Low bar squats are objectively superior to high bar.

Low bar squats are objectively superior to high bar. They involve more hip hinge and therefore build your glutes and hamstrings more than high bar. More muscles involved means more muscle built and better gains.

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  1. 1 year ago

    used to fap to sammi starfish. Imagine being a 4 with an ass but youre able to still make money with your butthole as long as you have big cheeks surrounding it

    • 1 year ago

      Nah she has a sexy milf face. I’d say she’s a 7.

      • 1 year ago

        nah she has an ugly 4/10 face, the sexiness comes from the contrast of her ugliness and dat ass, its like the sara jay effect

  2. 1 year ago

    ATG high-bar squats actually use more muscle than low-bar squats to parallel/below parallel
    >atg high-bar has similar or very slightly greater hip flexion than low-bar (glute/adductor stretch is therefore similar if the stance is the same)
    >atg high-bar has much greater knee flexion than low-bar (very important for VMO development as it is much more active at maximal knee flexion)
    >atg high-bar has some involvement of the thoracic erectors due to the bar placement, while the low-bar squat has practically none
    The only things that the low-bar squat works more is the lower back due to the greater forward lean and the hamstrings due to the lessened knee flexion, but these two are nullified since everyone complains about their lower back being overutilized and the hamstrings can be targeted by much more effective movements that stretch them much more such as deficit RDLs, good mornings, back extensions, lying/seated hamstring curls, nordic curls, etc.

    • 1 year ago

      Nice blogpost gay not reading all that. Also you are wrong.

      • 1 year ago

        >moron needs a tl;dr
        Ok gay
        >works the quads more
        >works the glutes and adductors about the same
        >works the thoracic erectors more
        >works the hamstrings and lower back less (not a bad thing)
        Explain to me how low-bar is better when you can do high-bar instead for better leg gains and 1 (one) set of deficit RDL's to account for the lower hamstring and lower back utilization

        • 1 year ago

          different people have different proportions you autistic dyel
          form is not dogma
          just do the one that lets you perform the best with least risk of injury

        • 1 year ago

          >works the quads more
          No about the same actually
          >works the thoracic erectors more
          Absolutely wrong. More horizontal back in low bar puts greater strain on the erectors.
          >how low bar is better
          Because instead of doing high bar and then RDLs you can instead do just low bar. Replace 2 with 1.

          • 1 year ago

            People that compete low bar will still train high bar for hypertrophy because it's better...

          • 1 year ago

            >No about the same actually
            In terms of strength, you're right as the greater hamstring activation in low bar will resist knee extension, in terms of hypertrophy though it's absolutely inferior as you get much less stretch from low bar. Would half-repping bench be better for building chest compared to full reps on bench? Of course not.
            >Absolutely wrong. More horizontal back in low bar puts greater strain on the erectors
            100% incorrect, it'd be true for the lumbar erectors but there's literally no moment arm for the thoracic erectors on low-bar due to the bar position. Try doing high-rep front squats, you won't bend over much at all but you will end up failing because your thoracic erectors will give out.
            >Because instead of doing high bar and then RDLs you can instead do just low bar. Replace 2 with 1.
            It doesn't work like that, I could do 10 sets of low bar and I would feel absolutely nothing in my hamstrings the next day, meanwhile only 2-3 sets of deficit RDLs will make me sore for days. Squats just aren't anywhere near as good for hamstrings compared to virtually any hinge. Also, you can do more volume on high-bar since the absolute load is lower reducing axial fatigue. I used to get really beat up from just 3 sets of low-bar, now I can do 5 sets of ATG high-bar with no recovery issues, and thereby get much greater stimulus to my legs.

            different people have different proportions you autistic dyel
            form is not dogma
            just do the one that lets you perform the best with least risk of injury

            Tall people with long femurs can
            >work on ankle mobility
            >elevate heels however much they need
            Boom problem solved

            • 1 year ago

              post body u dogmatic moron

              • 1 year ago

                found out about this word yesterday didn't you? This isn't even anything controversial; people with dogshit ankle mobility and long as frick femurs can still squat ATG with sufficient heel elevation because it allows the knees to track much further forward so your hips can sink down instead of back, leading to a much more upright torso without butt-wink. Try it yourself, squat down while going onto your toes (obviously without weight.) You'll end up hitting ATG with your femurs parallel with the ground and a pretty much vertical torso.

