep under the covers for 4 more hours, because sleep is the closest thing to death.

    I should be proud because I've nearly completed the goals I set for myself 3 years ago, which at the time I thought 'man if I even complete 1 of these goals that would be pretty cool'. Now I'm on the verge of exceeding my expectations and I feel worse than I have in quite a while.

  69. 10 months ago

    never touching drugs again. have too much fun with alcohol. 5.10 200. cutting season

  70. 10 months ago

    Currently dating a few girls and 2 of them are closing in for something serious. Both are polar opposites but I can see something real with both and struggling to decide.

    >Girl 1 is a petite and nerdy, very intelligent and career focused. Definitely does not want kids and is more mature.
    >Girl 2 is very chubby and more motherly. J-size breasts, relentless in the sack but has some previous trauma. Awesome cook and wants a family.

    I can sense they are both interested in something real. If Girl 2 wasn't so chubby, I would go with her without a doubt but I am unsure since there's not guarantee she will want to lose the weight.

    • 10 months ago

      pick 1, frick her good enough to want your kid anyway

  71. 10 months ago

    >study weeks for an exam
    >have goal of acing it despite it being likely the most difficult in my masters program and one of the most difficult at the entire university
    >also have other exams, projects, not to mention working out and social life
    >somehow juggle everything well
    >exam is even more difficult than expected
    >struggle with a few questions
    >start getting nervous and angry
    >scribble out my partially correct answer for no reason and miss out on some other points because my mind kept obsessing over how bad it's going instead of concentrating
    I usually don't get nervous during tests, and this wasn't even nerves. It's some really weird form of self sabotage that I can't let go off. I expect nothing but pure perfection from myself. When I get confronted with reality that I'm not perfect I shut down or run away.
    The vast majority of people would be happy just to pass an exam like that, and the grade will not matter in the end. But somehow I can't just calmly accept I can't come up with some moronicly complex math derivation in the moment and move on.
    This problem persists in every aspect of my life. I'm afraid of dating because I don't look perfect. I'm afraid to go shirtless because despite being IST as frick I'm not as lean as I want to and have love handles and a tiny belly below my six pack. I've been playing piano for 20 years and could blow most people away, but I'm afraid to ever play in front of anyone because I don't sound like a concert pianist.
    I don't know why I am like this and it fricking ruins my week every time reality pulls me out of my fantasy land where I'm god

    • 10 months ago

      Hello me. I think a lot of high achievers experience this, if something is not perfect we are not interested.

      Not to be 'that guy' but I can recommend a martial art (for me it's Brazilian jiu jitsu). It teaches you (very quickly) that ain't nobody born good at anything and you gotta work hard and long to get to a respectable level, and perfect is simply impossible. You can allow yourself to be imperfect in other situations carrying this lesson forward

  72. 10 months ago

    I want to adopt a nihilistic ‘nothing matters, we’ll all die one day’ mindset as a cope for my life sucking but it may make me dwell within idleness and inaction even more than I already do, making my situation worse

  73. 10 months ago

    >simp for arrogant, bossy Stacy that rejected me multiple times
    >hang out with her yesterday again, she sent me a text at midnight saying she was glad to see me
    >see 20 year old escort today, had menstruation blood on my shaft after the deed was done, she said it was because of the intensity

    I love women and their dramas tbh

    • 10 months ago

      blood is honestly quite good lube, tbh. I was banging this girl on her period before and it was a frickin slip & slide. Just put down a towel.

      Barkeep, slide me a diet coke. Back from family vacation. Wife still has not made a single comment of my physique. Also turned down a sexual advance.

      What exactly do women think is going to happen if they are not the ones making their partner cum? Do they think I'm just going to settle for jerking off?

      • 10 months ago

        >What exactly do women think is going to happen if they are not the ones making their partner cum? Do they think I'm just going to settle for jerking off?

        Bumping for the answer to this. Any biological females in this thread who would like to shed a light?

