lifting fatigue

how do you deal with fatigue? im a beginner, lifting constantly for 2 months now, the 5x5 programme with assistance work, 3rd month in now and starting to feel a lot of general fatigue. should i just power through it? also have gained around 10kg during these two months, feeling some pressure in hearth when i breathe in deeper

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  1. 6 months ago

    You're too weak to be fatigued.

    • 6 months ago

      well shit.. that made me think. noob numbers i know i know
      94kg squat
      44kg OHP
      104 DL
      64 bench
      68 barbell row
      30kg skullcrushers and curls, 6kg weighted dips and chin ups 3x8

      • 6 months ago

        Pretty good for two months in. Take a short rest, a week or so.
        Don't train through fatigue.

    • 6 months ago

      >You're too weak to be fatigued.
      Dude, didn't you read the OP? He has been lifting constantly for 2 months. No breaks, and is either lifting in his sleep or not sleeping. I'm pretty sure he's fatigued

      how do you deal with fatigue? im a beginner, lifting constantly for 2 months now, the 5x5 programme with assistance work, 3rd month in now and starting to feel a lot of general fatigue. should i just power through it? also have gained around 10kg during these two months, feeling some pressure in hearth when i breathe in deeper

      well shit.. that made me think. noob numbers i know i know
      94kg squat
      44kg OHP
      104 DL
      64 bench
      68 barbell row
      30kg skullcrushers and curls, 6kg weighted dips and chin ups 3x8

      Friend, lift in accordance to the 5x5 program and then stop and come back to it two days later. You've got great energy but your body builds muscle when you rest

      • 6 months ago

        by constantly i mean a day break in between, as per the programme, just didnt follow the 2 day rests. This month ive taken 2 day rests twice already... my friend says i should do some cardio now, 10kg gain in two months might be heavy on the heart

        • 6 months ago

          my mistake, the word i shouldve used was consistently, not constantly

        • 6 months ago

          well shit.. that made me think. noob numbers i know i know
          94kg squat
          44kg OHP
          104 DL
          64 bench
          68 barbell row
          30kg skullcrushers and curls, 6kg weighted dips and chin ups 3x8

          how do you deal with fatigue? im a beginner, lifting constantly for 2 months now, the 5x5 programme with assistance work, 3rd month in now and starting to feel a lot of general fatigue. should i just power through it? also have gained around 10kg during these two months, feeling some pressure in hearth when i breathe in deeper

          Hey Anon, you're doing fricking great
          The weight gain is a bit excessive though. Try to make sure you don't gain more than 0.5kg per week from now on. You can achieve this by eating cleaner, less processed food. (Not necessarily less food, mind you). And of course as little alcohol at possible.

          Regarding your fatigue:
          Instead of 5x5, do 1x5 on each exercise with max weight.
          This will be your "deload" week.
          Keep going to the gym as you were, do all the exercises, all the warmup sets, but only one "working set" per exercise.

          The next week you should be fully recovered and ready to go like before.

          • 6 months ago

            thanks man. I'm not eating anything processed at all really, nor am I drinking, only water, milk and kefir.

            thanks for the advice, got me motivated again, going to lift in 30mins now

          • 6 months ago

            >more than 0.5kg per week
            this is already way too much
            1kg a month max

  2. 6 months ago

    even my knees feel a bit wonky

  3. 6 months ago

    eat more
    eat better quality (+meat, +dairy, -shakes, - vegs)
    sleep more
    sleep better
    rest (resting is not sleeping know the difference)
    stop everything that's taxing your body and recovery, too much jerking off, nicotine, too much caffeine, alcohol etc.
    gain some fricking weight while you are at it.

    get a proper program like
    44kg OHP
    94kg squat
    >does skullcrushers

    • 6 months ago

      I drink 1l of raw milk a day, 4 raw eggs in the morning, eat clean too, took creatine, multivit supps. don't drink or smoke for a year now. maybe i should change up the programme.

      Just take a week off you'll be fine.

      Check that your sleep, vitamin and calorie intake fits your requirements. If you're constant fatigue you may be going too hard or not sleeping enough. 2 months is not enough for your body to adjust to this new lifestyle.


      • 6 months ago

        SIMPLE AS

        your weight is supposed to go up as your lifts go up
        otherwise you get fricked stalled and burned out

        • 6 months ago

          He wrote he gained 10kg in two months

          • 6 months ago

            he still could weight 60-70kg which is not enough to progress on those lifts on most of people
            +10kg is a good start but it really depends on his other stats like weight and height

            • 6 months ago

              I'm 177cm and now weigh around 77kg. Should I switch from 5x5 to something else, anons seem to think its shit.

              • 6 months ago

                starting strength
                5x5 is too much volume

              • 6 months ago

                alright chief

              • 6 months ago

                if you feel fatigued you need to cut on the deadlifts. 3x a week might already be too much. you could get away with 2x maybe but 1x is completely fine if you are squatting 3x a week. just do chins on those days that you are not deadlifting

  4. 6 months ago

    Just take a week off you'll be fine.

  5. 6 months ago

    Check that your sleep, vitamin and calorie intake fits your requirements. If you're constant fatigue you may be going too hard or not sleeping enough. 2 months is not enough for your body to adjust to this new lifestyle.

  6. 6 months ago

    Didn't know those 2000s style offices still existed. Also I thought he meant he did some 'before work', like pre work before the dag started, and was a good wagey. I could say he is the opposite, but if the meth aids his work, then he is still a wagey.

  7. 6 months ago

    >5x5 programme

    There's your problem. Doing heavy squats and deadlifts to failure 3-2 times a week is going to frick you up simple.

    • 6 months ago

      5x5 is such a fricking joke and might be the biggest sign of a newbie who has no idea what he's doing.

  8. 6 months ago

    Take a rest week or deload

  9. 6 months ago

    >eat at a surplus
    >drink 1 gallon of water per day
    >sleep 8 to 9 hours
    >if you are doing powerfatty shit drop cardio to 20 mins per day on non training days
    >multivit (meh, but wont hurt)
    there, solved your shit

  10. 6 months ago

    Do a deload week. Yeah it is really that simple. Just kinda frick around for me doing a pump day where I just go in and chase a pump fixes fatigue because more times then not you are just bored especially if you are just progressing with little issue.

    Try pissing around with different things and odd lifts.

  11. 6 months ago

    fatique? more like fat-ick

    get it? because you're fat and give people the ick

    me personally I'm more of a go hard or go home kind of guy so no fat-ick for me

    • 6 months ago

      t. Skinny pencil neck no dick b***h

      I know you femboys come here to get bullied and then jerk off to the thought of angry anon having their way with you.

  12. 6 months ago

    Mostly by building volume gradually. You don't want sudden increases in total weekly volume unless they're less than 20%. With cardio it gets complicated though since there no rule you can really use to factor it in. Proactive deloads every 6 weeks particularly if you're eating maintence or not far from it. 1/3rd total volume reduction if you're cutting. It's really not hard stuff but most of this goes against the grain of our biology so it requires a bit gentle touch on the calendar but not in individual sessions.

  13. 6 months ago

    sounds like your diet and sleeping is awful to be honest. I dont think this is a lifting/gym/exertion problem.

    What does your diet and sleep schedule look like?

  14. 6 months ago

    >gained around 10kg during these two months
    Well we can cross undereating off the list of possibilities, fricking hell

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