              • 1 year ago

                Cool story however you forgot to post body so nobody cares what you think is the mathematically correct way to squat

              • 1 year ago

                He won’t. People that don’t have long femurs and a short torso just say “ankle mobility” until they are blue in the face.

                found out about this word yesterday didn't you? This isn't even anything controversial; people with dogshit ankle mobility and long as frick femurs can still squat ATG with sufficient heel elevation because it allows the knees to track much further forward so your hips can sink down instead of back, leading to a much more upright torso without butt-wink. Try it yourself, squat down while going onto your toes (obviously without weight.) You'll end up hitting ATG with your femurs parallel with the ground and a pretty much vertical torso.

                My ankle mobility is excellent. I can actually squat down with my ass against my heels with no weight on my back. Problem is my back is near horizontal and my spine is very flexed to keep me in balance. Any attempt to straighten my back or push it more vertical flops me over backward. Some people cannot squat atg with any kind of weight on their back. Simple as.

              • 1 year ago

                >conveniently focuses on ankle mobility and completely ignores the heel elevation part of my post
                I'll bring in big stiffy to demonstrate; see how his back is almost perfectly vertical? Extra heel elevation simulates ridiculously good ankle mobility allowing the knees to track forward much more allowing the hips to sink down leading to a very vertical back with no spinal flexion. You can literally try this right now with no equipment; squat down while going onto your toes like how inflexible people do. You'll end up with a perfectly vertical torso with no spinal flexion. Point is, yes you are correct that some people will never be able to squat ATG correctly *barefoot* - but anyone can squat ATG with enough added heel elevation.

              • 1 year ago

                Lol. Lmao even. I’m not placing 4 inch blocks under my heels to squat high bar atg. Especially not when I can squat low bar and hit proper depth at parallel.

              • 1 year ago

                Nobody said you needed 4 inch blocks, I only needed a plate about an inch thick personally as I also couldn't squat ATG safely without heel elevation at that point in time. For a lot of people weightlifting shoes will be more than enough, lanklets with shitty ankle mobility can use a plate with weightlifting shoes. Besides that, no one says that low-bar squats to parallel won't give you gains, it simply isn't as good as atg high-bar for hypertrophy, just like how half-repping on pullups will still give you lat gains, they just won't be as good as full range pullups.

              • 1 year ago

                what weight are you using?
                if pic rel had 1-2x body weight on that bar he would just fall backwards since the weight is not in the middle of the foot. Having it on middle of the foot eliminates "completely vertical" back angle so no matter how u twist ur shit its still fricked. chasing a vertical back angle is stupid and useless.

              • 1 year ago

                You don't need a completely vertical torso, just one that is vertical enough to avoid back rounding while obviously keeping the weight over mid-foot. Big stiffy pics have weird biomechanics that don't happen IRL, but compared to other images of him squatting he's still much more upright.

              • 1 year ago

                You can have horizontal back angle without rounding it you silly homosexual 😀 just like in deadlift start position of low bar squat. As I said there is nothing beneficial about having vertical back angle if you want to strengthen the back.

              • 1 year ago

                This is true if you're squatting to parallel but if you're going deeper your back will flex if the angle is too horizontal; you just need to have it vertical *enough* to hit ATG, not completely vertical. I don't squat with an entirely vertical torso, I still lean forward a decent bit but I stay upright enough to maintain a neutral spine in the bottom position. Anyway, there are much better exercises to train the lumbar erectors (Literally any deadlift/rdl variation, good mornings, back extensions, etc) so I don't really get your point there, and you'll also be able to do more volume on these exercises because your back will be less fatigued from squatting.

              • 1 year ago

                I have no idea what you are talking about as I squat SS style low bar and to be honest I don't even care. 100% dyel

              • 1 year ago

                Then I don't even know why you're replying to me because I was specifically talking about ATG high-bar squats; obviously you can squat low-bar rippetoe-style with a horizontal back because you're only going to parallel instead of ATG.