      • 10 months ago

        IKTF bro

  74. 10 months ago

    >completely miserable at my job right now
    >have to stick around because I need to save just a bit more money so I can take off work for around 6 months and study for my career
    >manual labor job and it's been a record heatwave over 110 degrees for fricking weeks now
    >no energy to do things like lift or study to direct that misery into an outlet, feels like I'm constantly having to catch up on sleep despite getting 8 hours on average
    >stuck in a rut and trying to cut back on porn because I know it only makes me feel more shitty
    >all this stress making my OCD and intrusive thoughts worse which in turn feeds into itself in a vicious cycle
    I just want to be done man, it feels like I don't have a life anymore because of this shitty fricking job but I can't leave yet because I need the money

  75. 10 months ago

    I know a girl, I've known her for the past 9-7 years, but not closely or anything, she's 5 years older than me, but she is also perfect, she is kind, intelligent, has good sense of humour, is very pretty and good with kids. All that but I imagine she will never see me as anything more than a friend, and that feeling, while I know will pass eventually, is killing me currently, what do

  76. 10 months ago

    I'm angry at my mother.

  77. 10 months ago

    Im convinced at this point that marinating meat is a meme. To tenderize? Sure, fine. But to flavor? Have you ever taken a piece of 'marinated' meat and run it under the sink? Guess what it fricking tastes like? Unseasoned meat

    • 10 months ago

      >run it under the sink

      • 10 months ago

        rinsing with water

        • 10 months ago

          why would you do that

          • 10 months ago

            >why meat have no taste when wash away seasoning

            just move past that. you are missing the point entirely. marinating is supposed to flavor the meat more than just putting a sauce or seasoning on the outside but its clearly bullshit. theres no point to adding seasoning to a marinade.

            • 10 months ago

              8/10 troll. I admire the element of subtle racism

    • 10 months ago

      >why meat have no taste when wash away seasoning

    • 10 months ago

      >doesn’t pre-stab his meat with forks to give way for sauce to make its’ way into meat to help in marinating process
      >doesn’t wash his chicken in Lowey’s Seasoning Soap for added flavor and to get the bleach off
      >doesn’t marinate meat under gallons of sauce for 40 days and 40 nights until stars properly allign to tell you meat is at most flavorful and should be cooked

    • 10 months ago

      Marinating chicken is the best way to give it flavor and not have it dry out during the cooking process.
      Same goes with marinating ribs or pork. Is it essential? No. Does it help? Absolutely.

  78. 10 months ago

    I’m feeling a little weird. I used to never understand guys like Bill Burr, but the older I get I realize I’m not that different. I was blind to all of these things until recently
    >fricked up childhood
    Thought I had a great one but I now realize I didn’t and it’s hit me like a brick. I’ve been lucky to somewhat reconnect with my father but that’s it. I feel like my mom and sister are strangers still.
    >always angry
    Its getting better. I’ve been letting things that previously would have had me seething all day roll off my shoulder without realizing. Like today I got scammed while buying night crawlers to fish. The dude sold me dead& melted worms, meaning they were a year old or sat out in the sun all day before he refrigerated them. I didn’t care. Previously I’d have sped back to the shop and thrown the open container at the guy. Little things like that dont bother me anymore, I just naturally assumed he didnt know and mistakes happen. I’m feeling happier on average now. But I spent a lot of time being angry constantly even when nothing happened to warrant that emotion. And if sucked to always walk around that pissed off about the world and any minor inconvenience I encountered. It was horrible. It’s like the anger feeds itself and you wind up more pissed off over time. It has a snowball effect. Ive at least seemingly started fixing this.
    >happier alone
    I’m more at peace alone. Not hanging out with other people, not having a girlfriend, just being in solitude and solo leveling in life. Probably because I spent a lot of time friendless as a kid. But im just happier and more at peace this way. And I have friends, I have people wanting to hang with me.

    All I want out of life is to have my own 2 bedroom apartment or a house if I find where I want to settle, job and/or a business that allows me to live comfortably and have some freedom, a dog, to spend a lot of my time fishing or out in nature, and maybe a girlfriend who doesnt make my life hell.

    • 10 months ago

      Oh and for a drink I’ll have a glass of water and Delerium Tremens

  79. 10 months ago

    I'll take juice, fresh squeezed from Tangelos. Stir in some smashed ginger. On the rocks.

