Lifting is depressing to me

>lift for a year
>things go great
>suddenly stop making progress
>properly hop on a plan, learn to deload, eat big, train hard, etc
>make a tiny fragment of progress via blood and sweat
>get sick for a short while
>get knocked back the entire year in terms of progress
>can't get back even after 3 months of trying

I've visited multiple coaches and docs and nobody knows what's up with me. I just want something back in return for my hard work man.

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 12 months ago

    You've reached the natty limit.

    • 12 months ago

      How the hell does one reach their limit after a year of training? Do my genetics just suck that much? 🙁

  2. 12 months ago

    You should do a proper linear progression program like Starting Strength, Stronglifts 5x5, or Greyskull LP until you've recovered your lifts and reached the end of your noob gains, and then switch to a program like 5/3/1, madcow 5x5, or texas method.

    • 12 months ago

      Tried Starting Strength, Greyskull and 5/3/1. Also tried Jeff Nippard's bench press specialization program and a few other hypertrophy templates from popular lifters online. No progress with any of them. I genuinely can not add weight or reps past a certain threshold with every exercise unless it's a muscle that I didn't train in my first year of training (like my neck via neck curls for example). Appreciate the help but every program in the world relies on progressive overload and if I can't do that, they're all useless to me.

      sorry you have the dumb and no one knows why


      You don’t want it enough or you’re in your mid 30s

      I'm 19 and I've popped a vein on my head during deep leg presses to failure and I've never skipped a day because I "didn't feel like it". There isn't a single person in my gym that wants to progress more than me.

      your diet is shit

      200g of protein, 4k calories a day to help me get bigger. 90% of it was mostly unprocessed foods with a focus on meats, fish, lentils, veggies and fruits Gained weight, yet no muscle or strength lol.



      • 12 months ago

        You’ve hit a wall then. 2 years ago my bench was stuck at 185 for 6 months, then It jumped up 20 pounds. A year of lifting isn’t substantial if you’ve never lifted before that. You also don’t want it enough

      • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        People have lul periods. Switching programs like you’re on crack certainly isn’t helping you. Just stick to a program and work it for 6 months then reassess. Personally would just stick a simple hypertrophy program and deload for a few months. You don’t always have to be progressing in terms of strength especially as a natty. Sounds like your body just needs to chill for a bit

        • 12 months ago

          Stuck to the same program for the past 6 months, recently looked at my progress and almost cried for the first time since 7th grade. Close to no progress at all despite gaining all that weight and being in the gym 4-5 times a week and deloading once every 5 weeks.

          • 12 months ago

            You are far overestimating the average progression arc for strength gains. You’ve been lifting less than 2 years. Fricking chill out and just enjoy lifting

            • 12 months ago

              It's not normal that my biceps curls went down by a rep in the past 12 months rather than go up at all in terms of reps or weight. Dude, I see my friends with 5-10 years of lifting experience add at least a pound to their squat over a month. It took me multiple months to do 🙁

              • 12 months ago

                I can’t help you. If you can’t determine why an experienced lifter with 5-10 years under their belt is able to add weight over a beginner then you’re just straight fricking moronic. It’s not a rush job. Please return when you’ve dropped the insufferable anxiety ridden attitude. You sound like a massive homosexual

              • 12 months ago

                Awhh, did your superiority complex not like being wrong? You're a massive projecting moron, go frick yourself.

              • 12 months ago

                Yes, it’s me and the other 15 people here calling you a moron that are wrong and not you. What a pathetic fricking reply lmao

          • 12 months ago

            >being in the gym 4-5 times a week and deloading once every 5 weeks
            it seems like you should be on a program that does 3x a week. unironically do the reddit beginner routine. i know you said you did SS and progressive overload won't give you gains or something (?) but you might be lifting with improper form, and should focus on perfecting your form on the major compound lifts. popping a forehead vein on legpress (and your attitude / things you're complaining about in this entire thread) sounds like you've been ego lifting. i remember i was the same way when i was 19, and was so focused on increasing my weigh each session that i didn't give a frick about form, as long as i could get the weight up. this improper form might be preventing you from adding weight to your lifts and building muscle in the right places. additionally, i think you should pick up an activity on the non gym days for cross training. like running or swimming or biking or something like that. i think it would help you be more in tune with your body and not so hyperfixated on le epic weight numbers and gains. and give yourself a full rest day at least one day per week.

