Literally just got into the first street fight in my adult life and my adrenaline is fired up and I feel more alive than I can ever remember

Literally just got into the first street fight in my adult life and my adrenaline is fired up and I feel more alive than I can ever remember

This fricker on the highway was playing road games with me and going out of his way to be a complete jackass for no apparent reason. I swear he was drunk or high. I ended up getting sucked into his road games and I returned the favour to him, which he didn't like.

As I was taking my exit he dangerously took my exit at the last split second, cut me off and jammed his brakes on, trying to cause an accident. Then got out and I got out. He was some chinese guy, looked like in his early 20s, clearly worked out but he wasnt big or strong looking, looked like he thought he was tough. No words spoken, he jusy threw the first punch at me and got me in the side of the eye, grabbed my shirt and ripped it. Now I hit the heavy bag at my gym and casually practice shadowboxing, footwork and drills by myself, but all that went out the window and I immediately resorted to instincts, which was just throwing as many bombs at his face as i could, I tagged him good several times. I felt the impact when I got him good, it was so fricking satisfying. I kept throwing them and then he backed off and backed away, looked like he was coming back for more, but didnt, i was READY to throw down some more. He chickened out and got back in his car and I called him a fricking pussy and he drove off.

It was fricking awesome. I don't care what society has conditioned you all to think, that fighting is "le bad", and violence is "le bad" I feel more alive than ever.

I'm more motivated than ever to sign up for a MMA gym, I'd love to make MMA skills become pure instinct and reflex, and the only way to do that is thru sparring with actual other people.

Anyone else have some fight stories? Share them I'd love to hear. What martial arts do you train?

No Fun Allowed Deebie downers who cry about "fighting LE BAD!!!" don't need to reply to this thread.

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  1. 11 months ago

    It's trashy as frick to "get into street fights," and that's so whether you inb4 or not.

    • 11 months ago

      Good job.


    • 11 months ago

      Kys gay

    • 11 months ago

      >nothing is worth defending
      >if I harm no one, no one will harm me
      You're the entire problem with western civ. Pussy

    • 11 months ago

      Fpbp, but hopefully the morons itt do get into some fights so they realise that eventually that will get you shot, stabbed, a criminal record, or ruin your life in some other way for no reason.

      • 11 months ago

        To be fair the same will happen if you don't fight, but also with added hospitalization and/or death.

        • 11 months ago

          No it won't. Just avoid getting into dumb fights and your chances of something like that happen are an order of magnitude smaller. Fair enough fighting someone for raping your mother or whatever, but getting into a fight with a guy for cutting you off driving or some other bullshit reason is moronic.

    • 11 months ago

      Nah the Chinese guy was being a piece of shit and needed to be put in his place. OP did well. Animals need operant conditioning in order to learn that their moronic behavior isn't acceptable.

  2. 11 months ago

    Literally just yesterday a couple were doing curls in front of the dumbell rack over by the end where all the heavy dumbbells are and I went and grabbed the 120s which were about 10 feet to their right and shrugged out 15 reps, then grabbed the 110s which were 2 feet closer to them, and shrugged out 10 reps, all the way down to the 90s which were literally right in front of the girl. She stepped back and just watched, probably getting wet at the sight up my vascular arms and massive back muscles pressed up against my tight shirt as I ripped her boyfriends bodyweight kek.

    The boyfriend just continued doing curls with his little 15lb weights and put them back and said something to her and they walked off lol.

    • 11 months ago

      >covering his face with a pic of a coal burner
      >everyone else is a cuck but me

      sure thing pal

    • 11 months ago

      And he goes up and fricks her while you post on the internet

      • 11 months ago

        She actually started coming to the gym about 20 minutes before he does day and started working out next to me the last few days. I'm 90% sure she wants to feel my thick Alpha dick smashing her sugar walls.

        I don't really like cucking other dudes but the guy is like 5'8 so he's like half a man. I think I'm going to make an exception

    • 11 months ago

      why are you wearing your key fob around your neck bro

      • 11 months ago

        Its a necklace I made for my keyfob. I wear it on days I feel like flexing. Let me hit you with a little redpill real quick:

        Thats a $70,000 car. Not much, but for my age (late 20s) only the top 10% of earners will even get approved for a loan of that amount. You're going to have people reply saying "wahhh I make $40,000 and got approved for a $60,000 car loan". No they didn't. I also own a house and max out my 401k contribution each year.