    • 10 months ago

      smiley faces on food and food shaped like animals or objects make me really sad
      they remind me that I was once an innocent little kid who's mom loved him so much all she wanted was to see her little kid smile and be happy so she would always try to bring a smile to his face
      we weren't poor but we didn't have a lot of money so instead of soda mom would buy lemons and make lemonade and then draw a smiley face on the pitcher
      she would always get me little knick knacks that you be a dime a dozen so I could have something to play with
      I miss being happy IST, what happend? why can't I be happy like I used to be? why does that pic make me cry?

      • 10 months ago

        Don't be sad anon, that's wholesome as frick. Remember that your happiness made her happy in return

        • 10 months ago

          HOLY CHUNGUS

  80. 10 months ago

    gin and tonic please

    >oneitis moves away for a job
    >keeps in touch and visits family and our circle of friends for holidays every year
    >visit her once and we have fun and a one night stand
    >I go back home on good terms we hug and keep in touch, but don't see her for another 3 years
    >give her up cold turkey and it was relatively easy due to distance
    >see her at HS reunion, still looking good
    >catch up and tells me she feels lonely out of state
    >asks if I'm dating anyone, I say not really, because these bawds don't want kids
    >visibly surprised I want kids
    >go to a mutual friends 2 year old bd party, casually mentions she's disappointed in herself that all her friends have kids and are married
    >she goes back home and says she might move back to our hometown because she still doesn't have many friends. (has always been a massive introvert)
    >we keep chatting regularly now

    I'm going in blind fellas, I'm going to try and start a family with my oneitis, wish me luck.

    • 10 months ago

      I'll hit biceps tomorrow a month after my first ever muscle injury (I'm 28 but I never push myself, happened during an arm wrestling contest, had to stop lifting for a month)
      wish me luck!

      what the frick is an oneitis

      • 10 months ago

        its a bacterial infection you get from not washing your onahole or similar masturbation aid

      • 10 months ago

        hello newbie, try google

      • 10 months ago

        I did hit biceps and no worries at all, not at this moment at least
        GP said wait until the next morning to find out if you pushed it hard or not, if it aches take it down, if not keep doing what you have been doing

      • 10 months ago

        It's a moronic zoomer neologism because saying "my crush" would be too easily comprehensible

  81. 10 months ago

    Cedrata, please.
    Am I fricked if I have a huge butt and big legs as a male? I don't have even a long torso (I'm short and stocky) to compensate. I'm proportionally similar to this statue (look at the size of his buttocks) except of course I'm not as muscular in the upper part. I've never asked for this

    • 10 months ago

      i read that as huge butt plug so yeah probably

  82. 10 months ago

    I'm early thirties. Life is far from perfect, but I'm not really any intense duress. 6 year relationship (sex life good), mediocre, but stable job. Small but solid friend group. Family is decent. Physically I'm not in impressive shape, but better than average and trying to improve.
    Now I find myself absolutely plagued with general sensations like I should be doing something that I'm not. Malaise. I feel more and more scatterbrained. Find myself getting sucked more into just doing Netflix or scrolling social or shit posting. I'll collect myself and set goals but I get distracted with the next project and abandon my current one.
    I don't really even know what I'm complaining about just that life seems unfulfilling and I'm not sure what to do.

    • 10 months ago

      Same. 28, and I genuinely don't know how to spend my free time. I haven't felt much in a long time

      • 10 months ago

        Start running charity marathons, that's what all my late 20s, early 30s friends did to fill the void until they got married and had kids and being a family man became their entire personality. Bonus copium points if it's some tryhard Tough Mudder style shit.

        Alternatively, and this is controversial, just do what makes you happy. Have a couple of hobbies, ideally ones that include some kind of social life or ability to monetise it, and float between them as you see fit.

    • 10 months ago

      iktf 🙁

  83. 10 months ago

    its been 2 years I last had sex after my breakup and I feel like I am becoming a worse person. I wish someone cute would show interest in me.

  84. 10 months ago

    I’m dating an older woman, she is cute, dresses well, takes good care of herself and we get along so well, she kissed me so passionately it blew me away.

    But she is so much older than me… and I love her… I don’t know what to do with this.

    • 10 months ago

      how much older?

      • 10 months ago

        7 years.
        It’s the only issue I have with her but it weighs so heavy.

