Looking to get some proper quick adjustable dumbbells . What style should I get?

Looking to get some proper quick adjustable dumbbells .

What style should I get? (Preferably one easily attainable in Australia)

I'm planning on spending my next dole payment ($700aud) on a set. Should the 20-sonethibg kg be enough for some time or should I go straight for 48kg ones

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Ape Out Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    You can get a standard spin lock adjustable dumbell set and a lot more weight for the same amount you would spend on just one of those.

    • 1 year ago

      Also if I go free weight route (I already have some but they're the sand filled plastic plates so a 5kg plate is already very bulky) what plate combos should I buy?

      Rn my workouts are based on setting them up at around 10kg. Putting more plates won't give enough room to safely screw on the caps.

      Like should I start of getting 4 X 10kg plates and 4x 5kg iron plates? Which will already be around $300

      For adjustable dumbbells I think the options are 28kg ones or 48kg ones. Obviously I'll be buying 2 of which ever weight I choose

      • 1 year ago

        Nta but you defenitely need 2 kg plates and ideally even 1 kg ones in addition to the bigger ones to be able to progress easily. Think i started with 4x5 and 4x2 or 8x2 not sure. That was good for a while then i added more 2s, 5s, 1s and 10s over time when needed. And maybe you need to look around for better deals, new 10 kg iron plates can be found for 25 euros here. 300 for what you said is double the money youd pay at least here in my country. And never go for those shitty plastic plates. Iron ones are much better and worth the extra few bucks.

  2. 1 year ago

    these ones are great but their design leads to a lot of mechanical stress on the gears. Also if you arent a woman you will outgrow even the 50lb adjustables fast

    • 1 year ago

      Yeah in wondering which style is best for quick adjustments yet safe at the same time where I don't need to worry

      You can get a standard spin lock adjustable dumbell set and a lot more weight for the same amount you would spend on just one of those.

      I'm just sick of constantly changing lol and don't want too much plates around.

      I will probably use my current plates more for weighted pull ups or dips with a belt

      • 1 year ago

        >wondering which style is best for quick adjustments yet safe at the same time
        pepin fast series adjustable dumbbells

  3. 1 year ago

    I like spinlocks, but powerblocks are good to.
    Got a set for free and they are durable.

    Whatever you do, get the big ones so you won't outgrow them.

    I can detrain and pretty much always do 50lb/23kg for bench.
    Same with rows.

  4. 1 year ago

    I like my 90lb powerblocks.

  5. 1 year ago

    Do NOT get these kinds and other variations of these kinds that look the same, even the bowflex ones.

    The locks MALFUNCTION and the weights will drop.
    Think about that shit for a second before buying these junks if you're doing something like overheads and where it will land.

    • 1 year ago

      >The locks MALFUNCTION and the weights will drop.
      That's what I'm paranoid about too lol

    • 1 year ago

      No they don't, what the frick? I've had 0 issues with these.

  6. 1 year ago

    Ive had two pairs of Bowflex 1090, the ones that go to 90lbs. I accidentally dropped my first pair and after that the heaviest plate would randomly fall off. On my other pair, after about a year, the plastic tabs got worn out and weights just randomly fall. I gotta watch my feet and avoid shaking them too much.

    I'd go with power blocks or those 80lb metal ones that DYEL guy reviewed on Jtube

  7. 1 year ago

    Don't buy this shit, had these frickers until i dropped them and they shattered into chinesium fragments. Frickers would also drop their weights all the time. Everytime I'd curl I'd be paranoid about getting my feet crushed.

  8. 1 year ago

    Powerblocks, you can get them on Woot right for ~$700 including the extensions up to 90lbs

  9. 1 year ago

    >proper adjustable dumbbells
    not the plastic pieces of garbage in your pic

  10. 1 year ago

    powerblocks or ironmasters. pepin is also good

    there's no point buying light cheap dbs which you will quickly outgrow. consider how long it will take you to incline bench 25kg for 10 reps (if you can't already)

    • 1 year ago

      Link to purchase page?

  11. 1 year ago

    I bought the 55lb max custom ones because I couldn't find 80lb so figured they didn't exist. Ngl I got pissed off when they arrived because just when they arrived, I saw the 80lb custom ones appear out of thing air. Fricking moronic.

    Anyways the 55lb ones I have are still fine, they have served me well, but go with the 80lb custom weight dumbbells. I think I saw it relatively cheap, but was also on sale at the time.

    • 1 year ago

      What do you mean custom ones?

      • 1 year ago

        adjustable weights

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