    • 1 year ago

      ATG high bar squats also blow out your knees. I realized I'd rather still walk when I'm 50 than larp as a weightlifter.

      • 1 year ago

        >ATG high bar squats also blow out your knees
        Literally only happens to idiots who divebomb their squats, if you go down with a slow eccentric and pause at the bottom you'll end up with bulletproof knees instead of patellar tendonitis
        >t. divebombed my squats when I was DYEL and gave myself patellar tendonitis, fixed it by the above methods, now I can do weighted sissy squats with little to no discomfort.

    • 1 year ago

      This simply is not true. Idk where you got this info from but it’s easily verified universally anywhere you look on the internet. Ask yourself why the strongest squatters in the world don’t ATG high at if what you said is true.

      • 1 year ago

        The strongest squatters in the world don't squat ATG because obviously you lift less weight making it inferior for strength but also because it's less specific to their comp squat. A pause low-bar squat has much more carryover to a normal low-bar squat than an ATG high-bar squat, so of course powerlifters will take that most of the time instead. You can lift more in a low-bar squat than an ATG high-bar squat because your leverages are more favorable. Someone who squats 200kg can quarter squat north of 300kg, does that mean quarter squats use more muscle than parallel squats? Of course not.

  3. 1 year ago

    Front is better than both troony

    • 1 year ago

      Ok mr short legs

      • 1 year ago

        It's actually easier, try learning proper form and you may like it tbh. You just need good ankle mobility

        • 1 year ago

          It’s not easier at all lol. People with very long legs and a short torso don’t like front squats for a reason. We just don’t have the proportions for it. My ankle mobility is actually quite good.

  4. 1 year ago

    I thought the point of low bar squats was that you can always put more POUNDS IN THE BAHR FOR SETS OF FAHVE which is better no matter what according to some.

    • 1 year ago

      And why do you think you can lift more low bar? It’s because it involves more muscle mass.

      • 1 year ago

        I honestly thought it was because of reduced ROM target than more muscle mass. I am neutral in this I do lunges and stuff instead for legs

        • 1 year ago

          *"Rather than" sorry for typo

        • 1 year ago

          >reduced ROM
          If you have good hip mobility low bar is same as high bar, I can do ATG for both, yes I am a Black

          • 1 year ago

            How much are you squattin there my homie? I’m currently at 270 for low bar.

            • 1 year ago

              295lbs for 3, I don't do low bar anymore tho, just cuz I like high bar and it is easier on the shoulder and biceps

              • 1 year ago

                >just cuz I like high bar and it is easier on the shoulder and biceps
                thats just upper back weakness. you can fix it by doing a lot of chin ups

              • 1 year ago

                Not bad. Hopefully I’ll be there in a few weeks. Low bar squats are so comfy for me bruv.

          • 1 year ago

            you still have a lot of butt wink
            not bad squat tho
            few tips if you may. flex the shit out of those lats and keep your core locked. you reach a point where you cant go as deep as you are going now without giving up the tension of your lower back (butt wink). this should be your lowest point and your hamstrings should be like springs at that position having all of your lower body tense to shoot up and explode. Right now you barely have any of this tension on your hamstrings and everything just looks loose taking away a lot of the potential power you could have.

          • 1 year ago

            heels coming off the floor expect damaged knees because you keep loading them up i dont know im helping a dark one

            • 1 year ago

              it's not that my heels come off the floor, my shoes are slight larger than my feet and I push my feet into the front part of the shoe(no reason for it just do it. Also I've never gotten knee pain from squats

          • 1 year ago

            Ah yes, go atg by tucking your butt...
            Cmon homienon

  5. 1 year ago

    Low bar squats are objectively the worst squat (Hypertrophy wise). Not getting a full hinge, not getting a full knee stretch. You’re a silly c**t who doesn’t think

    • 1 year ago

      >dyel detected

  6. 1 year ago

    You're wrong.
    >Source: I said so

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