        • 10 months ago

          is it like 25 to 32? I think after 40 or so it doesnt really matter, but I can understand you being uncomfortable with a 28-35 situation

          but you should be able to come to terms with it or just let her go, its not moral to toy around with older women

          • 10 months ago

            30-37 it’s a bit difficult. To accept for me, I don’t know how she feels about it. But my feelings are very strong for her.
            I should maybe ask what she expects from this and perhaps lovingly split up.
            I’m getting old myself but I’m so inexperienced in these things it’s laughable.

            Thanks anon.

  85. 10 months ago

    Just learned my ex gf from high school who i am still in love with but haven't spoken to in 7 years is going to grad school for a masters in crimonology and her only job since covid is being a waitress.
    >mfw I thought this b***h was smart.
    im now thinking about hitting her up on LinkedIn so she can see how much better im doing than her.

    • 10 months ago

      Just let it go, anon. Occupy your mind with positive things instead of this.

      • 10 months ago

        You say that but you don't know how hot she is. Literal skinny tall goddess with big breasts. You think I've thought about her that whole time? I've been with 10 other women and a 4 year relationship since her

  86. 10 months ago

    >about a two weeks ago roommates girlfriend said he HAD to be friends with the father of her son or they had to break up
    >they broke up
    >she's been coming over every day trying to argue with him since
    >from what I can hear through the walls she's just trying to guilt him into being okay with a weird arrangement
    I don't know why he's letting her in each time

    • 10 months ago

      You, as the moms boyfriend or stepdad, do not need to be friends with the real father. You do however have to tolerate him, for the kids sake. That includes being nice to him when you do see him. It’s not about any male ego shit, it’s for the kid.
      The mom is dead wrong and a fricking weirdo for that assuming the roommate did what I said above. Which is still a lot to ask even if it’s the right way, most stepfathers/moms boyfriends are loser manchildren. If he was good to the kid, and tolerated the real father/respected him, she fricked up. Sounds like there’s a reason she’s not with the real dad.

      Also, this is exactly why I can’t have roommates and am living at home until rent is better/I earn more. I wouldn’t be able to listen to this shit. After the third day I would barge out and yell
      And then if they didn’t immediately do that start cutting into them and elaborating the reality
      >you stupid homosexual you have let this damaged goods ruined pussy c**t into my home to argue for the last 3 days stop being a half cuck and ghost her already you know she’s batshit insane
      >you crazy b***h stop entering my home to disrupt my peace because you can’t accept you ruined a good thing no wonder that little shits father is no longer with you. What’s your insistence on them being friends relaly about, the kid or some selfish attempt for you to keep the father close?

      • 10 months ago

        >It’s not about any male ego shit
        stopped reading here. Roastoid detected and opinion discarded.

        • 10 months ago

          I’m not a woman. I’ve never called anyone this and think it’s usually a female tier insult but you actually sound like a bitter incel
          >opinion discarded
          Okay. I’m right though. I’m a child of divorce.

          • 10 months ago

            Not that guy. Your opinion does not matter at all, roastie.

    • 10 months ago

      Tell him this. Or at least tell him to keep his drama out of your shared house, once is forgivable but if his ex is just coming around to pick fights they should do that somewhere else.

  87. 10 months ago

    It’s about to be my birthday tomorrow
    I am about to turn 28
    This is the first birthday I have had in a long time where it didn’t feel awful .
    This birthday despite it being another usual birthday where I stay alone at home usually ordering out to eat and buy something small like a vidya to celebrate the occasion
    Ever since I graduated all my birthday have felt awful since I never did anything after high school
    Feeling like I was just wasting my life at minimum wage.
    Every day was like a never ending nightmare of sameness and depression
    But this year I have come far in life and found out what it was that caused my misery.
    Now looking back at my self just a year a prior it’s ridiculous that he live that way.
    My life has improved by being able to let go of things

  88. 10 months ago

    I left all the discord servers and deactivated all my social media again. It's easier to be truly alone than surrounded by people and feel alone

  89. 10 months ago

    Chiming in.

    Dated girl on discord.

    Meet up with her.

    Sex was crazy.

    She dumped me 4 days later when she took the train back to her state.