        Anyways, so my key fob showcases my net income. Now here's the redpill: your income is directly correlated to your value as a human. Who has high income? People who got a college degree. Who gets a college degree? People who buckled down for 4+ years, showed up for class, took care of business then went out and got a good job. Who makes low income? Idiots and lazy people. With Pell Grants, there is absolutely no reason why someone can't go to college and get a degree. They're either too stupid or too lazy.

        So I wear my key fob proudly so that when I'm away from my car people know "yeah, that guy makes good money. He's a well-functioning member of society".

        • 11 months ago

          I hate amerimutts so much.

        • 11 months ago

          Severe Autism

        • 11 months ago

          >I took out a loan for a $70k car
          >calls others poor

          • 11 months ago

            Hahaha oh no, please tell me that you think paying cash for a car is a better idea than financing. Just do it. Please. So I can absolutely shit on you

            Actually, you don't need to say anything. You've already proven how financially moronic you are. You're poor. 100% a lil salary poorgay incel LMAO

        • 11 months ago

          >Who gets a college degree? People who buckled down for 4+ years, showed up for class, took care of business then went out and got a good job
          Your daddy paid for you to live comfortably and be a good boy in class for those 4 years. I was doing manual work for an average of about 60 hours a week that age to support my family and got a tech job around the age most people graduate. And thanks to that my younger siblings didn't need to do the same thing.
          Just saying showing up in class isn't all that man.

    • 11 months ago

      Dude, I shrug 100 pounds for 13 reps three times. I've never touched steroids. You don't impress me.

      • 11 months ago

        Thats cool. I barbell shrug 455 for sets of 8. I could probably shrug the 100s for 70-80 reps. And I'm natty. Lol if you think the 120 for 15 was some sort of RPE10

        • 11 months ago

          >70-80 reps
          Of course you can.
          Of course you are.

          • 11 months ago

            M I N D B R O K E N





            • 11 months ago

              Yes, you are mindbroken. You have used steroids to achieve just a hair over what I do without. You have small biceps.

              • 11 months ago

                >You have used steroids
                Cope harder incel

              • 11 months ago

                You admitted to it in the image I posted, moron. Why would you lie?

              • 11 months ago

                Hahahahaha holy shit you're actually moronic hahahahahaha. You think that guy on the right is me? Holy shit have a nice day you stupid frick

              • 11 months ago

                Fair point. He seems to have large biceps.

              • 11 months ago

                You talk like such a little nerd it's hilarious. No wonder you're so triggered about being called an incel. It must actually hurt hahahahaha you'll literally never have sex. You're going to OD or have a nice day before you ever experience love and I'm literally laughing my ass off just thinking about how you're channeling all this pent up emotion on fricking IST hahahahhahahhah

              • 11 months ago

                No, no, no, no, and doubt. Big cope, anon.

              • 11 months ago

                Hahahahahhaahhaahahaha I literally called it
                >durrr spin the wheel of celibacy
                >which one will it be!

              • 11 months ago

                Not celibate. I'm sorry you have small biceps, anon.

              • 11 months ago

                Lmao yeah as if an incel is going to admit they're an incel. Your futile denial of the claim only expresses how stupid you actually are

              • 11 months ago

                The real redpill is realizing that getting laid is not that hard, dude. You will never have large biceps.

              • 11 months ago

                Which makes it even more pathetic that you're involuntarily celibate

              • 11 months ago


            • 11 months ago

              LMAO he's deleting his old posts after getting called out hahahahahaha




          • 11 months ago

            I can't fricking make heads or tails of this image. Learn to fricking format.

          • 11 months ago

            haha he's such a moron

    • 11 months ago

      how are you always on here?

    • 11 months ago

      What a cope

    • 11 months ago

      a shelby key on the neck? really?
      50% you dont have some 2005 mustang and tell girls its a "shelby"

      • 11 months ago

        >50% you dont have some 2005 mustang
        Redneck moron can't even articulate his thoughts correctly LMAO

  3. 11 months ago

    Fighting is fun as shit, but avoid street fights over BS - great way to get shot, knifed, or charged with something.

    Find a good boxing or MMA gym. It's a lot of fun. It's also very humbling. You'll get your ass kicked by some guy who isn't even trying.

    I was in more than a few fights in college - it's amazing how most people just throw wild haymakers and with one jab you can put them on the ground.

