lifespan maxxing

I hear people talking about gains and looks all the time, what about lifespan, how can one achieve their maximum possible lifespan? I know the basics, eat less calories, eat whole foods, don't stress the body and mind, don't smoke, don't drink too much, socializing regularly and keep yourself occupied with things you love to do. What else am i missing?

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  1. 1 year ago

    That's fine and all but if you do that you'll just like to 100 and look like shit anyways. Truly worthwhile numbers can only be reached by trying out new shit and relying on "research chemicals". Anyways I'll throw you one thing to add, try living in a high altitude place. People from high altitude cities tend to be significantly healthier than their low altitude counterparts.

  2. 1 year ago

    Why would you want to live 100 years? I'm 26 and already saw 80% of the people I were close with die, why would I want to live alone and batshit insane in a crazy world?

    • 1 year ago

      He's young and barely lived so wants to live as much as possible to make up for it. The truth is that you can do almost everything there is to do on earth in a few years (and I'm being generous). Life isn't that interesting, it's just endless repetition. Once you've done what you've wanted, you just wait around and watch people die, and repeat the same things endlessly. Old people are actually happy to go away. Past a certain age you completely stop caring.

      • 1 year ago

        >He's young and barely lived so wants to live as much as possible to make up for it. The truth is that you can do almost everything there is to do on earth in a few years (and I'm being generous). Life isn't that interesting, it's just endless repetition. Once you've done what you've wanted, you just wait around and watch people die, and repeat the same things endlessly. Old people are actually happy to go away. Past a certain age you completely stop caring.
        I can see what you mean, but i have an insatiable curiosity future world events. I want to live history as much as i can and be part of it. Also the most interesting people i have spoken with are old people at my mother's nursing home. They have incredible knowledge about life and relationships, their perspective in enlightening, and yet we don't give 2 shits about old people.

      • 1 year ago

        Yup. I had this exact talk with my great-grandma, an actual centennarian on her death bed.
        She was immobile and barely spoke, but I essentially said some very similar words in ''soothing''.
        I said to her ''Granny, you should be happy. Something new is about to begin for you. Life here it can get pretty old, no? You end up doing the same things, seeing the same people, its always very similar. But now you are going to do something new, something you've never done, and who knows what's beyond. So you should be happy, granny...''
        Basically almost word for word what I said to her. I shit you not, this curled up, shriveled up old woman, who died only two days later, barely ''there'' started shaking and moaning my name with joy, like she understood me, like she knew me despite being blind, facing the wall. I told her I'd be there with her always, even when not there, then my aunt ushered me out because she thought I might kill her. No...but I feel like my granny really agreed with both your and my point too.

        I don't know it feels like people get tired with life, or start to find it uncaptivating after a while, maybe you wish there'd be more, something more heroic, more riveting to it. That's modern life, I guess...But definitely, at some point some people ''call it a day'' on a spiritual level for sure.

        • 1 year ago

          I don't know how one can tolerate that. Once I'm done with life, accomplished what I had to, and start seeing my body going to shit, I'll just call it quits. No point in staying around 30 more years just doing nothing.

          • 1 year ago

            Well, most people don't ''off themselves'' because they have families who care for them. I'm not going to speak on behalf of my great-granny who lived to 101, but I'm sure she like any human being had thoughts of ending it at some point ,etc...trials and tribulations.
            But I believe that the first thing that prevents people from calling it quits, especially if they live really old (which statistically, sort of presupposes a strong family support system), then they won't do it, precisely because they have family who they don't want to hurt.
            For some other people its' belief in God that prevents them from committing suicide, etc.

            Many reasons not to, but I suppose it's down to individual case. I respect in the end the individual choices of people. Say if I had a grandpa who took himself out because of a degenerating knee condition...I'd be sad but I'd respect his choice too. I'd understand where he's coming from.

          • 1 year ago

            >I don't know how one can tolerate that. Once I'm done with life, accomplished what I had to, and start seeing my body going to shit, I'll just call it quits. No point in staying around 30 more years just doing nothing.
            That's the reason i made the thread in the first place, how to delay the body / mind going to shit well into your 100's?
            OLD <> SICK

      • 1 year ago

        Yup. I had this exact talk with my great-grandma, an actual centennarian on her death bed.
        She was immobile and barely spoke, but I essentially said some very similar words in ''soothing''.
        I said to her ''Granny, you should be happy. Something new is about to begin for you. Life here it can get pretty old, no? You end up doing the same things, seeing the same people, its always very similar. But now you are going to do something new, something you've never done, and who knows what's beyond. So you should be happy, granny...''
        Basically almost word for word what I said to her. I shit you not, this curled up, shriveled up old woman, who died only two days later, barely ''there'' started shaking and moaning my name with joy, like she understood me, like she knew me despite being blind, facing the wall. I told her I'd be there with her always, even when not there, then my aunt ushered me out because she thought I might kill her. No...but I feel like my granny really agreed with both your and my point too.

