lower back soreness

every time i try to get in shape this happens where my lower back gets sore after i exercise and it's really bothering me because I don't want back problems.
it's usually after push ups, planks, or bridges so i figure it's a core problem? right after i workout and i'm laying down my lower back is sore and uncomfortable while i feel nothing in my other body parts.
what THE FRICK am i doing wrong and what can i do to fix it/do instead? I really want to fix my body but this keeps getting in the way

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  1. 2 years ago

    >every time i try to get in shape
    cope. you have to stick with it and your body will adapt.

    • 2 years ago

      is it that simple? I just don't want this to cause problems later in life or at all which is why i always play it safe and stop. i don't want it to turn into constant pain or something

      • 2 years ago

        Yes. You are sore because you are weak.

        Do unweighted back extensions if you are worried about back problems.

        • 2 years ago

          i stretch afterwards as well, would that assist in not developing back problems?
          why does it only bother my back though? my arms or chest rarely feel like this

          • 2 years ago

            Once again, weak back. Do you do any physical work? Do you sit with poor posture that is easier on the lower back (thus making them weaker)? Take creatine monohydrate, work out consistently, and the pain/soreness will eventually go away. Your body gets sore more easily when stimulated with too much of a new movement it's not used to. The longer and consistently you train, the more it will go away Alternatively, search your issue up on the internet and see if you can find other solutions than
            >Just work out bro
            In some cases, it's not as simple as you being weak and not used to training. But many times, it is that simple. Alternatively, talk to a doctor if nothing you find on the interwebz or getting IST works. Also, no, you will not develop long term or permanent back problems from lifting.

            In short, stop being a homosexual and keep lifting, bro.

            • 2 years ago

              >Do you do any physical work? Do you sit with poor posture that is easier on the lower back
              no and yes. i think i stand with poor posture a lot too.
              I'll keep at it. I was doing push ups daily for a month or two and my back kept getting like that even after stretching and it'd still ache the morning after, just not when i did push ups. is cracking your back when it gets like that (tight, i'm assuming) bad?

              • 2 years ago

                >i think i stand with poor posture a lot too. I'll keep at it
                Don't. That's probably a reason for your lower back weakness
                >I was doing push ups daily for a month or two
                Don't. Proper recovery takes 48 hours assuming normal diet and normal amounts of sleep. That is for each muscle group. Alternate the muscle groups you work out. Take 2 rest days a week to ensure full recovery.

  2. 2 years ago

    Learn how to brace.

    • 2 years ago

      This. It's like a water bottle. No air in and you could crush it easy. With air in you can't.

    • 2 years ago

      This. It's like a water bottle. No air in and you could crush it easy. With air in you can't.

      >Reverse Hypers
      >Side Planks
      >General ab exercises (ab wheel, leg lifts, v snaps, ext)
      >Brace properly when doing exercises
      >Mobility and flexibility work separate or post workout

      i have legit never heard of bracing. i'll check it out

      • 2 years ago

        Bro, that's why your back is fricking hurting. It's like a fundamental aspect of exercising.

  3. 2 years ago

    >Sumo deadlifts
    >Jefferson curls
    In that order
    All you need for a strong lower back

  4. 2 years ago

    It sounds like you're not engaging your core enough so your hips are at a wonky angle. I have this happen and I have to remember to kinda push my hips forward so that this doesn't happen. Maybe try that?

    • 2 years ago

      how do i do that?

      >Sumo deadlifts
      >Jefferson curls
      In that order
      All you need for a strong lower back

      stupid question, but should i be doing these on top of basic stuff like push ups and squats or just if i want a stronger back?

      • 2 years ago

        I wouldn't do squats at all if my lower back wasn't strong
        In fact, I don't do squats even while my lower back is strong lol
        Personally I'd just split up your workouts into a push and pull day if you like full body training, so you can go more intense on the muscles that need strengthening.

  5. 2 years ago

    >Reverse Hypers
    >Side Planks
    >General ab exercises (ab wheel, leg lifts, v snaps, ext)
    >Brace properly when doing exercises
    >Mobility and flexibility work separate or post workout

  6. 2 years ago

    Pain is a sign the body is getting fricked up. Most likely it's from being too weak to do whatever movements you are trying to do. When you force the movement other muscles are kicking in to pick up the slack and that causes the pain.
    Do lighter weights on weights and easier progressions on bodyweight. Pay close attention to your targeted muscles and develop a feel for when they give out or others try to take over.

  7. 2 years ago

    Congrats on starting the journey and taking what your body tells you seriously man, will always be best course of action rather than ignoring. Definitely check out bracing and also check out direct back strengthening exercises such as back extensions, hypers/reverse hyperextensions. Mobility type stuff won't hurt also, stuff like spine waves, improving your thoracic rotation can be good to do just generally. Look into hip position during plank/pushup position, you are likely letting your hips sag quite a lot which will just fatigue lower back muscles and make them sore. "Solution" to poor posture is just going to be move more, get stronger and be more aware of where your body is in space and where the load is. Soreness/pain is just body telling you it feels like it's not strong enough in that area. Training is just providing stimulus, allowing recovery, providing stimulus ad infinitum.

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