    • 11 months ago

      >Fighting is fun as shit, but avoid street fights over BS - great way to get shot, knifed, or charged with something.
      This. A dyel, alcohol withered homeless man can end you with a surprise stab to the gut. Physique and training be damned.

    • 11 months ago

      No, actual fights are where the excitement is

    • 11 months ago

      god what i would do to left

    • 11 months ago

      Almost every fight outside of a gym starts with people grabbing clothes and punching like a hockey fight.

    • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        putting your hands in your pockets when in an argument is probably not a good idea.

  4. 11 months ago

    not gonna read all that

  5. 11 months ago

    one time me and my friends were driving by and they said they saw some kids who were talking shit about them online lol, so I pulled up to the curb next to them and we got out, one of my friends threw an elbow and completely flattened this indian gay, then we took this kurean who they were feuding with back behind the loading docks at the safeway we were by and they all beat and humiliated him, then made him apologize for acting like a spaz, then they dumped his pepsi all over his face and left him on his knees lmao. I didn't know either of those buttholes though so I just sat by and smoked with the prostitutes we were with.

    • 11 months ago

      sounds like hoodrat behavior mane.

      • 11 months ago

        sounds like you never lived mane

  6. 11 months ago

    I haven't read your blog, but fighting in the street is stupid and dangerous in many ways.
    I train MMA, and it's all the good parts without the risk of dying or going to jail. Come and train, it's fun.

  7. 11 months ago

    >Chinese guy starts fight
    >runs away with his tail between his legs when he loses

    • 11 months ago

      Based dub quads. You also just described literally every military engagement china has has against a foreign power throughout recorded history

  8. 11 months ago

    One time a guy got my ex addicted to heroin, put hands on my sister and then taunted me about it
    I punched him several times
    Went to the ground and got on top and elbowed his face
    It was all a blur because of adrenaline and it didn't feel like I was accomplishing anything

    • 11 months ago

      Oh yeah I forgot to mention he’s Chinese

  9. 11 months ago

    Hey! Did you know that this isn't your personal blog and no one gives a frick.

    Also, playing road games and getting into street fights doesn't make you tough. It makes you a gigantic homosexual?

    Now stop acting like a crack monkey and act like an adult, you piece of human filth.

    • 11 months ago

      It was actually an interesting read for me while taking my morning shit before starting my workout.

  10. 11 months ago

    you’re a psychopath, friendo

  11. 11 months ago

    Tell me you're a cheeky darkie, without telling me you're a cheeky darkie.

    • 11 months ago

      Tell me you’re a ching chong long meow meow cat eating Asians, without telling me you’re a chiken chow mein n fo egg roll!!!!

    • 11 months ago

      you’re a psychopath, friendo

      Hey! Did you know that this isn't your personal blog and no one gives a frick.

      Also, playing road games and getting into street fights doesn't make you tough. It makes you a gigantic homosexual?

      Now stop acting like a crack monkey and act like an adult, you piece of human filth.

      I haven't read your blog, but fighting in the street is stupid and dangerous in many ways.
      I train MMA, and it's all the good parts without the risk of dying or going to jail. Come and train, it's fun.

      Gays, domesticated white nerds

  12. 11 months ago

    Anybody who has real bros would know fighting is fun as frick. Yes it's dangerous, just like driving on the highway or skiing or riding a roller coaster is dangerous. They all have varying degrees of risk, as does fighting, yes someone can pull out a knife, your tire can also explode on the highway or someone could run a red light and smash into you and cripple you. It happens all the time. But if you're an adrenaline junkie, winning a fight is one of the greatest feelings ever and you'll never know it unless you've done it. But most importantly, you always learn something new from fights. In OPs case, if he has half a brain, he'd learn that getting out of the vehicle means a fight is happening. So take your stance, hands up and keep distance. He got hit with an unexpected punch to the face first because it's his first adult street fight and he didn't realize somebody has to throw the first punch, so it's better YOU do it than him.

