Like it or not, lifting is a sort of escape.

Like it or not, lifting is a sort of escape. You are rejecting the meaninglessness of life and embracing the pleasure that lies in ignorance.

Stop lifting. Stop caring. Stop trying to improve. Nothing is going to help you. I want you to remember and know, most importantly know that you are going to die one day. Know that. Death is certain.

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  1. 7 months ago

    A story without an end has no meaning. The perception of value is determined by scarcity; if we had an infinite amount of time, we'd place little value on it. Maybe it is meaningless, but I want to die knowing I did my best and attained what was important to me.

    • 7 months ago

      >A story without an end has no meaning
      There is no meaning.
      >The perception of value is determined by scarcity; if we had an infinite amount of time, we'd place little value on it. Maybe it is meaningless, but I want to die knowing I did my best and attained what was important to me.
      Illusions. Constructs developed by the Brain to keep you attached.

      • 7 months ago

        there is always meaning in the present. things always matter at the now.

      • 7 months ago

        I guess my question is, if you really feel that life has no meaning, why haven't you killed yourself? I don't mean that in a butt-hurt or insulting manner, I'm genuinely curious as to what drives you to keep going.

        • 7 months ago

          >Death is a escape
          I used to think so too, but there is no escape. You are stuck in an endless loop. There is a possibility of us repeating ourselves. Dying will not solve my questions.
          >Ok Schizoid
          Big Bang happened on its own? You are telling me something happened from nothing? Thats impossible. It violates all energy laws. It only means there was something before big bang which further means that big bang can happen again and thus further lead to life over and unstoppable repetition. A circle to be more precise. You are not going anywhere.

          • 7 months ago

            So you believe that we are doomed to reincarnate? Or that since there is a chance that reincarnation exists it's pointless to end this life, because there is a chance you will just be born into a different one? Do you believe that reincarnation serves some kind of spiritual purpose or is just an endless cycle of suffering?

            • 7 months ago

              I never said life is suffering in that regard but If you mean the lack of purpose, then yes. I call that suffering.
              No. I can't say if you will be necessarily reborn as human, since no one actually came back with his memories intact. I am saying that we are stuck in an endless loop of meaninglessness in which the ultimate question will never get answered.....properly.

              • 7 months ago

                Wouldn't life be even more hollow if we had the answer to every question? The drive to understand and solve problems gives people a sense of meaning; I think the search for meaning/answers is more meaningful than the answers themselves. An achievement is somewhat hollow if it takes no effort to attain it.

              • 7 months ago

                A meaning for the meantime but not for what comes after. Everything beyond is imagination and uncertainty. All religions center about this question.

              • 7 months ago

                Does what comes after matter in this context? I don't know what will happen after die, but I know what will happen if I spend my life fixated on that fact: I'll have wasted it. If I can derive meaning in this life from self-betterment and being useful to others, why shouldn't I?

              • 7 months ago

                >but I know what will happen if I spend my life fixated on that fact: I'll have wasted it.
                And what does this matter when you won't know it after you die cause you lack consciousness and thus no memory? You wouldn't know anymore you wasted it.

              • 7 months ago

                >You wouldn't know anymore you wasted it.
                If there is no afterlife, it could be argued that the most important thing is the present moment; What we consider to be the future will eventually become the present moment. Wouldn't it be in our best interest to ensure that in that future moment we have a sense of purpose and contentment?

              • 7 months ago

                All our life, we do things and we can remember. And then we can't. So what was it all for?

                It would be in our best interest, but it still sucks. It's practically distraction.

              • 7 months ago

                You may right; I think a large part of living is grappling with the fact that life lacks a clear, well defined meaning. Some people deal with this fact by doing nothing, others try to create their own meaning. Given the choice between doing nothing and something, I choose to do something. At the end of the day, everyone has to find their own way in life; what works for one person may not work for another. If life is truly meaningless, there's no harm in giving it our best effort, right? I wish you the best Anon, I really mean that

              • 7 months ago

                Same to you

              • 7 months ago

                Same to you

                Wholesome right? You both comforted each other. Love, empathy, affection and relatability is another way that we keep ourselves occupied. But the fact still remains.

              • 7 months ago

                I feel like you'd like this song for some reason:

                It has the same theme of an endless cycle with no concrete reward

              • 7 months ago

                Ah "The Dubliners". Those flutes filled with life and energy. I admire Irish culture and ignorance. They complete themselves without solving the puzzle.

                But you see....I can't let that puzzle remain unsolved. I need to solve it. Only after total completion will all pursuits finally end.

              • 7 months ago

                But if there is nothing left to pursue, doesn't existence become meaningless? By solving the puzzle, are you referring to reaching a level of consciousness that doesn't require the pursuit of goals or the expenditure of effort to feel content?

              • 7 months ago

                If meaning is attained. Then the puzzle is complete.

                Do you scramble the puzzle pieces after completing it? That would be unwise.