    Feels bad man.

    • 10 months ago

      Easy comes easy goes - saying from some high-class hooker I went to

      • 10 months ago

        How much was it?

        • 10 months ago

          20 bucks. She had the nicest trailer in the park.

  90. 10 months ago

    Why does my friend keep insisting that I should go for her when it's clear that she's not interested in me at all? I gave in and I got my heart broken.

    • 10 months ago

      there is a breed of mentally ill women that insist on rejecting multiple times a guy they see a future with
      currently chasing one at the moment

      • 10 months ago

        What's the point of chasing someone who rejected you? How can you be sure that you're not just wasting your time?

        • 10 months ago

          well in my case she hates my autism but likes my company, she likes to think she is too good for me but doesn't have anyone that cares for her as me, and she is as a loner as me, she is uppity and gets mad at me sometimes in a cute way that I like

          don't know your situation

          • 10 months ago

            I'm pretty sure there's nothing with me and her but my it seems that my friend keeps shipping me with her. He even texts me every time he saw her talking to another dude. I told him multiple times that she's more likely one of those girls but he was like "I hope we're both wrong."

        • 10 months ago

          well in my case she hates my autism but likes my company, she likes to think she is too good for me but doesn't have anyone that cares for her as me, and she is as a loner as me, she is uppity and gets mad at me sometimes in a cute way that I like

          don't know your situation

          there is a breed of mentally ill women that insist on rejecting multiple times a guy they see a future with
          currently chasing one at the moment

          That’s actually just dumb, on both parts.
          If she wanted you she wouldn’t make you jump through hoops. Simple as.
          And if she’s making jump through hoops just to get a chance with her, she’s not going to make you happy long term or being any value to your life; she’s not worthwhile. That’s a stupid and crazy b***h, not a potential wife. You’re delusional if you can’t see the reality of this:
          You are her beta orbiter that she keeps around while she dated men she has actual interest in. It’s not that she sees any future with you, dumbass, it’s that she views you as a safety net in a “break glass in case of emergency” type of situation when she’s dumped. Best case scenario she’s keeping you invested so you’ll marry her when she’s done getting ran through to be a beta cuck provider wallet on legs. Wake up dude. You are both wasting your time.
          The ONLY reason you’re so deep into this delusion and play her game is because you don’t think you’ll meet another woman.

          • 10 months ago

            honestly you are 100% right, and it sounds brutal when someone else from outside puts these things in perspective and I guess this is the goal of threads like this
            but as you said, I can't seem to find some other girl, and even a bad experience is worth more than doing nothing

    • 10 months ago

      >friend keeps telling me ohh I want her so bad bro, she's a qt, I'm enamored
      >tell him to shoot his shot
      >oh no I can't she's too much for me she's not interested etc reasons
      >tell him frick it just try anyways
      >he doesn't
      >she literally (actually) dies later that same day

      • 10 months ago

        how did she died? was she vaxxed?

        probably the future would have changed had she talked with him one way or another

        • 10 months ago

          car accident

          • 10 months ago

            Fricking jinxed her, man. I did something similar with Ted K. recently.
            Hope your mate's alright.

      • 10 months ago

        how did she died? was she vaxxed?

        probably the future would have changed had she talked with him one way or another

        Fricking jinxed her, man. I did something similar with Ted K. recently.
        Hope your mate's alright.

        Lets give this a try:
        I'm crazy in love with boogie but I'm not sure if I should shoot my shot. I hope he doesn't die surprisingly within the next 24 hours from a horrible gruesome accident

  91. 10 months ago

    Vodka here.
    I just played a game of pool with my friends.
    I always have this negative self-talk whenever I am terrible at something. I would say “I will miss” or “Man, I suck”.
    One of them is Pool.
    For some weird reasons, my mind just shut up and focus purely on the game today. The best part is that my performance increase dramatically. I was able to land shots that even my friends were amazed by. It felt like I am another person, and I was in perfect control of the game.
    Currently, I am trying to meditate and do Wim Hof to achieve this state more, but I wonder if this would help with my lift.

    • 10 months ago

      That's it man! You have to silence the Monkey Mind. Remove the limiters in your engine. Give yourself permission to succeed, and give it your best with no hesitation or worry about if people will get pissed or call you egotistical or whatever.