    Crack open a beer and tell your buddies man. Me and my buddies love sharing fight stories

  13. 11 months ago

    Fighting feels better than sex, as long as you're not the one getting mauled

    • 11 months ago

      This. Getting the win is a stunning high nothing else can compare to. But losing can really mess with your confidence, especially if people you know saw the fight

  14. 11 months ago

    never got in a real fight in my post pubescent life - high school, college, and a few years out from college now and still no fights. i only have had one encounter that i remember in which i may have had to fight:
    >close friends with girl, ally, for a few years
    >realizes she's in love with me
    >we do a little fling for a couple weeks, but need to leave college town b/c i graduated w/ job elsewhere
    >didn't talk to ally at all
    >college friend group starts talking again
    >ally talks to me, asks me to come to college town for her birthday and have sex
    >can't have sex, have gf, but can go
    >go to college town
    >turns out, ally has a bf
    >to this day not sure exactly why he wanted to fight me, but he did
    >ally convinces him to calm down and head home

    luckily for me i had been doing muay thai and bjj for a few months at that point

    • 11 months ago

      >ally talks to me, asks me to come to college town for her birthday and have sex
      >turns out, ally has a bf
      >to this day not sure exactly why he wanted to fight me, but he did
      Are you literally moronic?

      • 11 months ago

        but i didn't do anything, she asked me to have sex and i said no

  15. 11 months ago

    >some dickhead keeps fricking with me and cutting me off while driving
    >cut him off and force him to stop
    >get out of car to approach him
    >he domes me with his P320
    >"God I love street fights"

    • 11 months ago

      Not all of us live in America where every minor conflict escalates to guns being fired and people dying. A good old fashion fist fight is just as wholesome as warm apple pie.

      • 11 months ago

        >some dickhead keeps fricking with me and cutting me off while driving
        >cut him off and force him to stop
        >get out of car to approach him
        >he stabs me with his leatherman
        >"God I love street fights"

    • 11 months ago

      Only around 30% of Americans own guns so it's not very likely the guy cutting you off is packing heat.

      • 11 months ago

        >1/3 chance of guy packing a gun
        >guy cutting you off is obviously fine with confrontation
        >probably because he has a gun
        >chances more like 80%
        >not very likely

        how do Americans think like this

        • 11 months ago

          t. Cowardly zoomer coping

      • 11 months ago

        Wait for real? Only 1/3 Americans got guns?

        • 11 months ago


          • 11 months ago

            It's close enough moron

            • 11 months ago
      • 11 months ago

        How the frick is a 30% chance of grtting instakilled good odds for you? You're not buying a lottery ticket moron. What the frick is even the upside of getting in a random altercation with some retwrd? That you win? How the frick does that benefit you? Best case you just walk away with a few bruises, worst case someone reports it and now you have to deal with the fricking police. I swear you guys are morons. Just go to a martial arts class instead of trying your luck with random deranged morons on the street.

      • 11 months ago

        Thats only the legal ones.

    • 11 months ago

      >some dickhead keeps fricking with me and cutting me off while driving
      >cut him off and force him to stop
      >get out of car to approach him
      >he stabs me with his leatherman
      >"God I love street fights"


      • 11 months ago

        You are cancer

        • 11 months ago

          Nice car btw Chang.

          Imagine trying to act tough in that

          • 11 months ago

            I'm not the other guy
            Are you a bot or r*ddit spammer or what
            What is your motivation for shitting up this thread

        • 11 months ago


  16. 11 months ago

    When I was a kid I never got into fights I got into beatings. I would get beat up by this one dude and his cousins a good amount.

  17. 11 months ago

    My dad always told me that if someone messes with you, challenges you, or throws the first punch, you hit back twice as hard and twice as much and you don't stop until they surrender. But he also told me never to start the fight, only to end it. And thats the mindset all my friends had growing up and almost every male person in my life whether it be family, friend or coworker subscribe to this philosphy

    Over the years we've seen a heavy push from media, movies, tv shows, etc, trying to feminize men and demonize this type of mindset. You're told to "be the bigger man and walk away, let someone just disrespect you and frick with you". Ever notice in school when a victim stands up to his bully and fights back, the bully stops targeting him? In some cases they even become friends and earn mutual respect. It's a strange phenomenon, but one of my best friends since grade 8 was a bully to me in grade 7 and we fought in grade 8, got suspended, and shortly after we just clicked and became best friends it was so weird.

    No bully or Prey has ever been humbled or defeated with words. This is female ideology and it's horseshit.

    Virtually every single person on this board would shit their hands if the same guy who challenged you challenged them.

    • 11 months ago

      Also, you can be the aggressor. It's not wrong to escalate and attack, if you have a reason to.