      • 12 months ago

        >bros I tried 17 different programs last be year
        >SHIT gains on all of em
        >wut do

      • 12 months ago

        Frick hypertrophy, do reps

  3. 12 months ago

    sorry you have the dumb and no one knows why

  4. 12 months ago

    You don’t want it enough or you’re in your mid 30s

  5. 12 months ago

    your diet is shit

    • 12 months ago

      people think they “eat big” and don’t realize they’re eating at or below maintenance

      • 12 months ago

        I gained 10kg over the past 6 months, so that argument sadly doesn't apply. I wish it did man.

        >4k calories a day

        I have a huge appetite and track my food. Literally my breakfast often is just 300g of ground beef, a few eggs and bread or leftover rice + optionally fruits, preferably kiwis or strawberries. Independently of my caloric intake tho, I gained 10kg over the past 6 months, so any comment adressing me not eating enough is invalid.

        Well since you didn’t post any numbers I’m going to base my reply on the picture you posted. Stop jacking off to cartoons you autistic fricking monkey.

        Literally not necessary because I barely made progress on most of my lifts. My db incline press went from 7 reps with 30kg to 10 reps with it over the course of 8 months. This shit is the case for all of my lifts so posting them is just embarrassing.

        • 12 months ago


          • 12 months ago

            I'm gonna guess you mean psychological and it sadly probably isn't. I push myself and I'm in love with growing stronger.

            You’ve hit a wall then. 2 years ago my bench was stuck at 185 for 6 months, then It jumped up 20 pounds. A year of lifting isn’t substantial if you’ve never lifted before that. You also don’t want it enough

            I ate 4k calories, trained to failure to the point that nosebleeds and popped veins were common, religiously stuck to my programs, avoided alcohol and got 8 hours of sleep at all costs. Literally nobody in this thread has done even half of this for any extended period of time so don't tell me I don't want it enough motherfricker


            Had a minor issue for a while that kept me from getting sleep, but fixed that 8 months ago and consistently getting 8 fantastic hours of sleep now. Trying to optimize it as much as possible by getting plenty of fresh air and suntime, reducing screen time before sleep, drinking milk, etc. Sadly ain't sleep 🙁

            • 12 months ago

              >trained to failure to the point that nosebleeds and popped veins were common
              anon if what you sayin is true you might be over training. If your body cant handle it then too much is just as bad as too little.

            • 12 months ago

              >Literally nobody in this thread has done even half of this for any extended period of time so don't tell me I don't want it enough motherfricker
              How do you know that little boy.

              • 12 months ago

                Because the average fit user cries about a cut and claims CICO doesn't work

            • 12 months ago

              >I ate 4k calories, trained to failure to the point that nosebleeds and popped veins were common, religiously stuck to my programs, avoided alcohol and got 8 hours of sleep at all costs. Literally nobody in this thread has done even half of this for any extended period of time so don't tell me I don't want it enough motherfricker
              You're too autistic is the problem. Why would you take lifting that seriously. I go HAM in the gym, and there's no way you outwork me since you're still a n00b, but I never get that anal about my training. Maybe you just gotta relax a little bit. Go hard in the gym and chill out when you're not in the gym.

        • 12 months ago

          >My db incline press went from 7 reps with 30kg to 10 reps with it over the course of 8 months.

          How many sets? How many can you do with 20 or 25 kg?

  6. 12 months ago


    • 12 months ago

      >4k calories a day

  7. 12 months ago

    Well since you didn’t post any numbers I’m going to base my reply on the picture you posted. Stop jacking off to cartoons you autistic fricking monkey.

  8. 12 months ago

    You might be a genetic failure. Obviously you're moronic, but I mean you might be a an outlier non-responder to weight training too. Hire a good strength coach who can work with you closely for a few months, if they're thorough they'll either figure out what you're too moronic to tell us or confirm that you should quit lifting and go be a runner or something.