        I don't know it feels like people get tired with life, or start to find it uncaptivating after a while, maybe you wish there'd be more, something more heroic, more riveting to it. That's modern life, I guess...But definitely, at some point some people ''call it a day'' on a spiritual level for sure.

        the guy in op is 100 and running marathons, I think you are really projecting your depression and listless into a general worldview when thats really true. Plenty of examples of old people who are still enjoying life and doing new things.
        >The truth is that you can do almost everything there is to do on earth in a few years
        even this is just objectively not true, considering how long it takes to just get proficient in one thing a lot of the time.

        you really think your grandma spent the previous ~70 years hating life and waiting to die?

        • 1 year ago

          What are you talking about, dude?
          I didn't say she was considering suicide, I was just saying its probably such a common thing to happen to people, in all stages of life, when they are going through pain or suffering, that it makes sense that it happens to old people too, to consider it.
          I even said I won't speak on behalf of her, but I can reasonably imagine she could have too, without me knowing.

          I am far from being depressed or listless. In fact, I feel like my stance on life, and its enjoyment is far more optimistic and positive than you think. I can look at death happily, with the right mindset of joy and curiosity, and full acceptance, precisely because I am content with life. Which is why I can talk about death so reasonably.

          The other parts of your comments pertain to another poster. But you are really over-exaggerating with this last sentence, and frankly, being quite rude, sensationalizing my grandma's life implying she hated it, just because I said I believe old people too can think of suicide as a way out. Like the reaches you're going to is quite disgusting honestly, especially to use my great-grandma as a subject matter...Take a chill pill yourself, and read others with more empathy.

        • 1 year ago

          he's a sprinter, not a maratrooner.

    • 1 year ago

      Wtf, are you a nurse in a retirement home?

  3. 1 year ago

    Yeah you want to make sure youve got carers lmao or it will be well bad and by carers i mean family member children to help you as non blood related carers wont give a shit about you most likely abuse you.

    • 1 year ago

      >Yeah you want to make sure youve got carers lmao or it will be well bad and by carers i mean family member children to help you as non blood related carers wont give a shit about you most likely abuse you.
      That's the thing, when i'm 100 i don't want to need any help, i want to achieve that, some people don't need any help well into their late 90's.

  4. 1 year ago

    >What else am i missing?
    Molecular Physics.

    Anyone that thinks they can increase their life span or become immortal is coping if they arent studying either physics or mathematics in an attempt to learn how the body works on a molecular level.

    • 1 year ago

      >Anyone that thinks they can increase their life span or become immortal is coping if they arent studying either physics or mathematics in an attempt to learn how the body works on a molecular level.
      I think that's where the don't stress the body and mind and eating less calories comes from, the less your body get's damaged, the less it has to repair itself, as i understand it, the more it repairs, the less it lasts, that's why people that compete in sports at the highest level don't usually last very long, they destroy their hearts, but doing sports once in a while may be necessary to keep the normal function of the heart.

      • 1 year ago

        Yeah thats where it comes from.

        There's more to it though since after eve sinned we've had moronic reptile genetics that causes our genome to degrade over time due to some inefficiency in replication.

        The goal now is to figure out how the molecular machinery works and figure out whats not working as it should.

        • 1 year ago

          atoms and molecules do not exist btw

          it is all about min maxing. if you overwork your body it is going to go to shit sooner than you would ever want. if you do nothing you will slowly decay instead which is not synonymous with a longer lifespan. you have to make sure your body gets damaged somewhat in order to make sure all of those systems are working and to give them motivation. pro athletes go to shit within a few months of doing nothing. now imagine what your body does with all of those systems mostly turned off for a few years

    • 1 year ago

      Meanwhile some random lady from third world country moggs everyone thats "trying" to increase their lifespan

      • 1 year ago

        >Meanwhile some random lady from third world country moggs everyone thats "trying" to increase their lifespan
        nah dude, no way, people living the most in japan, spain, italy, not africa, india, brazil... it's all about avoiding damage to the body, the environment is a big part of it, pollution and climate is also a big factor that you cannot control other than moving to another place

        • 1 year ago

          >The oldest known living man is Juan Vicente Pérez of Venezuela, aged 113 years, 350 days.

