Lifting black pills

People treat you differently when you're in shape and have muscles, and I'm not taking about being shredded, just having some muscle mass.

It honestly sickens me how people look at me now, as if I'm a piece of meat with no internal value. Go ahead and call me a homosexual, but that's how I feel.

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  1. 6 months ago

    They treat me better and I treat them worse

  2. 6 months ago

    no ones looking at you bud

  3. 6 months ago

    The real blackpill is all these 'pill' homosexuals should kill themselves

  4. 6 months ago

    >People treat you differently when you're in shape and have muscles
    The difference is night and day. People actually listen to you when you talk.

  5. 6 months ago

    Red pill, blue pill, black pill, white pill....
    This is some Green Lantern lore shit.
    Go outside OP.

  6. 6 months ago

    Lifting wont save us manlets… its over

    • 6 months ago

      Being short is an amazing prostitute filter. If a woman cares about height it means all they want is some big dick tyrone and will cheat on you with the first bigger guy they meet.

      • 6 months ago

        >If a woman cares about height then she's low quality blah blah

        this is such a fricking cope, It's comepletely healthy and based for a woman to want a tall man

      • 6 months ago

        There's a short Asian guy at my gym, personal trainer, absolute unit, always talking to chicks and has a beautiful girlfriend.

        Manlet here. People used to make fun of my height. But since I learnt how to be funny, how to be charismatic, and also got in shape, I have not heard anyone even mention it.

        The secret is to be such a charismatic and outstanding person that, when you leave the room, nobody even cares to remember how tall you are.

        Notice it’s only brown women posting shit like this?
        It’s their inferiority complex in action.

        Manletsisters… i dont feel so good…

        • 6 months ago

          >oh no the twitter thots hate me how will I live!

    • 6 months ago

      There's a short Asian guy at my gym, personal trainer, absolute unit, always talking to chicks and has a beautiful girlfriend.

    • 6 months ago

      Manlet here. People used to make fun of my height. But since I learnt how to be funny, how to be charismatic, and also got in shape, I have not heard anyone even mention it.

      The secret is to be such a charismatic and outstanding person that, when you leave the room, nobody even cares to remember how tall you are.

      • 6 months ago

        lol cope and sneed

        • 6 months ago


          • 6 months ago

            people make fun of you while you are still in the room, you are just too short to see them doing it

            • 6 months ago

              cope and project harder, street shitter

    • 6 months ago

      Notice it’s only brown women posting shit like this?
      It’s their inferiority complex in action.

      • 6 months ago

        White girl brown girl they all they the same they love indian wieners

      • 6 months ago

        Lol good catch

        Manletsisters… i dont feel so good…

        Frick off Raj you're shorter than everyone else here.

        • 6 months ago

          >oh no the twitter thots hate me how will I live!

          • 6 months ago
            • 6 months ago

              >naPOOleon complex

          • 6 months ago


            Manletsisters… i dont feel so good…

            homie you’ve been posting this shit the entire week? If being a manlet is so bad just rope holy shit waste of fricking oxygen

    • 6 months ago

      >still haven't heard about traps

  7. 6 months ago

    That should be a white pill. It means you can improve your fate and make other people treat you better.
    Why shouldn't I assign greater default respect to someone who is basically in shape versus a malformed, skeletal, skinnyfat, husk of a person? Why should I fight against instinct and evolution and value a weak horse and a strong horse the same?

    • 6 months ago

      >That should be a white pill
      You forgot that no one on IST lifts

  8. 6 months ago

    >look at me now, as if I'm a piece of meat with no internal value.
    That's how I see people too
    what's the problem?
    what else could they possible see?
    go up to them since they like your appearence now

  9. 6 months ago

    I went from IST to fat back to IST. there really is a huge difference. women didn't want to talk to me when /fat/ and men didn't get jealous around me.

  10. 6 months ago

    Imagine being upset that you can alter the way people treat you.
    >waaaa I became better looking and now people treat me better, this is a travesty!
    Would you have preferred it if people still treated you like shit even after you worked out and became fit?
    >It honestly sickens me how people look at me now, as if I'm a piece of meat with no internal value
    Of course they do you nitwit, because the first thing they see is the meat, not "muh internal values". And guess what, you do the same shit, you just haven't thought about it yet.