    • 12 months ago

      Worked with a coach like 1.5 years ago for a short time when the symptoms first showed up. Bro gave up. After that, I found a few decent ones online that I talk to once eveey few weeks that actually helped me make some tiny progress, but it still wasn't enough to make an actual impact. Most of these people just preach the same things "eat in a caloric surplus, recover well, add weight/reps", nothing I don't know and it will never work as long as I can not get stronger. Tried other things like doing a half marathon through mud (was super fun) but still mostly sucked and didn't show any talent for it. I really thought lifting would be my big thing because in my first year of training, I gained 40lbs of lean mass and a ton of strength, I felt like I was gonna start winning shows in a few years. And then suddenly, no progress at all, just a few single rep additions have changed since then.

      • 12 months ago

        I need you to understand, if you can, that if you're too moronic to understand my post, you're too moronic to fix your own training. I suggested you work closely with a thorough strength coach for a long period of time, and you responded by saying, among other things, that you have not done so. Consider posting body and concrete stats ITT and maybe you'll get some actionable advice. Best of luck.

        • 12 months ago

          >You need someone to parrot you the same things you know to progress
          One of my friends studied sports science and I'm essentially on par with him in terms of knowledge. I've taken a short online course on periodization and I religiously watch and read content produced by well respected people in the industry like Mike Israetel, Menno Henselmann, Coach Kasseem, Brad Schoenfeld, Bret Contreras, Greg Nuckols and more. Plus I got coached by an older national level powerlifter for a few months prior to my symptoms. There is absolutely nothing that a random coach can tell me that I don't know.

  9. 12 months ago

    >zoomie mindbroken by tiktok upset he’s not squating 5pl8 in two years

    • 12 months ago

      More like
      >Zoomie upset he hasn't managed to add 10lbs to his squat in a year even tho he religiously optimizes every variable to succeed

  10. 12 months ago

    powershitting claims another boys

    • 12 months ago

      I did nothing but hypertrophy training for the past 8 months 🙁


      >No progress
      >Getting sick out of nowhere
      Classic signs.
      Also your programming is probably shit and you're perfectionist and will therefore never make it.

      >trained to failure to the point that nosebleeds and popped veins were common
      anon if what you sayin is true you might be over training. If your body cant handle it then too much is just as bad as too little.

      Possibly, but I did take break weeks once every 5 weeks but instead of coming stronger, I still got weaker every time. Plus my sessions consist of only 14 sets, so it really shouldn't be that fatiguing. My deloads consist of 2 light training days in a week and nothing else. What do I need to do, take off a month and try starting again?

      >bros I tried 17 different programs last be year
      >SHIT gains on all of em
      >wut do

      Last year? Nah, over the past 13 months, all I did was a full body split for 3 months, 2 months of bench press specialization and 8 months of the same exact upper body split

      Yes, it’s me and the other 15 people here calling you a moron that are wrong and not you. What a pathetic fricking reply lmao

      Not my fault that you guys are collectively moronic?
      >More people = more true
      Fricking moron, go back to the shithole you crawled out of

      I have a progressive muscle wasting nerve disease and mog 99% of people. tired of hearing perfectly able-bodied people whine about their genetics

      Great stuff mate. But how exactly does that play into my inability to progress?

      • 12 months ago

        because you refuse to accept that you’re obviously doing something wrong. essentially you’re too stupid to build muscle

        • 12 months ago

          I literally coach my friends who've made a ton of progress because of me. If it was my understanding of training holding me back, it wouldn't work for them either. Again, I have a friend that studies exercise science which I am on par with in terms of knowledge. I've been trying to find the "obvious" missing link for a long long time now and nothing you guys have said so far is something I hadn't considered so far.

          you might have overloaded you central nervous system and if so that will take a lot of time to fix itself my guess would be not muscle fatigue but that.
          >I did take break weeks once every 5 weeks.
          that might be why its happening. I also don't like to take days off but if you are experiencing severe fatigue and no progress tone down things for a few weeks.