    • 11 months ago

      > Ever notice in school when a victim stands up to his bully and fights back, the bully stops targeting him?
      Yeah, that happened to me. I was the bully. When I was in high school, I was using this kid as punching bag and he stood up to me one day yelling me to stop, I said stfu and pushed him down, then he got back up and tried to swing but he missed and I punched him on his mouth, putting him down again, then he tried to get back up again but our friends broke it up. That day I apologized to the kid and we became friends, never punched him again. Then I started punching other losers. That day kid got my respect.

      • 11 months ago

        IST is were all the bullies and their based victims grew up to hang out

        Reddit is were the beta rick moranis nerds that never stuck up for themselves wound up

        • 11 months ago

          Really? When i stood up to my high school bully, everyone started hating me in my class because he was popular and i was supposed to let myself get beat up and disgraced. When i lashed out agaibst him, i got a warning from the principal and then everyone proceeded to ostracize me until the end of high school. I am now an asocial shut in with no friends because i spent all of my school years either grtting bullied or completely shunned by everyone.

          • 11 months ago

            You did the right thing Anon. Not standing up for yourself would haunt you until this day.

    • 11 months ago

      So much this man.
      In school they would punish the person who defended themselves from the bully.
      It's like they want to condition people to believe defending yourself is wrong. I remember a buddy being sent to anger management after he punched a guy even though he endured bullshit from the guy he punched for over a year. Frick the school system. To hell with the satanic nwo.

  18. 11 months ago

    Would never do in America because of gym monkies.

  19. 11 months ago

    Frick all the low T pussies telling you street fights are dangerous. Obviously they're dangerous, but that's what being high T is all about.
    Grats on the win bro. Chink fricked around and found out.

  20. 11 months ago

    Fighting is THE BEST

  21. 11 months ago

    The problem is that I don't know if I'm going to jail because I ruin some dude's evening. I'd love to fight if it meant 0 reprecussions.

  22. 11 months ago

    What cars?
    I understand your feeling but that's just kind of reckless on your part. No point in playing stupid games.

  23. 11 months ago

    Why are you as a man getting off to getting physical with other men?

    >I never felt so alive
    Pretty gay bro

  24. 11 months ago

    >wasn't carrying a S&W 442 in his pocket
    >didn't shoot the chink in the face as he began the assault

  25. 11 months ago

    Peak subhuman post kek
    What shit hole do you live in?

    • 11 months ago

      Stay mad chink

  26. 11 months ago

    >road rages
    >trains but can't do
    >fights little Chinese guy doesn't knock him out
    Yes, you sounds like the kind of moron to get shot over road rage. OP is a homosexual.

  27. 11 months ago

    >some chinese guy, looked like in his early 20s
    Great OP now the changposter is going to drop his entire BLACKED folder itt

  28. 11 months ago

    >Winning a fight feels le good.

    >Losing a fight not much.
    >Getting arrested can heavily damage your life.
    > Also getting sued.
    > You can get permanently damaged
    > You can get yourself killed

    I still lift and train boxing because the street is filled with nogs like op who likes to fight because muh dick or because it feels le good.
    But for actual humans: violence is always on the table, but always try to de escalate first.

  29. 11 months ago

    yeah feels good, taking one's manhood, making him into a woman


  30. 11 months ago

    Jesus, what's your height weight and what was his?

  31. 11 months ago

    Violence and fighting are necessary, that doesn't mean they aren't bad.
    >I'm more motivated than ever to sign up for a MMA gym, I'd love to make MMA skills become pure instinct and reflex, and the only way to do that is thru sparring with actual other people.
    The only way for someone to become a good fighter is to be a fighter in their childhood, where you can be on the receiving end of another human's fully dedicated intent to kill you and still probably not die or even get permanently injured. It's not something you can just decide to be, and it's why certain armies(Romans, Spartans, Macedonians, Varangians, etc.) would simply wipe out army after army without taking casualties themselves. It's why the warrior class was the most respected class during antiquity. Scarcity defines value. Fighters bred for proactive conquest are essentially undefeatable by armies mustered for defense. It isn't an issue of incentive. You can't just throw money and promises at people and expect them to become effective combatants.
    You will never be a fighter, just like you will never be a longbowman. If you try to become a fighter in adulthood, some Black person(or totally justified citizen having to defend themselves from your tren psychosis) will eventually pull out a weapon and instantly end your life. These are just the facts.

