losing the last bit of weight

hey fit, former swamp piggy here
past stats:
28 years old
current stats:
30 years old
>literally had a cm of height i couldn't measure before from not being able to have decent posture
now to the important thing
the last 5 months I've been swinging up and down between 85kg and 90kg
even slightly cutting makes me binge eat at some point, idk why but i can't hold back
>i know that this is a sign of weakness
but i train very heavy 4x a week and recently was promoted at my job so the additional stress is really difficult to manage.
anyone has some tips for cutting the last 10kg (maybe even more?)
or is it all about showing discipline and just doing it?
there were no cheat codes until now, idk why I'm expecting there to be a trick at this point
the last resort i have is incorporating cardio to burn 300kcal and just eat at maintenence maybe and create the caloric deficit through calories burned,rather than calories not consumed
plx h4lp

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  1. 12 months ago

    Hello I am you but I am 26 years old and cut down to 77kg, what is your current calorie intake?

    • 12 months ago

      Also how long have you been "cutting" for?

    • 12 months ago

      Also how long have you been "cutting" for?

      I've been cutting for the entire time of those two years
      maintenance is around 2500kcal with my training, even though tdee calculators show higher kcal to be maintenance it is not true for me. I've always gained weight very easily
      i mean I've been losing weight all this time whilst getting stronger at the gym, but this just means I'm still too fat, right?

      • 12 months ago

        Sounds like you might need a mental break from the cutting mindset, two years is a very long time to be in a deficit so kudos to you that's a lot of discipline. Do you have a dream build/physique that you'd like to achieve? You're in decent shape now obviously must feelsgoodman after being 150kg, I think it may be wise to eat your maintenance cals or even maybe 50-100 above and seriously dial in your training for a while and then return to the cut refreshed and with more muscle mass. If you JUST want to be slimmer then unfortunately yeah it will just be about increasing the deficit, would still recommend having a diet break and eating your maintenance for a few weeks. You'll feel much better and more motivated to come back, don't be scared if you gain a kilo or two back because they come off much easier once you're back on track

        • 12 months ago

          thank you for the great advice
          i think this is the correct path
          having been a fatty for all my life I'm really scared of falling into bad habits again, but you should be right. a few weeks of "normal" won't hurt
          i don't really have a dream physique but I'd like to see my abs once before i die

  2. 12 months ago

    she has really nice breasts. man i really wish i wasnt a fat frick as a kid. i wonder how life would have been like

    • 12 months ago

      #metoo There were so many opportunities, but my fricking body decided to have late puberty so I was always unattractive weak homosexual. Now I'm 29, ripped, women even ask me out themselves, but it's always some overweight post-carousel who wants to settle down.

      • 12 months ago

        Ouchie. Literally me but slightly older. I just wanna be mid carousel bro. Im not asking too much I dont think

      • 12 months ago

        I unironically would

        • 12 months ago

          We know tyrone

          • 12 months ago

            I’m just white incel

      • 12 months ago

        >Now I'm 29, ripped
        when i was 29 gurls wanted my ID when buying vodka, i was already bald lol, and when said id was out of date beurocratic prostitute yelled at me for not makin new photos for ID, i said i did (i really did) and then she lifter her gaze up and shut the frick up

        old and fat c**ts are hitting up 40 yo's, until u're 33-35 there should hardly be any signs of deteriorating, u're lying bot 😀

        • 12 months ago

          I'm not deteriorating yet, maybe just little sign like norwood about 1.3, but I'm good. But I'm already too old for loose college girls and pretty much every girl out of the college went through thousands of wiener and is emotionally dull. They are now "better" and "smarter".

          • 12 months ago

            How are you too old for college bawds? I'm 29, started my loooksmaxxx journey at 27 and last year I fricked two gym thots ages 20 and 23.

  3. 12 months ago

    that dude is liteally me

  4. 12 months ago


  5. 12 months ago

    I will Never have sex

  6. 12 months ago

    Sauce? Those breasts are amazing

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