          Actually sounds reasonable, I feel exhausted whenever I do anything physical at this point. How much low intensity would you recommend? Do you think I'll lose mass doing it during a cut?

          >lifting for less than 2 years
          >has somehow tried 5 programs while also doing hypertrophy upper/lower split for 11 months but also a bp specialization for 2 months
          im actually losing brain cells reading this shit

          Trained for around 2.5 years if I remember correctly and did powerbuilding and a few powerlifting programs at the start. Then the symptoms kicked in and I tried a few things every 3-4 months and currently just stuck to my current Upper Lower split for the past 8 months with similarly tiny progress if at all present.

          • 12 months ago

            you want me to believe your friends accepted training advice from a guy who has accomplished nothing in 2.5 years of hitting the gym?

            • 12 months ago

              Gained 40lbs of lean mass in my first year of training, of course people want to know how I did it

              >Actually sounds reasonable, I feel exhausted whenever I do anything physical at this point. How much low intensity would you recommend? Do you think I'll lose mass doing it during a cut?

              the rest time depends on you I normally take 1 maybe 2 days off then some deload days but I try and catch the fatigue early if I start feeling it (about a month or 2 of no rest days). Also don't worry about loosing muscle mass if you got the macros down and are not in a large caloric deficit. you might loose strength but that can be gained back quickly on a bulk or slightly slower at maintenance.

              Thank you, I'll try.

              OP has never been told no or bad job or that he’s wrong. Sad reality of many zoomers!

              I've been stricter with myself than any boomer ever has lmao

              >being in the gym 4-5 times a week and deloading once every 5 weeks
              it seems like you should be on a program that does 3x a week. unironically do the reddit beginner routine. i know you said you did SS and progressive overload won't give you gains or something (?) but you might be lifting with improper form, and should focus on perfecting your form on the major compound lifts. popping a forehead vein on legpress (and your attitude / things you're complaining about in this entire thread) sounds like you've been ego lifting. i remember i was the same way when i was 19, and was so focused on increasing my weigh each session that i didn't give a frick about form, as long as i could get the weight up. this improper form might be preventing you from adding weight to your lifts and building muscle in the right places. additionally, i think you should pick up an activity on the non gym days for cross training. like running or swimming or biking or something like that. i think it would help you be more in tune with your body and not so hyperfixated on le epic weight numbers and gains. and give yourself a full rest day at least one day per week.

              >3x a week
              Tried it, but will get back into it to recover a bit more then
              >form issues/egolifting
              Nah, sadly not. I'm a huge fan of Dr Mike Israetel on YouTube and I've worked hard to master every exercise I do through a huge range of motion. All of my leg presses had my feet almost touching my ass.
              >full rest
              Already have that three times a week
              >other activity
              Yeah, I've been doing that! Trying out soccer and it's been pretty fun so far 😀

              • 12 months ago

                >I've been stricter with myself than any boomer ever has lmao
                Sure buddy, whatever you say.

          • 12 months ago

            >Actually sounds reasonable, I feel exhausted whenever I do anything physical at this point. How much low intensity would you recommend? Do you think I'll lose mass doing it during a cut?

            the rest time depends on you I normally take 1 maybe 2 days off then some deload days but I try and catch the fatigue early if I start feeling it (about a month or 2 of no rest days). Also don't worry about loosing muscle mass if you got the macros down and are not in a large caloric deficit. you might loose strength but that can be gained back quickly on a bulk or slightly slower at maintenance.

          • 12 months ago

            >Again, I have a friend that studies exercise science which I am on par with in terms of knowledge. I've been trying to find the "obvious" missing link for a long long time now and nothing you guys have said so far is something I hadn't considered so far.
            You're a 19 year old kid. Without experience, and apparently without knowledge and willingness to receive criticism.
            Like, people here are giving you honest suggestions and trying to be as adult as they can with you, but you're just calling us morons even though the fault most likely lies with you.
            My impression is that you lift half heartedly and probably have bad form that limits your lifts. Start recording yourself and watch if your form is correct, or ask for form analysis. Start doing accessory exercises that work on weak points.
            Most likely you are doing something wrong and you're not a special genetic case or have a special unknown disease. You might even just not be eating enough or getting enough protein.