  11. 6 months ago

    Congratulations. You now know how women feel when they say stop sexualizing/objectifying me.

    • 6 months ago

      You say that like it's a bad thing.
      Being desired and appreciated for your body feels fricking awesome, and it's way better than being needed because you happen to have <resource> and someone needs it, or because <thing> broke and it needs to be fixed.

      At least the object of desire is a part of you, not some thing that has nothing to do with you directly, and you're some guy that's tangentially related to it and has to be there because of a technicality.

      • 6 months ago

        That's a shallow way to look at it. You may think your appearance is "you", but your appearance will change and degrade over time. Women lose their beauty as they age and men no longer value them.
        It all depends on where you draw the line as to what is and isn't "you". Women could easily say oh he values me for my body and not my mind/personality/emotions, and they do say that a lot because they draw the line elsewhere. It's completely arbitrary to say that your skills and capacities and resources aren't a part of "you", just as arbitrary as to say that your appearance is or isn't. To most people your capabilities are a part of you. Why wouldn't they be? You can always cut deeper and say "me" is my soul, the intangible and invisible, undetectable essence of my being. And everyone should value me for that. It makes no sense.

        • 6 months ago

          >but your appearance will change and degrade over time
          So does your brain, and thus your personality.
          > It's completely arbitrary to say that your skills and capacities and resources aren't a part of "you", just as arbitrary as to say that your appearance is or isn't
          Not really. You have to be there in order for your appearance to be there. It is a part that cannot be separated from you.
          When it comes to resources, you don't even have to be there. When it comes to skills, it doesn't even have to be you. What matters in this equation is the result, the resource, not the individual.
          >To most people your capabilities are a part of you
          Correct. But most people don't want the painter, or the ability to paint, they want the painting. Most people don't want the businessman, or the ability to be a good businessman, they want the money.
          Most people don't want the skill or the possessor of the skill, they want the end product, which is not a part of the person. That's the key difference. As long as they get their desired resource or their stuff fixed, the individual may as well not even be there.
          >That's a shallow way to look at it.
          True. But one is more shallow than the other.

          • 6 months ago

            Well, I made the distinction between your ultimate "self", your soul, your true individuality and your brain. I said you can go deeper and I did, I took the hyperbolic example to show you it's a continuum rather than a binary or list of non-related elements. Your skills may as well be a part of your looks, your aptitudes are literally a biological part of your brain, when you learn new skills your neuronal pathways change, so they literally, biologically are a part of "you."
            >What matters in this equation is the result, not the individual
            That's a man's way of thinking. We value the results that other men can produce because we want to mimic those results and thus anteriorly, mimic those abilities. You're not wrong about this.
            But what's funny is that when you say
            >People don't want the painter, they want the painting
            Most women actually think the inverse way. They don't have the artistic acumen to actually truly appreciate a good painting or sculpture, or piece of music or book, but they'll pine after the painter, the sculptor, the musician or the author. So once again women think in the opposite way that we do, which is a good thing. But projecting our own desires onto them does not help elucidate matters.
            Men and women see the things they desire in each other, not the things that they can actually provide. Men are results oriented and women seek status; yet the results of hard work establish a hierarchical position and subsequent status. I wouldn't say that approaching someone for their looks is more or less shallow than approaching someone for their resources or skills. At the end of the day you are seeking something from that person, whether that is part of their physical body or not doesn't really matter.
            >they want the end product, which is not a part of the person.
            If you create something, it is a part of you. It was once an idea that gestated in your head and that willed into existence. It's an extremely intimate part of you, I would say.

        • 6 months ago

          Lol who cares, I feel better every waking moment being thin and complimented because I'm an evolved social creature who's happiness is partially derived from being a part of society
          I love who I am and I love getting admired
          If everything is as arbitrary as you state (it is), then statements like "that's a shallow way to look at it" is also arbitrary and subjective. From another point of view, it is not shallow at all.

  12. 6 months ago

    >alright. frick op and his thread
    >that's what this thread is, you know?
    >cringey blackpill homosexualry

  13. 6 months ago

    >lifting black pills
    How heavy could they be?