  92. 10 months ago

    I fantasize about having a loving wife that wants children and love them. Is this too much to want?

  93. 10 months ago

    and oh yeah just give me a cold doctor pepper in a glass bottle

  94. 10 months ago

    I've realized something. Incels can go to parties but nothing will be gained, they're incels because they're undesirable, not because they don't socialize. If they don't socialize, it's because they recognize how unattractive they are, they realize the pointlessness. Sure there are some very few men that would benefit from seeing more people, but most often that is not the actual solution to your problems.

  95. 10 months ago

    Lemme get a pint of lager, whatever’s on tap.

  96. 10 months ago

    Tomorrow my visa interview. One last hurdle, I'll be flying to US bros

    • 10 months ago

      I hope you fail, lol. We don't want you here >_<;

  97. 10 months ago
  98. 10 months ago

    I hate acid reflex, its hard to sleep with my sides constantly bothering me, I'm getting palpitations in my left rib, and eating is a bother. Had sharp pain on my right side and went to the ER but they found nothing. Anyone deal with this before?

    • 10 months ago

      Yes. Turned out my main problem was fricked gut flora that caused inflammation all over my body, especially stomach lining. Not saying this is the case for you, but look into probiotics and other stuff.
      For your acid reflux itself:
      Don't eat too often, maybe even just two big meals a day if you can manage that. Don't eat late, don't snack. Also don't keep sipping water. That just keeps your stomach agitated even if it feels good in the moment. Don't drink anything for a while and then just shove 1l down. And try not to drink anything 30 minutes before going to bed

      • 10 months ago

        Thanks for the advice anon, I appreciate it

  99. 10 months ago

    The guy who talked to me near the pull ups bar asked my number today.
    I think I've made it, but now I wish he'll never send any message since I suck at texting.
    Tell me how to behave, or how would you want a girl to text you. God I hate, hate, hate phones.

    • 10 months ago

      Are you hot? I been smiling at my gym crush recently (very hot) and wanting to ask for her number but idk I feel like i might be 'bothering' her or being creepy. What would you do if a guy you weren't really interested in kept smiling at you in the gym and eventually asked for your number? I want to know my worst case scenario here

      • 10 months ago

        No, not hot. I have no idea why he did it.
        If a guy I'm definitely not interested in (as in, really unattractive) would have asked I'd give him my number then turn him down gently in text. I know hot girls just lie and say they have a bf, so that's your worst case scenario.

        Your first step is to relax. Take it easy, king. Just bee yourself.

        I'm really bad at keeping conversations alive 🙁

    • 10 months ago

      Your first step is to relax. Take it easy, king. Just bee yourself.

  100. 10 months ago

    >messaging girl on hinge for a few days
    >get to the point of discussing personal stuff and disucssing where to meet
    >now haven't heared from her for almost a day
    WTF talk about busting my chops

    • 10 months ago

      Why does this film look like a fever dream that you would have while quite feverish and sleeping?

    • 10 months ago

      Yep, same shit happened to me. Some girls just love to be penpals and have no intention of actually going on a date with you, but will talk endlessly before that. I try to set up a date sooner so I can filter out timewasters like those girls.

  101. 10 months ago

    >match gorgeous trad-looking girl on hinge, seriously she is like the girls Simps post here on IST
    >somehow she loves my opening line, we get chatting, even get her number
    >find her instagram
    >has a following of over 100k, blue tick
    >see that she has a page where she charges monthly for extra 'content' (not onlyfans, nudes or porn, just shit like daily life etc)
    >ghost her because frick dealing with all that shit, she has blue tick Simps in her comments
    >she fricking double messages me the next day

    Wat. I am 99% sure its actually her btw, hinge profile was verified amongst other signs (whatsapp pic is a pic of her and family which is not available on her socials). Don't really know how to proceed nor why she's taken such an interest in me. Don't get me wrong I am not bad looking but this girl is model tier and I'm just some dude

    Wat do IST

    • 10 months ago

      Treat her like any other girl. Stop pedestalizing her just because she has clear skin or colorful eyes or whatever. She still shits like anyone else.

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