            • 12 months ago

              >le age
              Boomers and millenials are known to be moronic, I'm not even gonna act like that's an argument.
              >honest suggestions
              I'm grateful for all of them, but almost all of them are things I've heard and considered improving dozens of times. If you have an issue for a year and spend every day fixing it, how likely do you think it is that the first suggestion a stranger makes afterward is gonna be the one super special exception you hadn't considered and worked on?
              >called us morons
              Only whenever you guys started name calling :0
              >lift half heartedly
              So how many veins have you popped going to failure?
              >bad form
              Full ROM every time baby, huge fan of Dr Mike Israetel on YouTube. Feet gotta touch that ass on squats >:)
              >accessory exercises
              Outside of accessories not really being a thing unless you're a powerlifter, no exercise at all progresses so the type of exercise doesn't matter in the context of this problem. Would be a lot easier to fix if my question was about a specific exercise and not every single one of them.
              >protein and food
              I weigh my food and can guarantee you that I eat 200g of protein and enough to gain weight. The bodyweight's coming in, just not the progress in terms of progressive overload.

              • 12 months ago

                >Boomers and millenials are known to be moronic
                I'm beginning to think you're just a troll, and I feel sorry for actually trying to help you out.

              • 12 months ago

                are you ebic trolling or the most annoying homosexual in the entire world?

              • 12 months ago

                >Boomers and millenials are known to be moronic, I'm not even gonna act like that's an argument.
                Your thread and posts genuinely come off as trolling.
                Produce something objective like workout recordings or something. So you can't just shitpost others or delude yourself. Post something that is outside your head people can engage with.

                I suggest other people stop engaging this likely troll until they produce something of objective substance.

      • 12 months ago

        you might have overloaded you central nervous system and if so that will take a lot of time to fix itself my guess would be not muscle fatigue but that.
        >I did take break weeks once every 5 weeks.
        that might be why its happening. I also don't like to take days off but if you are experiencing severe fatigue and no progress tone down things for a few weeks.

      • 12 months ago

        >lifting for less than 2 years
        >has somehow tried 5 programs while also doing hypertrophy upper/lower split for 11 months but also a bp specialization for 2 months
        im actually losing brain cells reading this shit

  11. 12 months ago


    >No progress
    >Getting sick out of nowhere
    Classic signs.
    Also your programming is probably shit and you're perfectionist and will therefore never make it.

  12. 12 months ago

    I have a progressive muscle wasting nerve disease and mog 99% of people. tired of hearing perfectly able-bodied people whine about their genetics

  13. 12 months ago

    OP has never been told no or bad job or that he’s wrong. Sad reality of many zoomers!

  14. 12 months ago

    Maybe you should start stretching properly and getting enough rest or something.

  15. 12 months ago

    It would seem that youre moronic, lying, or handicapped. Post body, bw and stats.

  16. 12 months ago

    I'm over here with only one orb to ponder while she's pondering three.

  17. 12 months ago

    It do be like that since times. I've been lifting for almost ten years. Just got back to db benching with 50s. Lol

  18. 12 months ago

    >six hours later
    >still no body posted

  19. 12 months ago

    While you were making progress during that year, your "recovery ability" exceeded the stress inflicted on your body by the exercise. As you got bigger and stronger, you inflicted more stress on your body with every set. At some point, the stress inflicted exceeded the recovery, and you stopped making progress.
    There are several things you could do: increase quality/duration of sleep, improve diet, increase protein intake, increase intensity (take every working set to technical failure)
    If these boxes are checked, them the next step would be to add rest days to your routine and see if that gets you through your plateau.

    • 12 months ago

      Deloading is only a temporary fix to the problem. The problem is that you aren't resting enough.
      If you are forced to take a deload week, then go back to the exact same routine, you'll lose the muscle you built during the deload. The fact that you required a deload is indication that you weren't resting enough.

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