    • 6 months ago

      It's cardio

  14. 6 months ago

    To have a strong, durable and aesthetic body for life all you need to use are kettlebells, weighted pullups and dips. Plus you get to workout for only 30 mins at any gym cause 99% of people in the gym cannot use them.

  15. 6 months ago

    One blackpill I realize is that white girls love indian men

    • 6 months ago

      Another blackpill is whatever you are good at an indian does it better

    • 6 months ago

      Another blackpill is whatever you are good at an indian does it better

      yea ok dalit, go eat more cow dung

    • 6 months ago

      For literally maybe a few years in their early 20s if that - if she's into indian guys its almost a guarantee she is "worldly" / loves culture stuff and travelling and whatever. Maybe she grew up on bollywood to some degree and finds it fun.

      And indians aren't pakis which are the strict desis so they can drink and party and be equally degenerate

    • 6 months ago

      There is not a single woman on earth, indian included, that like indian men.

  16. 6 months ago

    blackpill - unless you at a powerlifting or a hardcore gym. Your lifts do not matter as much as your stamina for showing off.

    Did a 3pl8 bench - sic bro , now can you do a 100 fricking ab raises to the bar nonstop? Normies find that shit way more impressive for some reason

    • 6 months ago

      I do weighted dips and pullups 3x10 and watched some fricking lady go out of her way to compliment a guy on a fricking dip.
      Like, pushed me while I was putting weight on the belt to compliment this dude on a fricking dip.
      Just about caved her head in with a 45.

      • 6 months ago

        very normal reaction
        I'm sure your dips are very impressive, anon
        maybe she was intimidated

  17. 6 months ago

    Absolutely. This also counts for former fatties who lose a bunch of weight. I used to be nearly 500 lbs @ 6'1 and now I'm around 280 (still fat, I know) and the way I'm treated every 50lbs was night and day different. People in general these days treat me like a fricking human worthy of attention and when I got under 300 women actually smile + notice me now.

  18. 6 months ago

    What should sicken you is that you didn't realize that was always the case, and it took you so long to improve yourself to an acceptable level. You should look down on every fat weakling out there because you are better than them, not feel angry that nobody liked you when you were an unlikeable slob.

  19. 6 months ago

    I see this as a white pill. You only have to exercise and eat properly to gain some muscle and thats it, you are treated better. Problems have solutions, there is a way towards making it

  20. 6 months ago


  21. 6 months ago

    >honestly sickens me how people look at me now
    Why, that's stupid. You are not only a homosexual you are also stupid

  22. 6 months ago

    yes, its called pretty privilege (because women experience it more often and more extreme) and you're blind to the positives of it. Have you ever been fat or repulsively skinny? If so, think to how you were treated then compared to now. If you were average/skinnyfat, think of how unnoticeable and normal you were treated. One of the herd. Think of how much easier social interactions are now. Think about how much weight what you have to say holds.

    I am sexually harassed on a daily basis at work by every single coworker I work with, male or female. The females even physically. Yes its great when its one of the attractive ones, but when the she-ogres touch me it is physically repulsive.

    The attention may constantly be on me, which has its downsides, but in the grand scheme of things there is some sense that to a degree everyone around me now seeks my approval. While my shortcomings are more noticeable with this extra attention, any expression of going out of my way or any small act of kindness is multiplied in its effect. People will agree with me on the same things I have witnessed them die on a hill about with the gross fat males I work with, and on some pretty sensitive topics at that. Many of my mistakes are forgiven outright, others shortly after with a minimal amount of charming required.

    Pretty privilege is easy mode. There is power in beauty and you should prioritize it.

    • 6 months ago

      Based and factual. My life has become way easier since I lost weight and became handsome.

    • 6 months ago

      In psychological literature it's referred to as the halo effect. It's 100% real and meaningfully impacts a person's quality of life. An ugly person in average earns less money, has sex less often (no shit) and dies EARLIER. In short: Looksmaxxing isn't an exercise of vanity - it's a sign of virtue.

    • 6 months ago

      >autist thinks he's suddenly God because he got in shape
      I bet you think applying cologne allows you to frick every woman you see.

  23. 6 months ago

    Lmao how is this at all a black pill? Of course people treat you differently. They treat you better, because you are better. You're worth far more than the average person, and it shows on the outside.

    Step up your demoralization game, homosexual.

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