          >Violet Brown 117 years, 189 days Jamaica

          • 1 year ago


            >Meanwhile some random lady from third world country moggs everyone thats "trying" to increase their lifespan

            nah dude, no way, people living the most in japan, spain, italy, not africa, india, brazil... it's all about avoiding damage to the body, the environment is a big part of it, pollution and climate is also a big factor that you cannot control other than moving to another place (You)
            >>The oldest known living man is Juan Vicente Pérez of Venezuela, aged 113 years, 350 days.
            Brown 117 years, 189 days Jamaica
            yeah right, i really trust those documents... probably some dude collecting another's pension

            • 1 year ago

              Yup, it's time to take your meds.

              • 1 year ago


                Just do your research enxt time. Everyone outside of Europe is basically always lying, all day, every day. Life expectancy in japan? Chinese IQ? Black genetics? It's all fake and gay. Non-White LOVE this shit, you have NO idea how much they spend to fake a perfect image, their peckaging. Surgery, steroids, cheating at every single test you'll ever do, online game sincluded. All kinds of shit you, as a white guy, wouldn't even think about.

  5. 1 year ago

    my great great grandpa lived to be 104 years old. he told me and the rest of our family on his deathbed that one day he thought to himself 'i will live forever' and was only there because he got bored of life to begin with. he had the physical and mental capabilities of a healthy 60 year old. absolute unit at 6'6 and fathered countless bastards. last i heard he still wanted to have sex in his 90s but was not able to get it up anymore. he told me similar things to what anons here described. at a certain point you realize life is just repetition. you peak at 16-30 years of age and it is downhill from then on. things are just not fresh anymore and you start to feel tired on a psychological level. did not stop him from learning new things and skills but i vividly recall him telling me it was just not the same anymore despite being enjoyable

    ignore most of the diet shit OP. it all comes down to genetics. he ate good food but rarely refused a drink or two. or three. or you know.. till he passed out. worked a lot in his life despite being lazy. he did shit but always told everyone he would rather read books and frick grandma at home. life was simpler back then

    • 1 year ago

      >you peak at 16
      It gets lower every year lmao. Last year, you zoomers were CONVINCED life ends at 21. like in your animes.

      • 1 year ago

        what part of peaks at 16-30 did you not understand anon? beyond 30 years of age your body starts to go to shit and the only thing you can do is slower the decay

        • 1 year ago

          >t. 12 years old

          • 1 year ago

            do not worry bro, you will peak in your 60s!

            • 1 year ago

              Still posting that decade old fake is supposed to support your absurd claims, kid?

              • 1 year ago

                >just spend hundreds of thousands of dollars over the span of a few years on hair transplants and experimental treatments, bro!

                lol. lmao even

  6. 1 year ago

    Penn Relays is truly the greatest American track meet.

  7. 1 year ago

    >lifespan maxxing
    pls no

  8. 1 year ago

    Supplements that reduce inflammation.
    Bloodtransfusions with a younger individual.
    Eating less than your calorie requirement.
    Raising NAD+ levels - can't do it through your diet, have to take NMN or NAD+ supplements.

    I'm not sure how to express the efficiency of these "techniques", because you slow down your ageing process, making it more likely that any cancerous cell will be detected and terminated before it spread and evolve through the hallmarks of cancer. Your will also be healthier longer, mobile for longer, eye-sight, brain-function, it all will not deteriorate as fast as without these "techniques".
    If I where to make it tangible I would say you get +10 years inbetween 40-70, so by the time you are 80, you would be at the same biological-age at someone that is 70.


  9. 1 year ago

    why would i want to

  10. 1 year ago

    Read David Sinclairs book "Lifespan: why we age". It has all the stuff you need to know, with todays knowledge.

    • 1 year ago

      >Read David Sinclairs book "Lifespan: why we age". It has all the stuff you need to know, with todays knowledge.
      thanks, i will look it up, that name is familiar, i think i have watched him on a youtube video

  11. 1 year ago

    You talk shit about life, then refuse tot air the vaccine because it will kill you.

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