Low Test

>tfw low test
I'm 29. I haven't been lifting that long, but looking pretty concerning here. Apparently my dad had low T and needed injections, and his dad was supposedly low T as well. Should I throw in the towel? I think it's affecting my lifts and just generally causing me a lot of anxiety and depression.

I have a doctors appointment soon and was gonna bring it up, but I don't really wanna work hard to fight my genetics just to feel "kind of" okay.

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    leafy greens, fatty fish and plenty of onions to boost test brah, you can do this

    • 4 weeks ago

      I had multiple test tests at 400 and later brought mine to 800 within the last few months. I’m 34 years old.

      Exercise light/moderately. Exercising too much will actually work against high testosterone.

      Get consistently good sleep.

      Lose weight / fat. If you are above 15% BF or so it will lower testosterone. Don’t go too low either (6-7%) or that’ll also wreck you.

      Actively have goals you are striving for. Something that motivates you.

      Take on more responsibility, engage in competitive activities, take on leaderships roles at work where you are telling other men what to do, and talk to women (even casually with no intentions). Have some kind of competency that makes you proud of yoItself and elevates you above others.

      Eat at maintenance or at a slight calorie surplus. I’m only saying this because when you lose weight it’ll be better for you in the long run but temporarily your body does not like being in a deficit. So accept your testosterone won’t spike losing weight, but once you are there and maintain it’ll improve.

      Get sunlight

      thanks for the hopium lads. Been struggling in the gym a bunch. Maybe i'll hold off a bit longer. If one of you is 34 though, that's probably a good sign. I definitely am not getting enough veggies though even though i've really cleaned my diet up a LOT

      your sexual orientation and preference btw?

      straight white male 🙂

      • 4 weeks ago

        >straight white male 🙂
        and preference?

        • 4 weeks ago

          I said Im straight, what do you mean

          • 4 weeks ago

            breasts or ass, thin or thick et cetera

            • 4 weeks ago

              i like thin girls with a nice hourglass shape and nice butt. I do like big breasts but on thinner girls I like smaller breasts more.

      • 4 weeks ago

        What do you mean struggling in the gym?
        Slow recovery? Bad progress? Low energy throughout?

        • 4 weeks ago

          Bad progress, yeah. Often times i really struggle to truly get going as well. I have changed up how I lift to be a bit more standard of a beginner routine and that's made a difference, and am pushing myself to lift a lot heavier, but in the past i've always had a bit of a hard time putting muscle on even when I was younger, training harder, and eating right.

          • 4 weeks ago

            What kind of rep ranges, volume, and frequency do you do?

            This may sound controversial, but strength training isn’t all that important. As long as you are generally approaching failure at 8-20 reps you’re golden. Strength adaptations won’t give you much size.

            • 4 weeks ago

              I was doing 8-12 ranges on bench, squats, etc. I decided to dial it back to 5-8 and aim for lower ranges on them. Granted, I'm not back squatting or deadlifting atm, I've been doing squat variations and RDLs in their place, so i've been doing 8-12 for RDLs.

              • 4 weeks ago

                What program are you following? Share your routine

              • 4 weeks ago

                pls no bully -- but I'm limited to barbells and smiths at the moment because I haven't been able to afford a better gym
                >Day 1
                Goblet Squats, 4x8-12, was thinking of moving to front squats in the smith for 4x5-8
                Leg curls 4x8-12
                Calf Extensions 3x15
                Rows 4x8-12
                Incline Bench, 4x5-8
                Lat Pulldowns 3x10-15
                Lat Raises 3x10-15

                >Day 2
                RDLs 4x8-12
                Leg Extensions 3x10-15
                Pull up progressions (so a zillion negatives)
                Seated Cable Rows 3x10-15
                Dumbell Bench 3x5-8
                Tricep pulldowns, Curls

                >Day 3
                Leg press 4x5-8
                Weighted Lunges (Was thinking of moving to split squats)
                Calf Raises
                Rows again (I'll mix it up an do chest supported rows if I did bent over the previous time)
                Face Pulls
                Pushups to failure
                Cable Curls

                I'm not saying it's the routine of champions, but no BBs Dqs me from stronglifts or SS a bit. I will chuck this on -- I've got a massive hip impingement and some fricked legs due to genetics. A doc told me I should avoid back squats entirely. I was thinking of moving them back in, since another PT said I could probably squat to above parallel and not hurt anything. Love the burn I get from lunges though so was thinking of adding lunges.

  2. 4 weeks ago

    I had multiple test tests at 400 and later brought mine to 800 within the last few months. I’m 34 years old.

    Exercise light/moderately. Exercising too much will actually work against high testosterone.

    Get consistently good sleep.

    Lose weight / fat. If you are above 15% BF or so it will lower testosterone. Don’t go too low either (6-7%) or that’ll also wreck you.

    Actively have goals you are striving for. Something that motivates you.

    Take on more responsibility, engage in competitive activities, take on leaderships roles at work where you are telling other men what to do, and talk to women (even casually with no intentions). Have some kind of competency that makes you proud of yoItself and elevates you above others.

    Eat at maintenance or at a slight calorie surplus. I’m only saying this because when you lose weight it’ll be better for you in the long run but temporarily your body does not like being in a deficit. So accept your testosterone won’t spike losing weight, but once you are there and maintain it’ll improve.

    Get sunlight

    • 4 weeks ago

      I'm 40 years old, just got tested last week and got 638. When I was last tested seven years ago I was 720, the decline is expected. I'd second every single thing said- sleep, don't overtrain, get sunlight, don't be fat, etc.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    your sexual orientation and preference btw?

  4. 4 weeks ago

    just get testo pellets and blast once a year
    enjoy being jacked as fricked
    who cares if you "earned" it genetically

    • 4 weeks ago

      but then doesn't your natural test production dry up and you'll be shackled to it the rest of your life?

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yes. The western world is collapsing, and shackling yourself to a 'medication' that will be cut off when everything goes to shit is a bad idea.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    Lifting is cool and all, but if just the anxiety over low T is causing you that much mental anguish, have you considered healthmaxxing and calisthenics? Just be an in shape guy.

    • 4 weeks ago

      its more that i have anxiety, and I'm thinking it might be testosterone related. Granted I've been under a LOT of stress over the last few years, but honestly i do feel like i notice a pretty huge difference from when i was in my early 20s vs now with respect to my mood.

      • 4 weeks ago

        That could be the case. Low T can cause anxiety, but it's a big deal to get locked into TRT. Personally i'd try some natural test boosters first, even though they might make as little as 5% difference and they have side effects too sometimes. Maybe the placebo effect will help? Seems you're stuck between a rock and a hard place. Lift, eat well and cope might be the only answer in the end. Good luck, man.

  6. 4 weeks ago


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