    • 11 months ago

      Adding further to this point:
      >Fighters bred for proactive conquest are essentially undefeatable by armies mustered for defense.
      Look at something like the Assyrians. Their entire culture was defined by having to defend against absolute psychopath mongoloid invaders endlessly pouring in from the northeast for centuries. Like Blood Meridian Indians times ten. How did they do this? By becoming the greatest psychopaths in recorded human history, turning every single aspect of their society into some brutal Hellraiser shit, making people grind their children's bones to dust, then erecting monuments to celebrate this fact. Their pantheon was a line-up of Warhammer tier eldritch monstrosities that dominated the world through terror and genocide, much like the Mesoamericans. Conversely, you can look at the Chinese, which were also quite brutal, yet their brutality was not civilization-defining, it was punitive through hegemony and authority. They never stood a chance against the Mongols. Nothing in history happens accidentally or without good reason, and virtually all of these events offer instruction for the individual, creating boundaries between the real and the ideological.

    • 11 months ago

      Adding further to this point:
      >Fighters bred for proactive conquest are essentially undefeatable by armies mustered for defense.
      Look at something like the Assyrians. Their entire culture was defined by having to defend against absolute psychopath mongoloid invaders endlessly pouring in from the northeast for centuries. Like Blood Meridian Indians times ten. How did they do this? By becoming the greatest psychopaths in recorded human history, turning every single aspect of their society into some brutal Hellraiser shit, making people grind their children's bones to dust, then erecting monuments to celebrate this fact. Their pantheon was a line-up of Warhammer tier eldritch monstrosities that dominated the world through terror and genocide, much like the Mesoamericans. Conversely, you can look at the Chinese, which were also quite brutal, yet their brutality was not civilization-defining, it was punitive through hegemony and authority. They never stood a chance against the Mongols. Nothing in history happens accidentally or without good reason, and virtually all of these events offer instruction for the individual, creating boundaries between the real and the ideological.

      You are
      >from /misc/
      >an incel

      >These are just the facts.

      • 11 months ago

        who are you quoting?

  32. 11 months ago

    be aware that you can easily catch aids or hepatitis by fighting street thugs

  33. 11 months ago

    Unfortunately you can't do this in the US, you'll get shot.

  34. 11 months ago

    fighting is based, but don't do it in america. They will just use it as an excuse to shoot you. Land of cowards

  35. 11 months ago

    >muh adrenaline
    Just jump off an airplane. Not that hard to get adrenaline without getting head trauma.

  36. 11 months ago

    Not reading the wall tryhard.
    As someone working as a bouncer on the weekends for 5 years, I have never stopped being amazed on rage heads who fight in the streets over avoidable shit. Most of you don't even know how dangerous it is until you have a slip and tumble.

    Imagine being crippled by the fall and not the beating. Lmao

  37. 11 months ago

    That’s cause violence is fun

  38. 11 months ago

    Nobody cares.
    If you're this excited by senseless violence, you're a Black person.

  39. 11 months ago

    IST talks a big game but I guarantee if any white people here get into a fight in which someone ELSE instigated, they ars getting locked up for three years minimum.

  40. 11 months ago

    Kek, I've been training at a boxing gym and knowing that I at least have a chance at defending myself is the world's biggest fricking ego boost. Easily the best decision I've ever made was joining it.

  41. 11 months ago

    I loved getting into fights as a young lad. Me and my mates would go out every Friday night with the goal of getting into fights with groups of guys from other neighborhoods. Eventually I grew out of it though and became a responsible adult and I hadn't been in a fight for 7 years, until yesterday. I live in a city with a lot of pickpockets, and one of them tried to snatch my friend's phone from his hand while we were walking home after going for some drinks. We beat the absolute shit out of him and kicked most of his front teeth out while he was down. Really felt great afterwards, nothing can really compare to this type of adrenaline rush.

  42. 11 months ago

    Just hit his fricking car if he cuts you off. You're not obligated to stop if some dumb frick cuts you off and the damage pattern will make it painfully obvious what happened to your insurance companies. Let him hit your car, snap a few pics in the aftermath, and then call the cops and tell them exactly what happened. Add in that the person is yelling at you and trying to hurt you and break into your car. He'll be chimping out for sure.

    Cops roll up, see the monkey man in his rage, shoot or arrest him, write a police report, and you literally don't even have to leave your air conditioned car the entire time. Add in the fear for your life bit. I'm saying this as somebody who carries a gun 90% of the time and does Muay Thai and wrestling. It's 2023 let the real life jannies deal with it.

  43. 11 months ago


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