              • 7 months ago

                Even though we will never find the "ultimate meaning" as you describe it, it is possible that our very far off descendants may unlock the secrets to the universe, however unlikely. By that logic, hasn't every innovation/noble effort taken by a human being pushed us closer to finishing the puzzle? Do you feel you could find meaning in filling in a few pieces in your lifetime, knowing that those who come after you will likely continue this effort?

              • 7 months ago

                It won't ever get answered. Regardless of how many times we "have" or "will" or "are" repeat/repeating ourselves. That is the problem. We all pursue the answer knowing deep down that it will never get answered. Why? The pursuit is meaningless in and on itself.

                You are basically admitting truth is less important than the pursuit of truth.

              • 7 months ago

                >You are basically admitting truth is less important than the pursuit of truth.
                That's what I meant; the human brain is designed to reward problem solving, so life would be hollow without problems to solve and questions to answer. In that sense, the pursuit is more valuable than the answer.

              • 7 months ago

                >I just like working out and dislike doing nothing, plus I’m too pussy to kms.
                >So I guess you’re just gonna have to deal with me running and lifting and doing martial arts all while working my job to buy food and afford housing, because I don’t like being uncomfortable either, and sleeping outside and not eating is not comfortable

                You can see what I am talking about in this anon's case. He rejects meaning, because the pursuit is uncomfortable. If a case like this is repeated again, it will reject meaning again, and thus no conclusion will be achieved.

                >Conclusion is not important.

                Importance itself is an illusion. Another construct our brain deploys to reject the ultimate question.

              • 7 months ago

                I'm not rejecting the ultimate question, I just admit I have no reasonable way to answer it. Since I am unable to answer that question, I instead ask the question of what will make me feel fulfilled and give me a sense of purpose in my limited amount of time. It doesn't have to be lifting or exercise, it could be any number of hobbies of pursuits. If you are unable to answer a specific question, why shouldn't we focus on the questions we can?

              • 7 months ago

                >I can't answer the question. So lets reject the question and do something that makes us oblivious. If the question cannot be answered then what shall we do?
                I believe you are intelligent enough to occupy yourself in superstition. But be warned that you will return here eventually one way or the other, and again you will get no answers.

              • 7 months ago

                >But be warned that you will return here eventually one way or the other, and again you will get no answers.
                It's very probable; life has a way of grinding people down (aging, repetition, freak accidents, etc.) but for now I will keep trying, if only for the sake of trying.

  2. 7 months ago

    >nothing matters is the end because we all die one day.
    dumbest sentiment ever.

  3. 7 months ago

    there was this fat moron i went to middle school who would always say things like this
    >we're all.... le dying!!
    now he is trans and even more morbidly obese

  4. 7 months ago

    >you are going to die one day. Know that. Death is certain.
    yeah thats why i try to get most out of life in first place. give me some puss and blow

  5. 7 months ago

    Oh gosh someone just turned 16. How was your birthday champ?

  6. 7 months ago

    This thread is so gay I'm going to start lifting weights again

  7. 7 months ago

    I just like working out and dislike doing nothing, plus I’m too pussy to kms.
    So I guess you’re just gonna have to deal with me running and lifting and doing martial arts all while working my job to buy food and afford housing, because I don’t like being uncomfortable either, and sleeping outside and not eating is not comfortable.
    But it sounds like you want to die, maybe you should try to kys?

  8. 7 months ago

    Lifting, much like everything else in life, is merely a tool. It's up to you how you're going to utilize it. Lifting is "insert random bias" , lifting is "insert other random bias". I do not care what lifting is to you. If you do it for the b***hes, cool. If you do it for ego, cool. If you do it for escapism, cool. If you do it to suck wiener better, great. One tool, endless use cases.

  9. 7 months ago

    I know all of this, but if I have to face the empty meaninglessness of life, I don't want to do it as a unhappy fat person.

  10. 7 months ago

    We create the meaning.

  11. 7 months ago

    It feels wonderful getting confirmation that I am, indeed, not as much of a b***h as people like you are. Thanks for the inspiration, pal!

  12. 7 months ago
  13. 7 months ago


    By that logic, haven't you also rejected the meaninglessness of life? You have a clearly defined purpose you have assigned to yourself.

    • 7 months ago

      The puzzle needs to be completed, regardless of the sacrifice it demands. We need to pivot.

      • 7 months ago

        Define pivot in this context; do you mean that human civilization should be structured around answering this question rather than stability and consumer goods?

        • 7 months ago

          Pivot is the necessary pursuit to the unanswerable question. We arrive at a paradox here, I was afraid of this happening.

          • 7 months ago

            Is there no way to accurately define the concept? Is this something you have determined yourself or is this a concept that has been explored previously?

  14. 7 months ago
  15. 7 months ago

    I like trains that go "chugga chugga" and then sometimes "choo choo" and steam comes out of the top tube

  16. 7 months ago

    Death can have me when it earns me.

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